API Request passing ID fetched from mongodb - node.js

I´m a Java Dev so I need help from NodeJS guys!
Task: create a script that retrieves '_id', 'document', and 'corporateName' from MongoDB, then take the retrieved '_id', and pass it as a parameter to an API request. The last part should be taking 'document', 'corporateName' + 'client_id', 'client_secret' and export it into a single csv file.
It might be a very simple script! Therefore I´ve done this till now:
const {MongoClient} = require('mongodb');
const uri = "mongodb+srv://<privateInfo>/";
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
async function run() {
try {
const database = client.db("merchant-profile");
const ecs = database.collection("merchant_wallet");
const api = `https://<prodAPI>/v1/merchant/wallet/${id}/oauth2`;
const ecOpt = {_id: 1, document: 1, corporateName: 1};
const credOpt = {client_id: 1, client_secret: 1};
const ec = ecs.find({}).project(ecOpt);
let id = ec.forEach(id => cred._id);
const cred = api.find({}).project(credOpt);
await cred.forEach(console.dir);
} finally {
await client.close();
I´m trying to understand how can I take '_id' fetched in 'ec' and pass it as a param to the 'cred' call.
This would already be awesome!
If you could help me out with the CSV issue as well it would be perfect.
So I don´t want just the answer, but understand how to do this.
Thank you all in advance!

This is the way I found to do it:
const { default: axios } = require("axios");
const { MongoClient } = require("mongodb");
const uri = "mongodb+srv://admin:sLKJdsdRp4LrsVtLsnkR#pp-core-prd.fy3aq.mongodb.net/";
const client = new MongoClient(uri);
async function run() {
try {
const database = client.db("merchant-profile");
const ecs = database.collection("merchant_wallet");
const data = [];
await ecs.find({}).forEach(async function teste(response) {
const id = response._id;
const api = `https://api.pedepronto.com.br/v1/merchant/wallet/${id}/oauth2`;
const res = await axios.get(api);
data.push({client_secret: res.data[0].client_secret, client_id: res.data[0].client_id})
} finally {
await client.close();
It iterates over the find method and appends the fetched id to the uri.


AWS Timestream - SDK V3 Nodejs, TimestreamWriteClient.send() - TypeError: command.resolveMiddleware is not a function. How to solve this?

I have the following lambda function in NodeJs 14.x using AWS SDK V3 for a timestream insertion process:
'use strict'
// https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSJavaScriptSDK/v3/latest/clients/client-timestream-write/index.html
const { TimestreamWriteClient } = require("#aws-sdk/client-timestream-write")
const client = new TimestreamWriteClient({ region: process.env.region })
module.exports.fnPostElectricityTimestream = async event => {
try {
console.log('🚀 START fnPostElectricityTimestream')
const jsonBody = event
const topic = jsonBody.topic
const arrTopic = topic.split('/')
let dbName = arrTopic[4]
dbName = 'smaj56g' //Test
const currentTime = Date.now().toString() // Unix time in milliseconds get jsonBody.e_timestamp
const e_timestamp = (jsonBody.e_timestamp)*1000
const dimensions = [{
'Name': 'n',
'Value': 'v'
const e_ch_1 = {
'MeasureName': 'e_ch_1',
'MeasureValue': '[1,2,3]',
'MeasureValueType': 'VARCHAR',
'Time': currentTime
const records = [e_ch_1]
const params = {
DatabaseName: dbName,
Records: records
const data = await client.send(params);
console.log('data', data)
return {
message: ''
} catch (error) {
console.log('🚀 fnPostElectricityTimestream - error.stack:', error.stack)
return {
message: error.stack
When I run the lambda this is the message I am getting:
2022-08-12T14:58:39.496Z e578a391-06b4-48a9-9f9d-9440a373c19e INFO 🚀 fnPostElectricityTimestream - error.stack: TypeError: command.resolveMiddleware is not a function
at TimestreamWriteClient.send (/var/task/node_modules/#aws-sdk/smithy-client/dist-cjs/client.js:13:33)
at Runtime.module.exports.fnPostElectricityTimestream [as handler] (/var/task/src/ElectricityTimestream/fnPostElectricityTimestream.js:38:31)
at Runtime.handleOnceNonStreaming (/var/runtime/Runtime.js:73:25)
There is something with const data = await client.send(params).
I am following the asyncawait code in this documentation.
How to solve this issue?
Your current insertion code is wrong. In order to write the records in the TimeStream, you need to use the WriteRecordsCommand command. Refer to the doc for a better understanding. Sample code:
import { TimestreamWriteClient, WriteRecordsCommand } from "#aws-sdk/client-timestream-write";
const client = new TimestreamWriteClient({ region: "REGION" }); //your AWS region
const params = {
DatabaseName: dbName, //your database
TableName: tableName, //your table name
Records: records //records you want to insert
const command = new WriteRecordsCommand(params);
const data = await client.send(command);
you need to create a command before calling send.
For example:
import { TimestreamWriteClient, CreateDatabaseCommand } from "#aws-sdk/client-timestream-write";
const params = {
DatabaseName: dbName,
Records: records
const command = new CreateDatabaseCommand(params);
const data = await client.send(command);

