localhost website and editing NPM package to later commit changes - node.js

Pardon the title, it's terrible.
I pull a github repo that represents a website. I build it locally for development. It's running on localhost.
It uses webpack, and has a series of node modules loaded.
I need to edit one of those modules and see the results on that website.
I then need to push those changes to the repo that builds to the npm module.
Ideally I do the edits on the npm module as a local pull of that repo, and the local website is referencing those changes and webpack watch is rebuilding as I go along, then when all good, I can do a pull request to that npm module.
What do I use to do this? Is their a common workflow or term for this so I can figure out how?
Thank you.
Note: I attempted to use npm link,
I.e. in the repo "custom-npm" I typed "npm link"
Then in the website repo, in the node_modules/custom-npm folder I typed "npm link custom-npm"
error is: "custom-npm" is not in this registry
"custom-npm" is a github private package. Not sure if that does something here unintended...


Why does "npm install" modify package-lock.json? Why commit it to git then?

When I run "npm install" in a project it often modifies package-lock.json, for example if I work on the same project from another computer (with different node or npm version).
But at the same time the documentation suggests that the file is supposed to be added to version control (git in my case):
This file is intended to be committed into source repositories, and
serves various purposes: ...
So should I commit the changes made by npm back and forth when switching work machines or when somebody else does npm install? This would be a nightmare.
Currently I just discard any changes to package-lock.json made by npm, and it's been working fine. So I might as well add it to .gitignore...
Am I doing it wrong? Should I use npm ci instead? I wouldn't call my computer a "CI", it's just a development machine, why should I use it there?
Basically I have the same question as this gentleman:
(Sadly I can't add a comment on that issue or create a new issue at all, the npm repo has issues disabled)
Yes you want to commit your package-lock.json file to source control. The reasoning behind this is to ensure that all of the same versions of each package are downloaded and installed for each user that pulls down the code. There are some other reasons to include the file such as tracking changes to your package tree for auditing.

Netlify: How do you deploy sites that are nested in a folder?

I have a repo that has the backend and frontend (create-react-app) in two separate folders. For the build command, I have something like cd frontend && npm run build and for the publish directory, I have something like frontend/build, but this is not working.
disclaimer: I work for Netlify.
If you were to clone a new copy (no node modules installed in the project, for instance) of your project on a fresh laptop with nothing else except node and npm installed there, how would you build it? Imagine netlify's build process like that. So you're missing at least an "npm install" step in there :)
Anything else missing, like globally installed npm packages? Need to specify them in package.json so that Netlify's build network knows to grab them for you. Ruby gems? Better have a Gemfile in your repo!
Netlify tries to npm install (and bundle install) automatically for you, assuming there is a package.json either in the root of your repository (I'm guessing yours is in frontend/ ?) OR if you set the "base" parameter so that we start our build in the base directory. This is probably a good pattern for you, to set "base" to frontend, and then set your publish directory to build.
You can specify that base parameter in netlify.toml something like this:
base = "frontend"
Note that netlify.toml must reside in the root of your repository.
For more details on how Netlify builds, check out the following articles:
Overview of how our build network works. This article also shows how you can download our build image to test locally.
Settings that affect our build environment. Useful for telling us about what node version to use, for instance.
Some frequently experienced problems
If after some reading and experimenting, you still can't figure things out, ping the helpdesk.
The top answer is correct ^. For anyone looking to simply change the base directory (lets say there is only one npm install/start) you need to change the BASE DIRECTORY, which you will find in the build settings. Simply go to: site-settings -> build & deploy - and you will see it where I pointed in the picture attacted. Hopefully that helps someone in need of this. see here

