pgtypes.fetcher is not a function - node.js

I have been trying to implement pg-postgis-types npm package in my express project for my internship. I'm using PostgreSQL and Sequelize.
Unfortunately, although I have implemented the code in the documentation, our API returns pgtypes.fetcher is not a function. Does anyone encounter with this issue? I checked the definition of the package in node modules folder and I found the definition, as it should be.
To be a reference, my code is like below.
const getgeojson = async (mapID) => {
try {
postgis(pgtypes.fetcher(pg, connection), null, (err, oids) => {
if (err) {
throw err;
}; ...
I know this is not a much popular repo but maybe someone encounter and solved it before, I just wanted to ask. Sorry if this is a bad question :)

The package is much older, thus, the usage is slightly different from the original documentation in both npm and GitHub repo. You can call functions by changing postgisto postgis.default and pgtypes.fetcher to pgtypes.default.fetcher. This solved my stated issue above. Have a nice day y'all.


Understanding node modules

How do I work with node modules?
tldr; How do I look at a node module I've installed and know where to go and what I'm looking for
If I use npm i googleapis for example, it downloads the node module for Googles APIs but how do I browse the module and work out what's useful for me?
To try and eliminate any ambiguity from the question, I'll use this use case.
I'm developing a Discord bot and I want to add statistics to one of
the commands. Here is the supplied code from Google:
<script src=""></script>
* Sample JavaScript code for youtube.channels.list
* See instructions for running APIs Explorer code samples locally:
function authenticate() {
return gapi.auth2.getAuthInstance()
.signIn({scope: ""})
.then(function() { console.log("Sign-in successful"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error signing in", err); });
function loadClient() {
return gapi.client.load("")
.then(function() { console.log("GAPI client loaded for API"); },
function(err) { console.error("Error loading GAPI client for API", err); });
// Make sure the client is loaded and sign-in is complete before calling this method.
function execute() {
"part": [
"id": [
.then(function(response) {
// Handle the results here (response.result has the parsed body).
console.log("Response", response);
function(err) { console.error("Execute error", err); });
gapi.load("client:auth2", function() {
gapi.auth2.init({client_id: "YOUR_CLIENT_ID"});
<button onclick="authenticate().then(loadClient)">authorize and load</button>
<button onclick="execute()">execute</button>
Now Google offers a supported library which means I can replace the external script tags and import from the node package, specifically the parts I need.
So I'll need to import or require whatever gives me access to things like:
For someone who is new to nodejs, instead of copy and pasting from every piece of documentation and hoping it works, how do I comfortably look at a node package and find the things I need and can use?
Edit #1
I think my use of the google apis case threw off the direction of the question and changed the scope of what I asked so I'm going to correct the best I can.
The assumption should be made that there is no documentation on the package whether it's so poorly written, doesn't exist at all or the documentation is down for an extended period of time during a time sensitive development.
At that point, is there any possible way to look at the node_modules folder, the specific package that needs to be worked with and work out what's going on? Is there any way to look at the structure of a package and recognise "well most likely what I need is in this folder or file"
That's what documentation is for.
When someone writes an API for a package; to make things clearer for the consumer, he should document the exported functions well enough.
The best way to get the documentations for node packages is to search for the package at .
For google apis you can go to that page here to see the "get started" and some examples. And you can go here to see the full detailed APIs of that package.
Answering Edit #1
Well, in that case, it could be a difficult task, depends on the how structured and organized the package is.
Since we are talking about nodejs, you should look for the package.json file and search for the path of the main file "main": "<PATH HERE>".
Then, you can go to that main file and try to locate what exactly is being exported. You can search for module.exports or the export keyword.
Everything that is explicitly exported is intended to be used as an API.
I'm not familiar with any other way other than go deeper in the package's files and identify what exactly is being exported.

