Scan for discoverable bluetooth devices MAC address on Mac OS - bluetooth

I've been searching for a mac alternative to hcitool for a long time with no success. I just want to be able to scan the area for discoverable bluetooth devices and get a list of the MAC addresses in the area. I'd preferably like to have this functionality usable programmatically. Thanks!


NodeJS - add device to BLE whitelist

I am using #abandonware/noble for scanning and interrogating Bluetooth devices on Linux. I could not, however, find a method to add a MAC address to the LE whitelist, similar to hcitool lewladd on Linux. Is there a way to do it using noble?

Emulate multiple Bluetooth Devices

I want to use a linux machine and a bluetooth dongle to simulate multiple bluetooth devices (let's say 15).
Is there a way of doing that with a single dongle?
The simulated Bluetooth "devices" do not need any functionality at first, just to be discoverable and connectable.
Purpose: I want to connect as many bluetooth devices as possible to a system, to check what happens after a certain amount of devices. But I dont want to buy that many phones/bt players/etc. :D
Does anyone have some experiences in that? Thanks^^

Enumerate commands available for a usb chip in fedora 24

I am learning to program a USB device (iBall 3.5g USB Dongle) using libusb.h header library.
Until now I am able to identify my device using the Vendor ID and also open the device for operation.
As a next step I would like to know the available commands (or the controls) for example : command to scan the surroundings for available GSM networks.
Obviously I will have to talk to the devices' firmware to extract the necessary information.
I tried to search for the technical datasheet for the 3g dongle, but couldn't find any.
The dongle is powered by a Qualcomm chip
Do you know any of the methods in which I can get the control commands for a usb device ?
Thanks in advance.
There is no simple procedure for figuring out what commands a USB device has. You need to use a combination of looking at the descriptors reported by the device, seeing if the device supports any particular USB device class, reading the USB specification, and maybe doing some reverse engineering using a protocol analyzer.
A good first step would be for you to use lsusb -v to print human-readable descriptions of the device's USB descriptors.

USB device address on Windows

I'm using node-serialport to work with USB devices, however on Windows I can't find out how can I connect to specific device. When I use list function there is only one item with COM3 address, however that is present always, even when no other devices are connected. How can I find out what is the USB device address that can be used for setting up communication?

Can a bluetooth usb dongle be detected when only powered on?

I bought one of those tiny bluetooth USB dongles that you can plug on a PC and make bluetooth communications. I am wondering if I just plug this dongle to a USB power source, like the USB charger that comes with iPad, can the bluetooth dongle power up, and be discovered as a bluetooth device? This sounds reasonable, since the bluetooth dongle should be able to broadcast itself, at least using some low-level protocol, i.e. showing its Mac address.
However, I tried to do the following:
1.Plug the bluetooth dongle on my iPad's usb charger
2.Search bluetooth devices on my laptop
and I could not find it. Is it because the bluetooth dongle needs the PC to initialize it, so that it can be discovered? Or I am not doing it right?
It depend on the dongle
Typical PC dongles depends on the host (pc) to initialize and start any bluetooth activity - including scanning etc
It is practically possible to make dongles that can start becoming discoverable without waiting for host initialization. This has to be a custom build
