jOOQ - lock in choice between `TABLES` and `ENTITIES` - jooq

jOOQ seems to switch between using TABLES and plural STMTS to ENTITIES and singular STMT in jOOQ-internal classes for no clear discernable reason.
Those needless changes kind of pollute our git commits and I am hoping to stabilise them.
What is causing those switches, and can we lock in jOOQ into either?
One thing that's being bounced around as an idea is developer platform? (MacOS vs Linux, in this case). Database runs in a docker container, though.

Known issues
The problem here is that the overload ordering algorithm may not be stable for PostgreSQL overloaded functions. Relevant issues include:
Historic issues:
Workarounds include:
To generate your own stable class and method names for overloaded functions, using a custom GeneratorStrategy.
Avoid overloading, that's going to work even better. With named and defaulted parameters, overloads may not really be necessary.


Multithreading in JRuby - what to avoid?

I hope that this question is not too broad for Stackoverflow. If it is, I would be grateful to get a suggestion, where this kind of question can be discussed.
I'm thinking of creating a multi-threading applications in JRuby, and try to forsee potential pitfalls. My current concept goes like this:
Use the ruby-concurrent library (
Communication between threads uses only Queues and/or Futures from this library
Now I'm wondering what else I would have to observe. For instance, while new code can of course use the classes defined in concurrent-ruby, each thread will also use for its internal work existing Ruby code or Gems, and I don't know in what ways they could jeopardize the parallism.
For instance, the docs of old JRuby versions (<1.7) reportedly had the problem that the implementation of the native Hash and Array classes themselves were not thread-safe, with the effect that even a method using a Hash in a local variable, could comprise another thread. I think this is not present in newer JRuby versions anymore; at least I could not find anything in the current JRuby docs about this.
Then, I see a risk from global variables ($name) and class variables (#name, ##name)? From my understanding, this would also be a possible error sources and I have to check the source code of each gem I am planning to use, whether it perhaps uses such a variable.
Is there anything else I would have to be aware of?

How to lock critical sections of code in Node/Express with Typescript

I'm somewhat new to the JavaScript/Typescript/Node/Express world, but from my research so far, there doesn't seem to be an 'accepted' way to lock critical sections of code in a Node/Express app. I've come across a couple of NPM packages (async-lock, await-lock, rwlock), but they all have a surprisingly low download/week count and seem like they are not particularly well maintained (in that their last publishes are old, or the official maintainer explicitly says that he's not actively maintaining it). None seem to have TypeScript definitions (at least as far as I can tell). And, most problematically, none seem to have much in terms of documentation (beyond a couple examples to show the common-case usage). I've seen a few questions here where people have written their own (often active polling) locks (which seems sub-optimal), or suggest using a DB for locking (which seems like a heavyweight solution to a lightweight problem). async-lock seems like the most popular of them (download-count-wise), but I'm a little wary of depending on something that the owner disclaims much responsibility for (and the Docs are quite thin).
My use-case seems pretty straight forward. I'm building a REST server, and the objects have some interdependencies. So, for instance, if someone is updating a FOO, and FOOs have references to BARs, then I'd want to lock my critical section on 'FOO' and 'BAR', then get the old FOO, any related BARs, validate the update, and write the new FOO back to the DB - after which I'd release the 'FOO' and 'BAR' locks.
So my question is this - for simple critical section locking in TypeScript (supporting multiple simultaneous locks/keys), what is the standard practice/API/package?
This is a single-server/single-DB application, so there's no need for distributed locks - just trying to deal with the fact that multiple requests are being handled simultaneously due to 'thread-switching' on asynchronous IO.
There's no such built-in functionality in Node.js. A user can use third-party libraries or develop own solution.
async-lock, the very first package you've listed, has considerable download stats, TypeScript definitions and is maintained.
Although a lot of small utility NPM packages may not be updated for years because they don't ever need that - and if they even do, they are simple enough to be forked, modified and optionally PRed.
This is a single-server/single-DB application, so there's no need for distributed locks - just trying to deal with the fact that multiple requests are being handled simultaneously due to 'thread-switching' on asynchronous IO.
Then it's likely a good use case for Node.js in-memory locks that don't need to be stored in database or filesystem.
See p-queue with concurrency=1

Parameters in bw2, what to use bw2data.parameters or bw2parameters?