console.log() not appearing in output for express server

I can't for the life of me figure out how to get console.log() to appear with my express server. It's a middle-tier API for our front-end. You'll have to forgive me if I speak about it a little awkwardly, I'm relatively inexperienced with these tools but I'll do my best to explain the issue despite my inexperience. I'm trying to use console.log to get a better idea of a rather complex projects behavior and what might be causing some issues with it in its current state. Unfortunately console.log only seems to work within plainjane examples like so:
export const routerExample = express.Router();
routerExample.use((req, res, next) => {
console.log('Time: ',; // I show up in console just fine
When I try to lookup the problem I'm experiencing all solutions seem to be regarding getting routing examples like the one above to appear in console, I can see such examples just fine. The problem comes from getting anything to show up in examples like:
// routing.ts
import { homeController } from '../controllers/homeController';
const homeEx: HomeExample = new HomeExample();
routerExample.get('/home', homeEx.getHome);
// homeController.ts
export class HomeExample {
public getHome (req: Request, res: Response) : void {
console.log("something is happening");
// do stuff
Any uses of console.log like above never appear anywhere in node's console (or elsewhere as far as I can tell).
What am I missing that is needed to make these log messages appear? This has to be incredibly simple but I've been through numerous similar sounding issues on stackoverflow and elsewhere and everything single of one of them seems to be describing slightly different issues (or misunderstandings) that don't solve my own issue. I've tried numerous versions of node/npm and have added the DEBUG:* flag as well. None of this seems to solve it. If I'm missing any code that'd help give context to the issue let me know. I've obviously cut down parts and renamed some objects as I can't exactly dump work-related code here. What am I missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
Edit 1: since many similar posts to this seem to get this mixed up, no I'm not looking at my front-end's console or something for the output. I'm looking in the terminal window where I start the server from, where the router example does appear.
Edit 2: for reference, my file structure is something like:
homeController.ts (HomeExample stuff is here)
routing.ts (routerExample stuff is here)
Edit 3: the code works overall to be clear. the problem is explicitly that that log.console() isn't appearing, all the code I've wrapped into "// do stuff" is working as expected.
Checkout Express Middlewares
routerExample.get('/home', homeExample);
function homeExample (req: Request, res: Response, next:NextFunction) : void {
console.log("something is happening");
// do stuff
You are also calling a member of a non static or instantiated class see this:
TypeScript - Static
What you are missing is to create a new instance of the homeExample class. What I recommend is to export the new instance on the route file like this:
class HomeRoute {
/* your methods */
export default new HomeRoute();
then you can use it:
import homeRoutes from './routes/home.route';
router.get('/home', homeRoutes.getHome);
See the example:
After a fresh nights sleep I've figured it out. It, of course, was the most obvious problem that managed to slip by me in the overall complexity of the codebase. The /home call was deprecated and replaced with a different call in the front-end without mention in the middle-tier code that I had posted. I didn't even consider checking what was being called any deeper since I was experiencing the same issue with multiple other calls that I didn't include in the original post for brevity. Basically all the tools I'm working with here are completely new to me so my inexperience got the best of me. Thank you to #jfriend00 who made me double-take how /home was being called (it wasn't).
Since I was getting the data I needed without issue on the front-end I assumed these functions were being run, seeing as the data they produced was the same kind of data that was successfully being shown by the front-end, just without the console.log() output I added appearing.
Moral of the story: if every other question related to an issue on Stack Overflow concludes with "I just made a dumb mistake," take absolutely every precaution possible to observe what's happening, even if you feel like you already ruled out certain possibilities. Unfortunately I got a bit caught up with all the weird solutions I saw to the point where I got ahead of myself in debugging the problem.
I'm still a bit confused since the /home call specifically should still be "active" even if not called by the front-end, but console.log() is clearly working on other similar functions I've tested since figuring this out. There's either something hidden deep in the codebase that's breaking/overwriting /home and other old calls, or it's simply not being called right when I'm testing it outside of the front-end.
TLDR: I'm an idiot, every single API call I thought I was testing was not actually being called. Double-check your assumptions before asking for a specific solution.

AWSXRay.captureAsyncFunc() from Lambda - am I missing something?

I'm trying to get a custom X-Ray segment reporting, but I'm not seeing anything in the trace. My code looks something like this:
var AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk-core');
AWSXRay.captureAsyncFunc('callSoapService', subsegment => {
doSomethingAsync(params, err => {
if (err) {
} else {
doSomethingElse().then(result => {'all done, now close the segment');
}, subsegment.close);
Do I need to add it to the parent segment or something?
ugh. there seems to be a bug with AWSXRay.captureHTTPs() - if I remove that call captureAsyncFunc() starts working
For the AWS X-Ray Node SDK, automatic mode is build on the continuation-local-storage (cls) package which has known compatibility issues with promise libraries. This is why your 'then' seems to be losing context. However, most of these libraries have various CLS shims available to provide the compatibility necessary to work.
Which promise library are you using?
For bluebird, there's 'cls-bluebird' or for Q there's 'cls-q' that's available that will get it working.
They usually ask to pass in the CLS namespace, which is available from xray.getNamespace().
Hope this helps.

Node.js learning guide or study plan

I am a PHP developer trying her hands on node.js. The introductory books about it and online tutorials are great and are helping me come to speed with this language
however I find the official site documentation hard to drill through for somewhat reasons I don't understand, may be I am just spoiled by
For example many asynchronous functions take a callback function with arguments and docs document that fact but the types of arguments these callbacks take are barely (not) documented
See below
fs.readFile('./template.html', function(err, data) {
if (err) {
res.end('Server Error');
else {
var tmpl = data.toString();
Here the data argument appears to be an object with toString method and that's all I know about it.
Old langange users can you please point or guide me on how to get the most out of this nice langange, it can be anything such as how to read the docs.
Thank you.
The docs for node.js seem clear to me.
The callback is passed two arguments (err, data), where data is the contents of the file.

node.js module self talk back to js that requires it

im having problems understanding how to talk 'up and down' between app.js and modules...
I think its with a callback but i've also seen things like self._send(), this.send() and module.exports.emit
I'm quite confused.
I recently installed pdfkit from npm (quite good 6/10 :p) I want to learn by improving it slightly though by adding a done event/callback for doc.write().
I know its not that important but i've been looking through my installed modules and that is probably the easiest example of code that wouldn't hurt to have a 'DONE' I also figured this function would be good to learn from as it uses fs.writeFile which has a function(){} that fires when its finished writing so the fact that i can see where in the code it ends makes it an easy learning tool.
I've modified the code a few times tried to compare modules to see where similar things have been done but i just keep breaking it with errors, i don't feel like i'm getting anywhere:
inside the pdfkit module document.js i've made changes:
var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter;//ben
module.exports = new EventEmitter();//ben
PDFDocument.prototype.write = function(filename, fn, callback) {//ben added callback
return this.output(function(out) {
return fs.writeFile(filename, out, 'binary', fn, function(){//ben added finished function
in my app.js:
I'm also not really sure what i'm querying on google, please can someone help me?
EventEmitter is required to create objects with event storage, and emit/catch events.
While what you are using in your example is called 'callback'.
It is two different ways, and can be sort of cross used. Sometimes it is good to use events, but sometimes just callback is enough.
The best way to have head around it: play with callbacks (forget about events for now). Try to think of different uses of callbacks and maybe even have callback function and pass it around. Then come to callback chains. And only after start playing with EventEmitter. Remember that EventEmitter is different thing from callbacks, with sometimes compatible use cases, but generally is used in different cases.
Here is your code, simplified with same functionality as you have/need atm:
PDFDocument.prototype.write = function(filename, callback) {
this.output(function(out) {
fs.writeFile(filename, out, 'binary', callback);
And use it the way you already do.
Do not try to generate garbage of code that will only complicate everything - it is better to study speficic areas seperatelly, and then switch to next one. Otherwise will mess up in mind.
fn is the callback function!
PDFDocument.prototype.write = function(filename, fn) {
return this.output(function(out) {
return fs.writeFile(filename, out, 'binary', fn);
and by naming my callback function to fn it works!
doc.write('public_html/img/'+_.c+'_'+_.propertyid+'.pdf',function fn(){console.log('pdf:saved');});
for me that is a massive learning mountain climbed!!
