Gnosis-safe creating new Poly safe from existing ETH safe hex - gnosis-safe

Ive deployed a ETH safe, and went along with the video guide on loom on getting the same address on L2 (Polygon) ive done this but i get the msg "This Safe was created with an unsupported base contract. The web interface might not work correctly. We recommend using the command line interface instead." once id loads on the web interface.
My Questions are was it correctly deployed and working?
Should i avoid the UI and use the CLI for this new safe?
What does this unsupported base contract entail?


How to get detail of given address from blockchain?

I am building blockchain explorer. I have my own blockchain. In that, i want to search details of a given address from blockchain. There is no direct API to get detail of an address, could anybody help how to this ?
Thanks in Advance.
Two options:
option 1: has an open API (REST + JSON)
here how:$bitcoin_address
bear in mind that you can only acquire info from an address that actually moved at least once some bitcoin on the network. If you just create a new wallet and do not transact then the public address is non existent on the blockchain (i.e. there's no difference between a newly generated address and a non existent address). That's the "shameful" approach as you are building a blockchain explorer using another blockchain explorer, see option 2 for the correct approach:
option 2:
Run a bitcoin node on your own and query your stuff on it. You may not be able to run a node on a normal hosting, probably you need something more like an Amazon AWS instance or host on your own server
I see from comments you are using peercoin ( If it's a fork of Bitcoin, then the following holds:
In basic Bitcoin full-node setup, it's impossible to query random address. You can add some addresses to track, but think of it as of "yours".
There are modifications to the bitcoin-core, that have a addressindex option. The one I am aware of is bitcore:
Here's how to run your own blockchain explorer for Bitcoin using bitcore's insight:
npm install -g bitcore#latest
bitcore create mynode
cd mynode
bitcore install insight-api
bitcore install insight-ui
bitcore start
This will launch full node in the needed mode (addressindex=1 enabled, etc) and a webservice with API and UI, similar to:
Config file will be located at mynode/bitcore-node.json
Bitcore's docs and not well maintained, some are outdated. Try the code, but don't give up if it fails. For more information, refer to the source code.
P.S. I am not sure how to convert this to run with your blockchain, but if it's similar to bitcoin, it should be possible. I think it's closest you can get without writing your own explorer.

Deploying my front end and detecting client location by IP address - which AWS service should handle this? Confused by my options

I'm still new to AWS and just following the documentation and asking questions here when I get stuck. Please excuse me if this question sounds really noobish.
So far, I've deployed the following:
EB to deploy my REST API
RDS to deploy my psql database
Lambda functions to handle things like authentication & sending JWTs, uploading images to S3, etc.
I have got my basic back end (no caching (just started learning about redis), etc. set up yet, just the bare bones so far) deployed.
I'm still developing my front end, and have not even thought about how I will be deploying it yet (probably another deployment on EB, since I am using universal react). I am just developing it locally but using my production env variables now so I am hitting my deployed API, etc.
One of the MAJOR things I have no idea on how to do is detecting incoming requests from client side to get the client's location by IP address. This is so that I can return the INITIAL results in your general location just like yelp, foursquare, etc. do when you go to to their sites.
For now, I am just building a web app on desktop so I just want to worry about getting the IP address to get the general area of the user. My use case is something similar to other sites you might have used which provides an INITIAL result set for things in your area (think foursquare or yelp).
Here are my questions:
What would be a good way to do this? I'm thinking of handling this in my front end react universal deployment since it will be a node server with rendered page caching. Is this a terrible idea? It would work something like
(1) request from client comes in
(2) get IP from request and lookup the IP location using some service (still not sure what I'm going to use, have found a few plus a nodejs library called node-geoip). Preferably, I can get the zip code since I am trying to save having to do so many queries by unique locations in my database, and instead return results in the zip code and the front end will show an initial map with the initial results in that zip code.
(3) return to client the rendered page with those location params if it exists, otherwise create it, send it, and cache it.
Is the above a really dumb idea? Maybe you have already done something like this, and could share your wisdom :)
Is there an AWS service which can already handle something like this for me? Perhaps there's some functionality which can already do this.
AGAIN - I apologize if this is long winded. I don't know anyone in real life who can help me and I feel alone :(. I appreciate the help you guys can provide.
There are two parts to this:
Getting the user's IP address. You mentioned you're using 'EB' - I presume you mean AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)? If so, then you need to read the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header in your app code, since otherwise what you'll really detect is the ELB's IP address. X-Forwarded-For contains the user's real IP - or rather, the IP of the end-connection being made (there's no telling if this is really a VPN, Proxy or something else-- but it's as far as you can get with an IP.)
Querying an IP DB that can turn the addr into a location object. There are tons of libraries for you. Assuming you're using Node, you can use node-geoip as you mentioned. Or you can just search 'geoip service' on Google and find managed services, like Telize on Mashape. If you don't want to manage the DB lookup yourself or keep the thing up to date, then a managed service would help.
In either case, it's likely that you'll be doing asynchronous look-ups. In that case, you might want to use async/await to get the user's full object before injecting that into your React props and ultimately rendering it as a HTML string that's sent down to the client.
You could also use a library like redial to decorate your components with data requirements, and return a Promise you can await on to know when you're okay to render.
Since you probably want to enable client routing too (i.e. where the user can click on a route in their browser, and the server isn't touched at all), then you will probably need some way to retrieve the IP address/results based on that IP even when the server isn't involved in the initial render.
For that, you could write a REST service that retrieves the results. Or write a GraphQL back-end that gets the data. It doesn't matter how you write it, since the server will have access to the X-Forwarded-For header and can use that to retrieve the results and send back location-aware data.
FYI, I'm writing a React starter kit (called ReactNow) that uses rxjs for handling async streams. It's not ready yet, but it might help you figure out the code layout that would offer a balanced mix between rendering on the server, and writing universal code that requires some heavy lifting from the server.

