How do I enable health extension in azure vmss using Terraform - azure

I can't find documentation to add health and repair extension.
How do i enable health and repair in vmss using Terraform. I already created VMSS but I the health option is disable. I like to enable and configure in my terraform. Anyone has idea?.
If i define under vmss resource block ?

Adding the block has solved the issue
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set" "consul_cluster" {
extension {
name = "ConsulHealthExtension"
publisher = "Microsoft.ManagedServices"
type = "ApplicationHealthLinux"
type_handler_version = "1.0"
auto_upgrade_minor_version = false
settings = jsonencode({
protocol = "http"
port = var.consul_health_port
requestPath = "health"
} ```


Use terraform to add a VM to the new Azure Monitoring (without OMS Agent)

When I configure Azure Monitoring using the OMS solution for VMs with this answer Enable Azure Monitor for existing Virtual machines using terraform, I notice that this feature is being deprecated and Azure prefers you move to the new monitoring solution (Not using the log analytics agent).
Azure allows me to configure VM monitoring using this GUI, but I would like to do it using terraform.
Is there a particular setup I have to use in terraform to achieve this? (I am using a Linux VM btw)
Yes, that is correct. The omsagent has been marked as legacy and Azure now has a new monitoring agent called "Azure Monitor agent" . The solution given below is for Linux, Please check the Official Terraform docs for Windows machines.
We need three things to do the equal UI counterpart in Terraform.
Below is the example code:
data "azurerm_virtual_machine" "vm" {
name = var.vm_name
resource_group_name = var.az_resource_group_name
resource "azurerm_log_analytics_workspace" "workspace" {
name = "${var.project}-${var.env}-log-analytics"
location = var.az_location
resource_group_name = var.az_resource_group_name
sku = "PerGB2018"
retention_in_days = 30
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "AzureMonitorLinuxAgent" {
name = "AzureMonitorLinuxAgent"
publisher = "Microsoft.Azure.Monitor"
type = "AzureMonitorLinuxAgent"
type_handler_version = 1.0
auto_upgrade_minor_version = "true"
virtual_machine_id =
resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule" "example" {
name = "example-rules"
resource_group_name = var.az_resource_group_name
location = var.az_location
destinations {
log_analytics {
workspace_resource_id =
name = "test-destination-log"
azure_monitor_metrics {
name = "test-destination-metrics"
data_flow {
streams = ["Microsoft-InsightsMetrics"]
destinations = ["test-destination-log"]
data_sources {
performance_counter {
streams = ["Microsoft-InsightsMetrics"]
sampling_frequency_in_seconds = 60
counter_specifiers = ["\\VmInsights\\DetailedMetrics"]
name = "VMInsightsPerfCounters"
# associate to a Data Collection Rule
resource "azurerm_monitor_data_collection_rule_association" "example1" {
name = "example1-dcra"
target_resource_id =
data_collection_rule_id =
description = "example"

SentinelOne LinuxExtension - Azure

I am currently looking to deploy the SentinelOne agent via Terraform. There does not appear to be much documentation online for VM extension usage in terms of Terraform. Has anyone successfully deployed the S1 agent via Terraform extension? I am unclear on what to add to the settings/protected_settings blocks. Any help is appreciated.
"azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "example" {
name = "hostname"
virtual_machine_id =
publisher = "SentinelOne.LinuxExtension"
type = "LinuxExtension"
type_handler_version = "1.0"
To add to the settings/protected settings blocks in terraform
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "example" {
name = "hostname"
virtual_machine_id =
publisher = "SentinelOne.LinuxExtension"
type = "LinuxExtension"
type_handler_version = "1.0"
settings = <<SETTINGS
"commandToExecute": "powershell.exe -Command \"${local.powershell_command}\""
tags = {
environment = "Production"
depends_on = [
Settings - The extension's settings are provided as a string-encoded JSON object.
protected settings In the same way that settings are supplied as a JSON object in a string, the protected settings passed to the extension are also.
The keys in the settings and protected settings blocks must be case sensitive according to some VM Extensions. Make sure they are consistent with how Azure expects them (for example, the keys for the JsonADDomainExtension extension the keys are supposed to be in TitleCase)
Reference: azurerm_virtual_machine_extension
Installing the plugin manually and checking the JSON output gives the following settings block:
"LinuxAgentVersion": "",
"SiteToken": "<your_site_token_here"
Unfortunately, this leaves the one critical field required for installation out, since it's a protected setting. That is the field name for the "Sentinel One Console API token".
Working extension example after finding the correct JSON key value:
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "testserver-sentinelone-extension" {
name = "SentinelOneLinuxExtension"
virtual_machine_id =
publisher = "SentinelOne.LinuxExtension"
type = "LinuxExtension"
type_handler_version = "1.2"
automatic_upgrade_enabled = false
settings = <<SETTINGS
"LinuxAgentVersion": "",
"SiteToken": "<your_site_token_here>"
protected_settings = <<PROTECTEDSETTINGS
"SentinelOneConsoleAPIKey": "${var.sentinel_one_api_token}"
EDIT: Figured it out by once again manually installing the extension on another test system, and then digging into the waagent logs on that VM to see what value was being queried by the script.
# cat /var/lib/waagent/SentinelOne.LinuxExtension.LinuxExtension-1.2.0/scripts/ | grep Console
api_token=$(echo "$protected_settings_decrypted" | jq -r ".SentinelOneConsoleAPIKey")

