I want to merge in partition of hive.
step1. set mapred.reduce.tasks=1
step2. INSERT OVERWRITE ... LIMIT 9999999999
Can I do this?
I have data in AWS S3 for more than 2 months that is partitioned and stored by day. I want to start using the data using the external table that I created.
Currently I see only a couple of partitions and I want to make sure my metadata picks up all the partitions. I tried using msck repair table tablename using hive after logging in to EMR Cluster's master node. However, may be due to data volume, it is taking a lot of time to execute that command.
Can I do msck repair table so that I can load only a specific day? does msck allow to load specific partitions?
You can use
ALTER TABLE table_name ADD [IF NOT EXISTS] PARTITION partition_spec [LOCATION 'location'][, PARTITION partition_spec [LOCATION 'location'], ...];
...as described in Hive DDL doc.
I am using Spark 2.2.1 which has a useful option to specify how many records I want to save in each partition of a file; this feature allows to avoid a repartition before writing a file.
However, it seems this option is usable only with the FileWriter interface and not with the DataFrameWriter one:
in this way the option is ignored
.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 10000)
while in this way it works
df.write.option("maxRecordsPerFile", 10000)
so I am directly writing orc files in the HiveMetastore folder of the specified table. The problem is that if I query the Hive table after the insertion, this data is not recognized by Hive.
Do you know if there's a way to write directly partition files inside the hive metastore and make them available also through the Hive table?
Debug steps :
1 . Check the type of file your hive table consumes
Show create table table_name
and check "STORED AS " ..
For better efficiency saves your output in parquet and on the partition location (you can see that in "LOCATION" in above query) ..If there are any other specific types create file as that type.
2 . If you are saving data in any partition and manually creating the partition folder , avoid that .. Create partition using
alter table {table_name} add partition ({partition_column}={value});
3 .After creating the output files in spark .. You can reload those and check for "_corrupt_record" (you can print the dataframe and check this)
Adding to this, I also found out that the command 'MSCK REPAIR TABLE' automatically discovers new partitions inside the hive table folder
How can we overwrite a partitioned dataset, but only the partitions we are going to change? For example, recomputing last week daily job, and only overwriting last week of data.
Default Spark behaviour is to overwrite the whole table, even if only some partitions are going to be written.
Since Spark 2.3.0 this is an option when overwriting a table. To overwrite it, you need to set the new spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode setting to dynamic, the dataset needs to be partitioned, and the write mode overwrite.
Example in scala:
"spark.sql.sources.partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic"
I recommend doing a repartition based on your partition column before writing, so you won't end up with 400 files per folder.
Before Spark 2.3.0, the best solution would be to launch SQL statements to delete those partitions and then write them with mode append.
Just FYI, for PySpark users make sure to set overwrite=True in the insertInto otherwise the mode would be changed to append
from the source code:
def insertInto(self, tableName, overwrite=False):
"overwrite" if overwrite else "append"
this how to use it:
data.write.insertInto("partitioned_table", overwrite=True)
or in the SQL version works fine.
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE [db_name.]table_name [PARTITION part_spec] select_statement
for doc look at here
This works also for me, since is easier and straighforward
"partitionOverwriteMode", "dynamic").save(path)
Source: https://kontext.tech/article/1067/spark-dynamic-and-static-partition-overwrite
I have a cassandra table which size is ~150 GB. I want to migrate the table to a different cassandra cluster. I have two approaches here :-
1. Using spark job to read data from the old cluster and write to the new cluster.
2. Save the cassandra data to S3 using some format . Once the data is saved to S3 read it again using spark to save the data to the new cluster.
If i go with this approach then what format should i save the data ? Because i have to again read the data from S3. So, which format will be best in this case ? csv or json or parquet ?
I'd recommend using COPY TO command to extract in csv, then copy data back in - https://docs.datastax.com/en/cql/3.3/cql/cql_reference/cqlshCopy.html
COPY my_table TO 'my_table.csv' // on source Cassandra
COPY my_table FROM 'my_table.csv' // on destination Cassandra
I have my Spark job which is running every 30 minutes and writing output to hdfs-(/tmp/data/1497567600000). I have this job continuously running in the cluster.
How can I create a Hive table on top of this data? I have seen one solution in StackOverFlow which creates a hive table on top of data partitioned by date field. which is like,
(`col1` string,
`col2` decimal(38,0),
`create_date` timestamp,
`update_date` timestamp)
PARTITIONED BY (`my_date` string)
LOCATION '/tmp/out/'
and the solution suggests to Alter the table as,
ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ADD PARTITION (my_date=20160101) LOCATION '/tmp/out/20160101'
But, in my case, I have no idea on how the output directories are being written, and so I clearly can't create the partitions as suggested above.
How can I handle this case, where the output directories are being randomly written in timestamp basis and is not in format (/tmp/data/timestamp= 1497567600000)?
How can I make Hive pick the data under the directory /tmp/data?
I can suggest two solutions:
If you can change your Spark job, then you can partition your data by hour (e.g. /tmp/data/1, /tmp/data/2), add Hive partitions for each hour and just write to relevant partition
you can write bash script responsible for adding Hive partitions which can be achieved by:
listing HDFS subdirectories using command hadoop fs -ls /tmp/data
listing hive partitions for table using command: hive -e 'show partitions table;'
comparing above lists to find missing partitions
adding new Hive partitions with command provided above: ALTER TABLE mydb.mytable ADD PARTITION (my_date=20160101) LOCATION '/tmp/out/20160101'