Jest Test failing due to promise rejected - jestjs

I am trying to run some unit tests in my NestAPI. My service.ts has this:
findAll(): Promise<Users[]> {
return prisma.users.findMany();
In my service.spec.ts:
const usersMany = [
username: 'user1',
name: 'User One',
password: '123',
email: '',
tasks: [],
username: 'user2',
name: 'User Two',
password: '456',
email: '',
tasks: [],
And after that, I have this test case for my FindAll()
describe('findAll', () => {
it('should return all users', async () => {
const usersAll = await service.findAll();
However, when I run this test, I get the following error:
- Expected - 23
+ Received + 1
- Array [
- Object {
- "email": "",
- "name": "User One",
- "password": "123",
- "tasks": Array [],
- "username": "user1",
- },
- Object {
- "email": "",
- "name": "User Two",
- "password": "456",
- "tasks": Array [],
- "username": "user2",
- },
- ]
+ Array []
I'm new to writing unit tests, so would really appreciate some help here. Why is my test failing here?

The test fails for the reason that the service method.find All() returns an empty array, and checks against the usersMany array.
Here, either dip the function and then the test is essentially about nothing, or check with an empty array.
The most correct option is to check this method together with other methods of adding data and returning them.
Below is the code of the synthetic test, but it's a bit silly.
import { findAll } from './func.js'
describe('findAll', () => {
it('should return all users', async () => {
const usersMany = [
username: 'user1',
name: 'User One',
password: '123',
email: '',
tasks: [],
username: 'user2',
name: 'User Two',
password: '456',
email: '',
tasks: [],
const usersAll = await findAll();
If you fantasize about the methods of prisma.users, then you can imagine it like this:
class Users {
constructor() {
this.users = [];
findMany() {
return this.users;
addUser(user) {
delUser(user) {
this.users = this.users.filter((item) => item.username !== user.username);
export const prisma = {
users: new Users()
export function findAll() {
return prisma.users.findMany();
The tests will be as follows:
describe('prisma.users', () => {
let result = [];
const user = {
username: 'user1',
name: 'User One',
password: '123',
email: '',
tasks: [],
const user2 = {
username: 'user2',
name: 'User One',
password: '123',
email: '',
tasks: [],
const user3 = {
username: 'user3',
name: 'User One',
password: '123',
email: '',
tasks: [],
test('null', () => {
test('add 1', () => {
// I expect to get
test('add 2', () => {
test('add 3', () => {
test('del 2', () => {
result = [];


Finding items with attribute value match excluding another value in Sequelize

I have this code :
module.exports.MyFunction= async (req, res) => {
let token = req.body.token;
let decoded = jwt_decode(token);
let email =;
let data = req.body;
let searchUser = data.user;
try {
let user = await User.findAll({
where: {
[Op.or]: [
{ firstName: searchUser },
{ lastName: searchUser },
{ email: searchUser },
{ publicKey: searchUser },
attributes: ["firstName", "lastName", "email", "publicKey", "avatar"],
}).then((response) => {
return response;
res.json({ user });
} catch (err) {
res.json({ err });
If I run that code, I get all the users that match with the value passed in searchUser.
What I want to do is to exclude the user object that have a specific email.
For instance, if have multiple users named Michel, I want to get all the users with an email address different of the email variable declared at the top of the function, even if their fisrtName matches.
Problem solved by doing this :
module.exports.MyFunction = async (req, res) => {
let token = req.body.token;
let decoded = jwt_decode(token);
let loggedUserEmail =;
let data = req.body;
let searchUser = data.user;
try {
let user = await User.findAll({
where: {
[Op.or]: [
firstName: {
[Op.startsWith]: searchUser,
lastName: {
[Op.startsWith]: searchUser,
email: {
[Op.startsWith]: searchUser,
publicKey: {
[Op.startsWith]: searchUser,
email: {
[]: loggedUserEmail,
attributes: ["firstName", "lastName", "email", "publicKey", "avatar"],
}).then((response) => {
return response;
res.json({ user });
} catch (err) {
res.json({ err });

How I can solve $near query in mongoddb adbpter query building issue?