How to get the location of an Amazon Echo from an Alexa Skill

I know that Amazon does not directly provide developers with a way to get the location of the user's echo, but I was wondering if there was a way around this. I'm writing the skills in node, so I have run into node packages like geoip, but when I upload the skill to aws lambda, I get an error that says something along the lines of the ELF headers are not correct. Any assistance would be much appreciated!
You can now get the address of the device, as specified in the customer’s device settings.
This is new as of 2017-04-05. See Amazon's blog post about their new Device Address API.
I'm not sure exactly what you are after, but this new API can give two different levels of address (Country and postal code only, or full address). To get their location you would need to use another API to translate the address into location coordinates. This is called a Geocoding API and Google Maps API includes this capability (for example).

eBay API FindPopularSearches call using node.js returns 'Getting popular keywords is not enabled on current site' error

I'm using the "request" module and passing all the correct arguments for the eBay API's FindPopularSearches endpoint and no matter what I do, I keep getting this error:
Getting popular keywords is not enabled on current site.
At first I thought it was a mismatch between the categoryID I had fetched and the siteid I was using. But double-checking that with someone else's code, I was able to conclude that my API call was properly built.<my-app-id>&callname=FindPopularSearches&siteid=0&responseencoding=JSON&version=847&CategoryID=10159
Shopping API calls such as FPS don't work too well with Sandbox, as you discovered. Since such calls are read-only, eBay recommends simply making them directly to Production.
I tried switching to a production app id, and using the production API and this solved my problem. AFAIK, this call does not seem to function in sandbox mode.
It would have been nice to have written that down in an obvious place in the docs but hey, that's why I'm leaving it here.
So I guess the "site" in the error message means sandbox vs production.

Integrating Service Stack into Custom Server

I have a custom HTTP server written in C# that provides specialized application services in my application domain, such as rendering a dashboard with graphing. I am not using IIS; the server is completely written in C# using the HttpListener class to bind directly to the port(s) that it serves.
I would like to use ServiceStack to add in a RESTful API for pulling data to browser-side code to improve the user experience, using the same web server (so it can bind to the same HTTPS port, and share my security module).
All of the example code on the web that I have found assumes either that IIS owns the web port, or that Service Stack owns the web port. In my use case, my custom application owns the web port, and wants to delegate certain HTTP requests to Service Stack.
Is there a simple way to pass off a single HttpListenerContext off to Service Stack to handle? I could not find documentation examples using google, since all of the key words seem to be too common.
In the context of my custom code, I will have already evaluated the URL, determined that the user has permission to access it, and just need to have HttpListenerResponse generated.
Simple sample code or a pointer to a web article would be fantastic.
We've never tested doing this before, but the AppHostHttpListenerBase.ProcessRequest entry point accepts a HttpListenerContext.
You would still need to call new AppHost().Init() but you shouldn't need to start it.
