Directline choice prompt not displaying correctly - node.js

Hi we have a chatbot which is developed using bot framework and integrated in Webchat. In this choice prompt display is not correct. At some time it will display as buttons sometimes not. What may be the issue?

This is by design defaulting to as can be seen in the ChoicePrompt class here. The ChoicePrompt class extends the Prompt class which, if no prompt style (inline, list, suggest action, hero card, or none) is supplied, then it defaults to calling ChoiceFactory.forChannel(). This method runs an algorithm that checks a variety of factors to determine the best style for the given channel.
The forChannel() method checks, among other things, the number of choices included and the length of each choice title. If the title's length is too long, limited to 20 characters (ref here), and the number of choices is over 3 (ref here), then default to a list.
This is what is happening to you. However, you can overwrite this by simply passing in the style property in the prompt, like so:
async choiceStep(stepContext) {
const choices = ['Hello', 'No soup for you!', 'Execute Order 66', 'You shall not pass!', 'Make it so, number 1', "You can't handle the truth!"]; // , `${ Number(66) }`];
return await stepContext.prompt(CHOICE_DIALOG_SUB_PROMPT, {
prompt: "Choose and option ,eh?",
choices: ChoiceFactory.toChoices(choices),
style: ListStyle.suggestedAction


How to handle a system.InvalidOperationException when converting from to Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox

I have a very bland messagebox asking my users a simple question (not yes or no). For quick development I used a simple System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox and worded the question ("If you want to choose 'A' click 'Yes' if you want to choose 'B' click 'No'"). Now I'm going back and improving the look and feel of my wpf application and I'm stuck trying to convert this MessageBox into something that looks good.
My preliminary search told me to use Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox to be able to create custom message box but I'm getting an exception when I'm trying to use it.
Old Code
DialogResult dialogResultForDataDisplay = System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Yes: Display by properties \n \t Each row will contain data for a specific asset class in a specific submarket during a specific quarter. \n \n No: Display by quarters \n \t Each row will will show the change over time for a specific property of an asset class in a specific submarket.", "Data Grouping Format", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo);
New Code
Style style = new Style();
style.Setters.Add(new Setter(Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.YesButtonContentProperty, "By Property"));
style.Setters.Add(new Setter(Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.NoButtonContentProperty, "By Quarter"));
MessageBoxResult result = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show("How do you want your information displayed?", "My caption", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.Yes, style);
The new code is generating this exception: System.InvalidOperationException: 'The calling thread must be STA, because many UI components require this.'
How would you go about handling this exception?
One solution I found now is rapping it in an invoke method. If someone has a better solution please post.
MessageBoxResult result = MessageBoxResult.None;
Style style = new Style();
style.Setters.Add(new Setter(Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.YesButtonContentProperty, "Yes, FTW!"));
style.Setters.Add(new Setter(Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.NoButtonContentProperty, "Omg, no"));
result = Xceed.Wpf.Toolkit.MessageBox.Show("How do you want your information displayed?", "My caption", MessageBoxButton.YesNo, MessageBoxImage.Warning, MessageBoxResult.Yes, style);

I am having trouble with writing ScriptRunner Behaviours

I am trying to set two behaviors, but it is very hard because I do not have any coding background. The idea is that the ticket creation screen would hide/show fields depending on what the user chooses.
So the first behavior should be from a dropdown menu with 3 options (SAP, Jira, Other) and the dropdown menu's name is Affected Software. If the user chooses SAP, a textfield to appear which is called Transaction number. If they choose other, another textfield should appear called Please enter software name and otherwise, these should be hidden and not show any other fields.
Here is the code I tried to write:
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FormField
FormField dropDown = getFieldByName("Affected Software")
FormField other = getFieldByName("Transaction Number")
FormField other = getFieldByName("Please enter software name")
if (dropdown.getFormValue() == 'SAP') {
other.setFormValue("SAP chosen")
} if else (dropdown.getFormValue() == "Other")
other.setFormValue("Other chosen")
else {
The second behavior is a bit simpler. There is again a dropdown field called Is there a workaround with these options(yes, no, I don't know). If the user chooses yes, a field should show up called Explain the workaround. Otherwise nothing should change.
This is the code I tried to write for that one
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FormField
FormField dropDown = getFieldByName("Is there a workaround?")
FormField other = getFieldByName("Explain the workaround")
if (dropdown.getFormValue() == 'yes') {
other.setFormValue("yes chosen")
} else {
Could you please let me know what I am doing wrong? Thank you in advance!
I think you are looking for getValue() rather then getFormValue() as this will give you the ID of the underlying value, like an option ID.