I'm trying to create a nearby searching platform with keystone.js
But the nearby queries not working with the keystone js.
How I can run mongoose $nearSphere query or aggregation queries in the keystone?
Hereby added my best try and errors.
path: './.env'
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/keystone');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/app-graphql');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/app-admin-ui');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/auth-password');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');
const initialiseData = require('./initial-data');
const {
} = require('./schema');
const PROJECT_NAME = 'rentospot';
const keystone = new Keystone({
appVersion: {
version: '1.0.0',
addVersionToHttpHeaders: false,
access: false,
cookie: {
secure: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production', // Default to true in production
maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // 30 days
sameSite: false,
cookieSecret: process.env.COOKIE_SECRET,
adapter: new MongooseAdapter({
mongoUri: 'mongodb+srv://*******:******'
onConnect: process.env.CREATE_TABLES !== 'true' && initialiseData,
const postList = keystone.createList('Post', Post);
keystone.createList('Category', Category);
keystone.createList('SubCategory', SubCategory);
keystone.createList('Comment', Comment);
keystone.createList('User', User);
keystone.createList('ForgottenPasswordToken', ForgottenPasswordToken);
const authStrategy = keystone.createAuthStrategy({
type: PasswordAuthStrategy,
list: 'User',
const extendSchema = {
queries: [{
schema: 'nearBy: [Post]',
resolver: async(_) => {
try {
const {
} = postList;
const result = await adapter.find({
// "feature": true,
"venue.location": {
"$nearSphere": {
"$geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [12, 75],
"$minDistance": 0,
"$maxDistance": 500,
return result;
} catch (e) {
console.log("errrrrrrrrrrrrrror: ", e)
return null
}, ]
module.exports = {
apps: [new GraphQLApp(),
new AdminUIApp({
enableDefaultRoute: true,
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const { v4: uuid } = require('uuid');
const { sendEmail } = require('./emails');
const {
} = require('#keystonejs/fields');
const { S3Adapter } = require('#keystonejs/file-adapters');
const { AuthedRelationship } = require('#keystonejs/fields-authed-relationship');
const { formatISO } = require('date-fns');
const { Wysiwyg } = require('#keystonejs/fields-wysiwyg-tinymce');
const LocationGoogle = require('./LocationGoogle');
const fileAdapter = new S3Adapter({
bucket: process.env.BUCKET_NAME,
folder: process.env.S3_PATH,
publicUrl: ({ filename }) =>
// `https://${process.env.CF_DISTRIBUTION_ID}${process.env.S3_PATH}/${filename}`,
s3Options: {
// Optional paramaters to be supplied directly to AWS.S3 constructor
apiVersion: '2006-03-01',
accessKeyId: process.env.API_KEY_ID,
secretAccessKey: process.env.SECRET_ACCESS_KEY,
region: process.env.REGION
uploadParams: ({ id }) => ({
Metadata: {
keystone_id: `${id}`,
// Access control functions
const userIsAdmin = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => Boolean(user && user.isAdmin);
const userOwnsItem = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => {
if (!user) {
return false;
return { id: };
const userIsCurrentAuth = ({ authentication: { item: user } }) => Boolean(user); // item will be undefined for anonymous user
const userIsAdminOrOwner = auth => {
const isAdmin = access.userIsAdmin(auth);
const isOwner = access.userOwnsItem(auth);
return isAdmin ? isAdmin : isOwner;
const access = { userIsAdmin, userIsCurrentAuth, userOwnsItem, userIsAdminOrOwner };
// Read: public / Write: admin
create: access.userIsCurrentAuth,
read: true,
update: access.userIsAdminOrOwner,
delete: access.userIsAdmin,
exports.User = {
access: {
update: access.userIsCurrentAuth,
delete: access.userIsAdmin,
fields: {
name: { type: Text },
dob: {
type: CalendarDay,
format: 'do MMMM yyyy',
dateFrom: '1901-01-01',
dateTo: formatISO(new Date(), { representation: 'date' }),