I will need to import and work on few databases containing parameters in bw2, ecoinvent(s) and another db exported from Simapro. While in the past I had used bw2parameters I have seen now the handling of parameters has been also included in bwdata and I am getting a bit confused. what is the workflow now? should I just rely and work with one of the two, both or what? and with which version of the two packages?
Parameters (named variables and formulas stored as strings) are introduced in Brightway2-data version 3.0, which is currently a release candidate. Although we have effectively 100% test coverage and some documentation, I would like to wait a bit before the final release to improve the documentation and make sure that there aren't any bugs that pop up somewhere. That being said, I would feel completely comfortable using the release candidate (along with Brightway2-IO 0.6.RC3, which provides nice ways to specify parameters).
bw2parameters is a library for evaluating a graph of variables and formulas. bw2data is a library for storing, loading, and exporting variables and formulas, tracking when their values are obsolete. They don't compete but instead work together.

Is there any advantage in building a business application with an Entity-Component System?

I understand the appeal of using the data-driven Entity-Component System for game development. Naturally I am trying to find other areas to apply this paradigm. As I am about to embark on developing a small business application, I've been wondering how well Entity-Component would fit in with it. However I cannot find any examples or discussions on using Entity-Component in anything besides games. Is there a reason? Would there be any advantages in using Entity-Component in software besides games?
I ended up taking a risk and trying to use ECS outside of the gaming domain (now as an indie, formerly company employee) and with results that astounded me. I wouldn't do things any other way now and have an easier-to-maintain system than ever before (not perfect, but so much better than the COM-style architectures we used to use in my industry). I took the plunge mainly because it seemed to provide answers for all the things me and my team in the past were struggling with using a COM architecture, though I imagined with such a risky move that I might just end up exchanging one set of problems for another (was willing to take the risk now that I was on my own). Turned out I didn't exchange one can of worms for another. ECS solved practically all those problems while barely introducing any new ones.
That said, I'm in the VFX domain and it's not that different from games. We still have to animate things like characters, emit particles, interact with meshes, textures, play sound clips, render the result, allow people to write plugins, scripts, etc.
To try to apply ECS in a business domain is far more ballsy. That said, I imagine it could really help create a maintainable system if you have relatively few systems processing a huge number of entity combinations.
What I found that made ECS so much easier for me to maintain compared to previous object-oriented approaches, and even within my personal projects, was that the previous approaches often transferred the maintenance overhead away from the clients using the classes to the classes themselves. However, there would be dozens of interfaces, hundreds of subclasses, all inheriting different things and implementing different interfaces to maintain individually. Testing also becomes difficult with so many granular classes and the need to do mock testing.
My brain can only handle so much and hundreds of subclasses interacting with each other was far beyond the limit. Very quickly I found myself no longer able to reason about what was going on, let alone when or where, overwhelmed by complex interactions leading to complex side effects, and never so confident that I could sandwich new code somewhere in there without causing unwanted side effects.
The computing scientist’s main challenge is not to get confused by the
complexities of his own making. -- E. W. Dijkstra
This applied even for projects I exclusively authored myself. There came a breaking point, typically after a few hundred thousand LOC or so, where I could no longer even comprehend my own creation. I'd refactor here and there, pick up a little momentum, only to take a vacation, come back, and be lost all over again.
ECS removed that challenge, and I don't mean to the degree that I can take a 2-week vacation, come back to the codebase, look at some code, and get the vision of crystal clarity that I had when I was writing it in the first place. ECS doesn't improve things that much in this regard and it still takes some time for me to reacquaint myself with code I haven't looked at in a good while. The reason ECS helped so much is that I didn't need to recall everything I wrote in order to extend and change the software. The systems are so decoupled from each other that it's not a huge deal if I forgot how one works exactly. I can just concentrate on what I need to do and not have to worry about complex interactions of side effects being triggered through complex interactions of control flow. I can just focus on what I need to do and not have to think much about anything else.
This applies even when introducing brand new core-level features integrated into the product. These days when I introduce a new central feature to the product, like a brand new audio system central to the product, the only thing I have to think much about is how to integrate it into the user interface. Integrating it into the architecture is relatively effortless compared to previous architectures I worked in.
Meanwhile with the ECS, I only have to maintain a couple dozen systems to provide no less functionality than the above. They do have some complex logic inside, but I don't have to maintain the hundreds of different entity combinations there are, since they just store components, and I don't have to maintain component types since they just store raw data and I rarely ever find the need to go back and change them (very close to never).
Being able to extend an ECS architecture in hindsight with central concepts is about the easiest thing I've encountered so far and requires the minimum amount of knowledge of how the existing codebase works.
