DNS Not pointing to VPS - node.js

So I recently have been working on a project that is using express js to host a discord bot and dashboard (website). My issue now is that the website works on the ip of my vps and port 3000, but when I attempt to point my domain to it using A record, it just nothing shows when i go to the domain.


Connect domain to nodejs server hosted on vps instead on ip + port

i have 2 react apps and a nodejs server (express and websocket) running on port 8000.
the express server is for generating random links and the websocket for sending real-time messages between the apps.
my apps worked perfectly after hosting on my vps server but after connecting letsencrypt ssl to both react apps, they don't work anymore because i have to connect to a websocket with secure connection.
so i want to connect the nodejs server with a subdomain i have from namecheap.
i have tried pointing the subdomain i got for the server to the ip of the vps but i don't know what to do after that.
should i create a new file just like i did for the previous apps in the sites-available directory, listen to port 8000, set server name to the intended subdomain and run a proxypass to the same subdomain?
This is my first time hosting on a vps server, i'm very confused at the point but my server works well when i just type in ip:8000 on my brower

Domain creation on windows machine via IIS

I wanted to create and map a domain(ex: site1.domain1.com) locally to the server running on localhost with some port, I've been trying to do via IIS, but raising port conflict issue, unable to create and start site domain while web server is up since the port is already occupied and vice versa.
Could you please provide how to resolve this or any other simple way to create and map the domain with the server running on localhost.

Deploy nodejs express on AWS windows server

I deplyoed my nodejs application on a AWS server with windows server as OS. The application is a simple express server running on https port 443. The application is accessible through localhost, but I can access the app through public IP.
Here are a few things I tried:
IIS with urlrewrite like so (https://dev.to/massivebrains/deploying-node-express-app-on-a-windows-server-2l5c)
I am still not able to access my app. I setup up inbound rules in my firewall for the port and nodejs itself.
The issue was simply in my security group. I had set up the IP addresses I was expecting, but one was missing. It is working now.

How can I link my Domain that ive purchased on NameCheap to my React Project?

Ive been trying to deploy my react app with my Domain that i bought on NameCheap.
Couldnt find any answer (maybe, I am searching with a wrong keyward).
Do I use Node.JS to connect my Domain or is it possible to use the domain just with React?
I think you are confusing Domain names and Hosting.
Your app (React or React + Node or any other framework) needs to be hosted on a server (which can be a 'cloud' server or VPS - virtual private server). Well-known hosting services include Amazon (AWS), Heroku, Now (Zeit), DigitalOcean, etc.
Regardless of the hosting service, you will usually end up with a numeric IP address that points to your deployed application.
Domain name hosting is the other 'half'. When you buy a domain, you still have to set it up, i.e. you have to define the DNS (domain name service) entries for that domain, be it for serving a web site or app, a mail exchange, etc.
Your Domain name provider usually has an interface that allows you to edit DNS entries for any domain you purchased with them. This is where you will make the connection between your Domain name and your hosted app.
A typical top-level entry, known as an 'A' entry will be:
mydomain.com A
meaning route requests to mydomain.com to IP address (the IP address you will have retrieved from your application hosting service).
If your project is not requiring node.js running in background, it is absolutely possible to host it with any hosting provider, including but not limited to Namecheap. If you purchased a hosting from them (or any other hosting provider) and successfully build your application (i.e. it works for you locally), just upload the contents of /build folder to your hosting server.
If your hosting provider is using cPanel (Namecheap does), this usually means that you should upload it to ~/public_html/YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME.
If your application does require node.js, there are few hosting companies that offer this as well. I am not sure I'll be able to make any advertisements here, so please ask around. Webhostingtalk is a good place to start.

Move my chat app on regular url instead of localhost

I have made a chat server that listens on the port 80 for my website so everytime i want to access my website i have to open localhost:80 but i wanna access a regular page of my site and give it the same chat functionality that i just built. For example, i wanna show my functionality of chat when i open mysite.com/page.php. How do i do that? Because the people who intend to open my site will open my url and i am confused how to move that chat app from localhost to the real website of mine.
Find A Hosting Company (On Whose Servers Your Code will be hosted)
Buy a Domain Name
Set The Host IP as Your Target IP
Upload Your Files To The Servers Of The Host
Keep Developing On Your Local Machine
Upload The Updates to The Servers.