phone: {
type: Text,
isUnique: true,
access: { read: access.userIsCurrentAuth },
// hooks: {
// validateInput:
// }
email: { type: Text, isUnique: true, access: { read: access.userIsCurrentAuth } },
password: { type: Password, isRequired: true },
isAdmin: { type: Checkbox, access: { update: access.userIsAdmin } },
twitterHandle: { type: Text },
image: { type: File, adapter: fileAdapter },
hooks: {
afterChange: async ({ updatedItem, existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && updatedItem.password !== existingItem.password) {
const url = process.env.SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:3000';
const props = {
signinUrl: `${url}/signin`,
const options = {
subject: 'Your password has been updated',
to: updatedItem,
from: process.env.MAILGUN_FROM,
domain: process.env.MAILGUN_DOMAIN,
apiKey: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY,
await sendEmail('password-updated.jsx', props, options);
// exports.Organiser = {
// fields: {
// user: { type: Relationship, ref: 'User' },
// order: { type: Integer },
// role: { type: Text },
// },
// };
// TODO: We can't access the existing item at the list update level yet,
// read access needs to check if event is "active" or if the user is admin
// read: ({ existingItem, authentication }) => access.userIsAdmin({ authentication }) || !!(existingItem && existingItem.status === 'active'),
exports.Post = {
fields: {
title: { type: Text },
slug: { type: Slug, from: 'title' },
author: {
type: AuthedRelationship,
ref: 'User',
isRequired: true,
access: {
read: userIsCurrentAuth,
update: userIsAdmin,
status: {
type: Select,
defaultValue: 'published',
options: [
{ label: 'Draft', value: 'draft' },
{ label: 'Published', value: 'published' },
feature: { type: Checkbox, access: { update: access.userIsAdmin } },
assured: { type: Checkbox, access: { update: access.userIsAdmin } },
posted: { type: DateTime, format: 'dd/MM/yyyy' },
categories: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'Category',
many: false,
subCategories: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'SubCategory',
many: true,
description: { type: Wysiwyg },
venue: {
type: LocationGoogle,
googleMapsKey: process.env.GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY,
// hooks: {
// resolveInput: async ({ originalInput }) => {
// try {
// const placeId = originalInput.venue;
// if (typeof placeId === 'undefined') {
// // Nothing was passed in, so we can bail early.
// return undefined;
// }
// const r = await fetch(
// `${placeId}&key=${process.env.GOOGLE_MAPS_KEY}`
// )
// const response = await r.json()
// if (response.results && response.results[0]) {
// const { place_id, formatted_address } = response.results[0];
// const { lat, lng } = response.results[0].geometry.location;
// return {
// googlePlaceID: place_id,
// formattedAddress: formatted_address,
// lat,
// lng,
// loc: {
// type: "Point",
// coordinates: [lng, lat]
// }
// };
// }
// return null;
// }
// catch (e) {
// console.log("error:", e)
// }
// },
// validateInput: async (x) => {
// console.log("---------------------------------item 2-------------------------------------- : ",x);
// },
// beforeChange: async (x) => {
// console.log("========", x)
// },
// afterChange: async (x) => {
// console.log("++++", x)
// }
// },
locationAddress: { type: Text },
locationDescription: { type: Text },
createdby: {
type: AuthedRelationship,
ref: 'User',
isRequired: true,
access: {
read: userIsCurrentAuth,
update: userIsAdmin,
image: {
type: File,
adapter: fileAdapter,
hooks: {
beforeChange: async ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && existingItem.image) {
await fileAdapter.delete(existingItem.image);
hooks: {
afterDelete: ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem.image) {
adminConfig: {
defaultPageSize: 20,
defaultColumns: 'title, status',
defaultSort: 'title',
labelResolver: item => item.title,
exports.Category = {
// access: userIsAdmin,
fields: {
name: { type: Text },
slug: { type: Slug, from: 'name' },
image: {