As a very fresh example, I recently encountered a strong desire for scripters using my software to be able to access entities in the scene using a simple, global name. Before they had to specify a full scene path like, Scene.Lights.World.Sunlight as opposed to simply, Sunlight.
Normally in the previous architectures I worked in, that would have ranged from a highly intrusive to moderately intrusive change. A COM-style system revolving around pure interfaces might require introducing a new interface or, worse, changing an existing one, and updating a few hundred subtypes to implement the new functions. If we had a central abstract base class that everything already inherited, we might be able to modify that one centrally to implement this new interface (or the new parts of an existing interface), but it would likely be monstrous if there was a central base class for everything that might want such a name, and require wading through a lot of delicate code.
With the ECS, all I had to do was introduce a new component, GlobalName, with a system that processes GlobalName components and can find an entity quickly through a specified name. It also handles making sure that no two GlobalName components have a matching name. Due to the nature of the ECS, it's also very easy to pick up when this GlobalName component is destroyed as a result of an entity being destroyed or the component being removed from it to keep the data structure used to accelerate searches by name (a trie) in sync.
After that I was just able to attach this GlobalName component to anything that scripters wanted to refer to by a global name. They can also attach it themselves and then refer to a given entity later through that name. Components also serialize themselves in ways that preserves backwards compatibility for the most part (ex: previous versions of the software which did not know what GlobalName was will simply ignore it upon loading scene data referring to it).
It was about as painless and as non-intrusive of a change as I could change imagine considering that this was added very late in hindsight to a 4-year old software which did not anticipate the need for this whatsoever. And I managed to get it working just fine on the very first try. As a bonus, all the non-trivial code newly added to make this work lives isolated in its own space; it's not jumbled up with anything else and doesn't contribute to the complexity of anything else as would inevitably have to be the case if I used abstract interfaces or base classes. I did not have to modify anything central to make this work except a few lines of trivial script and some trivial GUI code to display these global names when available.
"Inherit Anywhere"
Have you ever wished you could extend a class's functionality from anywhere in your code without actually modifying its code? For example:
// In some part of the system exists a complex beast of a class
// which is tricky modify:
class Foo {...};
// In some other part of the system is a simple class that offers
// new behavior we'd like to have in 'Foo', with abstract functionality
// (virtual functions, i.e.) open to substitution:
class Bar {...};
// In some totally different part of the system, maybe even a script,
// make Foo inherit Bar's behavior on the fly, including its default
// constructor, copy constructor, and destructor behavior for Bar's state.
The above leaves the question: where will the abstract functionality of Bar be implemented, since Foo doesn't provide such an
implementation? That's where systems analogically kick in for ECS.
I think the temptation will be there for most of us who had to wade through some existing class's complex code to just make it do a few new things while risking causing unwanted side effects/glitches/toe-stepping, or we might have even faced a temptation for a third party library outside of our control to just offer a little bit more functionality that we'd find very useful throughout the code using this third party library if it just provided "this one thing", or we might just hate the idea of having to change our colleagues' existing code (don't want to step on toes) even though we're tasked to provide new central behavior.
ECS offers you that kind of flexibility although in a very different way from the above example (but gives you the analogical benefits). It allows you to extend anything's behavior/functionality/state from anywhere. As in the above example of extensibility, I did not have to modify anything that exists to provide that global name searching functionality and state. I can extend the behavior of these entities from the outside, even from script, by just adding a new type of component to any entity I want at which point any systems I write interested in such components will then be able to pick up and process using a duck typing approach ("If it has a GlobalName component, it can be provided a global name which can be utilized to find a matching component very quickly").
Associating Data
Similar to the above, have you ever faced a temptation to associate data to existing objects in the code? In such cases we might have to maintain parallel arrays or associative containers like dictionaries/maps, and such code can be tricky to write correctly given that it has to stay in sync as new objects are added and removed.
ECS solves that problem at a central level, since now you can just attach components and remove components to/from any entity you want very efficiently. That becomes your means of associating new data on the fly. You no longer have to manually synchronize associative data structures.
Another issue for me just personally, and it may be because I never mastered the art of unit testing (though I did work with a colleague who really studied up on the subject), is that it never made me confident that a system was relatively bug-free. Integration tests gave me greater confidence in that regard. The problem for me was this: even if the unit test passes, how do you know the client will not misuse the interface? What if they use it at the wrong time? What if they try to use it from multiple threads when it's deliberately not designed to be thread-safe?
