Use correct background color for Chrome extension devtools panel - google-chrome-extension

In my Chrome extension, I'm adding a panel to the Developer tools window. By default, the background of my html panel page is white, but I want it to show the correct background color when user switches to dark theme.
I can query the current theme via the chrome.devtools.panels.themeName property, but from there I don't know what the right color code to use for the background if the current theme is the dark theme. The background of the developer tools window is some shade of black. I know it's not 'black'.


Change Xamarin form ios launch screen image

I am working on Xamarin form cross platform app where I need to change default launch screen image.
I changed launch screen images from Asset catalog then lunch screen but when app is launched image is showing small and centered with background of default xamarin background color.
How do i change that too ?
Did you check LaunchScreen.storyboard file?
Maybe you need to check your image dimensions and change the background color of the launch screen in the Resources/LaunchScreen.storyboard file (Color tag).
If you need your launch screen background color white:
<color key="backgroundColor" red="1" green="1" blue="1" alpha="1" colorSpace="calibratedRGB"/>
If you need your launch screen background color black:
<color key="backgroundColor" red="0" green="0" blue="0" alpha="1" colorSpace="calibratedRGB"/>

Changing Font Color in PyCharm "Run" pane

With a dark theme chosen, the "run" pane (not the python "console" nor the "terminal" accessible within PyCharm) shows a very dark font such that it can barely be seen. Switching to a light theme, all is well. I've found help (within Pycharm, here, Google, and YouTube) on setting the font colors for the editor, console, and terminal panes, but not a thing on changing the run-pane colors. Any ideas?
I usually just use native Editor settings in the Preferences.
So you can try going into the :
Preferences > Editor > Color Scheme > Console Colors
click on Console Colors and use the menu on the right
Console > Backgroud > select prefered color
Click Apply to test the color
Click OK to save changes
Hope that helps.
FWIW, I am using the Grep Console plugin (in my older 5.0.6 PyCharm Pro version) which also controls the Run panes and has a fairly configurable color scheme (both background and foreground):
This is how the Run pane looks like (snapshot intentionally smudged):

change background colour of notepad++ editor

I knew that colour can be set through
Settings->Style Configurator
but when the line that I am editing has a different font and background colour which I don't know how to set.
Also when I am selecting an block of code, I can't control the colour of the selection.
Basically I just want to set the editor to have the same color as the typical console, green on black background (which is friendly to eyes, not straining).
Is it possible to customise the color in the notepad++ editor ?
Or anyone knows of an editor that can meet this requirement ?
For me it works fine to do the following:
Go to "Settings" Menu and choose "Style Configurator".
There you choose "Global Styles" (language list) and "Default Style" (style list) and set the colors you want.
You can also try to use the "Global override" style and check the different checkboxes.
In Notepad++ there is quick option without change color setting. In Notepad++ have many themes with different color option.
Notepad++ has many themes which you can select in a dropdown box in the Style Configurator window. Many of these themes (e.g. Bespin, Black board, Twilight) have dark background and different colors for different kinds of text for programming languages.
After Click “Save & Close” Button then Background and Font Color will change, like in the below image.
more information click here

Transparent icon in start menu for universal app

I'm developing a universal app. I have a list of icons in the manifest. The icon on the taskbar is fine, transparency works.
The start menu icon doesn't have transparent edges.
No edges.
The list of icons that I have.
How would I make the edges transparent? Should I add any other icons?
This is by design as the background (behind the tile itself) may be colored quite differently. In the start menu, there's a dark background whereas there's a white background in the Cortana search. Maybe try sending MS your wishes via the feedback app :)
Seems like that it's by design, as you can see, default Windows Apps behave the same too, even those which use transparent color for their logo (like Calculator, Mail, etc).
However, If you set background color of logo and tile to "transparent" (in app manifest) your app icon may get displayed in start menu with transparent background in some circumstances like when Windows is in hight contrast theme.

Splash screen in Windows Store apps

I am developing Windows Store Apps for Tablet using VS2012. Right now i am creating splash screen for my application. My requirement is the splash screen should be display full screen in my app.
but it is working as Center of the screen. Can any one help regarding this...
The answer is that there is no way to create an official splash screen that is full-screen. A splash screen has to use a 620 x 300 pixel image, where it is a normal splash screen or an extended splash screen. However, you can match the background color around the splash screen to the color of the splash screen image (using the instructions you already found), which makes it appear like a full-screen image, even though much of it is just color.
AFAIK a splash screen has to be centered, but maybe a valid work around would be to create a start page (regular xaml) and have this one displayed as initial screen as soon as the splash screen is gone.
But this would mean that your startup time has to be quite fast.
Maybe it's an option for you.
Open the "package.appxmanifest" manifest file.
The manifest should automatically open in the Microsoft Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows 8 Manifest Designer.
Open the Application UI tab and scroll down to the Splash Screen
section. If you are still using project defaults, you should see the
"images\splashscreen.png" path in the Splash Screen field. If you
open "package.appxmanifest" in a text editor, you should see
SplashScreen element as a child of the VisualElements element. For
example, the default splash screen markup in the manifest file looks
like this:
{ <SplashScreen Image="images\splashscreen.png" /> }
Change the splash screen image by using the Browse... button and
confirm that the image was added to your Visual Studio project.
Important The splash screen image you choose must be 620 x 300
pixels using a 1x scaling factor.
In the Background Color field of the Splash Screen section, set the
background color to display with your splash screen image. You can
enter either the name of a color or '#' and the hex value of a color.
Setting a background color for your splash screen is optional. If you
do not specify a color, the splash screen background color defaults
to the Tile background color (the color in the Background Color field
of the Tile section in the Application UI tab). If you open
package.appxmanifest in a text editor, the Tile background color is
specified via the BackgroundColor attribute of the VisualElements
my workaround is make a 620x300 splash .png image with alpha background, so its not a full 620x300 image. the image itself is just a 300x300 logo. my suggestion is just make a small center image (your app logo or something else) and make it blend to the background (gradient or alpha)