type: File,
adapter: fileAdapter,
hooks: {
beforeChange: async ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && existingItem.image) {
await fileAdapter.delete(existingItem.image);
exports.SubCategory = {
// access: userIsAdmin,
fields: {
name: { type: Text },
slug: { type: Slug, from: 'name' },
categories: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'Category',
many: false,
image: {
type: File,
adapter: fileAdapter,
hooks: {
beforeChange: async ({ existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem && existingItem.image) {
await fileAdapter.delete(existingItem.image);
exports.Comment = {
access: {
create: userIsCurrentAuth,
update: userIsAdminOrOwner,
fields: {
body: { type: Text, isMultiline: true },
originalPost: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'Post',
author: {
type: AuthedRelationship,
ref: 'User',
isRequired: true,
access: {
create: userIsAdmin,
update: userIsAdmin,
posted: { type: CalendarDay },
labelResolver: item => item.body,
// exports.Talk = {
// fields: {
// name: { type: Text },
// event: { type: Relationship, ref: 'Event.talks' },
// speakers: { type: Relationship, ref: 'User.talks', many: true },
// isLightningTalk: { type: Checkbox },
// description: { type: Wysiwyg },
// },
// };
// exports.Rsvp = {
// access: {
// create: true,
// read: true,
// update: ({ authentication: { item } }) => {
// if (!item) {
// return false;
// }
// return { user: { id: } };
// },
// delete: access.userIsAdmin,
// },
// fields: {
// event: { type: Relationship, ref: 'Event' },
// user: { type: Relationship, ref: 'User' },
// status: { type: Select, options: 'yes, no' },
// },
// hooks: {
// validateInput: async ({ context, resolvedData, existingItem }) => {
// const { status } = resolvedData;
// const { event: eventId } = existingItem ? existingItem : resolvedData;
// if (status === 'no') {
// return;
// }
// const { data } = await context.executeGraphQL({
// query: `query {
// event: Event(where: { id: "${eventId}" }) {
// id
// startTime
// maxRsvps
// isRsvpAvailable
// }
// allRsvps(where: { event: { id: "${eventId}" }}) {
// id
// }
// }`,
// });
// const { event, allRsvps } = data;
// if (
// !event ||
// !event.isRsvpAvailable ||
// !event.startTime ||
// new Date() > new Date(event.startTime) ||
// allRsvps.length >= event.maxRsvps
// ) {
// throw 'Error rsvping to event';
// }
// },
// },
// };
// exports.Sponsor = {
// fields: {
// name: { type: Text },
// website: { type: Text },
// logo: { type: CloudinaryImage, adapter: cloudinaryAdapter },
// },
// };
exports.ForgottenPasswordToken = {
access: {
create: true,
read: true,
update: access.userIsAdmin,
delete: access.userIsAdmin,
fields: {
user: {
type: Relationship,
ref: 'User',
access: {
read: access.userIsAdmin,
token: {
type: Text,
isRequired: true,
isUnique: true,
access: {
read: access.userIsAdmin,
requestedAt: { type: DateTime, isRequired: true },
accessedAt: { type: DateTime },
expiresAt: { type: DateTime, isRequired: true },
hooks: {
afterChange: async ({ context, updatedItem, existingItem }) => {
if (existingItem) return null;
const now = new Date().toISOString();
const { errors, data } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
query GetUserAndToken($user: ID!, $now: DateTime!) {
User( where: { id: $user }) {
allForgottenPasswordTokens( where: { user: { id: $user }, expiresAt_gte: $now }) {
variables: { user: updatedItem.user.toString(), now },
if (errors) {
console.error(errors, `Unable to construct password updated email.`);
const { allForgottenPasswordTokens, User } = data;
const forgotPasswordKey = allForgottenPasswordTokens[0].token;
const url = process.env.SERVER_URL || 'http://localhost:3000';
const props = {
forgotPasswordUrl: `${url}/change-password?key=${forgotPasswordKey}`,
const options = {
subject: 'Request for password reset',
from: process.env.MAILGUN_FROM,
domain: process.env.MAILGUN_DOMAIN,
apiKey: process.env.MAILGUN_API_KEY,
await sendEmail('forgot-password.jsx', props, options);
exports.customSchema = {
mutations: [
schema: 'startPasswordRecovery(email: String!): ForgottenPasswordToken',
resolver: async (obj, { email }, context) => {
const token = uuid();
const tokenExpiration =
parseInt(process.env.RESET_PASSWORD_TOKEN_EXPIRY) || 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const now =;
const requestedAt = new Date(now).toISOString();
const expiresAt = new Date(now + tokenExpiration).toISOString();
const { errors: userErrors, data: userData } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
query findUserByEmail($email: String!) {
allUsers(where: { email: $email }) {
variables: { email: email },
if (userErrors || !userData.allUsers || !userData.allUsers.length) {
`Unable to find user when trying to create forgotten password token.`
const userId = userData.allUsers[0].id;
const result = {
const { errors } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
mutation createForgottenPasswordToken(
$userId: ID!,
$token: String,
$requestedAt: DateTime,
$expiresAt: DateTime,
) {
createForgottenPasswordToken(data: {
user: { connect: { id: $userId }},
token: $token,
requestedAt: $requestedAt,
expiresAt: $expiresAt,
}) {
user {
variables: result,
if (errors) {
console.error(errors, `Unable to create forgotten password token.`);
return true;
schema: 'changePasswordWithToken(token: String!, password: String!): User',
resolver: async (obj, { token, password }, context) => {
const now =;
const { errors, data } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `
query findUserFromToken($token: String!, $now: DateTime!) {
passwordTokens: allForgottenPasswordTokens(where: { token: $token, expiresAt_gte: $now }) {
user {
variables: { token, now },
if (errors || !data.passwordTokens || !data.passwordTokens.length) {
console.error(errors, `Unable to find token`);
throw errors.message;
const user = data.passwordTokens[0];
const tokenId = data.passwordTokens[0].id;
const { errors: passwordError } = await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `mutation UpdateUserPassword($user: ID!, $password: String!) {
updateUser(id: $user, data: { password: $password }) {
variables: { user, password },
if (passwordError) {
console.error(passwordError, `Unable to change password`);
throw passwordError.message;
await context.executeGraphQL({
context: context.createContext({ skipAccessControl: true }),
query: `mutation DeletePasswordToken($tokenId: ID!) {
deleteForgottenPasswordToken(id: $tokenId) {
variables: { tokenId },
return true;
LocationGoogle is a directory of the files exactly #keystonejs/fields-location-google and small changes in its Implementation.js
const { Implementation } = require('#keystonejs/fields');
const { MongooseFieldAdapter } = require('#keystonejs/adapter-mongoose');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
// Disabling the getter of mongoose >= 5.1.0
class LocationGoogleImplementation extends Implementation {
constructor(_, { googleMapsKey }) {
this.graphQLOutputType = 'LocationGoogle';
if (!googleMapsKey) {
throw new Error(
'You must provide a `googleMapsKey` to LocationGoogle Field. To generate a Google Maps API please visit:'
this._googleMapsKey = googleMapsKey;
get _supportsUnique() {
return false;
extendAdminMeta(meta) {
return {
googleMapsKey: this._googleMapsKey,
gqlOutputFields() {
return [`${this.path}: ${this.graphQLOutputType}`];
gqlQueryInputFields() {
return [...this.equalityInputFields('String'), ...this.inInputFields('String')];
getGqlAuxTypes() {
return [
type Location{
coordinates: [Float]
type ${this.graphQLOutputType} {
location: Location
googlePlaceID: String
formattedAddress: String
lat: Float
lng: Float
// Called on `User.avatar` for example
gqlOutputFieldResolvers() {
return {
[this.path]: item => {
const itemValues = item[this.path];
if (!itemValues) {
return null;
return itemValues;
async resolveInput({ resolvedData }) {
const placeId = resolvedData[this.path];
// NOTE: The following two conditions could easily be combined into a
// single `if (!inputId) return inputId`, but that would lose the nuance of
// returning `undefined` vs `null`.
