Best way to shard multi-tenant app in YugabyteDB - yugabytedb

[Question posted by a user on YugabyteDB Community Slack]
I want to someone remove my confusion, please correct me If I am wrong:
I have 3 nodes (3 tables)
Table structure:
ID (Hash of Account/Site/TS)
I have pattern of accounts inside multiple sites. Should I partition by account is it better by site? (Small partition size is better / Large partition size is better).
Read happens by all three columns. Which is a better choice of partition?

YugabyteDB doesn't need declarative partitioning to distributed data (this is done by sharding on the key). Partitioning is used to isolate data (like cold data to archive later, or like geo-distribution placement).
If you define PRIMARY KEY( ( Account, Site, Timestamp ) HASH ) you will have the distribution (YugabyteDB uses a hash function on the columns to distribute to tablets) and no skew (because the timestamp is in it). Sharding is automatic. You don't have to define an additional column for that


How do I design a table in Cassandra for a TinyURL use case?

Recently I came across a well-known design problem.
'Tiny URL'
What I found was people vouching for NoSQL DBS such as DynamoDB or Cassandra. I've been reading about Cassandra for a couple of days, and I want to design my solution around this DB for this specific problem.
What would be the table definition? If I choose the following table definition:
Create table UrlMap(tiny_url text PRIMARY KEY, url text);
Wouldn't this result in a lot of partitions? since my partition key can take on around 68B values (using 6 char base64 strings)
Would that somehow affect the overall read/write performance? If so, what would be a better model to define the table.
Lot's of partitions is fine, think of it as using c* as a key value store.
The primary principle of data modelling in Cassandra is to design one table for each application query.
For a URL shortening service, the main application query is to retrieve the equivalent full URL for a given tiny URI. In pseudo-code, the query looks like:
GET long url FROM datastore WHERE uri = ?
Note that for the purpose of a service, we won't store the web domain name to make the app reusable for any domain. The filter (WHERE clause) is the URI so this is what you want as the partition key so we would design the table accordingly:
CREATE TABLE urls_by_uri (
uri text,
long_url text,
If we want to retrieve the URL for http://tinyu.rl/abc123, the CQL query is:
SELECT long_url FROM urls_by_uri WHERE uri = 'abc123'
As Phact and Andrew pointed, there is no need to worry about the number of partitions (records) you'll be storing in the table because you can store as many as 2^128 partitions in a Cassandra table which for practical purposes is limitless.
In Cassandra, each partition gets hashed into a token value using the Murmur3 hash algorithm (default partitioner). This implementation distributes each partition randomly across all nodes in the cluster. The same hash algorithm is used to determine which node "owns" the partition making retrieval (reads) very fast in Cassandra.
As long as you limit the SELECT queries to a single partition, retrieving the data is extremely fast. In fact, I work with hundreds of companies who have an SLA on reads of 95% between 6-9 milliseconds. This is achievable in Cassandra when you model your data correctly and size your cluster correctly. Cheers!

Client data isolation: can Cassandra store data in different partitions in separate file sets?

Suppose I have a Cassandra table with an integer partition key.
Question: is it possible to arrange for Cassandra to store the table data and indexes for that table in a sets of files by partition value? Alternative approaches like per partition keyspaces or duplicating tables Account1 (for partition key 1), Account2 (for partition key 2) is deemed to undercut Cassandra performance.
The desired outcome is to reduce the possibility of selecting sensitive client data for partition 1 getting other partitions in the process. If the data is kept separate (and searched separately) this risk is reduced --- obviously not eliminated. Essentially it shifts the responsibility of using the right partition key at the right time somewhat onto Cassandra from the application code.
It's not possible in the Cassandra itself, until you separate data into tables/keyspaces, but as you mentioned - it will lead to bad performance.
DataStax Enterprise (DSE) has functionality called Row Level Access Control that allows you to set permissions based on the value of partition key (or part of partition key).
If you need to stick to plain Cassandra, then you need to do it on the application level.

How to decide a good partition key for Azure Cosmos DB

I'm new to Azure Cosmos DB, but I want to have a vivid understanding of:
What is the partition key?
My understanding is shallow for now -> items with the same partition key will go to the same partition for storage, which could better load balancing when the system grows bigger.
How to decide on a good partition key?
Could somebody please provide an example?
Thanks a lot!
You have to choose your partition based on your workload. They can be classified into two.
Read Heavy
Write Heavy
Read heavy workloads are where the data is read more than it has been written, like the product catalog, where the insert/update frequency of the catalogs is less, and people browsing the product is more.
Write Heavy workloads are the ones where the data is written more than it is read. Common scenarios are IoT devices sending multiple data from multiple sensors. You will be writing lots of data to Cosmos DB because you may get data every second.
For read-heavy workload choose the partition key, where the property is used in the filter query. The product example will be the product id, which will be used mostly to fetch the data when the user wants to read the information and browse its reviews.
For Write-heavy workload choose the partition key, where the property is more unique. For example, in the IoT Scenario, use the partition key such as deviceid_signaldatetime, which is concatenating the device-id that sends the signal, and DateTime of the signal has more uniqueness.
1.What is the partition key?
In azure cosmos db , there are two partitions: physical partition and logical partition
A.Physical partition is a fixed amount of reserved SSD-backed storage combined with variable amount of compute resources.
B.Logical partition is a partition within a physical partition that stores all the data associated with a single partition key value.
I think the partiton key you mentioned is the logical partition key.The partition key acts as a logical partition for your data and provides Azure Cosmos DB with a natural boundary for distributing data across physical partitions.More details, you could refer to How does partitioning work.
2.How to decide a good partition key? Could somebody please provide an example?
You need consider to pick a property name that has a wide range of values and has even access patterns.An ideal partition key is one that appears frequently as a filter in your queries and has sufficient cardinality to ensure your solution is scalable.
For example, your data has fields named id and color and you query the color as filter more frequently.You need to pick the color not id for partition key which is more efficient for your query performance. Because every item has different id but maybe has same color.It has wide range. Also if you add a color,the partition key is scalable.
More details ,please read the Partition and scale in Azure Cosmos DB.
Hope it helps you.

Partition key for Azure Cosmos DB collection

I am bit new to Azure Cosmos DB and trying to understand the concepts.
I want help to decide the the best possible partition key for DocumentDB collection. Please refer image below which have possible partitions using different partition keys.
As mentioned in the blog post here,
An ideal partition key is one that appears frequently as a filter in
your queries and has sufficient cardinality to ensure your solution is
From above line, I think, in my case, UserId can be used as partition key.
Can someone please suggest me which key is the best possible candidate for partition key?
From the 10 things to know about DocumentDB Partitioned Collections and micro official document , you could find lots of very good advice about choice of partitioning key, so I'm not going to repeat here.
The selection of partitioning keys depends on the data stored in the database and the frequent query filtering criteria.
It is often advised to partition on something like userid which is good if you have. Suppose your business logic has many queries for a given userid and want to look up no more than a few hundred entries. In such cases the data can be quickly extracted from a single partition without the overhead of having to collate data across partitions.
However, if you have millions of records for the user then partitioning on userid is perhaps the worst option as extracting large volumes of data from a single partition will soon exceed the overhead of collation. In such cases you want to distribute user data as evenly as possible over all partitions. You may need to find another column to be the partition key.
So , if the data volume is very large, I suggest that you do some simple tests based on your business logic and choose the best partitioning key for your performance. After all, the partitioning key cannot be changed once it is set up.
Hope it helps you.
It depends, but here are few things to consider:
The blog post you mentioned say:
Additionally, the storage size for documents belonging to the same partition key is limited to 10GB. An ideal partition key is one that appears frequently as a filter in your queries and has sufficient cardinality to ensure your solution is scalable.
Also, I really recommend to check this post and video,,
The choice of the partition key is an important decision that you have to make at design time. You must pick a property name that has a wide range of values and has even access patterns.
So make sure to choose a partition Key that has many values and meets those requirements.

Problems In Cassandra ByteOrderedPartitioner in Cluster Environment

I am using cassandra 1.2.15 with ByteOrderedPartitioner in a cluster environment of 4 nodes with 2 replicas. I want to know what are the drawbacks of using the above partitioner in cluster environment? After a long search I found one drawback. I need to know what are the consequences of such drawback?
1) Data will not distribute evenly.
What type of problem will occur if data are not distributed evenly?
Is there is any other drawback with the above partitioner in cluster environment if so, what are the consequences of such drawbacks? Please explain me clearly.
One more question is, Suppose If I go with Murmur3Partitioner the data will distribute evenly. But the order will not be preserved, however this drawback can be overcome with cluster ordering (Second key in the primary keys). Whether my understanding is correct?
As you are using Cassandra 1.2.15, I have found a doc pertaining to Cassandra 1.2 which illustrates the points behind why using the ByteOrderedPartitioner (BOP) is a bad idea:
Difficult load balancing More administrative overhead is required to load balance the cluster. An ordered partitioner
requires administrators to manually calculate partition ranges
(formerly token ranges) based on their estimates of the row key
distribution. In practice, this requires actively moving node
tokens around to accommodate the actual distribution of data once
it is loaded.
Sequential writes can cause hot spots If your application tends to write or update a sequential block of rows at a time, then the
writes are not be distributed across the cluster; they all go to
one node. This is frequently a problem for applications dealing
with timestamped data.
Uneven load balancing for multiple tables If your application has multiple tables, chances are that those tables have different row keys and different distributions of data. An ordered
partitioner that is balanced for one table may cause hot spots and uneven distribution for another table in the same cluster.
For these reasons, the BOP has been identified as a Cassandra anti-pattern. Matt Dennis has a slideshare presentation on Cassandra Anti-Patterns, and his slide about the BOP looks like this:
So seriously, do not use the BOP.
"however this drawback can be overcome with cluster ordering (Second key in the primary keys). Whether my understanding is correct?"
Somewhat, yes. In Cassandra you can dictate the order of your rows (within a partition key) by using a clustering key. If you wanted to keep track of (for example) station-based weather data, your table definition might look something like this:
CREATE TABLE stationreads (
stationid uuid,
readingdatetime timestamp,
temperature double,
windspeed double,
PRIMARY KEY ((stationid),readingdatetime));
With this structure, you could query all of the readings for a particular weather station, and order them by readingdatetime. However, if you queried all of the data (ex: SELECT * FROM stationreads;) the results probably will not be in any discernible order. That's because the total result set will be ordered by the (random) hashed values of the partition key (stationid in this case). So while "yes" you can order your results in Cassandra, you can only do so within the context of a particular partition key.
Also, there have been many improvements in Cassandra since 1.2.15. You should definitely consider using a more recent (2.x) version.
