Deadlock when running celery tests under pytest with xdist - python-3.x

If I run without xdist involved, like this:
pytest --disable-warnings --verbose -s
Works just fine. I see the DB created, the tasks run and it exits as expected.
If I run with xdist involved (-n 2), like this:
pytest --disable-warnings --verbose -n 2 -s
I end up with a hung process (and sometimes these messages):
Destroying old test database for alias 'default'...
Chord callback '4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256' raised: ValueError('4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/bob/.virtualenv/testme/lib/python3.10/site-packages/celery/backends/", line 1019, in on_chord_part_return
raise ValueError(gid)
ValueError: 4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256
Chord callback '4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256' raised: ValueError('4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/bob/.virtualenv/testme/lib/python3.10/site-packages/celery/backends/", line 1019, in on_chord_part_return
raise ValueError(gid)
ValueError: 4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256
Chord callback '4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256' raised: ValueError('4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/bob/.virtualenv/testme/lib/python3.10/site-packages/celery/backends/", line 1019, in on_chord_part_return
raise ValueError(gid)
ValueError: 4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256
Chord callback '4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256' raised: ValueError('4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/bob/.virtualenv/testme/lib/python3.10/site-packages/celery/backends/", line 1019, in on_chord_part_return
raise ValueError(gid)
ValueError: 4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256
Chord callback '4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256' raised: ValueError('4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/bob/.virtualenv/testme/lib/python3.10/site-packages/celery/backends/", line 1019, in on_chord_part_return
raise ValueError(gid)
ValueError: 4c7664ce-89e0-475e-81a7-4973929d2256
[gw0] ERROR Destroying test database for alias 'default'...
Only way to end it is with ^C
These are my two tests (essentially the same test). The DB isn't needed for these tasks (simple add and average example tests) but will be needed for the other Django tests that do use the DB.
def test_chords(transactional_db, celery_app, celery_worker, celery_not_eager):
celery_app.config_from_object("django.conf:settings", namespace="CELERY")
task = do_average.delay()
results = task.get()
assert task.state == "SUCCESS"
assert len(results[0][1][1]) == 10
def test_chord_differently(transactional_db, celery_app, celery_worker, celery_not_eager):
celery_app.config_from_object("django.conf:settings", namespace="CELERY")
task = do_average.delay()
results = task.get()
assert task.state == "SUCCESS"
assert len(results[0][1][1]) == 10
and the tasks (shouldn't matter)
def _add(x: int, y: int) -> int:
print(f"{x} + {y} {time.time()}")
return x + y
def _average(numbers: List[int]) -> float:
print(f"AVERAGING {sum(numbers)} / {len(numbers)}")
return sum(numbers) / len(numbers)
def do_average():
tasks = [_add.s(i, i) for i in range(10)]
print(f"Creating chord of {len(tasks)} tasks at {time.time()}")
return chord(tasks)(_average.s())
using a of this:
def celery_not_eager(settings):
pytest --fixtures
celery_app -- .../python3.10/site packages/celery/contrib/
Fixture creating a Celery application instance.
celery_worker -- .../python3.10/site-packages/celery/contrib/
Fixture: Start worker in a thread, stop it when the test returns.

While I have not solved this, I have found a workaround of sorts using #pytest.mark.xdist_group(name="celery") to decorate the test class and I can do the following:
class SyncTaskTestCase2(TransactionTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.celery_worker = start_worker(app, perform_ping_check=False)
print(f"Celery Worker started {time.time()}")
def tearDownClass(cls):
print(f"Tearing down Superclass {time.time()}")
print(f"Tore down Superclass {time.time()}")
cls.celery_worker.__exit__(None, None, None)
print(f"Celery Worker torn down {time.time()}")
def test_success(self):
print(f"Starting test at {time.time()}")
self.task = do_average_in_chord.delay()
print(f"Finished Averaging at {time.time()}")
assert self.task.successful()
This, combined with the command line option --dist loadgroup forces all of the "celery" group to be run on the same runner process which prevents the deadlock and allows --numprocesses 10 to run to completion.
The biggest drawback here is the 9 second penalty to teardown the celery worker which makes you prone to push all of your celery testing into one class.
# This accomplishes the same things as the unitest above WITHOUT having a Class wrapped around the tests it also eliminates the 9 second teardown wait.
#pytest.mark.django_db # Why do I need this and transactional_db???
def test_averaging_in_a_chord(
task = do_average_in_chord.delay()
assert task.successful()
You do need this in your
from typing import Type
import time
import pytest
from pytest_django.fixtures import SettingsWrapper
from celery import Celery
from celery.contrib.testing.worker import start_worker
def use_actual_celery_worker(settings: SettingsWrapper) -> SettingsWrapper:
return settings
def celery_session_worker(celery_session_app: Celery):
"""Re-implemented this so that my celery app gets used. This keeps the priority queue stuff the same
as it is in production. If BROKER_BACKEND is set to "memory" then rabbit shouldn't be involved anyway."""
celery_worker = start_worker(
celery_session_app, perform_ping_check=False, shutdown_timeout=0.5
yield celery_worker
# This causes the worker to exit immediately so that we don't have a 9 second wait for the timeout.
print(f"Tearing down Celery Worker {time.time()}")
celery_worker.__exit__(None, None, None)
print(f"Celery Worker torn down {time.time()}")
def celery_session_app() -> Celery:
from workshop.celery import app
""" Get the app you would regularly use for celery tasks and return it. This insures all of your default
app options mirror what you use at runtime."""
yield app


thread does not start:TypeError: backgroundTask() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given

I am learning multithreading in python. can anyone pleae tell me why the thread does not start?
import threading
import time
import logging
class Threads_2:
def __new__(cls):
this will be invoked once the creation procedure of the object begins
instance = super(Threads_2,cls).__new__(cls)
return instance
def __init__(self):
this will be invoked once the initialisation procedure of the object begins
def spawnThreads(self):
if __name__ == "__main__":
thread1 = threading.Thread(target=self.backgroundTask, args=(10,))
def backgroundTask(numOfLoops):
for i in numOfLoops:
obj = Threads_2()
Exception in thread Thread-1:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 954, in _bootstrap_inner
File "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\", line 892, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
TypeError: backgroundTask() takes 1 positional argument but 2 were given
PS D:\python workspace>
The function backgroundTask is in the class Threads_2. So, it should be backgroundTask(self, numOfLoops) instead of backgroundTask(numOfLoops).

multiprocessing.Pool cannot return OrderedDict subclass with additional argument

I am trying to have a simple subclass of OrderedDict that gets created by a Pool then returned.
It seems that the pickling process when returning the created object to the pool tries to re-instantiate the object and fails due to the required additional argument in the __init__ function.
This is a minimal (non) working example:
from collections import OrderedDict
from multiprocessing import Pool
class Obj1(OrderedDict):
def __init__(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.x = x
def task(x):
obj1 = Obj1(x)
return obj1
if __name__ == '__main__':
with Pool(1) as pool:
for x in pool.imap_unordered(task, (1,2,3)):
If I do this I get the following error.
Exception in thread Thread-3:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 916, in _bootstrap_inner
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/", line 864, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 463, in _handle_results
task = get()
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 251, in recv
return _ForkingPickler.loads(buf.getbuffer())
TypeError: init() missing 1 required positional argument: 'x'
Again this fails when the task functions returns to the pool and I guess the object gets pickled?
If I changed OrderedDict by a simple dict it works flawlessly....
I have a workaround to use kwargs and retrieve the attribute of interest but I am stumped about the error to start with. Any ideas?
You can define __getstate__() and __setstate__() methods for your class.
In those functions you can make sure that x is handled as well. For example:
def __getstate__(self):
return self.x, self.items()
def __setstate__(self, state):
self.x = state[0]
BTW, from CPython 3.6 there is no reason to use OrderedDict, since dictionary order is insertion order. This was originally an implementation detail in CPython. In Python 3.7 it was made part of the language.

Python3: Calling a class as a separate process

I am playing around with the Process library from multiprocessing and I was trying to call a class from another file as a separate process, however, I am getting this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 258, in _bootstrap
File "/usr/lib/python3.6/multiprocessing/", line 93, in run
self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs)
TypeError: 'tuple' object is not callable
and it still exists in the same process as my stdout is this:
20472 __main__
20472 CALL
internal func call
Leaving Call
Process Process-1:
#This is where the error prints out
Leaving main
where 20472 is the pid.
Main File:
import CALL
from multiprocessing import Process
import os
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Process(target=(CALL.Call(),))
print("Leaving main")
import os
Call Class File:
class Call():
def __init__(self):
print(os.getpid(), __name__)
def __exit__(self):
print("Leaving Call")
def internal(self):
print("internal func call")
As answered in the comments by #Jeronimo - changing
p = Process(target=(call.Call(),)
p = Process(target=(call.Call))
was the solution giving the correct output:
2965 __main__
2966 CALL
internal func call
Leaving Call
Leaving main
with a separate process for the called class.

