Native ad Size: Can I use Native ads in the 2 column Grid of recyclerview? - android-layout

Admob Native ad Size for android: Can I use Native ads in the 2-column Grid of recycler view as I showed in the UI?
Is there any policy restriction of google Admob?


Salesforce Mobile App Navigation Item Customization

Is it possible to develop a custom aura/lwc component that helps each user to set up his salesforce app main page when he first open the app?
I know that it is possible to do that through the app edit but unfortunately our client need to do it through a custom component so he can select among drop down list one page and when he click save it will shows him the selected page as a main page when he opens the salesforce mobile app.

How can we remove / customize Azure AD B2C authentication webview page title bar in Xamarin forms?

A title bar is displayed in the web view activity when using Azure AD B2C authentication service with MSAL in Xamarin forms. I have attached a screen shot of it running on an android phone below. I have the following questions :
1) How do I remove it? Is it even possible?
2) Also Is it possible to customize the top bar? Change the colors, font size etc. If so how?
3) How do I change the text of the top bar? Is localization possible for the text in the top bar based on user's language settings in the app?
Thanks a ton in advance!!
I finally used a custom web view instead of MSAL and checked the web view's URL whenever it changed using PropertyChanged(). If the web view contains the redirection URL then I hide the web view and parse the token that is provided along with it to get the result of the user's action in ADB2C.

why graph api explore facebook id and in my android studio generate id are different?

why graph API explorer and android studio showing different id?
However my query in both the platform are the same.
Here is my query and id in graph API Explorer:
While here is my id in android studio log cat:
I assume you did not select your own App in the API Explorer. By default, the "API Explorer" App is selected, so you get a different App Scoped ID because it´s a different App.

Different between AdControl and AdMediatorControl

May I know the Different between AdControl and AdMediatorControl because I had implemented this two at the same time in my code.
Ad Mediator Control
The recommended method of using the Microsoft Advertising AdControl to show banner ads (not interstitial ads) in your apps is to use the Microsoft Ad Mediator control in your UI.
The Microsoft Advertising AdControl can be used by itself in .NET and JavaScript apps. The libraries for the AdControl contain APIs to show banner ads and interstitial ads.
MSDN Reference
As far as I know ,AdControl and AdMediatorControl are all banner, but there are some difference . For example AdControl only add one ads at a time , but AdMediatorControl can add multiple ads at a time
AdControl for UWP
1.Install Microsoft Store Service SDK
Add a namespace declaration to your page
More details you can see here
2.install AdDuplex
Add a namespace declaration to your page
AdMediator for windows 8.1
1.install Microsoft Advertising SDK for Windows and Windows Phone 8.x
Add a namespace declaration to your page
More details you can see here

a kind of IFRAME for Android app

Is there any kind of iframe for android.?
I have an Ad spot in the bottom and the ads need to be visible on each activity page.
I already make an Activity class for my ad. The ad can be in mp4 or png format.
Try using a WebView:
