How can I obtain a document from a Cosmos DB using a field in an array as a filter? - azure

I have a Cosmos DB with documents that look like the following:
"name": {
"productName": "someProductName"
"identifiers": [
"identifierCode": "1234",
"identifierLabel": "someLabel1"
"identifierCode": "432",
"identifierLabel": "someLabel2"
I would like to write a sql query to obtain an entire document using "identifierLabel" as a filter when searching for the document.
I attempted to write a query based on an example I found from the following blog:
SELECT c,t AS identifiers
JOIN t in c.identifiers
WHERE t.identifierLabel = "someLabel2"
However, when the result is returned, it appends the following to the end of the document:
"name": {
"productName": "someProductName"
"identifiers": [
"identifierCode": "1234",
"identifierLabel": "someLabel1"
"identifierCode": "432",
"identifierLabel": "someLabel2"
"identifierCode": "432",
"identifierLabel": "someLabel2"
How can I avoid this and get the result that I desire, i.e. the entire document with nothing appended to it?
Thanks in advance.

Using ARRAY_CONTAINS(), you should be able to do something like this to retrieve the entire document, without any need for a self-join:
where ARRAY_CONTAINS(c.identifiers, {"identifierLabel":"someLabel2"}, true)
Note that ARRAY_CONTAINS() can search for either scalar values or objects. By specifying true as the third parameter, it signifies searching through objects. So, in the above query, it's searching all objects in the array where identifierLabel is set to "someLabel2" (and then it should be returning the original document, unchanged, avoiding the issue you ran into with the self-join).


Moving specific Index Data into a new Index within Elasticsearch

I have several million docs, that I need to move into a new index, but there is a condition on which docs should flow into the index. Say I have a field named, offsets, that needs to be queried against. The values I need to query for are: [1,7,99,32, ....., 10000432] (very large list) in the offset field..
Does anyone have thoughts on how I can move the specific docs, with those values in the list into a new elasticsearch index.? My first though was reindexing with a query, but there is no pattern for the offsets list..
Would it be a python loop appending each doc to a new index? Looking for any guidance.
Are the documents really large, or can you add them into an jsonl file for bulk ingestion?
In what form is the selector list, the one shown as "[1,7,99,32, ....., 10000432]"?
I'd do it in Pandas, but here is an idea in ES parlance.
Whatever you do, do use the _bulk API, or the job will never finish.
You can run a query based upon as file as per
GET my_index/_search?_file="myquery_file"
You can put all the ids into a file, myquery_file, as below:
"query": {
"ids" : {
"values" : ["1", "4", "100"]
"format": "jsonl"
and output as jsonl to ingest.
You can do the above for the reindex API.
"source": {
"index": "source",
**"query": {
"match": {
"company": "cat"
"dest": {
"index": "dest",
"routing": "=cat"
I was facing a time crunch, and had to throw in a personalized loop to query a very specific subset of indices..
df = pd.read_csv('C://code//part_1_final.csv')
offsets = df['OFFSET'].tolist()
# Offsets are the "unique" values I need to identify the docs by.. There is no pattern in these values, thus I must go one by one..
missedDocs = []
for i in offsets:
"source": {
"index": "<source_index>,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
{ "match" : {"<index_filed_1>": "1" }},
{ "match" : {"<index_with_that_needs_values_to_match": i }}
"dest": {
"index": "<dest_index>"
except KeyError:
print('DOC ERROR')

CouchDB Mango query - Match any key with array item

I have the following documents:
"_id": "doc1"
"binds": {
"subject": {
"Test1": ["something"]
"object": {
"Test2": ["something"]
"_id": "doc2"
"binds": {
"subject": {
"Test1": ["something"]
"object": {
"Test3": ["something"]
I need a Mango selector that retrieves documents where any field inside binds (subject, object etc) has an object with key equals to any values from an array passed as parameter. That is, if keys of binds contains any values of some array it should returns that document.
For instance, consider the array ["Test2"] my selector should retrieve doc1 since binds["subject"]["Test1"] exists; the array ["Test1"] should retrieve doc1 and doc2 and the array ["Test2", "Test3"] should also retrieve doc1 and doc2.
F.Y.I. I am using Node.js with nano lib to access CouchDB API.
I am providing this answer because the luxury of altering document "schema" is not always an option.
With the given document structure this cannot be done with Mango in any reasonable manner. Yes, it can be done, but only when employing very brittle and inefficient practices.
Mango does not provide an efficient means of querying documents for dynamic properties; it does support searching within property values e.g. arrays1.
Using worst practices, this selector will find docs with binds properties subject and object having properties named Test2 and Test3
"selector": {
"$or": [
"binds.subject.Test2": {
"$exists": true
"binds.object.Test2": {
"$exists": true
"binds.subject.Test3": {
"$exists": true
"binds.object.Test3": {
"$exists": true
The problems
The queried property names vary so a Mango index cannot be leveraged (Test37 anyone?)
Because of (1) a full index scan (_all_docs) occurs every query
Requires programmatic generation of the $or clause
Requires a knowledge of the set of property names to query (Test37 anyone?)
The given document structure is a show stopper for a Mango index and query.
This is where map/reduce shines
Consider a view with the map function
function (doc) {
for(var prop in doc.binds) {
if(doc.binds.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
// prop = subject, object, foo, bar, etc
var obj = doc.binds[prop];
for(var objProp in obj) {
if(obj.hasOwnProperty(objProp)) {
// objProp = Test1, Test2, Test37, Fubar, etc
So the map function creates a view for any docs with a binds property with two nested properties, e.g. binds.subject.Test1,
Given the two documents in the question, this would be the basic view index
And since view queries provide the keys parameter, this query would provide your specific solution using JSON
include_docs: true,
reduce: false,
keys: ["Test2","Test3"]
Querying that index with cUrl
$ curl -G http://{view endpoint} -d 'include_docs=false' -d
'reduce=false' -d 'keys=["Test2","Test3"]'
would return
"total_rows": 4,
"offset": 2,
"rows": [
"id": "doc1",
"key": "Test2",
"value": "object"
"id": "doc2",
"key": "Test3",
"value": "object"
Of course there are options to expand the form and function of such a view by leveraging collation and complex keys, and there's the handy reduce feature.
I've seen commentary that Mango is great for those new to CouchDB due to it's "ease" in creating indexes and the query options, and that map/reduce if for the more seasoned. I believe such comments are well intentioned but misguided; Mango is alluring but has its pitfalls1. Views do require considerable thought, but hey, that's we're supposed to be doing anyway.
1) $elemMatch for example require in memory scanning which can be very costly.

Indexing a JSON file with multiple documents in elastic search

I am new to elasticsearch i want to index a JSON file and perform search queries from elasticsearch
How can I index this json and perform queries to get value if i pass parameter as "field3.innerfield" : "someval"
I have tried indexing this file with helpers.bulk and search but it returns all the fields instead of a selected field.
Below is the JSON sample
"id": "someid",
"metadata": {
"docType": "value",
"otherfield": " ",
"field3": [
"innerfield": "someval",
"kind of a paragraph"
"field4": [
"innerfield": "someval",
"innerfield1": "kind of a paragraph"
{ again the format repeats with different id but same fields
Your question lacks clarity however what I understood is that you want to fetch values from its key for a nested json. You can do that in the following way as shown below.
Parse it multiple times and make the required changes as per your need.
import json
data = data.apply(lambda x: json.loads(json.loads(x).get("metadata","{}")).get("doctype") if x else None)

How would I query keys such that it would partially match?

Let's take this document for example:
["Mark Zuckerberg","human"]]
I created a search index to index the name and type, for example if searched for name:wolverine or type:mutant I'd get the document that has it. But as per my requirement I don't want the whole document, I only want ["wolverine","mutant"] I've created a view that outputs as:
Then I found out I can query only with keys. (Is it possible to create search indexes on views?, Couldn't find anything in the documentation)
Or should I create views along with the one above like this:
This way I can query with keys that I want but I can't seem to partial match keys(Am I missing something?)
If you need the output to be exactly as described then I believe you have to use views, and to support wildcard searches I believe you will have to index every substring of a key.
One alternative is to use Cloudant Query, although admittedly you cannot get the exact output you are looking for. If you issue a query like so:
"selector": {
"_id": {
"$gt": 0
"data": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$elemMatch": {
"$regex": "(?i)zuck"
"fields": [
The result will be the entire data array:
"data": [
["wolverine", "mutant"],
["Storm", "mutant"],
["Mark Zuckerberg", "human"]

Linking nested documents together and facetting in ElasticSearch

I have a mapping which looks like this:
"mappings": {
"mydoc": {
"properties": {
"event": {
"type": "nested",
"properties": {
"eventType": {
"type": "string"
"idList": {
"type": "integer"
"id": {
"type": "integer"
A mydoc document contains a nested array of event documents.
Within a mydoc document, I want to find all IDs where:
There exists an event with event.type='A' and event.idList contains some ID X
There exists another event with event.type='B' and equals X
Across the index, I want a list of IDs where this criteria holds and also a count (for each ID) of the number of mydoc documents this occurred in.
Is it possible to achieve this in ElasticSearch? I was thinking it might be possible with a nested facet filter or a terms filter lookup but I have not seen a way to do it with these yet.
I think that a parent-child relation might suit your case better then a nested document.
Then you can query you (child) events document directly if you're searching only in the scope of the events (or add a condition on the _parent field to limit to a specific top document).
And you can use the has_child filter or query to search (or facet) on your top documents with conditions on the events (see )