python hangs even with exception handling

I've got a raspberry PI attached to a MCP3008 ADC which is measuring an analog voltage across a thermistor. I'm using the gpiozero python library for communication between the PI and ADC. My code below runs for several minutes and then spits out an error, and then hangs on function get_temp_percent. That function returns the average of five measurements from the ADC. I'm using Signal to throw an exception after 1 second of waiting to try to get past the hang, but it just throws an error and hangs anyway. It looks like nothing in my except statement is being read. Why am I not escaping the code hang?
import time
from gpiozero import MCP3008
from math import log
import pymysql.cursors
from datetime import datetime as dt
import signal
import os
def handler(signum, frame):
print('Signal handler called with signal', signum, frame)
raise Exception("Something went wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
def get_temp_percent(pos=0):
for i in range(0,5):
while True:
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, handler)
adc = MCP3008(pos)
except Exception as inst:
print('get_temp_percent {}'.format(inst) )
return round(sum(x)/len(x),5)
def write_date(temp0):
<writes temp0 to mysql db >
# Connect to the database
connection = pymysql.connect(host='', user='', password='', db='',cursorclass = pymysql.cursors.DictCursor)
while True:
temp_percent = get_temp_percent()
print('Temp Percent = {}'.format(temp_percent) )
<some function that do some arithmetic to go temp_percent to temp0>
print('Data Written')
print('Sleep time over')
Function get_temp_percent causes the problem below
Signal handler called with signal 14 <frame object at 0x76274800>
Exception ignored in: <bound method SharedMixin.__del__ of SPI(closed)>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gpiozero/", line 137, in __del__
super(SharedMixin, self).__del__()
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gpiozero/", line 122, in __del__
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gpiozero/", line 82, in close
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gpiozero/pins/", line 102, in close
File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gpiozero/pins/", line 85, in release_all
with self._res_lock:
File "/home/pi/Desktop/testing", line 13, in handler
raise Exception("Something went wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
Exception: Something went wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like your call to gpiozero does a lot of work behind the scenes.
When your exception is processed, the library is trying to clean up and gets stuck.
I took a quick look at the docs for the library and it looks like you may be able to keep hold of the pins so you can re-use them.
import ...
adcs = {}
def get_adc_value(pos):
if pos not in adcs:
adcs[pos] = MCP3008(pos)
return adcs[pos].value
def get_temp_percent(pos=0):
x = []
for i in range(0, 5):
return round(sum(x)/len(x),5)
while True:
temp_percent = get_temp_percent()

Why does 'yield' in a test case let the test pass

I am trying to understand the following python code snippet, taken from the SublimeText3 plugin development unit testing examples.
def test_delayed_insert(self):
lambda: self.view.run_command("delayed_insert_hello_world"),
# `delayed_insert_hello_world` will be execulated after the timeout
# `yield 1000` will yield the runtime to main thread and continue
# the execution 1 second later
yield 1000
row = self.getRow(0)
self.assertEqual(row, "hello world")
How can this work? If unittest does not support this (call the test as a generator), the code would not be executed, right?
My current understanding is the unittest framework takes the yielded value 'x', and suspends itself for 'x' ms, in this case 1000ms, similar to the semantics of yield/sleep in c++ threads. However, that depends on 'unittest' to really use the yielded value in this way.
If it does, why does this test not fail (tried it within st3 = python 3.3.6 and python 3.5.2) ?
from unittest import TestCase
class TestMe(TestCase):
def test_failtest(self):
yield 0
Running it gives:
~$ python3 -m unittest --verbose
test_failtest (test_me.TestMe) ... ok
Ran 1 test in 0.000s
TL;DR the code you linked to is subclassing a custom TestCase class (DeferrableTestCase) which may alter the "normal" behavior of unittest.
Let's take a step back and not use unittest.
def foo():
assert True is False
This raises an AssertionError as expected. However,
def foo():
assert True is False
Does not.
The reason is that the yield keyword turns foo to a generator.
In order to get the AssertionError we would have to consume the generator that foo returns:
def foo():
assert True is False
File "", line 48, in <module>
File "", line 45, in foo
assert True is False
This behavior is inherit to generators and not related to how unittest or assert work:
def foo():
gen = foo()
print('No exception yet')
'No exception yet'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 50, in <module>
File "", line 45, in foo
ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
However, the code you linked to is subclassing a custom TestCase class (DeferrableTestCase) which may alter the behavior.
