TinyMCE text is not being saved completely - node.js

I am making an online text editor that saves the content to a database while typing and returns it to the textarea, using TinyMCE, React as frontend and Node+Express as backend
Sometimes it doesn't send the whole content to the database and i have to switch tabs and return to the editor, typing a space character so it sends the resting content
I tried using "onKeyUp", "onKeyDown" but the characters got imediatly deleted after trying to type, currently I'm using "onEditorChange" to activate the function.
Here's my code:
function App() {
const editorRef = useRef();
const { route } = useParams();
const url = "https://API/" + route;
const { httpConfig } = useFetch(url);
const [notas, setNotas] = useState("");
const [rota, setRota] = useState("");
const [init, setInit] = useState(false);
useEffect(() => {
(async () => {
let res = "";
let data = "";
if (init) {
const notinhas = {
content: notas,
rota: route,
httpConfig(notinhas, "PATCH");
} else {
res = await fetch(url);
data = await res.json();
if (data === null) {
const notinhas2 = {
content: "",
rota: route,
httpConfig(notinhas2, "POST");
} else {
}, [notas, init]);
function onClickHandler() {
return (
onInit={ (evt, editor) =>
{editorRef.current = editor;
editor.selection.select(editor.getBody(), true);
plugins: "...",
toolbar: "...",
setup: function(editor) {
editor.on('keydown', function() {
var currNode = editor.selection.getNode();
var currText = currNode.textContent;
if (currNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'p' || currText.length < 1) return;
var pCount = editor.dom.doc.querySelectorAll('p').length;
setTimeout(function() {
var newNode = editor.selection.getNode();
var newText = newNode.textContent;
var newPCount = editor.dom.doc.querySelectorAll('p').length;
if (pCount + 1 == newPCount && currText == newText) {
var nextNode = newNode.nextElementSibling;
var nextNodeText = nextNode.textContent;
if (nextNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() != 'p' || nextNodeText.length > 1) return;
nextNode.innerHtml = '<br>';
editor.selection.setCursorLocation(nextNode, 0);
}, 80);
editor.on('init', function()
this.getDoc().body.style.fontSize = '12pt';
this.getDoc().body.style.fontFamily = 'monospace';
export default App;
Could someone help me in this?


How to get around the mkdir error in node js? I have been trying to figure it out for hours but to no avail

The error thrown in the cmd is as shown below in the link
Error as shown on cmd
Below is the code for connection-manager.js as shown in the error log, specifically at line 47
"use strict";
const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const AbstractConnectionManager = require("../abstract/connection-manager");
const { logger } = require("../../utils/logger");
const debug = logger.debugContext("connection:sqlite");
const dataTypes = require("../../data-types").sqlite;
const sequelizeErrors = require("../../errors");
const parserStore = require("../parserStore")("sqlite");
const { promisify } = require("util");
class ConnectionManager extends AbstractConnectionManager {
constructor(dialect, sequelize) {
super(dialect, sequelize);
if (this.sequelize.options.host === "localhost") {
delete this.sequelize.options.host;
this.connections = {};
this.lib = this._loadDialectModule("sqlite3");
async _onProcessExit() {
await Promise.all(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this.connections).map((connection) => promisify((callback) => this.connections[connection].close(callback))()));
return super._onProcessExit.call(this);
_refreshTypeParser(dataType) {
_clearTypeParser() {
async getConnection(options) {
options = options || {};
options.uuid = options.uuid || "default";
if (!!this.sequelize.options.storage !== null && this.sequelize.options.storage !== void 0) {
options.storage = this.sequelize.options.storage;
} else {
options.storage = this.sequelize.options.host || ":memory:";
options.inMemory = options.storage === ":memory:" ? 1 : 0;
const dialectOptions = this.sequelize.options.dialectOptions;
const defaultReadWriteMode = this.lib.OPEN_READWRITE | this.lib.OPEN_CREATE;
options.readWriteMode = dialectOptions && dialectOptions.mode || defaultReadWriteMode;
if (this.connections[options.inMemory || options.uuid]) {
return this.connections[options.inMemory || options.uuid];
if (!options.inMemory && (options.readWriteMode & this.lib.OPEN_CREATE) !== 0) {
fs.mkdirSync(path.dirname(options.storage), { recursive: true });//line 47
const connection = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this.connections[options.inMemory || options.uuid] = new this.lib.Database(options.storage, options.readWriteMode, (err) => {
if (err)
return reject(new sequelizeErrors.ConnectionError(err));
debug(`connection acquired ${options.uuid}`);
resolve(this.connections[options.inMemory || options.uuid]);
if (this.sequelize.config.password) {
connection.run(`PRAGMA KEY=${this.sequelize.escape(this.sequelize.config.password)}`);
if (this.sequelize.options.foreignKeys !== false) {
connection.run("PRAGMA FOREIGN_KEYS=ON");
return connection;
releaseConnection(connection, force) {
if (connection.filename === ":memory:" && force !== true)
if (connection.uuid) {
debug(`connection released ${connection.uuid}`);
delete this.connections[connection.uuid];
module.exports = ConnectionManager;
module.exports.ConnectionManager = ConnectionManager;
module.exports.default = ConnectionManager;
//# sourceMappingURL=connection-manager.js.map
**The error begins at line 47 ** as shown in the code snippet, please i really do need help with this coz it's been a huge reason for delay in accomplishing the given task.