Deploying node app with self-maintained NPM modules

I am developing a very complex app that is using internally developed, open source NPM modules.
I often need to change one of those modules (extra features, bug fixing, etc.) in order for the main application to work.
At the moment, I have:
A directory called my_modules, each containing a git repository one for each module. For example module1, module2.
A directory called my_apps, where for example there is app1 which has module1 as a dependency
Under my_apps/app1/node_modules I have module1 and module2, installed via NPM
In the server, deploy by pulling the git repository, running an npm install and npm dedupe, and running the server with forever.
At this stage, if I have to fix something in one of the modules, I:
Fix it within my_apps/app1/node_modules/module1 (not git)
When it's all working, COPY the files over to my_modules/module1 and do a git push and npm publish
The server will pull the latest modules after deploy thanks to npm install
This is way, way less than ideal. It's just too error-prone. However:
Having a symbolic link link my_apps/app1/node_modules/module1 => my_modules/module1 means that module1 will look for dependencies in its own path, which often causes problems (for example, I need to make sure that EVERY module uses the same copy of module1, which is imperative)
Having a git repo under my_apps/app1/node_modules/module1 feels dangerous, in case I accidentally overwrite changes using NPM on the module. Also, once fixed the change in the local git repo, I would still then need to pull the changes in my_modules/module1. Yes a step forward from copying files over...
What's the "recommended" way of dealing with this? Any best practices?

How can I switch between a linked npm dependency (in development) and an installed dependency (in staging/prod)?

I have a custom npm module that I am working on, and it has a GitHub repo. I'm also working on a project that uses the custom module. When working on the larger project, it is nice to use npm link so I can make changes to the module and see them right away in the main project.
To deploy to staging or production, I use shrinkwrap and shrinkpack so I can do an npm install after every deploy (some of the dependencies need binaries, and dev systems aren't the same as production systems, so they do need to be installed and not just kept in source control). Edit: I'm crossing this out as the answer below technically solves my issue, even though it doesn't solve for this particular point, but that wasn't as important as the rest of it.
Of course, since the module is linked to my main project and not listed in package.json, a deploy and install misses it entirely. I can go ahead and list it in package.json and have it point to the appropriate GitHub repo, but then every time I need to test a change in the main project I would have to commit and push those changes, then update the main project, kill and restart the app...that would get tiresome pretty quickly.
I guess I need something like the opposite of "devDependencies"; something where I can have it not install the module on dev, but do install it from GitHub when doing npm install on staging or production. Other than remembering to manually change package.json every time I need to go back and forth, is there a better way to do this?
you can specify a github repository as your package to install, in your package.json file:
dependencies: {
"my-library": "githubusername/my-library"
this will work in your production environment.
in your development environment, use "npm link".
from within the "my-library" folder, run npm link directly. that will tell npm on your local box that "my-library" is avaialable as a link.
now, in your project that uses "my-library", run npm link my-library. this will create a symlink to your local development version of "my-library", allowing you to change code in that repository and have it work in your other project that needs it.
once you are ready to push to production, push "my-library" to your github repository, and then you can npm install on your servers, like normal.

How do I use npm link with Heroku?

I'm using npm link as described here
Locally everything works perfectly. When I deploy to Heroku I get the error message
Error: Cannot find module '...'
How can I get this working with Heroku?
I wish there were an elegant solution to this (it would make my life a hell of a lot easier). Your custom package is symlinked into node_modules by npm link, but git doesn't follow symbolic links nowadays. So when you git push to Heroku, there's no way to make your custom packages go along for the ride.
Note, however, that from my experiments, Heroku will honor any node_modules you do push in, instead of trying to install them from the network. It just runs npm install --production, essentially. Perhaps a hard link directly to the development source of your package would do the trick, but I'm not sure whether Git would play nicely with that. Use at your own risk!
EDIT: If you want to know exactly what Heroku does, it's all open source.
The ideal situation would be to get the packages, if they're open source, onto NPM itself. Which is pretty painless and automatic.
If you are hosting your private module on GitHub (or BitBucket), you can add the git repo as a dependency in your package.json.
"dependencies": {
// ... all your deps
"my_private_module": "git+ssh://git#github.com:my-username/my-private-module.git"
You will, however, need to grant privileges to Heroku to read your repo (assuming it's private -- which is the crux of the issue). Check out this answer for a detailed set of instructions showing how to do so with Github. This might help for Bitbucket.
I've found that the build time increases when doing this. Worth it for my needs.
