What is this sentence in NLP called? - nlp

I am working on chatbots and need to identify this part of the desired response. Basically, I want the model to return an answer with a chatty and introductory attitude. But I am having problems finding a name for this part of the language.
For example,
Human: Hi! I need help with XYZ, can you help me?
AI: Hey, sure. I am glad you are asking. Just a moment. Here it is. So, [ANSWER].
So, what is this part ("Hey, sure. I am glad you are asking. Just a moment. Here it is. So,") called? Can't even Google it because I don't know what this method/part is called.


How to stop players from seeing your game's code

I'm making a game in unity that you download on your computer via steam (or something). I want to have a place where you can type in questions, and if someone figures out the correct question to ask something big happens.
Now I really don't know if anyone's gonna play this game, but it would be a shame if the fun would be ruined by someone looking at the code and finding what to say. Is this possible?
I would just hardcode an if statement for what question to ask, but I've never published a game before, so I really don't know how this works. Can people actually see the code or is it just all binary? What if I put what question to ask on an online database somewhere else and then bring it in?
Any help would be appreciated.
Also, Is stack overflow the best place to ask this question since it isn't about debugging code?
Nope, it's impossible for the players to see your C# code, because players download a build of your game, which only contains the compiled version of your code.

Build chatbot for education purporse

I try to build pretty simple chatbot which gonna be useful for kids as education tool.
As an example:
Bot: Where do you live?
Expected answer: I live in [Chicago].
Bot: Where is [Chicago]?
Expected answer: It's in Illinois.
And so on..
The main purpose on this bot is check does kid understand simple questions.
Firstly, I hard-coded list of expected answers.
But I thinks I can use for it tool like dialogflow?
Is it smart enough to use that powerful tool for this case?
This is a really broad question, but yes, Dialogflow's Natural Language Understanding engine is certainly powerful enough to be trained with some example answers and extrapolate some other similar ones. It is not perfect, but is better than trying to hard-code and match every possible answer.
I'd suggest you try out Kore.ai bots as well for this very purpose. You can find it in here - bots.kore.ai/botsbuilder
I have been putting myself to train on all the available chatbot frameworks that are there in the market today & I find it convenient to work on Kore.ai platform, more or else based on the use case.
The simple conversation flow - assuming would also have a lot of exceptions, default messaging, interruption handling, session time outs, spelling errors in answers and a proper conversational flow - might be a good excercise over the Kore.ai platform.
Give it a try & let me know before I proceed to spread the word. If you have anymore questions specific to chatbot, please do DM me.

How to automatically detect code snippet from a text sample?

I'm doing some analysis on GitHub comments. But for that, I need to exclude the code samples and error messages from the comments automatically from a large set.
The other easier way to say this would be, I can keep only the English part of the comments. Although there are few libraries to detect the language of a sentence, there are few challenges in my case too. 1) the comment part does not always follow proper English grammar, 2) the code sample and error message mainly consist of English words too.
So what should be my best approach. The results don't need to be 100% accurate, I just want to know the best approach that can give me a satisfactory result at least. Any idea?
This question is old, but my Google search led me to this question; so offering this answer in case anyone stumbles into this question, too.

What is the purpose of qlogin?

Does anyone know what the purpose of qlogin is?
I am told to do that even after I log in into the command line window, but was never clear on what the purpose is. I've asked some computer science people, but even they aren't familiar with it. I'm hoping to get some clarification here.

How do I make a serial/key system?

I would like to make a serial/key system for my program so the user has to enter their serial/key to get the program updated. How would I do so? I am horrible with databases. :\
Thanks alot! :D
See this question, and other questions linked from there such as this one. Most are asked by people using other languages, but answers deal with abstract concepts that apply to any language. Note that this is not an easy problem to solve anyway, and a solution can only be "good enough", never perfect.
