Macro Not Pasting on Cell A10 - excel

Sub fadfadsf()
'Declare variables
Dim DataRg As Range
Dim DataCell As Range
Dim P As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim I As Long
'Set variables
P = Worksheets("EquipOtherPortfolio").UsedRange.Rows.Count
Q = Worksheets("Modifiedby RDS_EquipmentOther").UsedRange.Rows.Count
''Type If condition to relate the variables I and Q
If I = 1 Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Modifiedby RDS_EquipmentOther").UsedRange) = 0 Then Q = 0
End If
'Set range for Dataset1
Set DataRg = Worksheets("EquipOtherPortfolio").Range("J2:J2" & P)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'Apply the For loop
For I = 1 To DataRg.Count
'Set Condition for "" value
If CStr(DataRg(I).Value) = "Files" Then
- - '**Apply command to copy cells ' When I change **"A" to "A10"** it will not show any resluts not sure where is the disconnect.**
DataRg(I).EntireRow.Range("I1:N1").Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Modifiedby RDS_EquipmentOther").Range("A" & Q + 1)
Q = Q + 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
In apply command to copy cell section I tried changing "A" to "A10" but is not showing me results and could not figured out how to change variables.


Highlight Differences across Workbook Ranges VBA

I've managed to compare 3 separate ranges on one workbook with 3 single ranges across 3 workbooks. Right now it's written to just pop up with a message box either letting me know the data is the same or the data is different. What I would like to do is for the macro to not only let me know there are differences, but to also highlight where the differences are to me. I guess this could be done by just highlighting the cells on the first workbook that are different to the other three or I guess it could also be done by pasting the different values on the sheets in question from COL N onward.
Sub Macro1()
Dim varDataMatrix() As Variant
Dim varDataMatrix2() As Variant
Dim varDataMatrix3() As Variant
Dim lngArrayCount As Long
Dim lngArrayCount2 As Long
Dim lngArrayCount3 As Long
Dim rngMyCell As Range
Dim rngMyCell2 As Range
Dim rngMyCell3 As Range
Dim wbWorkbookOne As Workbook
Dim wbWorkbookTwo As Workbook
Dim wbWorkbookThree As Workbook
Dim wbWorkbookFour As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Set wbWorkbookOne = Workbooks("PositionTest.xls")
Set wbWorkbookTwo = Workbooks("ATest.xlsx")
Set wbWorkbookThree = Workbooks("BTest.xlsx")
Set wbWorkbookFour = Workbooks("CTest.xlsx")
'First create an array of the values in the desired range of the first workbook.
For Each rngMyCell In wbWorkbookOne.Sheets("Positions").Range("B3:B6")
lngArrayCount = lngArrayCount + 1
ReDim Preserve varDataMatrix(1 To lngArrayCount)
varDataMatrix(lngArrayCount) = rngMyCell
Next rngMyCell
lngArrayCount = 0 'Initialise variable
'Loop through Array elements
For Each rngMyCell In wbWorkbookTwo.Sheets("A").Range("B2:B5")
lngArrayCount = lngArrayCount + 1
If rngMyCell.Value <> varDataMatrix(lngArrayCount) Then
GoTo QuitRoutinue
End If
Next rngMyCell
For Each rngMyCell2 In wbWorkbookOne.Sheets("Positions").Range("F3:F6")
lngArrayCount2 = lngArrayCount2 + 1
ReDim Preserve varDataMatrix2(1 To lngArrayCount2)
varDataMatrix2(lngArrayCount2) = rngMyCell2
Next rngMyCell2
lngArrayCount2 = 0 'Initialise variable
'Loop through Array elements
For Each rngMyCell2 In wbWorkbookThree.Sheets("B").Range("B2:B5")
lngArrayCount2 = lngArrayCount2 + 1
If rngMyCell2.Value <> varDataMatrix2(lngArrayCount2) Then
GoTo QuitRoutinue
End If
Next rngMyCell2
For Each rngMyCell3 In wbWorkbookOne.Sheets("Positions").Range("J3:J6")
lngArrayCount3 = lngArrayCount3 + 1
ReDim Preserve varDataMatrix3(1 To lngArrayCount3) 'Append the record to the existing array
varDataMatrix3(lngArrayCount3) = rngMyCell3
Next rngMyCell3
lngArrayCount3 = 0 'Initialise variable
For Each rngMyCell3 In wbWorkbookFour.Sheets("C").Range("B2:B5") 'Workbook one range is A10:A15 on 'Sheet2'.
lngArrayCount3 = lngArrayCount3 + 1
If rngMyCell3.Value <> varDataMatrix3(lngArrayCount3) Then
GoTo QuitRoutinue
End If
Next rngMyCell3
'If we get here both datasets have matched.
Set wbWorkbookOne = Nothing
Set wbWorkbookTwo = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Erase varDataMatrix() 'Deletes the varible contents, free some memory
MsgBox "Data is the same.", vbInformation
Exit Sub
Set wbWorkbookOne = Nothing
Set wbWorkbookTwo = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Erase varDataMatrix() 'Deletes the varible contents, free some memory
MsgBox "Data is different.", vbExclamation
End Sub
Highlights differences on Positions sheet and shows values in columns L to N. Uses Application.Transpose to create 1D arrays from a vertical range of cells. Note : Transpose won't work for a non-contiguous range.
Option Explicit
Sub Macro2()
Dim ws(3) As Worksheet, sht, w, n As Long
sht = Array("Positions", "A", "B", "C")
For Each w In Array("PositionTest.xls", "ATest.xlsx", "BTest.xlsx", "CTest.xlsx")
Set ws(n) = Workbooks(w).Sheets(sht(n))
n = n + 1
Dim i As Long, r As Long, diff As Long
Dim rng0 As Range, rngN As Range, a As Range, b As Range
Dim ar0, arN
' compare sheets
For n = 1 To 3
Set rng0 = ws(0).Range("H5:H7,H9:H11,H13:H19,H21:H22").Offset(, (n - 1) * 4) ' H, L, P
Set rngN = ws(n).Range("E3:E18") ' sheet A, B, C
' copy to array
arN = Application.Transpose(rngN)
i = 0
For Each a In rng0
i = i + 1
r = a.Row
' cells on position sheet
Set b = ws(0).Cells(r, "R").Offset(, n) ' diff in col L,M,N
' compare arrays
If a.Value <> arN(i) Then
a.Interior.Color = RGB(255, 255, 0) ' yellow
b.Value = rngN.Cells(i, 1)
diff = diff + 1
a.Interior.Pattern = False
End If
MsgBox diff & " differences", vbInformation
End Sub