// Premature Optimisers; be ware!
if (typeof placeId === 'undefined') {
// Nothing was passed in, so we can bail early.
return undefined;
if (placeId === null) {
// `null` was specifically set, and we should set the field value to null
// To do that we... return `null`
return null;
const response = await fetch(
).then(r => r.json());
if (response.results && response.results[0]) {
const { place_id, formatted_address } = response.results[0];
const { lat, lng } = response.results[0].geometry.location;
return {
location: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [lng, lat]
googlePlaceID: place_id,
formattedAddress: formatted_address,
lat: lat,
lng: lng,
return null;
gqlUpdateInputFields() {
return [`${this.path}: String`];
gqlCreateInputFields() {
return [`${this.path}: String`];
getBackingTypes() {
const type = `null | {
location: {
type: "Point",
coordinates: [lng, lat]
googlePlaceID: string;
formattedAddress: string;
lat: number;
lng: number;
return { [this.path]: { optional: true, type } };
const CommonLocationInterface = superclass =>
class extends superclass {
getQueryConditions(dbPath) {
return {
class MongoLocationGoogleInterface extends CommonLocationInterface(MongooseFieldAdapter) {
addToMongooseSchema(schema) {
const schemaOptions = {
type: {
location: {
type: { type: String, default: "Point" },
coordinates: [Number]
googlePlaceID: String,
formattedAddress: String,
lat: Number,
lng: Number,
[this.path]: this.mergeSchemaOptions(schemaOptions, this.config)
module.exports = {
"name": "#keystonejs/example-projects-blank",
"description": "A blank KeystoneJS starter project.",
"private": true,
"version": "5.0.15",
"author": "The KeystoneJS Development Team",
"repository": "",
"homepage": "",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {
"node": ">=10.0.0"
"scripts": {
"dev": "cross-env NODE_ENV=development ENABLE_DEV_FEATURES=false DISABLE_LOGGING=false nodemon --exec keystone dev --harmony",
"build": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production ENABLE_DEV_FEATURES=false keystone build",
"start": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production keystone start",
"create-tables": "cross-env keystone create-tables"
"dependencies": {
"#arch-ui/layout": "^0.2.14",
"#arch-ui/typography": "^0.0.18",
"#keystonejs/adapter-mongoose": "^10.1.2",
"#keystonejs/app-admin-ui": "^7.3.13",
"#keystonejs/app-graphql": "^6.2.1",
"#keystonejs/auth-password": "^6.0.0",
"#keystonejs/email": "^5.2.0",
"#keystonejs/fields-authed-relationship": "^1.0.16",
"#keystonejs/fields-location-google": "^3.2.1",
"#keystonejs/fields-wysiwyg-tinymce": "^5.3.15",
"#keystonejs/file-adapters": "^7.0.8",
"#keystonejs/keystone": "^18.1.0",
"cross-env": "^7.0.3",
"date-fns": "^2.16.1",
"dotenv": "^8.2.0",
"google-maps-react": "^2.0.6",
"node-fetch": "^2.6.1",
"react": "^16.14.0",
"react-dom": "^16.14.0",
"uuid": "^8.3.2"
"devDependencies": {
"nodemon": "^2.0.7"
The Error screenshot attached bellow

How to insert multiple JSON document in elastic search

Input Data
"_index": "abc",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "QAE",
"_score": 6.514091,
"_source": {
"category": "fruits",
"action": "eating",
"metainfo": {
"hash": "nzUZ1ONm0e167p"
"createddate": "2019-10-03T12:37:45.297Z"
"_index": "abc",
"_type": "_doc",
"_id": "PQR",
"_score": 6.514091,
"_source": {
"category": "Vegetables",
"action": "eating",
"metainfo": {
"hash": "nzUZ1ONm0e167p"
"createddate": "2019-10-03T12:37:45.297Z"
I have around 30,000 records as input data. How to insert this data in a single query. I tried by
var elasticsearch = require('elasticsearch');
var client = new elasticsearch.Client({
host: '********',
log: 'trace'
index: "abc",
body: ****input data*****
}).then((res) => {
}, (err) => {
console.log("err", err);
In this code, send input data in the body. but it returns an error. Please suggest to me.