Get data from firestore document and use in cloud function

In the user's collection, each user has a document with a customer_id.
I would like to retrieve this customer_id and use it to create a setup intent.
The following code has worked for me in the past. However, all of a sudden it throws the error:
Object is possibly 'undefined'
The error is on the following line under snapshot.data() in this line:
const customerId = snapshot.data().customer_id;
Here is the entire code snippet:
exports.createSetupIntent = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const userId = data.userId;
const snapshot = await db
const customerId = snapshot.data().customer_id;
const setupIntent = await stripe.setupIntents.create({
customer: customerId,
const clientSecret = setupIntent.client_secret;
const intentId = setupIntent.id;
return {
clientsecret: clientSecret,
intentId: intentId,
Any help is appreciated :)
this is because snapshot.data() may return undefined
there are 2 ways to solve this
first is assert as non-null, if you have high confident that the data exist
const customerId = snapshot.data()!.customer_id;
second if check for undefined
const customerId = snapshot.data()?.customer_id;
// ....
I recommend the 2nd method, it is safer
I can see you are using a sub collection order,You need to loop through the snapshot data using the forEach loop.
const customerId = snapshot.data()
customerId.forEach((id)=> {
Try this out but.
The document you're trying to load may not exist, in which case calling data() on the snapshot will return null, and thus this line would give an error:
const customerId = snapshot.data().customer_id;
The solution is to check whether the document you loaded exists, and only then force to get the data from it:
if (snapshot.exists()) {
const customerId = snapshot.data()!.customer_id;
if you want to fetch user data from docId then you can use something like this:
const functions = require("firebase-functions");
var admin = require('firebase-admin');
var db = admin.firestore();
db.settings({ timestampsInSnapshots: true });
exports.demoFunction = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
var userId = request.body.userId;
db.collection("user").doc(userId).get().then(snapshot => {
if (snapshot) {
var data = snapshot.data();
// use data to get firestore data
var yourWantedData = data.name;
// use it in your functionality

Opensea listing through Opensea-js is not working

I have created a nft and is listed in OpenSea. Now I am trying to create sell order of my item through opensea-js sdk. Unfortunately it is not working. Do not know where I am making a mistake. Also I am not sure on base derivation path. Below is my code to create sell order. Pls help me resolving this.
const opensea = require("opensea-js");
const OpenSeaPort = opensea.OpenSeaPort;
const Network = opensea.Network;
const MnemonicWalletSubprovider = require("#0x/subproviders")
const RPCSubprovider = require("web3-provider-engine/subproviders/rpc");
const Web3ProviderEngine = require("web3-provider-engine");
const MNEMONIC = "accuse never ....";
const NFT_CONTRACT_ADDRESS = "0x6C317E7dE3e8823BBc308a2912Ba6F24587fc167";
const OWNER_ADDRESS = "0x589a1532AAaE84e38345b58C11CF4697Ea89A866";
API_KEY = "";
const infuraRpcSubprovider = new RPCSubprovider({
rpcUrl: "https://rinkeby.infura.io/v3/c0e4482bdf9e4f539692666cd56ef6e4"
const BASE_DERIVATION_PATH = `44'/60'/0'/0`;
const mnemonicWalletSubprovider = new MnemonicWalletSubprovider({
mnemonic: MNEMONIC,
baseDerivationPath: BASE_DERIVATION_PATH,
chainId: 4
const providerEngine = new Web3ProviderEngine();
const seaport = new OpenSeaPort(
networkName: Network.Rinkeby,
apiKey: API_KEY,
(arg) => console.log(arg)
async function main() {
console.log("Auctioning an item for a fixed price...");
const fixedPriceSellOrder = await seaport.createSellOrder({
asset: {
tokenId: "3",
startAmount: 0.0001,
expirationTime: 0,
accountAddress: OWNER_ADDRESS,
}) ;
console.log("fixedPriceSellOrder") ;
This has been resolved. I have changed the HDProvider to #truffle/hdwallet-provider. Now I could see the listing in opensea after createSellOrder through opensea-js.
This link helped me to get this resolved