Trying to use a cell value in vba code but need it to be variable and only got it as constant

Very new to this but enjoying the journey.
I am trying to populate a cell then click a button to run the macro. Problem is I have the code all working if I include the cells value in the code.....
Sub CopyRowBasedOnCellValue()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim A As Long
Dim B As Long
Dim C As Long
A = Worksheets("Sheet1").UsedRange.Rows.Count
B = Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If B = 1 Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("Sheet2").UsedRange) = 0 Then B = 0
End If
Set xRg = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("C1:C" & A)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For C = 1 To xRg.Count
If CStr(xRg(C).Value) = "ASML" Then
xRg(C).EntireRow.Copy Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("A" & B + 1)
B = B + 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
But I want "ASML" not to be constant. I need it to be variable (ie the value of cell K1)
I am sure it is a simple fix but not very good at this

Cut and paste a row (based on a cell value) into a certain sheet, which is also based on a different cell value

I have a worksheet that I've made to track progress on projects. I currently have an active x button that when clicked it moves a row from the active worksheet (Project Tracker) to another worksheet (Released). The value that would trigger this action would be in column J (Released). This works perfectly.
I would like to have multiple worksheets that have the same names as the project names which are based on different companies that would be selected from a drop-down list (to stop typos). I need help on code to move the cut rows to these certain sheets.
Current code:
enter code here
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim xRg As Range
Dim xCell As Range
Dim I As Long
Dim J As Long
Dim K As Long
I = Worksheets("PROJECT TRACKER").UsedRange.Rows.Count
J = Worksheets("RELEASED").UsedRange.Rows.Count
If J = 1 Then
If Application.WorksheetFunction.CountA(Worksheets("RELEASED").UsedRange) = 0 Then J = 0
End If
Set xRg = Worksheets("PROJECT TRACKER").Range("L1:L" & I)
On Error Resume Next
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For K = 1 To xRg.Count
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "RELEASED" Then
xRg(K).EntireRow.Cut Destination:=Worksheets("RELEASED").Range("A" & J + 1)
If CStr(xRg(K).Value) = "RELEASED" Then
K = K - 1
End If
J = J + 1
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
his is cross-posted

How to enter a value in a single cell in a range and continue through each cell in the range

I have a range A6:A24 that is blank. I want to paste the value 1 into each cell and copy a resulting calculation in H9 to a new sheet. After that I want to move to the next cell paste "1" but delete the previous "1" and paste the resulting value.
I am either able to paste 1 into every box or just the top.
A6:A24 are years. I am trying to pull the calculation for when each year is equal to 1 (100 percent) meaning all other years need to be equal to zero.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim inputRange1 As Range
Dim inputRange2 As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim b As Range
Dim j As Long
Set dvCell2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A6:A24")
Set inputRange2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D1")
Set dvCell1 = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C1")
Set inputRange1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B6:B24")
i = 1
j = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each b In inputRange2
dvCell2.Value = b.Value
For Each c In inputRange1
dvCell1.Value = c.Value
Worksheets("Sheet4").Cells(i + 2, j + 3).Value = Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("H9").Value
i = i + 1
Next c
j = j + 1
i = 1
Next b
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Not sure I follow. This will loop through each cell in dvcell2 and put a 1 in it and then copy the value of H9. I'm not sure if you're attempting to do something else.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim inputRange1 As Range
Dim inputRange2 As Range
Dim c As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim b As Range
Dim j As Long
Set dvcell2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A6:A24")
Set inputRange2 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("D1")
Set dvCell1 = Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("C1")
Set inputRange1 = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B6:B24")
i = 1
j = 1
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
For Each b In dvcell2
b.Value = 1
Worksheets("Sheet4").Cells(i + 2, j + 3).Value = Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("H9").Value
j = j + 1
Next b
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

trying to delete hidden names by selection excel macro

I'm trying to delete hidden Names but with a rule that I choose what hidden Name to delete and what not.
Using the code from Microsoft support I managed to make a list of the names
on a log sheet and added a column that when I enter 1 next to it I want to not delete the name, and when I leave it blank U want it to remove the name.
code from Microsoft support (
here is my code:
Sub clean_names()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
Set nms = ActiveWorkbook.Names
MsgBox (nms.Count)
For R = 1 To nms.Count
Name_Name = nms(R).Name
Name_Referance = nms(R).RefersTo
Sheets("LOG").Cells(R + 1, 1).Value = Name_Name
Sheets("LOG").Cells(R + 1, 2).Value = "'" + Name_Referance
'Application.StatusBar = R
Next R
'Application.StatusBar = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Sub DelNames()
Dim xName As Variant
Dim Indx As Integer
Dim Vis As Variant
Cells(2, 1).Select
If (ActiveCell = "") Then Exit Sub
Indx = 1
If (ActiveCell.Offset(Indx, 2) = "") Then
xName = ActiveCell.Offset(Indx, 0).Value
If xName.Visible = True Then
Vis = "Visible"
Vis = "Hidden"
End If
End If
Indx = Indx + 1
Loop While Len(ActiveCell.Offset(Indx, 0))
End Sub
How can i make this code work ?
Try the code below, it will loop thorugh all rows in Column A, check if column C is empty, and will delete that Name from your workbook.
Note: I've commented 5 lines from your original code, since according to your post you don't care if the Names are Visible or not, you want to delete them based on the value in Column C.
Option Explicit
Sub DelNames()
Dim xName As Name
Dim Indx As Long
Dim Vis As Variant
Dim LastRow As Long
With Worksheets("LOG")
If IsEmpty(.Range("A2").Value) Then Exit Sub
LastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row '<-- get last row in column A (where you have a NamedRange)
For Indx = 2 To LastRow
If .Range("C" & Indx).Value = "" Then
' set xName with the text entered in column A (as the Named Range Name)
Set xName = ThisWorkbook.Names(.Range("A" & Indx).Value)
' not sure you need the 5 lines with the If criteria below so I Commented them for now
'If xName.Visible = True Then
' Vis = "Visible"
' Vis = "Hidden"
'End If
End If
Next Indx
End With
End Sub