Array push gives empty result node js

I am creating an API for listing trip data with image and pdf base url,
All things are working fine but I can not access the last result array data_to_send out of for loop.
app.get("/getChallanList/:userId/:role", (req, res) => {
const userData = req.params;
let site_source = "";
let site_destination = "";
var site_from_name = "";
const data_to_send = [];
if (userData.role == "D") {
db.select("trip", "*", `driver_id = '${req.params.userId}'`, (data) => {
for (let i = 0; i < data.data.length; i++) {
site_source = data.data[i].site_from;
site_destination = data.data[i].site_to;
`id in ('${site_source}','${site_destination}')`,
(data_site) => {
data.data[i].site_from = data_site.data[0].name;
data.data[i].site_to = data_site.data[1].name;
if (data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf != "") {
data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf =
base_url + "truckchallan/" + data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf;
if (data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf != "") {
data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf =
base_url + "driverchallan/" + data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf;
if (data.data[i].preparer_img != "") {
data.data[i].preparer_img = base_url + data.data[i].preparer_img;
if (data.data[i].driver_img != "") {
data.data[i].driver_img = base_url + data.data[i].driver_img;
// console.log(data_to_send); // working
console.log(data_to_send); // empty
let select = (table, column, condition, callback) => {
try {
let sql = "SELECT " + column + " FROM " + table + " WHERE " + condition;
conn.query(sql, (err, results) => {
if (err) {
let data = {
status: 0,
data: sql,
message: "Something went wrong!",
} else {
let data = {
status: 1,
data: results,
message: "Success",
} catch (err) {
let data = {
status: 0,
data: err,
message: "In catch",
async await
app.get("/getChallanList/:userId/:role", async (req, res) => {
const userData = req.params;
let site_source = "";
let site_destination = "";
var site_from_name = "";
const data_to_send = [];
if (userData.role == "D") {
await db.select(
`driver_id = '${req.params.userId}'`,
async (data) => {
// const data_to_send_ = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.data.length; i++) {
site_source = data.data[i].site_from;
site_destination = data.data[i].site_to;
await db.select(
`id in ('${site_source}','${site_destination}')`,
(data_site) => {
data.data[i].site_from = data_site.data[0].name;
data.data[i].site_to = data_site.data[1].name;
if (data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf != "") {
data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf =
base_url + "truckchallan/" + data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf;
if (data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf != "") {
data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf =
base_url + "driverchallan/" + data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf;
if (data.data[i].preparer_img != "") {
data.data[i].preparer_img =
base_url + data.data[i].preparer_img;
if (data.data[i].driver_img != "") {
data.data[i].driver_img = base_url + data.data[i].driver_img;
// console.log(data_to_send); // working
// data_to_send_.push(data_to_send);
console.log(data_to_send); // empty
this is because of the asynchronous behavior of NodeJs, so you have to plan things accordingly i.e
`driver_id = '${req.params.userId}'`,
async (data) => {