This seems like what are you looking for:
'use strict'
const { Client } = require('#elastic/elasticsearch')
const client = new Client({
node: 'http://localhost:9200'
async function run () {
await client.indices.create({
index: 'tweets',
body: {
mappings: {
properties: {
id: { type: 'integer' },
text: { type: 'text' },
user: { type: 'keyword' },
time: { type: 'date' }
}, { ignore: [400] })
const dataset = [{
id: 1,
text: 'If I fall, don\'t bring me back.',
user: 'jon',
date: new Date()
}, {
id: 2,
text: 'Winter is coming',
user: 'ned',
date: new Date()
}, {
id: 3,
text: 'A Lannister always pays his debts.',
user: 'tyrion',
date: new Date()
}, {
id: 4,
text: 'I am the blood of the dragon.',
user: 'daenerys',
date: new Date()
}, {
id: 5, // change this value to a string to see the bulk response with errors
text: 'A girl is Arya Stark of Winterfell. And I\'m going home.',
user: 'arya',
date: new Date()
// The major part is below:
const body = dataset.flatMap(doc => [{ index: { _index: 'tweets' } }, doc])
const { body: bulkResponse } = await client.bulk({ refresh: true, body })
if (bulkResponse.errors) {
const erroredDocuments = []
// The items array has the same order of the dataset we just indexed.
// The presence of the `error` key indicates that the operation
// that we did for the document has failed.
bulkResponse.items.forEach((action, i) => {
const operation = Object.keys(action)[0]
if (action[operation].error) {
// If the status is 429 it means that you can retry the document,
// otherwise it's very likely a mapping error, and you should
// fix the document before to try it again.
status: action[operation].status,
error: action[operation].error,
operation: body[i * 2],
document: body[i * 2 + 1]
const { body: count } = await client.count({ index: 'tweets' })
Reference link:

All nested rows does not inserted in a table

I want tree structure in my Categories table.
So I tried this:
Categories model looks like:
import * as Sequelize from 'sequelize';
export default class CategoriesModel extends Sequelize.Model {
static init(sequelize, DataTypes) {
return super.init({
name: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
}, {
modelName: 'categories',
association in my CategoriesModel class looks like:
static associate({ Categories }) {
this.nestedCategories = this.hasMany(Categories, {
as: 'nestedCategories',
foreignKey: 'parentId',
and when i tried to insert rows, for example:
sequelize.sync({ force: true }).then(() => {
name: 'parent',
nestedCategories: [
name: 'child 1',
name: 'child 2',
nestedCategories: [
name: 'child 3',
}, {
include: [models.Categories.nestedCategories]
}).then(cat => {
result is:
id: 1,
name: 'parent',
[ { id: 2,
name: 'child 1',
parentId: 1,
updatedAt: 2019-02-05T08:39:45.655Z,
createdAt: 2019-02-05T08:39:45.655Z },
{ id: 3,
name: 'child 2',
parentId: 1,
updatedAt: 2019-02-05T08:39:45.657Z,
createdAt: 2019-02-05T08:39:45.657Z } ],
updatedAt: 2019-02-05T08:39:45.624Z,
createdAt: 2019-02-05T08:39:45.624Z,
parentId: null
child 3 does not inserted in a table.