Blockly: How to obtain value of a Dropdown or Checkbox Block

I´m new to Blockly and can not find a way to obtain field value of a dropdown or checkbox.
Lets consider following scenario (generated with blockly-dev-tools):
Blockly.Blocks['feature'] = {
init: function () {
.appendField("Feature") // just for label
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldDropdown([["manufacturer", "feature_manufacturer"], ["profile", "feature_profile"], ["glas", "feature_glas"]]), "category"); // for dropdown values
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldCheckbox("TRUE"), "hidden");
now obtaining values from value inputs is not a problem, you can get thouse like this:
const featureName = element.getInputTargetBlock("feature_name");
if (featureName) {
const featurePrio = element.getInputTargetBlock("feature_prio");
if (featurePrio) {
but dummy inputs hosting dropdowns or checkboxes have no methods to provide selected values.
It might be that this is my conceptual error to use dummy inputs to host the elements, but when using value input, you have always those nipples to the right, which are obsolate, since the values are provided by the checkbox or dropdown.
You should be able to skip the middleman and use element.getFieldValue. For example, to get the value from the checkbox field named "hidden", you could use element.getFieldValue("hidden").
P.S. You can also skip the element.getInputTargetBlock middleman and use Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode (I.E., to get the value of the block in the "feature_name" input, you could use Blockly.JavaScript.valueToCode(element, "featureName", Blockly.JavaScript.ORDER_ATOMIC) or what have you). If you use a different generator than JavaScript, replace JavaScript with the generator you use (e.g. Python or whatever).