The output of the above code would be 1 then 3 and then 2 and this is how NodeJs works it does not wait for I/O calls i.e DB query in your case.
Please check how promises work in NodeJs for more details.
Here is how you can accomplish your task:
const challanList = (userData) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const data_to_send = [];
db.select("trip", "*", `driver_id = '${req.params.userId}'`, data => {
for (let i = 0; i < data.data.length; i++) {
const site_source = data.data[i].site_from;
const site_destination = data.data[i].site_to;
db.select("site", "*", `id in ('${site_source}','${site_destination}')`, data_site => {
data.data[i].site_from = data_site.data[0].name;
data.data[i].site_to = data_site.data[1].name;
if (data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf != "") {
data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf = base_url + "truckchallan/" + data.data[i].truck_challan_pdf;
if (data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf != "") {
data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf = base_url + "driverchallan/" + data.data[i].driver_challan_pdf;
if (data.data[i].preparer_img != "") {
data.data[i].preparer_img = base_url + data.data[i].preparer_img;
if (data.data[i].driver_img != "") {
data.data[i].driver_img = base_url + data.data[i].driver_img;
// console.log(data_to_send); // working
app.get("/getChallanList/:userId/:role", async (req, res) => {
const userData = req.params;
const challanListResult =await challanList(userData);
Without knowing what database or ORM you are using it is difficult to answer, but my suspicion is that db.select is an asynchronous method, i.e. it is returning a Promise. If so, the second console log is still seeing the "old" data_to_send.
Try adding an await in front of the first db.select call. (Don't forget the async in front of the callback in second argument of app.get.
Your database is asynchronous so console.log(data_to_send) gets called before the query finished executing. Try adding async before (req, res) in line 1 then await before db.select.
This works for me
app.get("/getChallanList/:userId/:role", async (req, res) => {
const userData = req.params;
let site_source = "";
let site_destination = "";
var site_from_name = "";
const data_to_send = [];
if (userData.role == "D") {
const data = await db.query(
`SELECT * FROM trip WHERE driver_id = '${req.params.userId}'`
// console.log(data.length);
// const data_to_send_ = [];
for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
site_source = data[i].site_from;
site_destination = data[i].site_to;
// cons
const site_data = await db.query(
`SELECT * FROM site WHERE id in ('${site_source}','${site_destination}')`
// console.log(site_data);
`id in ('${site_source}','${site_destination}')`,
(data_site) => {
data[i].site_from = data_site.data[0].name;
data[i].site_to = data_site.data[1].name;
if (data[i].truck_challan_pdf != "") {
data[i].truck_challan_pdf =
base_url + "truckchallan/" + data[i].truck_challan_pdf;
if (data[i].driver_challan_pdf != "") {
data[i].driver_challan_pdf =
base_url + "driverchallan/" + data[i].driver_challan_pdf;
if (data[i].preparer_img != "") {
data[i].preparer_img = base_url + data[i].preparer_img;
if (data[i].driver_img != "") {
data[i].driver_img = base_url + data[i].driver_img;
// console.log(data.data);
// console.log(data_to_send); // working
// data_to_send_.push(data_to_send);
// console.log(data_to_send);
// console.log(data_to_send);
res.send({ success: 1, data: data, message: "" });