Terraform: Azure VMSS rolling_upgrade does not re-image instances

Having the following VMSS terraform config:
resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set" "my-vmss" {
instances = 2
upgrade_mode = "Rolling"
rolling_upgrade_policy {
max_batch_instance_percent = 100
max_unhealthy_instance_percent = 100
max_unhealthy_upgraded_instance_percent = 0
pause_time_between_batches = "PT10M"
extension {
name = "my-vmss-app-health-ext"
publisher = "Microsoft.ManagedServices"
type = "ApplicationHealthLinux"
automatic_upgrade_enabled = true
type_handler_version = "1.0"
settings =jsonencode({
protocol = "tcp"
port = 8080
However, whenever a change is applied (e.g., changing custom_data), the VMSS is updated but instances are not reimaged. Only after manual reimage (via UI or Azure CLI) do the instances get updated.
The "terraform plan" is as expected - custom_data change is detected:
# will be updated in-place
~ resource "azurerm_linux_virtual_machine_scale_set" "my-vmss" {
~ custom_data = (sensitive value)
Plan: 0 to add, 1 to change, 0 to destroy.
Any idea of how to make Terraform cause the instance reimaging?
It looks like not a terraform issue but a "rolling upgrades" design by Azure. From here (1) it follows that updates to custom_data won't affect existing instances. I.e., until the instance is manually reimaged (e.g., via UI or azure CLI) it won't get the new custom_data (e.g., the new cloud-init script).
In contrast, AWS does refresh instances on custom_data updates. Please let me know if my understanding is incorrect or if you have an idea of how to work around this limitation in Azure.

Azure Disk Encryption with Terraform for multiple disks

So i can encrypt the os disk with Terrafrom from what i have seen on this site. But how do i encrypt the data disks as well? I thought maybe "VolumeType": "All" would cover all disks but that did not happen. This code works for encrypting os disk... what do i need to do for multiple disks? I am stuck.
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
data "azurerm_key_vault" "keyvault" {
name = "testkeyvault1"
resource_group_name = "testRG1"
resource "azurerm_virtual_machine_extension" "vmextension" {
name = "DiskEncryption"
virtual_machine_id = "/subscriptions/<sub id>/resourceGroups/TESTRG1/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/testvm-1"
publisher = "Microsoft.Azure.Security"
type = "AzureDiskEncryption"
type_handler_version = "2.2"
#auto_upgrade_minor_version = true
settings = <<SETTINGS
"EncryptionOperation": "EnableEncryption",
"KeyVaultURL": "${data.azurerm_key_vault.keyvault.vault_uri}",
"KeyVaultResourceId": "${}",
"KeyEncryptionKeyURL": "",
"KekVaultResourceId": "${}",
"KeyEncryptionAlgorithm": "RSA-OAEP",
"VolumeType": "All"
tags = {
Environment = "test"
I tested your code for a newly created VM with 2 Data Disks and it was the same for me as well , If I keep "Volume: ALL" then also only OS Disk get ADE enabled and not the data disks if I verify from portal or Azure CLI.
Solution for it will be as below :
Please make sure that the attached data disks are added as volumes and are formatted from within the VM before adding the extension from Terraform.
Once the above is done and you do a terraform apply to your code , After successful apply it will reflect on Portal and as well as inside the VM.

Create a Service Fabric cluster with Terraform

I'm trying to create a Service Fabric cluster in Azure with a Terraform script. The Azure service provider in Terraform has released a "Service Fabric Cluster" (azurerm_service_fabric_cluster) resource. That resource only creates the service fabric management part, ie not the vm scale sets, or networking resources.
How do I create a working SF cluster via Terraform?
Terraform azurerm_service_fabric_cluster resource only provisions the Management. To provision the nodes, Deploy the VMSS with service fabric extension which configures the SF Nodes.
Refer the example on the official provider GitHub for information.
extension {
name = "${var.prefix}ServiceFabricNode"
publisher = "Microsoft.Azure.ServiceFabric"
type = "ServiceFabricNode"
type_handler_version = "1.1"
auto_upgrade_minor_version = false
settings = jsonencode({
"clusterEndpoint" = azurerm_service_fabric_cluster.example.cluster_endpoint
"nodeTypeRef" = azurerm_service_fabric_cluster.example.node_type[0].name
"durabilityLevel" = "bronze"
"nicPrefixOverride" = azurerm_subnet.example.address_prefixes[0]
"enableParallelJobs" = true
"certificate" = {
"commonNames" = [
"x509StoreName" = "My"
protected_settings = jsonencode({
"StorageAccountKey1" = azurerm_storage_account.example.primary_access_key
"StorageAccountKey2" = azurerm_storage_account.example.secondary_access_key