I get no huge sense of relief to see unit tests passing, since most of the bugs encountered had to do with what was going on between the interfaces being tested, and we had many incoming in spite of all of the hundreds of unit tests we wrote passing. I love test-driven development, and I did find value in the unit test of telling me that this one unit was doing what it was supposed to do which allowed me to use it more confidently throughout the codebase, but the unit testing never gave me a huge sense of relief about the correctness of the codebase as a whole.
ECS solved that problem for me and made unit testing much more valuable even to someone like me who never mastered the art of testing since there are a handful of systems, they each do their hefty share of work (not granular little objects), and they're concrete. If we have to do anything resembling mock testing, it's simply to insert the components/entities necessary to run them and test them. It starts to feel like testing a system is closer to integration testing than unit testing, even though the system is the smallest testable unit.
Homogeneous Processing
To apply ECS requires embracing a more loopy kind of logic with more homogeneous loops doing one thing at a time. A lot of OOP tends to encourage non-homogeneous control flows and complex interactions causing many things to happen in any given phase/state of the system. This was the most difficult part I found initially since I wanted to apply disparate tasks at one time to a given entity/set of components, and my temptation couldn't be satisfied so directly given decoupled systems which only perform one task at a time. So I had to learn how to defer processing, storing some state for the next system to use, and I also use (to a minimum) an event queue so that systems can trigger events which get processed by others.
Nevertheless, I found ways to program the equivalent of a complex interaction as a result of a series of simple loops doing one thing at a time. It never turned out to be as difficult as I imagined to force myself to work this way, applying one uniform task over one set of entities at one time. And after being forced to do this for a while and maintaining the results -- wow! I should have been doing that all along. It's actually kind of depressing reflecting back on a decade of maintaining architectures that were so much harder to maintain than they needed to be after getting the breath of fresh air that was the ECS architecture.
This is a simplified "interaction" diagram (not necessarily indicative of direct coupling, as the coupling version would be from concrete objects to abstract interfaces) comparing the differences before and after I adopted ECS. Here's before:
Except that's just between a small number of types (I was too lazy to draw hundreds). And this was why I always struggled to maintain these things and felt tangled up in the code. It's because the interactions between the code were actually a tangled mess, leading you to all sorts of remote functions in the system causing side effects along the way. After (and now the components are just raw data, they contain no functionality of their own):
And the second version was so, so much easier to comprehend, so much easier to extend, so much easier to maintain, so much easier to reason about in terms of correctness, so much easier to test, etc. If your business architecture can effectively fit into the second type of model, I can't overstate how much it can simplify everything.
One of the scariest parts to me when I started developing the ECS engine was the lack of information hiding. When components are just raw data, they're dangling what I thought should be their privates in the air for anyone to touch. This could be doubly scary in a business domain that might be more mission-critical in nature.
Yet I found invariants just as easy to maintain, if not more, due to the limited number of systems that access any given component (and typically if the data is modified, it only makes sense for one system in the entire codebase to do it), the extremely simple control flows, and the extremely predictable side effects that result. And it's pretty easy to test the codebase for correctness when you just have a handful of systems to worry about as far as functionality.
So if you are willing to take the risk, I think it could potentially be applied very effectively in certain business domains. The main thing I think is worth thinking about upfront first is if you can model the entirety of your software's needs as a handful of systems processing data stored in components, with each system still performing a bulky but singular responsibility (the analogical equivalents of a RenderingSystem, GuiSystem, PhysicsSystem, InputSystem, etc). Naturally the benefits of ECS diminish if you find you need hundreds of disparate systems to capture the business logic.
If you're interested, I can extend my answer in some later iterations and try to go over some of the minor struggles I faced with the ECS when I was completely wet behind the ears about it.
(Apologies for the necromancy)
Coming from an enterprise background, I have recently been considering this question. Entity-component systems are comparatively new, and represent a completely different design paradigm to what most business developers will have experience with.
Considering my own company's example, I have seen a few scenarios where an entity-component system would offer benefits.
For example, in our primary application, addresses are associated with contacts and organisations. (There are ContactAddress and OrganisationAddress joining tables in our database.) One client wishes to associate projects with addresses as well. There are many ways of achieving this, but an entity-component based approach would seem quite elegant to me - simply add an Addressable component to the Project entity, and the GUI should sort itself out.
Instead, we will likely be adding a new joining table and new data-input pages (albeit re-using common controls).
The primary disadvantage, I would think, would be (initial) lack of developer awareness of the best ways of applying this paradigm to business software, precisely because it doesn't appear to have been done before. Once you start with such an approach, you are committed to it - if it proves frustrating once your project reaches a certain complexity, there's no way out without a significant rewrite.

