How to find if one column value exist in another column [duplicate] - excel

It should be very easy but I just can not understand whats wrong anymore.
I have 3 columns, first and third column has numbers and I want the second column to show if a number in column 1 exists in column 3.
I have found a code online
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A7;$C$2:$C$3400; 1; FALSE));"Not Exist";"Exist" )
Now I know the number "5568" exist in A7 and the same number "5568" exists in C2365.
But the code above gives me value "Not Exist".

Sheet Structure:
=IF(COUNTIF($C$1:$C$5,A1)>0,"Exist","Not Exists")
Check for spaces before or after the values using Trim
You could also use Clean


Check Or Find If Value Exists In Another Column

It should be very easy but I just can not understand whats wrong anymore.
I have 3 columns, first and third column has numbers and I want the second column to show if a number in column 1 exists in column 3.
I have found a code online
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(A7;$C$2:$C$3400; 1; FALSE));"Not Exist";"Exist" )
Now I know the number "5568" exist in A7 and the same number "5568" exists in C2365.
But the code above gives me value "Not Exist".
Sheet Structure:
=IF(COUNTIF($C$1:$C$5,A1)>0,"Exist","Not Exists")
Check for spaces before or after the values using Trim
You could also use Clean

Get Column name of specific row and matching column in Excel

I like to get this thing to do:
Input: Subject number , Mark,
Output : Grade letter (column name)
Here is the sample excel table:
I have found the row number by using this function:
Now, how to find the value in that row and get output the column name ?
If you can change grade range to be increasing from Fail -> A you can use the following formula:
(For clarity, the columns would be Fail, D, C-, C, B-, B+, A with the corresponding marks below it)
After further thought, without changing the table, and avoiding the OFFSET function, the following should work:

How to create a binary output if a value is found in a separate list excel

I'm new to this forum. I am trying to write a formula with only 1 or 0 as outcomes. I have 100,000 patients identified by hospital number in column B, and a separate sheet with x number of patients with a certain diagnosis. I want to create a new column with yes/no (1/0) values depending if the patient identifier in column B is found in the range on my separate sheet. Please excuse me if this is very straightforward. I'm new to this!
Use the MATCH function in combination with IF: =IF(ISERROR(MATCH([Patient Identifier], [Range on Separate Sheet], 0)), 0, 1). The MATCH function will return an error if the value sought is not found in the range.
The MATCH function returns the specific error value #N/A if it fails, so you are better of using that instead of covering for any error.
Assuming your Seperate List is in the column A of sheet 2, you can have something like this for row 2:
=IF(ISNA(MATCH(Sheet1!B2,Sheet2!A:A,0)), 0, 1)
which basically means:
Try and MATCH the value in Sheet1!B2in Sheet2!A:A.
If you get a #N/A error value, then you did not find a match, put 0
Else you got a match, put 1
This is a simpler version of the above formula mentioned by manimatters.
=--Not(ISNA(MATCH(Sheet1!B2,{Patient Column other Sheet},0)))
Copy this into the column right of column B in your "Patient Identifier" Sheet.

Excel, select an array of an entire column except a single dynamic cell

I am having a hard time finding the answer to this question. Essentially, I am using a function
=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(B75,B:B,0)),"Not Found","Value found on row "&MATCH(B75,B:B,0))
The MATCH function is designed to cross reference the value in the adjacent B column and compare it against all other values in that column. Idealy, I want those cells to say "not found" telling me that it is a unique value in column B. I can't quite seem how to designate the array in the second value for MATCH to include everything but (in the above example) B75. Of course this would depend on the actual row it was on. Is there a way to do that?
first search is better served by COUNTIF, for second one you can use 2 MATCH functions for ranges above and below current cell:
=IF(COUNTIF(B:B,B75) = 1,
"Not Found",
"Value found on row " & IFERROR(
MATCH(B75, B$1:B74, 0),
MATCH(B75, B76:B$9999, 0) + ROW()))
where 9999 is maximum row number where you want to look...
Try using COUNTIF to count how many times the B75 value occurs - if there is only 1 (B75 itself) then it is "Not Found", otherwise you could look for the minimum value excluding 75, e.g. with this "array formula"
=IF(COUNTIF(B:B,B75)=1,"Not Found","Value Found on row "&MIN(IF(ROW(B:B)<>ROW(B75),IF(B:B=B75,ROW(B:B)))))
confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER
Let me start with I have had this issue a number of times, but I do not think you can do this the way you are trying.
What I would do is this:
Lets say that you have column b:
and you want see which ones are unique. I would in column C use the formula:
=IF(COUNTIF(B:B,B2)=1,"unique","not unique")
this will show you if the item is unique or not, based off of counting the number of times it appears in your column.

Find duplicate and mark as 1st and rest of the dup mark with "Other Dups"

I have an excel file that I need to make some changes. I need to identify the duplicate and then put "1st" in the series column for the first dup. For the remainder dups need to put "other dups" in the series column. Is it possible? I tried vlookup and match and nothing helped. =vlookup(a1,a2,0) , match(a1,a2,0), or even if(a1=a2,"found match")
If data starts at A2 try this formula in B2 copied down
=IF(COUNTIF(A:A,A2)>1,IF(COUNTIF(A$2:A2,A2)=1,"1st","other dups"),"")
If you want to see the occurrence instead of '1st' and 'other dups', use the following formula in B2 copied down :
The requirement is that column 'A' is sorted.