pool.request is not a function

I would like to setup my prepared statements with the mssql module. I created a query file for all user related requests.
const db = require('../databaseManager.js');
module.exports = {
getUserByName: async username => db(async pool => await pool.request()
.input('username', dataTypes.VarChar, username)
username = #username;`))
This approach allows me to require this query file and access the database by executing the query that is needed
const userQueries = require('../database/queries/users.js');
const userQueryResult = await userQueries.getUserByName(username); // call this somewhere in an async function
My database manager handles the database connection and executes the query
const sql = require('mssql');
const config = require('../config/database.js');
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config).connect();
module.exports = async request => {
try {
const result = await request(pool);
return {
result: result.recordSet,
err: null
} catch (err) {
return {
result: null,
When I run the code I get the following error
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: pool.request is not a
Does someone know what is wrong with the code?
I think this happens because the pool is not initialized yet... but I used async/await to handle this...
Here is how I made your code work (I did some drastic simplifications):
const sql = require("mssql");
const { TYPES } = require("mssql");
const CONN = "";
(async () => {
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(CONN);
const poolConnect = pool.connect();
const getUserByName = async username => {
await poolConnect;
try {
const result = await pool.request()
.input("username", TYPES.VarChar, username)
username = #username;`);
return {
result: result.recordset,
err: null
} catch (err) {
return {
result: null,
console.log(await getUserByName("Timur"));
In short, first read this.
You probably smiled when saw that the PR was created just 2 months before your questions and still not reflected in here.
Basically, instead of:
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config).connect();
you do this:
const pool = new sql.ConnectionPool(config);
const poolConnection = pool.connect();
//later, when you need the connection you make the Promise resolve
await poolConnection;

Trying to send the ltc coin uisng Bitgo js

I want to send the ltc using bitGo js api, but its not wokring there is issue of the amount.It works well for btc but not for ltc.I have tried to covert the amount into satoshi and litoshi but till it not working.Following is my code:
const BitGoJS = require('../../src/index');
const bitgo = new BitGoJS.BitGo({ env: 'test' });
const Promise = require('bluebird');
const coin = 'tltc';
const basecoin = bitgo.coin(coin);
// TODO: set your access token here
const accessToken = null;
const walletId = '5941ce2db42fcbc70717e5a898fd1595';
// TODO: set your passphrase here
const walletPassphrase = null;
Promise.coroutine(function *() {
bitgo.authenticateWithAccessToken({ accessToken: accessToken });
const walletInstance = yield basecoin.wallets().get({ id: walletId });
const newReceiveAddress1 = yield walletInstance.createAddress();
const newReceiveAddress2 = yield walletInstance.createAddress();
const transaction = yield walletInstance.sendMany({
recipients: [
amount: '12341234', //not getting how to convert the amount here
address: newReceiveAddress1.address
walletPassphrase: walletPassphrase
const explanation = basecoin.explainTransaction({ txHex: transaction.tx });
console.log('Wallet ID:', walletInstance.id());
console.log('Current Receive Address:', walletInstance.receiveAddress());
console.log('New Transaction:', JSON.stringify(transaction, null, 4));
console.log('Transaction Explanation:', JSON.stringify(explanation, null, 4));
Please suggest some solution how to resolve the amount issue while passing to the api for send method in bitGo js
