How do I mock a changing url in a loop? - get

I'm trying to mock a set of urls that change through a loop and prove out that a bad output format (not json) throws up an error. I currently have
#unittest.mock.patch("ORIG_URL", "MOCK_URL")
def test_url(self)
mock_response = "some string"
self.adapter.register_uri("GET", "MOCK_URL", json=mock_response, status_code=200)
but the original GET command is taking something of the form
let = [/path1, /path2]
for entry in let:
session.get("MOCK_URL" + entry...
so I basically need to mock something different each time it loops through but I'm unclear on how to do this. I understand where the problem is but I haven't yet found a solution. Any help would be appreciated!


How to pass RunProperties while calling the glue workflow using boto3 and python in lambda function?

My python code in lambda function:
import json
import boto3
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
glueClient = boto3.client('glue')
default_run_properties = {'s3_path': 's3://bucketname/'}
response = glue_client.start_workflow_run(Name="Testing",RunProperties=default_run_properties)
I am getting error like this:
"errorMessage": "Parameter validation failed:\nUnknown parameter in input: \"RunProperties\", must be one of: Name",
"errorType": "ParamValidationError",
I also tried like this :
session = boto3.session.Session()
glue_client = session.client('glue')
But got the same error.
can anyone tell how to pass the RunProperties while calling the glue workflow to run .The RunProperties are dynamic need to be passed from lambda event.
I had the same issue and this is a bit tricky. I do not like my solution, so maybe someone else has a better idea? See here:
And also here:
So, you cannot pass the parameters when starting the workflow, which is a shame in my opinion, because even the CLI suggests that:
However, you can update the parameters before you start the workflow. These values are then set for everyone. If you expect any "concurrency" issues then this is not a good way to go. You need to decide, if you reset the values afterwards or just leave it to the next start of the workflow.
I start my workflows like this:
's3_key': file_key,
'market_id': segments[0],
workflow_run_id = glue_client.start_workflow_run(
This basically produces the following in the next run:
I had the same problem and asked in AWS re:Post. The problem is the old boto3 version used in Lambda. They recommended two ways to work around this issue:
Update run properties for a Job immediately after start_workflow_run:
default_run_properties = {'s3_path': 's3://bucketname/'}
response = glue_client.start_workflow_run(Name="Testing")
updateRun = glue_client.put_workflow_run_properties(
Name = "Testing",
RunId = response['RunId'],
RunProperties = default_run_properties
Or you can create a lambda layer for your lambda function and include a new boto3 version there.

