Why Linux distributes threads among NUMA nodes almost equally? - linux

I'm running an application with multiple threads and it seems Linux is distributing threads among NUMA nodes almost equally. Say my application spawns 4 threads and my machine has 4 sockets. I observe that each thread is assigned to a NUMA node distributing threads among all nodes almost equally.
Is there any reason for this? why not assign all on one socket and then fill the next one?

The best binding for an application is dependent of what the application does. It is often a good idea to spread thread on different NUMA nodes so to maximize the memory throughput as all NUMA nodes can theoretically be used in this case (assuming the application is well written and NUMA aware). If all threads are bound to the same NUMA node, then only the memory of the node can be efficiently accessed (access to memory of other NUMA node is possible but slower and pages will not be automatically efficiently map due to the first touch policy which is generally the default one on most machine). When some threads communicate a lot, it is often better to put them on the same NUMA node so not to pay latency overheads. In some cases, it can even be better to put them on the same core (but different hardware threads) so to speed up synchronization operations like locks and atomics.
If you want the scheduling and the binding to be efficient, you need to provide more information to the OS or do it yourself. I strongly advise you to bind threads to specific cores. This is easy with HPC runtimes/tools like OpenMP (but a pain if your application use low-level threads unless you do not care about platform portability). As for NUMA, you can specify the policy using numactl. More information is provided in this answer.
In practice, HPC applications generally use manual binding so to improve performance. OS scheduler are generally not very good to bind thread automatically efficiently. Few years ago, there was even bugs in the scheduler causing inefficient behaviours: see The Linux Scheduler: a Decade of Wasted Cores. To my knowledge, such problem is not so uncommon in this field and not restricted to Linux. Efficient NUMA-aware OS scheduling is far from being easy.


Multiprocessing vs multithreading misconception?

From my understanding, multithreading means under one process, multiple threads that containing instructions, registers, stack, etc,
1, run concurrently on single thread/core cpu device
2, run parallelly on multi core cpu device (just for example 10 threads on 10 core cpu)
And multiprocessing I thought means different processes run parallelly on multi core cpu device.
And today after reading an article, it got me thinking if I am wrong or the article is wrong.
Multiprocessing is the use of two or more CPUs
(processors) within a single computer system. Now, as there are
multiple processors available, multiple processes can be executed at a
Isn't it the same as a multithreading process that runs on a multi core cpu device??
What did I miss? or maybe it's me not understanding multiprocessing fully.
Multiprocessing means running multiple processes in accordance to the operating system scheduling algorithm. Modern operating systems use some variation of time sharing to run user process in a pseudo-parallel mode. In presence of multiple cpus, the OS can take advantage of them and run some processes in real parallel mode.
Processes in contrast to threads are independent from each other in respect of memory and other process context. They could talk to each other using Inter Process Communication (IPC) mechanisms. Shared resources can be allocated for the processes and require process level synchronization to access them.
Threads, on the other hand share the same memory location and other process context. They can access the same memory location and need to be synchronized using thread synchronization techniques, like mutexes and conditional variables.
Both threads and processes are scheduled by the operating system in similar manner. So, the quote you provided is not completely correct. You do not need multiple cpus for multi-processing, however you need them to allow few processes to really run at the same time. There could be as many processes as cores which run simultaneously, however other processes will share the cpus as well in time-sharing manner.

will schedule threads of the same process to different cores benefitial

Well, I'm currently working on Linux scheduler, and i wonder if there is a situation that threads run on different cores will accelerate process in Linux. i already heard that pin threads of the same process to different cores will make cache 'hot', thus it's beneficial. however, if not pinned, but try to dynamic binding threads to different cores, will it have any benefits or what's the pitfalls? Thanks!

Should I disable NUMA if my application is not NUMA-Aware

Running Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. The application I'm running was not designed with NUMA in mind. Would it be better to disable NUMA on my dual-socket system? My guess is yes, but I wanted to confirm. My server is a Westmere dual-socket system.
If your application is not multithreaded or is multithreaded but does not employ the threads to work simultaneously on the same problem (e.g. is not data parallel), then you can simply bind the program to one of the NUMA nodes. This can be done with various tools, e.g. with the "Set Affinity..." context menu command in Windows Task Manager. If your program is parallel, then you can still use half of the available process cores and bind to one NUMA node.
Note that remote memory accesses on Westmere systems are not that expensive - the latency is 1.6x higher than local access and the bandwidth is almost the same as the local on, therefore if you do a lot of processing on each memory value the impact would be minimal. On the other hand, disabling NUMA on such systems results in fine-mesh interleave of both NUMA domains which makes all applications perform equally bad as roughly 50% of all memory accesses will be local and 50% will be remote.
If I understand correctly, turning NUMA on cannot harm the performance.
If your application is not NUMA aware, accesses will be managed by the OS, so might be across NUMA nodes or might be on the same one - depending on what other pressures the OS has, how much memory / CPU you're using, etc. The OS will try to get your data fast.
If you have it turned off, the OS doesn't know enough to even try to keep each application's execution CPU close to it's memory.

Physical Cores vs Virtual Cores in Parallelism

When it comes to virtualization, I have been deliberating on the relationship between the physical cores and the virtual cores, especially in how it effects applications employing parallelism. For example, in a VM scenario, if there are less physical cores than there are virtual cores, if that's possible, what's the effect or limits placed on the application's parallel processing? I'm asking, because in my environment, it's not disclosed as to what the physical architecture is. Is there still much advantage to parallelizing if the application lives on a dual core VM hosted on a single core physical machine?
Is there still much advantage to parallelizing if the application lives on a dual core VM hosted on a single core physical machine?
The OS-level parallel processing (i.e., Linux pipelines) will improve performance dramatically, irrespective of how many cores -- real or virtual -- you have.
Indeed, you have to create fairly contrived problems or really dumb solutions to not see performance improvements from simply breaking a big problem into lots of smaller problems along a pipeline.
Once you've got a pipelined solution, and it ties up 100% of your virtual resources, you have something you can measure.
Start trying different variations on logical and physical resources.
But only after you have an OS-level pipeline that uses up every available resource. Until then, you've got fundamental work to do just creating a pipeline solution.
Since you included the F# tag, and you're interested in parallel performance, I'll assume that you're using F# asynchronous IO, hence threads never block, they just swap between CPU bound tasks.
In this case it's ideal to have the same number of threads as the number of virtual cores (at least based on my experiments with F# in Ubuntu under Virtualbox hosted by Windows 7). Having more threads than that decreases performance slightly, having less decreases performance quite a bit.
Also, having more virtual cores than physical cores decreases performance a little. But if this is something you can't control, just make sure you have an active worker thread for each virtual core.

Is a multi-user and multi-processor environment useful with threading?

Taking CPU affinity into account, will such an environment be useful with threading? Or will there be a performance degradation in such a system, if multiple users login and spawn multiple kernel and user threads?
When you say "taking CPU affinity into account" - are you saying that all processes have CPU affinity in this hypothetical system? Or is that just as one extra possible bit of information?
Using multiple threads will slow things down a bit if the system is already loaded (so there are more runnable threads than cores) but if there are often times where there are only (say) 2 users and 4 cores available, threading may help.
Another typical use for threads is to do something "in the background" whether that's explicitly using threads or using async calls. At that point multi-threading can definitely give a benefit (e.g. a non-hanging UI) without actually using more than one core simultaneously for much of the time.
