How to have only 1 space through using deleteallcharactermischevious from rule steps using IBM Data-Cap - ibm-datacap

i need some help on my issue currently i have created a rule step there where i want to extract the name for example
as i have use this step
where i only allowchar(A-Z)
and if i use deleteallcharactermischevious it will only have like this after the extraction
I would like to have a space at LIU ZHIJUN Example as the << represent as a space characters
currently if i put allowchar(A-Z<)
i would been given this field
as there 2 << where each represent a space so it become a double space for it
so if this is the situation how can i fix it ?


Trying to bind a complex file name in a DBI insert place holder, but special characters get mangled

Guys I don't know if this is a bind problem, character set problem or something I haven't considered. Here's the challenge - the file system was written by some cd ripping software but the problem is more generic, I need to be able to insert any legal filename from a Linux OS into a database, this set of titles is just a test case.
I tied to make this as clear as I could:
find(\&process, $_);< populates #fnames with File::Find:name
my $count = scalar #fnames;
print "File count $count\n";
So I use File:Find to fill the array with the file name strings, some are really problematic..
$stm = $dbh_sms->prepare(qq{
INSERT INTO $table (path) VALUES (?)
foreach $fname(#fnames){
print "File:$fname\n";
Now here's what I see printed, compared to what comes back out of MariaDb, just a few examples showing the problem:
A bunch of these titles have the back ticks, they are problem #1 - here's how they come back out of a select against the table after I populate it:
This character is also a problem:
File:/test1/music/Blue Öyster Cult - Workshop Of The Telescopes/01 - Blue Öyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper.mp3
From the database:
/test1/music/Blue Ãyster Cult - Workshop Of The Telescopes/01 - Blue Ãyster Cult - Don't Fear The Reaper.mp3
And one more, but far from the last of the problematic strings:
File:/test1/music/Better Than Ezra - Deluxe/03 - Better Than Ezra - Southern Gürl.mp3
Comes out as:
/test1/music/Better Than Ezra - Deluxe/03 - Better Than Ezra - Southern Gürl.mp3
I though this was a character set problem, so I added this to the connect string:
{ RaiseError => 1, mysql_enable_utf8mb4 => 1 }
I've also tried:
$dbh_sms->do('SET NAMES utf8mb4');
Is that a hex C2 being added to the string? (Edit: it's an octal 303, hex c3) I've also tried changing the column to varbinary and still see the same results. Anyone have a clue why this is happening? I'm at a loss....
Edit - I dumped the table with OD to find out what is actually getting inserted since I was of the belief that with a placeholder, a bind variable would be written without interpolation, basically a binary transfer. To save my eyes, I just did a handful of records concentrating on what I thought was a 'back tick' from the above example, which is an octal 264, AKA "Acute accent - spacing acute".
It is in the table, but preceded by 303 202 and 302, which are a couple of those 'A' characters with the icing on top and a "low quote" character in between. Which contradicts my prior understanding about the utility of place holders and bind variables.
So I am more confused now than before.
I found the problem, it was in the perl character encoding:
$fname = decode("UTF-8", $fname);
was all I needed.

file transfer Extra attachmate appends username to host file name

Hi when I try to download a file from mainframe, using attachmate extra it appends the username also along with it. I dont know where to turn it off.
like for example - file name is, then when i try to transfer of file it transfers
in 3.4 the option to append user name is turned off. Still its happening
Enclose the entire dataset name (including the high-level qualifier) in single quotes. This is a TSO (not JCL) convention - if you refer to a dataset without single quotes, it pre-pends your user ID as the high-level qualifier; however if you place single quotes around the dataset name it will take it 'as is' (well, it will uppercase it, since all z/OS dataset names are uppercase, but otherwise it will be 'as is').

I need to count the number of elements (words) separated by space in R

I have this string for instance,
[1] "problem delet detach partit db2 luw v9 7 recent prod environ problem drop detach partit give error db21034e command process sql statement valid command line processor command sql process return sql20285n statement command allow tabl name schemanam tablenam jan1 detach depend asynchron partit detach oper complet reason code 2 sqlstate 55057 research find ibm say need restart instanc solv issu link think seen mani incid describ pleas help issu thank advanc http www 01 ibm com support docview wss uid swg21515721 "
I just need to count the number of words in s..
Try this one :
String test="your sample text";
System.out.println("number of words starting on s : "+test.split(" s").length);
split(String regex) - return array of strings split by regex.
in a place of "regex" use " s" (single space before "s") starting of new words in S.

Allocating matrix / structure data instead of string name to variable

I have a script that opens a folder and does some processing on the data present. Say, there's a file "XYZ.tif".
Inside this tif file, there are two groups of datasets, which show up in the workspace as
If I want to continue with the 2nd set, I can use
However, XYZ usually is much longer and varies per file, whereas data.ch3e is consistent.
Therefore I tried
where origfilename of course is XYZ, which has (automatically) been extracted before.
However, that gives me a string A (since I practically typed
instead of the matrix that data.ch3eXYZ actually is.
I think it's just a problem with ()'s, []'s, or {}'s but Ican't seem to figure it out.
Thanks in advance!
If you know the string, dynamic field references should help you here and are far better than eval
Slightly modified example from the linked blog post:
fldnm = 'fred';
s.fred = 18;
y = s.(fldnm)
y =
So for your case:
test = data.(['ch3e' origfilename]);
Should be sufficient
Edit: Link to the documentation

Increasing the number of suggests shown in omnibox

Is it in anyway possible to increase the number of suggests that your extension may show in the omnibox?
By default it looks like 5 rows is the limit. I've read about a command line switch to change the number of rows (--omnibox-popup-count) but I am really interested in dynamically being able to set this in my extension.
5 rows isn't really enough for the information my extension want to show.
[Update 2018 - thanx version365 & Aaron!]
» Not hardcoded anymore! chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-max-autocomplete-matches . Credit goes to #version365 answering below: « – Aaron Thoma
..[historical] detail: since the removal of --omnibox-popup-count flag ( in May 2010 the number [was] hardcoded:
const size_t AutocompleteResult::kMaxMatches = 6;
a discussion two years later on the chromium-discuss mailing list about the 'Omnibox default configuration' "concluded"
"On lower performing machines generating more result would slow down the result display. The current number look like a good balance."
[which is not a very valid argument, considering the probably infinitesimal overhead retrieving more items than the hard-wired number]
why the heck is there no chromium fork that removes stupid UX limitations like this (or the no tabbar in fullscreen mode)^^
Since there is no more --omnibox-popup-count flag; you can use another flag which is new.
chrome://flags/#omnibox-ui-max-autocomplete-matches lets you select a maximum of 12 rows.
In fact there is no more --omnibox-popup-count flag
So I think there is no way to enlarge the omnibox.