Security of scala runtime

I'm developer of Robocode engine. We would like to make Robocode
multilingual and Scala seems to be good match. We have Scala plugin prototype here.
The problem:
Because users are creative programmers, they may try to win battle
different ways. As well robots are downloaded from online database
where anyone could upload one. So gap in security may lead to security
hole into users computer. Robots written in Java are running in
restricted sandbox. Almost everything is prohibited [network, GUI,
disk (limited), threads (limited), classloaders and reflection]. The
sandbox is similar to browser applet. We use SecurityManager, custom
ClassLoader per robot, etc ...
There are two ways how to host Scala runtime in Robocode:
1) load it together with robot inside of sandbox. Pretty safe for us,
preferred solution. But it will damage Scala runtime abilities because runtime uses reflection. Maybe generates classes at runtime ? Use threads to do some internal cleanup ? Access to JVM/internals ? (I would not like to limit abilities of language)
2) use Scala runtime as trusted code, outside the box, security on
same level as JDK. Visibility to (malicious)
robot. Are the Scala runtime APIs safe ? Do methods they have security
guards ? Is there any safe mode ? Is there any singleton in Scala runtime,
which could be abused to communicate between robots ? Any concurency/threadpool/messaging which could simulate threads ? (Is there any security audit for Scala runtime?)
3) Something in between, some classes of runtime in and some out. Which classes/packages must be visible to robot/which are just private implementation ? (this seems to be future solution)
The question:
Is it possible to enumerate and isolate the parts of runtime which must run in
trusted scope from the rest ? Specific packages and classes ? Or better idea ?
I'm looking for specific answer, which will lead to secure solution. Random thoughts welcome, but not awarded. There is ongoing discussion at scala email group. No specific answer yet.
I think #1 is your best bet and even that is a moving target. As brought up on the mailing list, structural types use reflection. I don't think structural types are common in the standard library, but I don't think anyone keeps track of where they are.
There's also always the possibility that there are other features using reflection behind the scenes. For example, for a while in the 2.8 branch some array functionality was using reflection. I think that's been changed after benchmarking, but there's always the possibility that there's some problem where someone said "Aha! I will use reflection to solve this."
The Scala standard library is filled with singletons. Most of them are immutable, but I know that the Scheduler object in the actors library could be abused for communication because it is essentially a proxy for an actual scheduler so you can plug your own custom scheduler into it.
At this time I don't think Scala requires using a custom class loader and all of its classes are produced at compile time instead of runtime, but then again that's probably a moving target. Scala generates a lot of class files, and there is always talk of making it generate some of them at runtime when they are needed instead of at compile time.
So, in short, I do not think it's possible (within reasonable constraints on effort) to enumerate and isolate the pieces of Scala that can (and should) be trusted.
As you mentioned other J* language implementations which all may make use of reflections, it would be a ban for all those languages as long as reflection is not part of the game.
I guess that would be JVM's problem not to have a way to partition the scope of reflection API, such that you could sort of "sandbox" the part of code that could be reflected within.
