Issue with detecting week number with COleDateTime::Format - visual-c++

I have two dates:
Monday 26/12/2022
Sunday 01/01/2023
Take this code:
CString strDate = L"2022-12-26 00:00:00";
COleDateTime datMeeting;
const auto iPublicTalkWeekNumber = _ttoi(datMeeting.Format(L"%W"));
The value of iPublicTalkWeekNumber is 52.
Now use:
CString strDate = L"2023-01-01 00:00:00";
COleDateTime datMeeting;
const auto iPublicTalkWeekNumber = _ttoi(datMeeting.Format(L"%W"));
The value of iPublicTalkWeekNumber is 0.
Why? The 1st Jan 2023 is a Sunday, which rolls back to the 26th Dec, 2022. Why is it not returning 52?
As a result this is messing the logic of my software. The documents say the %W returns a value 0 - 53, based on the first Monday being week one.
How do I correctly handle this?

This workaround resolves my issue:
COleDateTime datFirstMonday;
COleDateTimeSpan spanDay;
spanDay.SetDateTimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
// Rewind the start / end dates back until we get to the Monday
datFirstMonday = datMeeting;
while (datFirstMonday.GetDayOfWeek() != 2)
datFirstMonday -= spanDay;
const auto iPublicTalkWeekNumber = _ttoi(datFirstMonday.Format(L"%W"));
The above code is used with the Sunday date (but for users of the software it might be another day). Eitherway, we roll back to the associated Monday for that week. Then, we do the test for week number.
This way, I find the matching week number.


how to calculate the date from the year, week-of-year and day-of-week in EXCEL?

I have the Year, Week-of-Year and Day-of-the-Week as follows:
Year = 2022 (A2) ; Week Year = 35 (B2); Week Day = 4 or Thursday (C2)
and I would like to estimate the Date as, which is highlighted in yellow as it shows in the EXCEL picture.
I tried many formulas, but I am sure there might be an easy one.
I think you are counting the weeks starting from zero because for 9/1/2022 (YYYY/MM/DD format) the corresponding week is 36 as per the result of function WEEKNUM(DATE(2022,9,1)). In order to use the logic to multiply the number of weeks by 7. You need to use as a reference the first day of the year, if it was a Sunday, if not then go back to the previous Sunday, so you can count the entire week. Bottom line use as a reference date, the Sunday of the first week of the year, not the first day of the year (YYYY/1/1)
Here is the approach we use in cell E2:
=LET(y, A2:A6, wk, B2:B6, wDay, C2:C6, fDay, DATE(y,1,1), seq, SEQUENCE(7),
fDay - IF(WEEKDAY(fDay)=1,0, WEEKDAY(fDay,2)) + 7*wk
+ XLOOKUP(wDay, TEXT(seq,"dddd"), seq-1))
We use the LET function to avoid repeating the same calculation. The following expression finds the previous Sunday if the first day of the year (fDay) was not a Sunday:
fDay - IF(WEEKDAY(fDay)=1,0, WEEKDAY(fDay,2))
The XLOOKUP function is used to get the numeric representation of the weekday and use the TEXT function to generate the weekdays in a long format. Since we count the entire week, if the weekday is a Sunday (column C in my screenshot), then we don't need to add any day to our reference date, that is why we use seq-1.
Here is the output for several sample data. Assuming the week count starts with zero, if not the formula needs to be adjusted as also the input data.
Notice that the year 2021 started on a Friday, so if we want to find a day for the first week (0) before Friday it will return a date from the previous year. Like in the case of Monday. If you want an error message instead, then the formula can be modified as follow:
=LET(y, A2:A6, wk, B2:B6, wDay, C2:C6, fDay, DATE(y,1,1), seq, SEQUENCE(7),
result, fDay - IF(WEEKDAY(fDay)=1,0, WEEKDAY(fDay,2)) + 7*wk
+ XLOOKUP(wDay, TEXT(seq,"dddd"), seq-1),
IF(YEAR(result) <> y, "ERROR: Date from previous year", result))
I found the solution:
Year = 2022 (A2) ; Week Year = 35 (B2); Week Day = 4 or Thursday (C2)
=DATE (A2,1,3)-WEEKDAY(DATE(A2,1,3)) + 7 * B2 + C2 - 6
I found this solution, but you need to do further testing if it really works.
I calculate month from week: =+MONTH(DATE(YEAR(A2);1;1)+B2*7-1)
I calculate week day number from week day name: =MATCH(D2;{"Monday";"Tuesday";"Wednesday";"Thursday";"Friday";"Saturday";"Sunday"};0)
And then make date using: =DATE(A2;C2;E2)

How to get / output all days in the current week in Automation Anywhere?

I'm attempting to output all days within the current week. e.g. for this week, show all days, 05/12/2019 through 05/18/2019 only. when the bot is executed next week, only show days 05/19/2019 through 05/25/2019. My current logic outputs the days for this week, but come tomorrow, the dates for this week will be thrown off. Please see the following
...could I get some help with this please?
Using VBS
I would do this using a VBS script, using Run Script command.
The default week start is Sunday you can change it check:
Pass the day you that you want as a parameter from 0 to 6, and get the data as a return value.
DayNumber: 0 = Sunday ..... 6 = Saturday
InputDate = Date
DayNumber = WScript.Arguments.Item(0)
Result = DateAdd("d", DayNumber - WeekDay(InputDate, 2), InputDate)
Using MetaBot
Metabot Link: Change Date and Time Format
You will have to run the following logic in sequence.
Input: DayNumber: 0 = Sunday ..... 6 = Saturday
Using DayOfWeek Logic, Get the Day of the week and assign it to
WeekDay variable, it will return the name, not the number, and the input will be Date.
Using IF conditions convert the name of
the day to number, start from 0 to 6 as your first day in the week,
which is Sunday, and using variable operation assigns the value to
NumWeekDay variable.
Using variable operation, Get the offset by subtracting DayNumber, the day you want minus NumWeekDay,
and assign the value to Offset variable.
Using AddDays, Input
the date and the offset, and you will get the date of the day that you want.

