How to deploy node js to linux ubuntu without source code? - node.js

In windows you can use nssm to make the source code become .exe and make it a service. In Linux I already tried it using pm2 and nginx but it still need the source code.


VSCode execute node script on remote linux or windows machine

Using VSCode, is it possible to execute a node.js script on a remote linux or windows system without setting up a full Visual Studio Code Remote Development Environment?
Assume the following:
VSCode installed on client (Windows)
remote system is a virtual machine running on the client. It has access to the project folder (including the script to be executed and the node modules) on the client. Node is installed on the remote system.
Actually I just need something like a launch configuration which executes an SSH command for linux, for windows maybe something else. With these assumptions (shared project folder between remote system and client), is that possible without setting up a full Visual Studio Code Remote Development Environment? I don't need remote editing or debugging.

How do I set up a React project on Synology NAS

I'm trying to set up a create-react-app project on my 918+ Synology NAS. From the getgo it has Node.js 5.6.0, but since create-react-app requires >=6 I need to install and use a higher version. Within the Synology NAS the Package Manger has both Node.js 6 and 8. These install fine. Then I'm trying to change the current Node.js version, this is where the problems starts.
For the information, the Synology runs a custom distro of Linux called DSM, with kernel 4.4.59.
When trying to change to version using e.g. nvm use 6.12.3 I get:
Error: Could not open history file.
REPL session history will not be persisted.
Googling this gives me no results. Is there somewhere here that would happen to know what to do, or just could try help me get this set up? I'm not sure if it's even possible. The Synology has Docker, would that be a better option for me?

Can I run .exe file on Heroku?

I am building a node app that has a function that requires running an .exe file. I am using the .exe because it was the only was I was able to get my my legacy fortran code to compile (through intel visual fortran). Will I be able to get my app to run through heroku, and if so, is there anything I need to do besides the basic deploy?
Thanks in advance.
I don't think Heroku has any windows servers.
As you have the Heroku CLI to enter into the machine where your app is running you can try using Wine ( to run your exe.

Deploy Qt5-console-app on a remote linux virtual server

I have written a little server with Qt5 and want now to deploy it on my vServer. I have no root rights for the server. I have still tried to just copy the application and the Qt5-libs and run it with this result:
/lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found
I don't want to install Qt5 on the server to compile the application on the server again. Is there a better way to easily deploy an application on a remote server?
You can also copy glibc with your application. Clearly the problem is program can't find
Your libc libraries are most probably in /usr/lib. You might want to look at it though. I think copying your* files with your application might solve your problem.

How to run Shiny Server on linux using remote acces?

I'm trying to put in production my shiny app. I can run my shiny app locally on my Windows machine, from R. However, since we need to use Linux to deploy the app over the web, we decided to use a Linux server for that. We access this Linux server remotely, from our local machines (running Windows).
I followed the instruction at the RStudio website, and successful installed Shine Server on the Linux server. Its's running on it. I don't know what to do next. So, my question is: what should I do next? Please, remember that I access the Linux server remotely (using puty). Also, I have almost no knowledge of Linux.
Any guidance on what to do next is very welcome.
Some info that may be useful:
I use a Ubuntu 12.04.3
I ran as root (I think, but I can use sudo, for sure).
Another person has access to this server besides me.
We use R 3.0.2
you can follow the instructions here:!msg/shiny-discuss/NuZp0ziVXvw/BXHcIoXThnoJ
Short answer:
# this is all one line
sudo wget\\
-O /etc/init/shiny-server.conf
# Start the server
sudo start shiny-server
Then just open a browser and point to it
