Default - show in compact form - not working (EXCEL pivot table option) - excel

I want to set up a customized settings for the Excel pivot table and there is one little thing that ruins my attempt.
As you can see above, I set the default pivot table setting so that the table shows in compact form when I stack row fields.
What's annoying me here is that I have multiple measurements "count" and "Sum" and I want those to be grouped on rows rather than columns.
However, for some reason the pivot is in tabular form with the Sum Values rather than compact form and it defeats the whole purpose of not having to fix it every time.
I simply want the only thing that's different with the default that the pivots do not adjust automatically adjust size and show blanks for no data...
May I have some help?


Pivot table issues where it is linked to a dynamic dataset and the columns sometimes expand

I have made a workflow where I import a large excel table and then basically all 50 pivot tables connected to it change based off this data. I’ve made ‘summary tables’ that reference this.
The issue I am having is with the pivot tables. The ‘columns’ of the pivot table, displays the ‘date’ column. I am only interested in the year of that provided.
Initially I had displayed ‘years,’ then ‘quarters’ then ‘date’ on the ‘columns’ in each pivot table. Whenever I run this, sometimes the pivot tables expand… sometimes the ‘years’ column disappears and I’m only left with the date. Is there anything I can do to avoid it expanding and doing this.
From these tables I just need the ‘years’ to be displayed. However as you would know, I can’t just display the ‘years’ field, I need to have ‘date’ too… I would have preferred to have just had one ‘field’ in the column, as this would have avoided all this trouble. But I cannot seem to get around this.

Pivot Table sorting by Second-Component of Time Column?

I use pivot tables all the time, I've never seen this before.
I create a pivot table based on this time column from a database query:
The pivot table fields show this Discharge Time column, as expected.
When I check it, three more fields appear. I uncheck them all because I want to simply sort by the time, I don't want to further segregate into days/hours/minutes.
Now I'm in an odd situation where my data is being sorted/grouped based on the second-component of the time? Here is what my pivot table currently looks like:
This is worthless to sort the data like this. How can I overcome this? Why is the pivot table not allowing me to segregate by second-component? I've used pivot tables many other times with this same type of setup (similar queries to database also), and I've never had any situations where it is sorting by the second-component of the time.
I suppose I can alter the database query to remove the second-component of the time, but I don't really want to do this. Besides it doesn't make sense because I have other spreadsheets that return times with a second-component, and the pivot table does not have this issue. Also I'm not even confident that this would fix the problem, since this would effectively just set all of the second-components to 00, not actually remove it.
P.S. Here is how my data is formatted, doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary.
You can highlight the field, go to the Pivot Table - Group Setting under Analyze on the top menu. Click on "Ungroup", or unselect "Seconds" in Group Selection.

Calculated Field

I am trying to create a simple pivot table which will tell me how many community residents reported a particular problem, and what percentage of them reported each problem type. I have a data set with name, and then columns for each type of problem. Here's an small sample of the data set:
I have created a pivot table which sums each of these columns and also provides me the total number of people who reported any type of problem at all. Here's what I have:
I want to add a second column to this pivot table that gives the percent of times each problem type was reported. Sounds simple, but because of the structure of the original data set, I can't figure out how to do it. I can set up formulas outside of the Pivot Table which reference the table, but in doing so I forfeit the ability to graph the percentages on a pivot chart. Any ideas how to create a calculated field for this pivot table?
Just to be clear, what I want is something like this, except all contained in the structure of the pivot table:
Edit: I've changed the example of the data set. Here's an explanation of the pivot table. The values under the "# Reporting Issue" column are counts of all the 1's under each corresponding column in the data set. This meant that I had to add each row to the pivot table independently, as you can see here:
I'm open to the idea that I need to change the formatting of the data set, but I'm not sure of the best way to do it. This was set up initially because it allowed for easy compilation into a data table, but Pivot Tables seem to be a different story.
Hopefully this edit clarifies things.
You need to unpivot your data so that you turn it into a Flat File...something that the PivotTable can consume properly.
The easiest way is to use something called PowerQuery, which is baked in to Excel 2016 but available as a free addin from Microsoft for any other versions. Google PowerQuery Unpivot and you will turn up hundreds of tutorials, such as this one from my good pal Chandoo . PowerQuery looks slightly daunting at first to a first time user, but it is freakin easy once you get your head around how to use it. PQ is by far the best addition to Excel in years. PowerPivot being a close second.
If you can't install PowerQuery, then you can use your current data structure to make a 'staging pivot', and then drag the Values label that will appear in the Columns area to the bottom of the ROWS pane, like in this excerpt from a book I'm writing:
Note that my Year categories are equivalent to your Issues categories.
That will emulate the flat file layout you’re after. All you need to do then is turn this intermediate PivotTable back into a normal range, change that Values heading to Issue, and add a Count heading and you’ve got the flat file you need to build a useable PivotTable.
You can also use VBA. Google Unpivot VBA and turn up hundreds of results, including this blazingly fast code I posted some time back. (Look for the code under the —Update 26 November 2013— heading.)
You can also use the DoubleClick extraction trick.

Pivot Table Value Adjustments

I have a pivot table from multiple tables. When I double-click my pivot table data, it produces a copy of the row(s) that data came from. Is there a way for me to make adjustments aka change the values of cells in these rows, and have it only adjust the pivot table?
What I'm mainly looking for is an easy way of viewing the data through the pivot table, and adjusting it without it necessarily affecting the source tables. Right now when I adjust a row produced by the pivot table, none of the values in the actual pivot table get updated.
What about producing a new PivotTable from the drilldown sheet that got produced when you double-clicked the old PivotTable?
That's about as close as you're going to get, I'm afraid.
The pivot table is a visualization tool only. It summarizes that data that you input into the pivot table, and gives you a visual output.
If you want to change that visual output, you have to copy the relevant part of the pivot table to another area (different cell or sheet, doesn't matter). Then, you can edit that table.

How do I keep correct information in updatable textboxes when updating a pivot table?

So my situation is that I am trying to create a set of textboxes that are in a figure that represent a set of information that are easily updatable but the problem is that since I am using a pivot table to organize the information and get rid of replicates, that when the pivot table is updated, these textboxes start displaying incorrect information.
In the example I have put together (the first image being the initial situation, and the second image being after the pivot table is updated) the first part of the figures in supposed to be the month and the second line is supposed to be the day of the month. I used a pivot table so that information could be updated and replicates would be removed. When I updated the pivot table, a line early in the pivot table was added due to new information and now all the textboxes are showing incorrect information.
Is there any way with pivot tables that I can prevent this from happening and keep the correct information showing in the textboxes or is there another way I can do this?
This is the first image where the initial situation is:
This is the second image, where the pivot table was updated and the textboxes in the figures are now not showing the desired information:
