Unauthorised error from getProfile when using node-auth0 - node.js

I am trying to migrate authentication via auth0 from a jvm based solution which uses auth0 rest api to a node based solution using node-auth0.
At present its a 2 step process:
Get token via POST /oauth/token
Get user profile via /userInfo
In the node application, I am constructing AuthenticationClient while providing clientId, clientSecret and domain as AuthenticationClientOptions and able to get the token successfully using passwordGrant but when I use the same authenticationClient object to call getProfile while providing the token obtained from passwordGrant, I get this error:
Request failed with status code 401
What’s confusing is that in Auth0 dashboard, this request is successful.
I am using node-auth0 SDK Version: 2.42.0 on Node 15.14.0

The token obtained via passwordGrant will be processed to respond for userInfo. Hence, the token must have in its audience claim <your-auth0-domain>/userInfo.


Setting additionalLoginParams with auth v2

I've followed this guide to configure access to my backend app, but I use Node backend and React frontend. However I'm unable to perform the step Configure App Service to return a usable access token. I get the error "Cannot execute the request for site x because the site is running on auth version v2.". To handle this I tried instead editing the sheet authsettingsV2, and I believe I found that the property properties.identityProviders.azureActiveDirectory.login.loginParameters in v2 equals properties.additionalLoginParams in v1 as editing this v2 property according to the tutorial shows the desired property in the v1 authsettings sheet.
However accessing my frontend app with this setting I get the error AADSTS901002: The 'resource' request parameter is not supported. before even being able to enter my credentials.
I've also tried without the additionalLoginParams setting completely, this gives me the error {"code":401,"message":"IDX10511: Signature validation failed. Keys tried: '[PII is hidden]'. \nkid: '[PII is hidden]'. \nExceptions caught:\n '[PII is hidden]'.\ntoken: '[PII is hidden]'."} on the API call, and upon inspecting my token, I find that the audience is the Microsoft Graph API. But I guess that is expected with this setup.
How can I proceed to enable access to my backend app? / How do I set the additionalLoginParams in auth version v2?
I am not sure if you have a correct access token. Please note that I am not talking about id token. Because from your response_type=code id_token, there should be only one id_token returned, but obviously the id_token cannot call your api, because what you need is an access token.
If you have not obtained a correct access token, then you should request an access token in the next step, refer to this link.
In addition, I must explain that all 401 errors are caused by api audiences. Therefore, make sure that your Application ID URI is set in the scope parameter.
When requesting an access token, you need to set the scope to: scope=openid api://{back-end api client id}/.default. Set response_type to: response_type=token.

Getting IDX10205 when accessing backend api from frontend

I'm trying to set up a frontend React app service and a backend Node app service, which both require authentication, according to this tutorial.
I've followed the steps except that I needed to set "loginParameters": ["response_type=code id_token", "scope=openid api://<backend app id>/user_impersonation"] instead of additionalLoginParams since my app uses auth v2.
When my frontend app calls my backend api I get the following error
{"code":401,"message":"IDX10205: Issuer validation failed. Issuer: '[PII is hidden]'. Did not match: validationParameters.ValidIssuer: '[PII is hidden]' or validationParameters.ValidIssuers: '[PII is hidden]'."}
I don't know how to debug this as the useful information in the response is hidded and I can't find a way to show it when using Node. I have inspected the token and the issuer is https://sts.windows.net/<tenant id>/, but I don't know what's expected or how to set ValidIssuer.
What I do for authentication code-wise is calling /.auth/me from frontend after login to receive an access token and this token is passed to the backend api in the header as Authentication: Bearer <access_token>. I'm expecting Azure to handle everything else according to the settings made in the linked tutorial. Is this correct?
How can I debug this issue?
This is how the Expose an API page of backend app registration looks.
This is the data of my access token.
Your question has been resolved, post it as the answer to the end of the question.
As I said in the comments, you need to obtain the 2.0 version of the token. So you need to change the accessTokenAcceptedVersion attribute of the application manifest to: "accessTokenAcceptedVersion": 2.

authentication header vs query parameter in google cloud endpoints

I have tried everything, yet I cannot access my API using google cloud endpoints using a Authentication:Bearer header. According to Cloud Endpoints Docs:
When you send a request using an authentication token, for security reasons, we recommend that you put the token in the Authorization:Bearer header.
it also says:
If you cannot use the header when sending the request, you can put the authentication token in a query parameter called access_token.
I can perfectly access the API using access_token=" +idToken in my URL. However, when I try to send an HTTP request with the Authentication header like this:
const url =
.get(url,{headers:{'Authentication':'Bearer '+idToken}})
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
I get this error:
JWT validation failed: Missing or invalid credentials
Is sending the token in a query parameter as safe as sending it in the header?
Your code example shows you setting an Authentication header, not an Authorization header. You should not typically use a query parameter as it will likely get logged in Cloud Console.
When using "Authorization: Bearer ", you would need to use an access token obtained through OAuth 2.0 authentication.
This can be illustrated if you use the Oauth Playground agains any of the Google APIs.
Keep in mind that if you want to access your Firebase database using the Oauth Playground, you would need to configure the client ID and client Secret of your Firebase project on the gear icon at the top right of the playground screen.
Also make sure to use these scopes:
After completing all the steps, you will be able to make a REST request using the authorization header with the obtained access token.

Using JSON Web Tokens (JWT) with Azure Functions (WITHOUT using Active Directory)

I am sure someone out there has already done this, but I have yet to find any documentation with regard to the Microsoft implementation of JWT. The official documentation from Microsoft for their JWT library is basically an empty page, see:
So, here is what I (and I am sure many others) would like to accomplish:
Definition: User ID = The username or email address used to log into a system.
A user logs in. The user fills in web form and the system sends (via HTTPS POST) the users ID and password (hashed) to the server in order to authenticate / validate the user.
Server Authenticates user. The users ID and password are checked against the values saved in the database and if NOT valid, an invalid login response is returned to the caller.
Create a JWT Token - ???? No documentation available!
Return the JWT token to the caller - ???? - I assume in a header? via JSON, not sure -- again - no documentation.
Given the code below, can anyone provide a code example for steps 3 and 4?
[FunctionName( "authenticate" )]
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null )]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log )
// Step 1 - Get user ID and password from POST data
* Step 2 - Verify user ID and password (compare against DB values)
* If user ID or password is not valid, return Invalid User response
// Step 3 - Create JWT token - ????
// Step 4 - Return JWT token - ????
Assuming the user was authenticated and now has a JWT token (I am assuming the JWT token is saved in the users session; if someone wants to provide more info, please do):
A POST request is made to an Azure Function to do something (like get a users birth date). The JWT token obtained above is loaded (from the POST data or a header - does it matter?) along with any other data required by the function.
The JWT token is validated - ???? No documentation available!
If the JWT token is NOT valid, a BadRequest response is returned by the function.
If the JWT token is valid, the function uses the data passed to it to process and issue a response.
Given the code below, can anyone provide a code example for steps 1 and 2?
[FunctionName( "do_something" )]
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run( [HttpTrigger( AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null )]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log )
// Step 1 - Get JWT token (from POST data or headers?)
// Step 2 - Validate the JWT token - ???
// Step 3 - If JWT token is not valid, return BadRequest response
// Step 4 - Process the request and return data as JSON
Any and all information would really help those of us (me) understand how to use JWT with Azure (anonymous) functions in order to build a "secure" REST API.
Thanks in advance.
Any and all information would really help those of us (me) understand how to use JWT with Azure (anonymous) functions in order to build a "secure" REST API.
Per my understanding, you could use the related library in your azure function code to generate / validate the JWT token. Here are some tutorials, you could refer to them:
Create and Consume JWT Tokens in C#.
Jwt.Net, a JWT (JSON Web Token) implementation for .NET
JWT Authentication for Asp.Net Web Api
Moreover, you could leverage App Service Authentication / Authorization to configure the function app level Authentication / Authorization. You could go to your Function App Settings, click "NETWORKING > Authentication / Authorization" under the Platform features tab. Enable App Service Authentication and choose Allow Anonymous requests (no action) as follows:
You could create a HttpTrigger function with anonymous accessing for user logging and return the JWT token if the user exists. For the protected REST APIs, you could follow the code sample below:
//TODO: retrieve the username claim
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK,(System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity as ClaimsIdentity).Claims.Select(c => new { key = c.Type, value = c.Value }),"application/json");
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized,"Access Denied!");
For generating the JWT token used in App Service Authentication, you could follow How to: Use custom authentication for your application and the code under custom API controller CustomAuthController from adrian hall's book about Custom Authentication to create the JWT token.
For the custom authentication approach under App Service Authentication, I just want op to leverage the authentication / Authorization provided by EasyAuth. I have did some test for this approach and found it could work on my side. Op could send the username and password to the HttpTrigger for authentication, then the HttpTrigger backend need to validate the user info, and use Microsoft.Azure.Mobile.Server.Login package for issuing App Service Authentication token to the client, then the client could retrieve the token from the AuthenticationToken property. The subsequent requests against the protected APIs could look like as follows:
Header: x-zumo-auth:<AuthenticationToken>
For this approach, the related HttpTrigger functions need to allow anonymous accessing and the App Service Authentication also needs to choose Allow Anonymous requests (no action). Otherwise, the App Service Authentication and function level authentication would both validate the request. For the protected APIs, op needs to manually add the System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity.IsAuthenticated checking.
Try this: https://liftcodeplay.com/2017/11/25/validating-auth0-jwt-tokens-in-azure-functions-aka-how-to-use-auth0-with-azure-functions/
I successfully made it work using this guide. It took awhile due to nuget versions.
Follow that guide properly and use the following nuget versions
IdentityModel.Protocols (2.1.4)
IdentityModel.Protocols.OpenIdConenct (2.1.4)
IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt (5.1.4)
Oh and, the guide tells you to write your AUDIENCE as your api link, don't. You'll get unauthorized error. Just write the name of your api, e.g. myapi
If you get error about System.http.formatting not being loaded when running the function, try to reinstall NET.Sdk.Functions and ignore the warning about AspNet.WebApi.Client being restored using .NETFramework. And restart visual studio.
What you're describing is something that you should be able to do yourself by doing a little bit of research. To address your specific questions:
Create a JWT Token - ???? No documentation available!
The link Bruce gave you gives a nice example for how to create a JWT: https://www.codeproject.com/Tips/1208535/Create-And-Consume-JWT-Tokens-in-csharp
Return the JWT token to the caller - ???? - I assume in a header? via JSON, not sure -- again - no documentation.
There's no documentation because you're basically inventing your own protocol. That means how you do it is entirely up to you and your application requirements. If it's a login action, it might make sense to return it as part of the HTTP response payload. Just make sure that you're using HTTPS so that the token stays protected over the wire.
A POST request is made to an Azure Function to do something (like get a users birth date). The JWT token obtained above is loaded (from the POST data or a header - does it matter?) along with any other data required by the function.
How you send the token is, again, entirely up to you. Most platforms use the HTTP Authorization request header, but you don't have to if you don't want to.
The JWT token is validated - ???? No documentation available!
Use the ValidateToken method of the JwtSecurityTokenHandler (see the previous link for how to get the JwtSecurityTokenHandler). Docs here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dn451155(v=vs.114).aspx.
I created an Azure Functions input binding for JWT Token Validation. You can use this as an extra parameter with the [JwtBinding] attribute. See https://hexmaster.nl/posts/az-func-jwt-validator-binding/ for source and NuGet package information.
Basically Azure Functions built on top of ASP.NET Core. By making some dependency injection tricks you could add your own authentication and policy-based authorization. I created demo solution with JWT authentication just for fun, beware to use it on production.

Nodejs - ADAL package issue

I am using adal-node package in my Nodejs app for authenticating against Azure AD.
URL: https://www.npmjs.org/package/adal-node
I am using acquireTokenWithAuthorizationCode method to get the token and it works fine.
When my auth code expires, I want to refresh my token using the below.
authenticationContext.acquireTokenWithRefreshToken(_tokenData.refreshToken, authdata.clientId, authdata.resource, callback).
But when I run this code, its giving me the below error.
"Get Token request returned http error: 400 and server response: {"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"AADSTS90014: The request body must contain the following parameter: 'client_secret or client_assertion'
The method will not accept client secret as its argument, but still it complains that it needs a client secret.
Can you please help?
Unfortunately, the library does not support your scenario right now. The function acquireTokenWithRefreshToken that you are using was intended for OAuth public clients that don't require a client secret, but your app is an OAuth confidential client which does.
I have filed the following issue in the GitHub repo to track the need to add a new method that would support your scenario.