Jmeter - groovy function not working as expected

I have a groovy function which performs some date operations. i.e. Returns a date 12 months forward. This date is encoded and stored into a variable.
${__groovy(import groovy.time.TimeCategory; def now = new Date(); use(TimeCategory) { def nowPlusOneYear = now + 12.month -; return URLEncoder.encode(nowPlusOneYear.format('dd/MM/YYYY')\, 'UTF-8')},Policy_ExpiryDate)}
The above code works well with a JSR223 Sampler. Also, the variable name and its value gets displayed in debug sampler.
But, when I use this code along with a GET HTTP Request. The value doesn't gets substituted.
the request:
/IIMS/target/source/UNDERWRITING/ValidatorAction.action?dataString=%7B%22Testing%22%3A%22F%22%2C%22VCURRENTSTATUSNAME%22%3A%22%22%2C%22Entry%20Date%22%3A%22${__urlencode(${__time(dd/MM/YYYY,Entry_Date)})}%22%2C%22Policy%20Type%22%3A%22FLEET%22%2C%22Policy%20Inception%20Date%22%3A%22${__urlencode(${__time(dd/MM/YYYY,Policy_InceptionDate)})}%22%2C%22Policy%20Inception%20Time%22%3A%22${__urlencode(${__time(HH:mm:ss,Policy_InceptionTime)})}%22%2C%22Policy%20Duration%22%3A%2212%22%2C%22Unit%22%3A%22F%22%2C%22Policy%20Expiry%20Date%22%3A%22${__groovy(import groovy.time.TimeCategory; def now = new Date(); use(TimeCategory) { def nowPlusOneYear = now + 12.month -; return URLEncoder.encode(nowPlusOneYear.format('dd/MM/YYYY')\, 'UTF-8')},Policy_ExpiryDate)}%22%2C%22Policy%20Expiry%20Time%22%3A%2223%3A59%3A59%22%2C%22Type%20Of%20Business%22%3A%22CASH%22%2C%22Payment%20Frequency%22%3A%22B%22%2C%22Country%22%3A%22UAE%22%2C%22Source%20of%20Business%22%3A%220DIR%22%2C%22Policy%20branch%22%3A%22${UserDetails_g5}%22%2C%22UMR%20Number%22%3A%22%22%2C%22Equator%20Policy%22%3A%22N%22%2C%22Policy%20holder%22%3A%22${PolicyHolderDetails_g1}%22%2C%22Policy%20holderNew%22%3A%22${PolicyHolderDetails_g2}%22%2C%22SEC-POLPLANNumber%20of%20Vehicles%20in%20Fleet%22%3A%220%22%2C%22SEC-POLPLANPolicy%20Plan%22%3A%22NA%22%2C%22SEC-POLPLANDistribution%20Channel%22%3A%22DIROIC%22%2C%22SEC-POLPLANName%20of%20the%20Scheme%22%3A%22NA%22%2C%22SEC-PLRIDPolicy%20Level%20FAC%20R%2FI%22%3A%22N%22%2C%22SEC-PLRIDPolicy%20Level%20FAC%20R%2FI%20percentage%22%3A%220%22%2C%22SEC-PLRIDPolicy%20Level%20Proportional%20FAC%20R%2FI%20percentage%22%3A%220%22%2C%22SEC-PLRIDPolicy%20Level%20Non%20Proportional%20FAC%20R%2FI%20percentage%22%3A%220%22%2C%22SEC-PLRIDProp%20Non%20Prop%20FAC%20Date%22%3A%22Y%22%2C%22SEC-CEDANTNumber%20of%20Cedants%20Involved%22%3A%22%22%2C%22SEC-CEDANTCedant%20Country%22%3A%22%22%2C%22SEC-MDPMinimum%20Deposit%20Premium%20Applicable%22%3A%22N%22%2C%22SEC-MDPMinimum%20Deposit%20Premium%20Type%22%3A%22%22%2C%22SEC-MDPPercentage%20of%20Premium%22%3A%22%22%2C%22SEC-MDPMinimum%20Deposit%20Premium%22%3A%22%22%2C%22SEC-MDPMinimum%20premium%22%3A%22%22%2C%22SEC-CRMCRM%20Reference%20Number%22%3A%22${__Random(1111111,9999999,CRM_RefNo)}%22%2C%22pBusinessTranCode%22%3A%22SCR-BSCDTL%22%2C%22pSaveContinueIndicator%22%3A%22%22%2C%22pJSPName%22%3A%22BasicInformation.jsp%22%2C%22crtPartyFunctionInd%22%3A%22Y%22%2C%22strTOC%22%3A%22%22%2C%22existingPartyIndicator%22%3A%22Y%22%2C%22disabledSectionCode%22%3A%22%22%2C%22scriptaculous%22%3A%22%22%2C%22language%22%3A%22null%22%2C%22policyId%22%3A%22null%22%2C%22policyPlanUpgradation%22%3A%22N%22%2C%22reason%22%3A%22%22%2C%22isMasterQuote%22%3A%22FALSE%22%2C%22USERCODE%22%3A%22${UserDetails_g6}%22%2C%22pVersionDate%22%3A%22%22%2C%22__endorsementType%22%3A%22null%22%2C%22cSystemDate%22%3A%22${__urlencode(${__time(dd/MM/YYYY,cSystemDate)})}%22%2C%22cedantEndrDate%22%3A%2208%2F12%2F2117%22%2C%22CIMS_CSRFTOKEN%22%3A%22${CIMS_CSRFTOKEN}%22%7D%3B&productCode=0101&productId=1030885614052014
All values get substituted properly except for the groovy part. Am I missing something over here. The debug sampler doesn't shows a variable named Policy_ExpiryDate.
I cannot reproduce your issue, __groovy() function is normally getting evaluated and the substituted by its respective value:
If it doesn't for you - most probably it fails somewhere somehow, check jmeter.log file for any suspicious entries
Also you can execute the function anywhere else, for example in User Defined Variables configuration element and refer the value where required just as ${Policy_ExpiryDate}
__groovy() works well with Jmeter 5.4. But this function is not recognized in Jmeter 5.3.
Thanks a lot for your help #Dmitri T