AWS Lambda (NodeJS) does not log to cloudwatch

I'm trying to log my lambda app after following serverless-next.js because of the issue where I can't go to the root of my file. So basically I'm deploying nextJS app in AWS through lambda#edge, s3, and cloudfront.
I'm new to AWS so I'm not really sure how to debug this thing at all. I assume traditional console.log in my lambda where every request comes in would log it in the cloudwatch. I also made sure that I deployed my lambda to my cloud front
Here's the code:
"use strict";
var __awaiter = (this && this.__awaiter) || function (thisArg, _arguments, P, generator) {
function adopt(value) { return value instanceof P ? value : new P(function (resolve) { resolve(value); }); }
return new (P || (P = Promise))(function (resolve, reject) {
function fulfilled(value) { try { step(generator.next(value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function rejected(value) { try { step(generator["throw"](value)); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }
function step(result) { result.done ? resolve(result.value) : adopt(result.value).then(fulfilled, rejected); }
step((generator = generator.apply(thisArg, _arguments || [])).next());
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.handler = void 0;
const prerender_manifest_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./prerender-manifest.json"));
const manifest_json_1 = __importDefault(require("./manifest.json"));
const next_aws_cloudfront_1 = __importDefault(require("#sls-next/next-aws-cloudfront"));
const addS3HostHeader = (req, s3DomainName) => {
req.headers["host"] = [{ key: "host", value: s3DomainName }];
const isDataRequest = (uri) => uri.startsWith("/_next/data");
const normaliseUri = (uri) => (uri === "/" ? "/index" : uri);
const normaliseS3OriginDomain = (s3Origin) => {
if (s3Origin.region === "us-east-1") {
return s3Origin.domainName;
if (!s3Origin.domainName.includes(s3Origin.region)) {
const regionalEndpoint = s3Origin.domainName.replace("s3.amazonaws.com", `s3.${s3Origin.region}.amazonaws.com`);
return regionalEndpoint;
return s3Origin.domainName;
const router = (manifest) => {
const { pages: { ssr, html } } = manifest;
const allDynamicRoutes = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, ssr.dynamic), html.dynamic);
return (uri) => {
let normalisedUri = uri;
if (isDataRequest(uri)) {
normalisedUri = uri
.replace(`/_next/data/${manifest.buildId}`, "")
.replace(".json", "");
if (ssr.nonDynamic[normalisedUri]) {
return ssr.nonDynamic[normalisedUri];
for (const route in allDynamicRoutes) {
const { file, regex } = allDynamicRoutes[route];
const re = new RegExp(regex, "i");
const pathMatchesRoute = re.test(normalisedUri);
if (pathMatchesRoute) {
return file;
if (html.nonDynamic["/404"] !== undefined) {
return "pages/404.html";
return "pages/_error.js";
exports.handler = (event) => __awaiter(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () {
const request = event.Records[0].cf.request;
const uri = normaliseUri(request.uri);
const manifest = manifest_json_1.default;
const prerenderManifest = prerender_manifest_json_1.default;
const { pages, publicFiles } = manifest;
const isStaticPage = pages.html.nonDynamic[uri];
const isPublicFile = publicFiles[uri];
const isPrerenderedPage = prerenderManifest.routes[request.uri];
const origin = request.origin;
const s3Origin = origin.s3;
const isHTMLPage = isStaticPage || isPrerenderedPage;
const normalisedS3DomainName = normaliseS3OriginDomain(s3Origin);
s3Origin.domainName = normalisedS3DomainName;
if (isHTMLPage || isPublicFile) {
s3Origin.path = isHTMLPage ? "/static-pages" : "/public";
addS3HostHeader(request, normalisedS3DomainName);
if (isHTMLPage) {
request.uri = `${uri}.html`;
return request;
const pagePath = router(manifest)(uri);
if (pagePath.endsWith(".html")) {
s3Origin.path = "/static-pages";
request.uri = pagePath.replace("pages", "");
addS3HostHeader(request, normalisedS3DomainName);
return request;
const page = require(`./${pagePath}`);
const { req, res, responsePromise } = next_aws_cloudfront_1.default(event.Records[0].cf);
if (isDataRequest(uri)) {
const { renderOpts } = yield page.renderReqToHTML(req, res, "passthrough");
res.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");
else {
page.render(req, res);
return responsePromise;
Allow: logs:CreateLogGroup
Allow: logs:CreateLogStream
Allow: logs:PutLogEvents
What else should I do? Should I create a new stream or is it automatically created? I can see a log group in my cloudwatch named aws/lambda but i'm not sure how to connect them
Really appreciate any help

Why doesn't my async function return any result?

I wrote this small program to fetch data. This however is done async. Since I nonetheless need to use the function holeVertreter(kzl) as a function in another module, I'd like to get a return value which I can eventually pass on.
Excuse my spaghetti code (I usually prettify the code when I am done with my task ...).
Credentials are stored in a file and are therefore not found in this file.
I'd like to end up with "vertreter" as a return value.
Thank you in advance.
const node = require("deasync");
const DSB = require('dsbapi');
const tabletojson = require('tabletojson');
const https = require('https');
const cred = require("./vertrCred");
const dsb = new DSB(cred["dsb"]["user"], cred["dsb"]["passw"]); //Sanitized - no Credentials here
//Stackoverflow 2332811
String.prototype.capitalize = function(lower) {
return (lower ? this.toLowerCase() : this).replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
function holePlan(kuerzel) {
.then(data => {
const timetables = DSB.findMethodInData('timetable', data);
const tiles = DSB.findMethodInData('tiles', data);
var tilesStr = JSON.stringify(tiles["data"][0]["url"]);
var url = JSON.parse(tilesStr);
https.get(url, (resp) => {
let data = '';
resp.on('data', (chunk) => {
data += chunk;
resp.on('end',() => {
var tableasjson = tabletojson.convert(data);
var erstetab = tableasjson[0];
var zweitetab = tableasjson[1];
var drittetab = tableasjson[2];
var viertetab = tableasjson[3];
var fuenftetab = tableasjson[4];
var sechstetab = tableasjson[5];
var siebtetab = tableasjson[6];
var achtetab = tableasjson[7];
if (typeof kuerzel === "undefined")
var regenechse = '(Aaa|Aaa[A-Za-z?]|[A-Za-z?]Aaa)';
else {
var name = kuerzel.capitalize(true);
var regenechse = '('+name+'|'+name+'[A-Za-z?]|[A-Za-z?]'+name+')';
const regex = new RegExp(regenechse,'g');
var sammel = Object.assign(drittetab,fuenftetab);
var z= 0;
var vertreter = {}
var y = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(sammel));
for (i=0;i<y.length;i++) {
if (typeof y[i].Vertreter =='undefined') {
else {
z += 1;
vertreter[z] = y[i];
if (z == 0) {
// console.log("Es gibt nichts zu vertreten");
else {
//console.log("Es werden "+z+" Stunden vertreten");
return (vertreter);
} ;
.catch(e => {
// An error occurred :(
function warte(promise) {
var done = 0;
var result = null;
function (value) {
done = 1;
result = value;
return (value);
function (reason) {
done = 1;
throw reason;
while (!done)
return (result);
function holeVertretung(kzl) {
var aufgabe = new Promise((resolve,reject) => {
var ergebnis = warte(aufgabe);
if (typeof ergebnis === "undefined") {
else {
return ergebnis;
That's not the right way to work with promises. If you do such infinite loop, it beats the whole purpose of using promises. Instead, return value from the promise, and use async-await like this:
function warte(promise) {
var done = 0;
var result = null;
return promise.then(
async function holeVertretung(kzl) {
var aufgabe = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 1000, holePlan(kzl));
var ergebnis = await warte(aufgabe);
If async-await does not work for some reason, use then clause:
warte(aufgabe).then(value => {
var ergebnis = value;

node js post request

Success localhost response
Cannot GET /u/coupons at server
Frontend script for post
var count = document.getElementById("count");
var len = document.getElementById("length");
var pattern = document.getElementById("pattern");
document.getElementById('coupons-button').onclick = function()
if(count.value!=="" && len.value!=="")
const genReq = new XMLHttpRequest();
let url = `count=${encodeURI(count.value)}&` +
`len=${encodeURI(len.value)}&` +
genReq.onreadystatechange = e => {
if(genReq.readyState === 4 && genReq.status === 200){
let gen = JSON.parse(genReq.response);
if (gen.state === "SUCCESS")
var coupons = gen.coupons;
for(var i=0;i<coupons.length;i++)
var div = document.createElement('div');
var text = document.createTextNode(coupons[i]);
} else {
var div = document.createElement('div');
var text = document.createTextNode("FAIL TO GENERATE");
Server script
admin.post( '/u/coupons' ,(req,res)=>{
let params = getParameters(req);
}).then((_res) =>{
if(_res.success === true)
res.status(200).json({"state" : "FAILED"});
const firebase = require('./Database');
const voucher_codes = require('voucher-code-generator');
exports.generateCoupons = function(params)
var len = params.len;
var count = params.count;
var pattern = params.pattern;
//pattern = pattern.replace(/1/g,'#');
const cpn_db = firebase.firebase.database();
var coupons;
return new Promise((resolve,reject)=>{
coupons = voucher_codes.generate({
pattern: '####-####',
for(var i =0;i<count;i++)
"addedOn": getDateTime(),
"code" : coupons[i],
"amount" : 20,
"expireDate" : null,
"isActive" : true,
Above given snaps shows the same code running on localhost and server,
localhost working fine,giving output and saving data to firbase while server response 404 not found resource.
I can not find the reason of this error.I tried url req on postman and responses are the same as above
