Basecamp 3 API - Get completed To-Do Lists - basecamp

How can we get the project open and completed To-Do lists from the basecamp 3 API?
Can someone help me with this?


DocuSign embedded document, with prefilled name and 3 spots to sign

I have a Django website, and each account needs a DocuSign section where everyone gets the same document loaded/embedded but has their own name prefilled on the application and has the same 3 spots for signing. What API tools from DocuSign should I look into in order to accomplish this?
You can start by downloading the python code example. There are 31 API scenarios examples. You can reference API calls documentation in here. As it looks like you are going to use embedded signing a great place to read about this is here

Python Aliexpress API promoLinkGenerate

I'm traying to generate Affiliate links via de Aliexpress API but i could not get any wrapper that's updated or any page that can help me with this.
the only one seams to be 3 years old
Is there any i'm missing?

what events can trigger webhook in MS Teams?

Hi StackOverflow community:
Hope everyone is as well as possible during this current pandemic. We're developing an AI-based system which needs to collect inputs from various sources, including MS Teams. For example, we need to be able to trigger an API call when someone clicks on a 'channel' or a 'chat', when they click on a link which takes them outside of MS Teams (for example, they click on a weblink which takes them to a website), when they post in a chat/channel and so on.
Given that this program will be used by many non-technical users, we don't want the user to have to initiate the API call - it has to be done automatically.
I was hoping please that some people would be able to let me know which actions can/can not trigger API calls and outgoing webhooks? And the best way of automatically triggering the API calls when these events occur?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Office365 Calendar Api - List events from Room

I want to list all meetings reserved in Room in Office365 Calendar.
I tried with{user mail address}/calendarview?startDateTime={start_datetime}&endDateTime={end_datetime} but it returns error 401 Unauthorized.
And I tried with{calendar_id}/events but it only returns events from that instance of Calendar.
Does any of you have experience with it?
After long researches and many spent hours I found that using Exchange Web Services is best solution.
More about it on this link

Twython and Twitter API: Who unfollowed a Twitter User Python Script

I am currently trying to explore Twitter APIs with Twython. I am familiar with get followers, list, and so on. But is there a way I can find out the list of unfollowers for a specific user and their timeline by using Python ?
Thanks in Advance