__str__ function not returning a string, but instead the instance? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
What is the difference between __str__ and __repr__?
(28 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
I've looked through many different forum posts and have tried a bunch of different techniques, but I have not figured out how to get my str function to return a string ' ' rather than having no quotations.
My Code:
class Comment:
def __init__(self,commenterName, content): = commenterName
self.content = content
def __str__(self):
return str('%s: %s' %(, self.content))
From what I understand if I am accompanying my return value in my str function with str() it should return the string value.
<__main__.Comment object at 0x000000000354CF60>
I need to specifically return the value as a string rather than print it, that I know.
I am trying to get the output:
"lol": "lol"
but the best I have managed is a:
lol: lol
I have been working on this exact little problem for quite sometime and cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. Thank you for help in advance :D
P.S. I am trying to use
in the terminal so that it returns the value
'commenterName: content'
I'm trying to achieve this without using the print() command in the terminal as well as not using the str() command in the terminal. In my python file however, it is fine, I just need to return the value in some way. I hope this isn't too much of a repost, as I said I have tried to find the solutions, but I can't quite get them to work..
You need to call the __str__ function. Try
my_var = Comment('name', 'content')
print('My message is: %s'.format(my_var)

Property transfer in SOAPUI using groovy script

Hi i am new to soapui and have this situation.I have two service memberservice1 where the response has "Region" property.I need to check this property and see if its value is "SCR" i need to modify it to "SCA" and pass it to another WS memberservice2.
I tried this way but couldnt get it.Can anyone please suggest.
def smlholder = groovyUtils.getXMLholder("Webservice#request");
def node = smlholder.getnodevalue("//region");
if(node == 'SCA')
Your example code does not match you statement. Below I will follow your statement, and ignore the broken code example.
There are several different ways this cane be done. The easiest would probably be:
def region = context.expand("${Webservice#Response#//*:region}")
if (region == "SCR")
testRunner.testCase.testSteps["anotherwebservicename"].setProperty("Region", "SCA");
testRunner.testCase.testSteps["anotherwebservicename"].setProperty("Region", region);

Second map value is always null, even if it prints out 1

I have some code getting data and then selecting it in order. For this I use simple maps that I may later access with ease (I thought..).
I use the following code within a loop to insert maps to another map named "companies":
def x = [:]
x.put(it.category[i], it.amount[i])
companies.put(, x)
And I can surely write the result out: [Microsoft:[Food:1], Apple:[Food:1]]
But then, when I am about to get the food value of each company it always is null. This is the code I use to get the values:
def val = companies.get(
def val = companies[][key] // doesn't make a difference
Val is always null. Can someone help and / or explain why I have this error. What am I doing wrong? I mean, I can clearly see the 1 when I print it out..
My guess is that it.category[i] and key are completely different types...
One thing you could try is:
x.put(it.category[i].toString(), it.amount[i])
and then
def val = companies[][key.toString()] // doesn't make a difference
The solution was simple to make the category as a string:
x.put(it.category[i].toString(), it.amount[i])
And after that little fix it all works as expected.