I dont understand what i'm doing wrong...
You need to specify one include per nested category in order to make your request parsed correctly.
Here I made a function to do this recursively based on model you want to create:
function buildIncludeRecursive(model, includeTemplate) {
const include = Object.assign({}, includeTemplate);
let currInclude = include;
let currModel = model;
currInclude.include = [Object.assign({}, includeTemplate)];
currInclude = currInclude.includes[0];
currModel = currModel[];
return include;
const model = {
name: 'parent',
nestedCategories: [
{ name: 'child 1' },
name: 'child 2',
nestedCategories: [
{ name: 'child 3' }
const includeTemplate = {
model: models.Categories,
as: 'nestedCategories'
model.categories.create(model, {
include: buildIncludeRecursive(model, includeTemplate)
Here's what your include is gonna be in this case:
model: models.Categories,
as: 'nestedCategories',
include: [
model: models.Categories,
as: 'nestedCategories'

Build and save with associations

I am trying to build a user, create a location (I'm using google geocode API) and save all, but the association isn't created in the database. Everything is working fine. The response is exactly what I want but when I go into the database, the association isn't created. The only way I made it work was to create and save the location entity separately and directly set the foreign key "locationId" to the newly generated ID. It's been almost a week and I still can't figure out how to make it work. If it can help, I'm also using PostgreSQL. Here is the doc for creation with associations.
Here are my associations:
User.belongsTo(models.Location, { as: 'location', foreignKey: 'locationId' });
Location.hasMany(models.User, { as: 'users', foreignKey: 'locationId' });
Here is my controller code:
const createRandomToken = crypto
.then(buf => buf.toString('hex'));
const createUser = token =>{
firstName: req.body.firstName,
lastName: req.body.lastName,
passwordResetToken: token,
passwordResetExpires: moment().add(1, 'days'),
role: req.body.roleId,
active: true
}, {
include: [{ model: Location, as: 'location' }]
const createLocation = (user) => {
if (!user) return;
if (!req.body.placeId) return user;
return googleMapsHelper.getLocationByPlaceId(req.body.placeId).then((location) => {
user.location = location;
return user;
const saveUser = (user) => {
if (!user) return;
.then(user => res.json(user.getPublicInfo()));
.catch(Sequelize.ValidationError, (err) => {
for (let i = 0; i < err.errors.length; i++) {
if (err.errors[i].type === 'unique violation') {
return next(createError.Conflict(err.errors[i]));
.catch(err => next(createError.InternalServerError(err)));
Here's the response:
"id": 18,
"firstName": "FirstName",
"lastName": "LastName",
"email": "",
"lastLogin": null,
"passwordResetExpires": "2018-04-15T21:02:34.624Z",
"location": {
"id": 5,
"placeId": "ChIJs0-pQ_FzhlQRi_OBm-qWkbs",
"streetNumber": null,
"route": null,
"city": "Vancouver",
"postalCode": null,
"country": "Canada",
"region": "British Columbia",
"formatted": "Vancouver, BC, Canada",
"createdAt": "2018-04-14T20:57:54.196Z",
"updatedAt": "2018-04-14T20:57:54.196Z"
After a couple back and forth with sequelize Github, I achieved to do the same thing using a transaction, the setters and modifying my promise logic.
const createLocation = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!req.body.placeId) return resolve();
.then(location => resolve(location))
.catch(() => reject(createError.BadRequest('PlaceId invalide')));
const createUser = () => sequelize.transaction((t) => {
const user ={
firstName: req.body.firstName,
lastName: req.body.lastName,
passwordResetToken: crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'),
passwordResetExpires: moment().add(1, 'days'),
active: true
return{ transaction: t })
.then(user => createLocation
.then(location => user.setLocation(location, { transaction: t })));
.then(user => res.json(user))
.catch(err => httpErrorHandler(err, next));