Start the Week Number from the first sunday of every fiscal year in Excel

I am trying to find the week number for a fiscal year which is starts on first sunday of February. I have got it to a point where I can get the week number which starts on first of every year (in my case feb).
Not able to start it from First Sunday. Below is what I've come up with.
I would also like it to end on Saturday of last week of the year.
For example: in Feb 2016, the week count should start from 7thFeb2016 and the count should end on 4thFeb2017.
Use this formula to find week number of given date:
I hope you want this.
If you want week number of fiscal quarter, use this:
I just chucked this together (no doubt there is a more elegant way to do this). You can use it by putting it into a Module in your VBA editor and then on the worksheet use the function =AltWeekNumber(E2)
Function AltWeekNumber(endDate As Range) As Date
Dim startDate As Date
startDate = FirstFebruarySunday(year(endDate.Value))
If startDate > endDate Then
startDate = FirstFebruarySunday(year(endDate.Value) - 1)
End If
AltWeekNumber = DateDiff("w", startDate, endDate.Value, vbSunday)
End Function
Private Function FirstFebruarySunday(year As Integer) As Date
For i = 1 To 7
If Weekday(DateSerial(year, 2, i)) = 1 Then
FirstFebruarySunday = DateSerial(year, 2, i)
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function

how to calculate the number of the week in a year?

I would like to calculte the number of the week in a year. I see this post
In this post the acepted answer use this code:
public static int GetIso8601WeekOfYear(DateTime time)
// Seriously cheat. If its Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, then it'll
// be the same week# as whatever Thursday, Friday or Saturday are,
// and we always get those right
DayOfWeek day = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetDayOfWeek(time);
if (day >= DayOfWeek.Monday && day <= DayOfWeek.Wednesday)
time = time.AddDays(3);
// Return the week of our adjusted day
return CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(time, CalendarWeekRule.FirstFourDayWeek, DayOfWeek.Monday);
However I see a problem. The number of the week is repeated if the last day of a month is in Sunday.
For example, the last day of March of 2013 year is in sunday. This week is the number 13th, is correct. But in April, how C# use always 6 weeks in a month to calculate the number of week, the first week of april has not any day of april, because all the days belong to march because the last day of the week is 30th March. So C# says that the first week of april is th 15th week, but this is incorrect, it has to be 14th.
So I would like to know if there are any way to calculate the number of a week in a right way.
I mean this:
In march, the last week is this:
25 26 27 28 29 30 31
This is the 13th, is correct.
In april, the first week is:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
And this week is calculated as 15th.
So if I see the march calendar the last week is calculated as 13th and if I see the april calendar the last week of march is caluclated as 14th. This is incorrect.
DateTime dtCalendar = Calendar.DisplayDate;
int gridRow = (int)GetValue(Grid.RowProperty);
// Return the week of our adjusted day
int wueekNumber= System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(dtCalendar, System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, DayOfWeek.Monday);
if (dtCalendar.DayOfWeek == DayOfWeek.Monday)
gridRow = gridRow - 1;
Text = (weekNumbe r+ gridRow - 1).ToString();
The problem is that you are using the wrong CalendarWeekRule. To get the result you want you should use FirstDay. I have seen various codes in internet saying that you should use FirstFourDayWeek but, after some testing, I realised that the "right one" is FirstDay. I have tested it with your example and it delivers the right result: 14th week.
int targetYear = 2013;
DateTime targetDate = new DateTime(targetYear, 4, 1);
int week = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Calendar.GetWeekOfYear(targetDate, System.Globalization.CalendarWeekRule.FirstDay, DayOfWeek.Monday);

Using Workday when start date is a wekeend date

I have a spreadhseet that pulls Planned Maintenace due dates. I am calculating 5 potential days the work can be scheduled, from 2 days before to days days after, so a range of 5 days. Unfortunately, sometimes the original due date is a weekend date(our business system calculates but doesn't append for weekend dates). So when I calculate the first 2 days, =workdate(A1,-2,holiday) and =workdate(A1,-1,holiday)it works fine, however for the 3rd date =workdate(A1,0,holiday) returns the original due date even if it's a weekend date.
Example, July 6th 2013 is a Saturday, so
1. workdate(A1,-2,holiday) = 7/3/2013
2. workdate(A1,-1,holiday) = 7/5/2013
3. workdate(A1,0,holiday) = 7/6/2013 needs to be 7/8/2013
4. workdate(A1,1,holiday) = 7/8/2013 needs to be 7/9/2013
5. workdate(A1,2,holiday) = 7/9/2013 needs to be 7/10/2013
Is there any way to compensate for a start date that is a weekend date!
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions.
The function it appears you are using is workday(), not workdate()? So what you probably need to do is put an adjustment on the # you pass to Workday if the day of the week is Sat/Sun.
=WORKDAY(A1,IF(OR(TEXT(A1,"ddd") = "Sat",TEXT(A1,"ddd") = "Sun"),1,0))
=WORKDAY(A1,IF(OR(TEXT(A1,"ddd") = "Sat",TEXT(A1,"ddd") = "Sun"),2,1))
=WORKDAY(A1,IF(OR(TEXT(A1,"ddd") = "Sat",TEXT(A1,"ddd") = "Sun"),3,2))
