JODIT displays content with html tags after editing in React js - jodit

I am working with Jodit editor on a react project. When I create a note and send to database, and displays the note, it displays fine, but when I try to edit the content and save, the rendered text/content now contains some html tags and this "<p><". I have tried using renderHTML to convert it to only plain text, but that doesn't seem to work. I really need help on converting to plain text alone. The render renderHTML works fine when creating a new note, but doesn't convert to plain text when I try to edit the content.

Before you use the Jodit contents in a non-Jodit environment, you'll need to use a utility that converts the HTML tags.
One library that does this already is html-to-text.
On the backend, the actual code is as simple as
const { conversion } = require('html-to-text');
let adjustedText = conversion('<p>Your string of HTML code here</p>');
... unless you want to feed optional parameters to the conversion() function, like wordwrap. See html-to-text documentation for that.


I want to create an angular app to show live code preview like Jsbin

I'm creating the Angular app which lets user save his html code (maybe it has style and script tag to control the view) and there is a live preview next to it. User can save the code and other users can come to see the code and the preview. I also worry about the security because of script tag and I want the script to work only with the code that user provides (Not allow to control or get the data in the parent frame). So I need some suggesting of how to do it.
I have tried the preview with iFrame by giving the value through the 'srcdoc' property, but it looks like the security is bad.
You would not need to use an iframe in that situation, you can just render an HTML string inside of a div element using the innerHtml input like so:
<div [innerHTML]="htmlString"></div>
Where htmlString is a string containing the HTML code. You will have to sanitize the content of that variable with the DomSanitizer.
constructor(private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer){}
ngOnInit() {
this.htmlString = this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(yourHTMLString);

How to represent a part of a string as an image in HTML?

I am working on a personal project in which I am using Magic the Gathering's API to search through their card databases and display them on my website. One of the problems I have encountered is that an argument of the card object that is stored in the database is displayed as {G},{R},{B},{U},{W} etc. but I want it to be displayed as one of the many images found here:
Considering that the argument is a string, I don't know how to replace the content of the string that is inside the curly brackets with a html image element and have it display properly in the browser.
For example:
mana_cost= "{G}{W}"
I would like to be able to show "{G}" as:
and "{W}" as:
Any help is welcome
You can use a RegEx on the client side and replace with the image before showing in the browser.
let strToReplace = '{G}';
strToReplace = strToReplace.replace(/{G}/, '<img src="">');
I would download the image and put it on a local folder so you can replace for something like:
strToReplace = strToReplace.replace(/{G}/, '<img src="/images/Mana_G.png">');

Extract main text from HTML using Cheerio

How to extract just main text using cheerio?
I wish to go to unknown sites, and get main text (or all text) simply using nodeJS and Cheerio.
Resolved using npm moudle called boilerpipe
Use the Request Library and you get the HTML text back. Check the site to see if it's not using a Virtual DOM or Shadow DOM ie. React. If it is, Cheerio's methods don't work and you get an unusable circular object.

COGNOS generate report in xls format

I have one prompt page, one html report output page and one xls report output page. On prompt page, I have a prompt that selects Output Format(HTML/XLS) and a generate button that generates the report. The generate button needs to display the output page in the correct format.
The 'Generate' button just does promptAction('finish'). The thing is that no matter what i select in the format (XLS,PDF etc),promptAction('finish') always generates the HTML output.
So is there a way to call something like promptAction('finish', varFormat)?
I normally do this the other way around - use native Cognos functionality to run it in the format required (i.e. using run with options). Then use a variable to detect the format that was applied then apply conditional formatting. In your case the would be rendering the XLS page if XLS was selected and render the HTML page if HTML was selected.
I remember having this problem with HTML vs PDF page rendering. I don't have Cognos in front of me but what i found out is that i had to update my conditional style/format because the following would not work right... it was a strange problem but i did come up with a workaround
old pseudo code that wouldnt' work.
Created Variable that says
When PDF
then i put on a conditional style using this variable to make the page visible or not... and this would not work.
what i had to do was this...
Then 'HTML'
Else 'PDF' <- or in your case EXL
of course its only good for two formats but for some strange reason trying to use any other value than HTML created weird behavior.
If Render Type <> 'HTML' then render PDF otherwise render HTML...
i had problems anytime referring to the render variable with anything other than HTML. So basically i just had to test when HTML then HTML else other format.

Printing a webpage with JSF

I have seen webpage with a PDF icon, where you could click on it to print the content of that webpage.
The page i am intending to add the print feature is designed in JSF, so is there anyway where i could add a print button, to get the webpage printed ?
No, you must do this yourself. Get some PDF library (for example iText), then get web page output (plain HTML). Then you will have to iterate thru HTML and create PDF version (for example build iText document). You will probably have to do this yourself, because some elements (javascript powered) will need to turn into static content. Nobody but you knows how the output should look like.