Customize the search portlet in Plone for specific content types

I'm using the search portlet in certain areas of my website, but I'd like to restrict the results to only search for a specific content type: for example only search the news items, or only show Faculty Staff Directory profiles.
I know you can do this after you get to the ##search form through that "filter" list, but is there a way to start with the filter on, so that the "Live Search" results only show the relevant results (i.e. only news items or only profiles).
I suspect you know it already, but just to be sure: You can globally define which types should be allowed to show up in searchresults in the navigations-settings of the controlpanel, and then export and include the relevant parts to your product's GS-profile-propertiestool.xml.
However, if you would like to have some types excluded only in certain sections, you can customize Products.CMFPlone/skins/plone_scripts/livesearch_reply, which already filters the types, to only show "friendly_types" around line 38 (version 4.3.1) and add a condition like this:
I removed the solution to check for the absolute_url of the context, because the context is actually the livesearch_reply in this case, not the current section-location. Instead the statement checks now, if the referer is our section:
current_location = REQUEST['HTTP_REFERER']
location_to_filter = '/fullpath/relative/to/siteroot/sectionId'
url_to_filter = str(portal_url) + location_to_filter
types_to_filter = ['Event', 'News Item']
if current_location.find(url_to_filter) != -1 or current_location.endswith(url_to_filter):
friendly_types = types_to_filter
friendly_types = ploneUtils.getUserFriendlyTypes()
Yet, this leaves the case open, if the user hits the Return- or Enter-key or the 'Advanced search...'-link, landing on a different result-page than the liveresults have.
An opportunity to apply the filtering to the ##search-template can be to register a Javascript with the following content:
(function($) {
$(document).ready(function() {
// Let's see, if we are coming from our special section:
if (document.referrer.indexOf('/fullpath/relative/to/siteroot/sectionId') != -1) {
// Yes, we have the button to toggle portal_type-filter:
if ($('#pt_toggle').length>0) {
// If it's checked we uncheck it:
if ($('#pt_toggle').is(':checked')) {
// If for any reason it's not checked, we check and uncheck it,
// which results in NO types to filter, for now:
else {
// Then we check types we want to filter:
$("input[value='News Item']").click();
Also, the different user-actions result in different, inconsistent behaviours:
Livesearch accepts terms which are not sharp, whereas the ##search-view only accepts sharp terms or requires the user to know, that you can append an asterix for unsharp results.
When hitting the Enter/Return-key in the livesearch-input, the searchterm will be transmitted to the landing-page's (##search) input-element, whilst when clicking on 'Advanced search...' the searchterm gets lost.
To overcome the sharp results, you can add this to the JS right after the if-statement:
// Get search-term and add an asterix for blurry results:
var searchterm = decodeURI( RegExp("^(?:.*[&\\?]" + encodeURI('SearchableText').replace(/[\.\+\*]/g, "\\$&") + "(?:\\=([^&]*))?)?.*$", "i"), "$1")) + '*';
// Insert new searchterm in input-text-field:
In this related quest, Eric Brehault provides a better solution for passing the asterix during submit: Customize Plone search
Of course you can also customize the target of advanced-search-link in livesearch_reply, respectively in the JS for ##search, yet this link is rather superfluous UI-wise, imho.
Also, if you're still with Archetypes and have more use-cases for pre-filtered searchresults depending on the context, I can recommend to have a look at collective.formcriteria, which allows to define search-criteria via the UI. I love it for it's generic and straightforward plone-ish approach: catalogued indizi and collections. In contradiction to eea.facetednavigation it doesn't break accessibility and can be enhanced progressively with some live-search-js-magic with a little bit of effort, too. Kudos to Ross Patterson here! Simply turn a collection (old-style) into a searchform by changing it's view and it can be displayed as a collection-portlet, as well. And you can decide which criteria the user should be able to change or not (f.e. you hide the type-filter and offer a textsearch-input).
Watch how the query string changes when you use the filter mechanism on the ##search page. You're simply adding/subtracting catalog query criteria.
You may any of those queries in hidden fields in a search form. For example:
<form ...>
<input type="hidden" name="portal_type" value="Document" />
The form on the query string when you use filter is complicated a bit by its record mechanism, which allows for some min/max queries. Simple filters are much easier.

Masking QLineEdit text

I am using PyQt4 QLineEdit widget to accept password. There is a setMasking property, but not following how to set the masking character.
editor = QLineEdit()
There is no setMasking property for QLineEdit in either PyQt4 or Qt4. Are you talking about setInputMask()? If you are, this does not do what you seem to think it does. It sets the mask against which to validate the input.
To get the control to hide what is typed, use the setEchoMode() method, which will (should) display the standard password hiding character for the platform. From what I can see from the documentation, if you want a custom character to be displayed, you will need to derive a new class. In general however, this is a bad idea, since it goes against what users expect to see.
It's quite easy using Qt: you would need to define a new style and return new character from the styleHint method whenever QStyle::SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter constant is queried. Below is an example:
class LineEditStyle : public QProxyStyle
LineEditStyle(QStyle *style = 0) : QProxyStyle(style) { }
int styleHint(StyleHint hint, const QStyleOption * option = 0,
const QWidget * widget = 0, QStyleHintReturn * returnData = 0 ) const
if (hint==QStyle::SH_LineEdit_PasswordCharacter)
return '%';
return QProxyStyle::styleHint(hint, option, widget, returnData);
lineEdit->setStyle(new LineEditStyle(ui->lineEdit->style()));
now the problem is that pyqt doesn't seem to know anything about QProxyStyle; it seem to be not wrapped there, so you're stuck, unless you would want to wrap it yourself.
As docs say
The password character of line edits that have QLineEdit::Password echo mode can be set using:
QLineEdit[echoMode="2"] {
lineedit-password-character: 9679;
In Qt Designer
Select the line edit, and in the Property Editor window, there will be a property echoMode which you can set to Password.
Using python code
In this case, Anti Earth's answer will work which is:
