I/O error on POST request for "https://demo.docusign.net/restapi - docusignapi

Getting I/O error on POST request for "https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/***** when trying to create an envelope in DocuSign's demo endpoint. I was able to retrieve JWT token successfully but getting I/O error when trying to create an envelope from application running in Docker. Could someone please provide a solution here?

Suggest a great article about using Docker with DocuSign APIs - https://www.docusign.com/blog/developers/using-docker-php-and-more (this one is PHP but the Docker aspect is the same).
Clearly, if this only doesn't work on Docker, this is a networking issue. The docker instance has to be able to make POST/PUT/GET/DEL requests to port 443 of DocuSign endpoints. I would try to open it up completely first (no restrictions) to confirm and then try to put the specific rules in the firewall to allow these calls.
If you can't get it working yourself - you may want to contact DocuSign Developer Support.
For up-tp-date list of IP addresses used by DocuSign go to https://www.docusign.com/trust/security/esignature


IBM Watson Assistant: Access issues when using ngrok for webhook URL

Good morning everyone. I am developing an application that uses the watson assistant webhook by sending some parameters to a server, which analyzes the parameters and based on these sends a response to the application and to watson itself.
Well, it turns out that I was using ngrok to do this test by placing the parameters in watson, until a few days ago I couldn't (or it doesn't exactly let me) make the request.
Cannot create property 'transactionId' on string ' Access Denied Access Denied You don't have permission to access "http://us-south.assistant.watson.cloud.ibm.com/rest/v2/skills/ on this server. Reference '
I have tried other applications that allow me to do the same work as ngrok, but I am new to this and it is very complicated. LOCALTUNNEL solved my problem temporarily, but later it didn't work anymore. I also tried with portmap.io, serveo, pagekite, smee.io among others and I still can't perform my requests.
I would really appreciate any help with my problem. Thank you very much.

Snaplogic REST POST Snap: Failing with SSL error

I am trying to post a simple json to our backend api through REST POST snap. Everything was working. And then we changed the url to a new url and I updated the url in the snap.
But now request is simply not reaching our new api server.
In fact, the snaplogic pipeline also completes successfully, with all snaps turning green. Only when I click on the properties of pipeline, I get to know that REST POST snap has failed, with attached screenshot error.
Please note that we are able to reach the new api server via postman or any other rest client. Nothing has changed at all except for the url.
Can you please help me understand, what exactly is going wrong and where? How to debug this?
Just for everyone's reference, I was able to find out the root cause.
Reason was that the api url was not accessible to snaplogic pod running in our enterprise because of Zscaler firewall.
The confusing part here was the error message returned which says "SSL issue, connection was reset". So if you see issue saying "Connection was reset", assume that snaplogic is unable to access the url as the first problem. Only after making sure, it is not the case, go and look for what exactly the error says.

Pass through http headers with node request call

I'm running a site in node, using the npm package request to communicate with a rest api service I have on the same server, the thing is I need to pass through to the api the headers received from the site, specifically the ip address, right now since the request calls come from the site which is in the same server, all "remote ip" addresses I get on the rest api are localhost ( I don't know if this is possible, if this already has a name (in which case I would have found the solution easier if knew that 'name') or what? XD, any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

Method not allowed when trying to access API methods via SOAP integration

Good day,
I'm having trouble calling DSAPI methods via SOAP ( C# Integration ). I keep getting 405 Method not allowed errors. So far I've tried calling the RequestTemplate and CreateEnvelopeFromTemplates methods, both of which fail. I was able to successfully retrieve the DSAPIServiceSoapClient object and also successfully login via the login method of the credential API. If you need more information, i'm ready to provide them. Thank you.
You're succeeding with the login, which is good.
My guess is that the other calls are not well formed. Perhaps they're missing the right base url (which you receive from the login call).
Are you switching to the different base url for your subsequent calls? (Different server name?)
I suggest that you try the API logging feature and see what it reports. It enables you to see a log of your API requests. See the Request Logging article for the classic DocuSign experience, or the new DocuSign UI.
i just needed to add the in the X-DocuSign-Authentication http header whenever i try to get a DSAPIClient object.

Slackbox - the requested URL could not be retrieved - access denied

I have slackbox running locally, have created a Spotify dev application and have successfully authenticated slackbox. It says I am logged in at http://localhost:5000/. All of my variables have been set, including the slack token, in an .env file via dotenv.
All seems well there.
On the slack side, I have created a slash command mapped to /spotify that POSTs to http://localhost:5000/store. The slash command shows up in my command description list when typing.
When I attempt to use it though, I get an access denied message in chat, I'm assuming due to cross-domain issues:
ERROR: The requested URL could not be retrieved Access Denied.
According to their docs - https://github.com/benchmarkstudios/slackbox - running this locally should work. I also run a Hubot bot locally and it integrates fine with the same slack room.
Any help is appreciated!
Slack’s outgoing slash command requests need to be sent to a public facing url, which is a problem if we want to receive these messages to our local development server.
How do we solve this?
One way is with the use of a secure tunnel which acts as a public HTTPS URL for our local development server. Problem solved!
Who provides this service?
ForwardHQ provide the best user experience, including a browser extension for setting up a local tunnel in one click. They have a free 7 day trial.
My preferred option is ngrok. It’s free for one concurrent tunnel client, with no time restriction. Woop! Its a little harder to use but it does the job.
