Windows 11 plays a ringing sound every second as if i've added a USB Stick - bluetooth

My Windows 11 Machine is playing the same sound as if you'd add an USB Stick but every second. The reason for that seems to be that it shows my Motherboards Wireless Bluetooth Chip every second to be able to be dismountable. I have unfortunatelly not found anything on the internet. I'm assuming Better Joy for Cemu (which is a program i've installed for bluetooth controllers) is the reason for that. I had not had any previous issues until now. Unfortunatelly i alread removed the application and used the uninstall feature, which solved nothing. I already removed the bluetooth driver from the device manager (which solves it until i reinstall the original one from gigabyte).

it seemed to be not an windows related issue. I reinstalled windows, and the same thing happened.
then i unplugged my PSU, turned it off and waited 20 seconds. Restarted. Problem solved. :/


I've done some research and I can't find the reason to why the USB ports stop working when trying to boot ubuntu

I've looked around a lot at many people's different questions and can't find one that is the same situation as the problem I'm having. Essentially a friend brought me an old PC of theirs with the request that there are some files they want taken off the hard drive. Unfortunately, their version of Windows had corrupted, so my solution was to boot Ubuntu from a USB drive without affecting the hard drive, to access the files and then the computer is going to scrap anyway. Unfortunately, as soon as the ubuntu software starts to load the lights on the keyboard and mouse turn off and when I eventually get to the option of 'Try Ubuntu', neither are responsive. I've tried restarting, I've tried different ports, I've tried unplugging and plugging back in, I've tried a different keyboard and mouse but I cannot find a solution. I installed the latest version of ubuntu from their website. I can use the keyboard in the BIOS settings etc. Anyone know what is happening? All help is greatly appreciated.

How to fix tearing in Qt Quick app with Qt 5.9.1?

My app is having tearing problems when I scroll fast horizontally. Normally I'd just enable vsync, but I don't know how to do that in Qt. The tearing is occurring on my dev PC which runs Linux with a X-server, but it will also need to work well on the target system which is either Android or Linux+EGLFS.
One google result was from the Qt4 era and said that the tearing will be gone in Qt 5. But apparently it isn't.
Many google results are about env vars for embedded linux systems, such as QT_QPA_EGLFS_FORCEVSYNC, but I'd prefer the solution to work for my dev PC as well.
One google result said that vsync being enabled/disabled depends on the renderloop in use. I don't override the renderloop, so, since I'm on linux, I think I'm using the threaded renderloop.
Here's a bugreport about nvidia binary drivers causing this.
I too am using those drivers, so this may be it - just a driver bug. If so, at least it's unlikely to happen on my target hardware (I still haven't tested there), so that's good.

Intermittent Issue with SCAN_Enable error on app load

I acquired a batch of WT0490 wearable pdas with detachable scan head, so converted an application originally made for Windows Mobile (which has been running perfectly for several years) to run on the WT4090s. The devices use these versions:
Windows CE 5.0
EMDK 2.6 CF 2.0
Since rollout I've seen some very frustrating behaviour, which seems to start happening after the devices have been operating a few days. Users are reporting the following error:
Unexpected error in application
There doesnt seem to be any noticeable pattern, several devices will be working perfectly for a few days then suddenly this error will show. THen a few days and a few reboots later they work again.
All devices were taken right back to stock settings then our cabs deployed to them. All identical models. We've tried altering memory allocation, swapping scanner headers etc but there is no pattern.
The error seems to occur on load of the first form after login, the login screen displays a list of users in a dropdown with a password box so that part of the app works ok, it seems to be when the scanner is initialised that this failure happens.
I had 40 devices, now 30+ have gone down with this same issue so my gut is telling me its a software issue but as yet ive not been able to find out why.
We've tried warm boots, cold boots, complete reprovisionings as well. We have a couple of dev units that don't show the problem although they are not in regular use so maybe we just haven't seen the problem 'yet'.
I hope someone out there has had this issue and knows how to fix it.
Thanks in advance.
WT4090 was built by Motorola Solution enterprise business, now part of Zebra Technologies. The WT4090 is currently in EOS (End Of Sales) but is still supported by Zebra if you've a maintenance contract.
You can check if you've the latest OS version and fixes installed on the device looking on Zebra Technologies support website.
For question on how to develop for Zebra Technologies devices you can take a look at Launchpad, Zebra's developer community website.
It's Worth noting that these devices have detachable barcode scanners - so if the scanner is not correctly attached, you get a SCAN_Enable error.
If you don't release the scanner, you can also see this error as a previous form could have the scanner blocked.
You may also find you have the ScanWedge app running - this will also block the scanner so you cannot get it enabled. The EMDK needs exclusive access to the scanner to enable it.

Debugging (possibly) OpenCV related crash on Jetson TK1

What I am looking for: I need help debugging consistently happening system crashes on my Jetson TK1.
System: I am using a Jetson TK1 board from NVIDIA. Updated to 21.3.4 Grinch Kernel. All drivers installed, libopencv4tegra installed alongside ROS (using hacked deb packages to not overwrite openCV). Everything used to work perfectly in this exact setup.
When the crashes happen: I am running a VSLAM program, which uses a camera connected on the USB port. The program is making heavy use of OpenCV. The program used to run for over 1 month without problems in the current setup. Now, I am getting consistent system crashes which result in a total system freeze. When I am connected over ssh, I loose connection. When I connect a monitor to see what happens on the system while it crashes, I can see everything freeze. The USB port also seems to turn off, since not even USB mouse and keyboard work anymore post-crash. The Jetson stays on though.
Crash Logs: I have tried looking into the /var/log/ logs, but none of them show any messages for when the crash happens.
I have run memtester before. It didn't return any bad memory. While running and crashing, the memory onboard is used at about 60-75% (as shown by "top"). CPU usage is around 60%.
The weird thing is that this exact setup has been running just like this for over a month now.
I need to know: are there any other logs I could find information about the crash in? How could I find out if this is related to a hardware failure or whether there's a software issue?

flashing firefox os v1.2 fails for Zte Open

I am trying to build v1.2 of firefox os for my zte-open. With a few hiccups I was a able to configure and build it using the inari device profile. But the process fails at the last stage of flashing.
here is the output of the ./ command
rog% sudo ./
[sudo] password for abhiram:
< waiting for device >
erasing 'cache'...
OKAY [ 0.531s]
finished. total time: 0.531s
erasing 'userdata'...
OKAY [ 1.399s]
finished. total time: 1.399s
sending 'userdata' (53571 KB)...
OKAY [ 4.518s]
writing 'userdata'...
FAILED (status read failed (No such device))
finished. total time: 9.911s
After that the device starts fresh with no userdata (obviously). Right now I am guessing that if it passes the user-data phase it might flash the system and boot partitions.
Btw, my phone running the version 1.1 of the firmware, which was from an official Zte update.
I tried flashing separate partitions of (system and boot) but the it gives me the same error.
with ./ system
FAILED (status read failed (No such device))
I have this same problem. However I do not think that fastboot is disabled.. I say that because I can see ROAMER2 if I do a
fastboot devices
Please note.. if you cannot preform that command try running the following command first
adb reboot bootloader
after this I bet you will be able to see the devices using the fastboot command.
So fastboot seems to be able to connect to the device and the fastboot command erasing cache seemed to have worked, and the fastboot command erasing userdata command worked. So my guess is that it is not fastboot itself but the device preventing the push from occurring.
Perhaps there is a log we can read somewhere?
I called the company. Their official line is that they do not support updating the phone and you should only use the Update feature on the phone itself. There is an update coming however it is being pushed out one a time not a global push to all devices. In some blogs on this subject I saw users complain that the device is advertised as open but is not in fact open. Point being this: If the device is preventing the push as I suspect (then we as a consumer have been tricked) and the device is operating correctly.
Update: (more info)
There is a set of problems and it depends on if you upgraded your phone or not. If you read the discussion here I think it pretty much covers everything:
Also check to see if your device is rooted by the following
adb shell
if you see $ continue to the next command, if you see # you have root
If you are in the same boat as me, and have updated to 1.1 using the ZTE images. Then you are a little stuck. We need to downgrade back to 1.0 revision 2 (B02). This will require the clockwork mod recovery to do this. The problem is that we also need the original img. ZTE has taken this image down. If you have this image or if you can find it please upload it and post it here and in the link I provided (you'll be a hero to a very small group of nerds). Otherwise.. a Mozilla developer stated that ZTE will have yet another update coming soon. (However chances are this is going to be yet another locked down version). So the hunt in on for the original image.
After emailing the b2g-dev mailing list, I figured out that this was a problem with the firmware of the zte-open.
AFAIK, the latest firmware update to 1.1 brings all the devices to OPEN_US_DEV_FFOS_V1.10B01 firmware, which for some reason comes with fast-boot disabled. Hence it is not possible to flash it.
It looks like zte are working to bring out a new update that comes with fastboot enabled. So I guess I'll have to just wait it out.
It took me a while to figure out how to update the damn phone, to upgrade you need to downgrade to the firmware 1.0B02 on which fastboot seems to work.
To downgrade I had to install clockworkmod as the default recovery program complains of signature mismatch( Zte! can't I donwngrade to your older official firmware?).
Rooting and installing clockworkmod, I had to remove some assert checks on the device-name from the updater-script and then pack it. Once this is done downgrading the device is quite simple.
After this I had to individually flash the three images (boot,system,userdata) using fastboot flash command
