Real time email feature using AWS services - python-3.x

I am trying to use AWS services to implement a real-time email-sending feature for one of my projects. It is like someone uses my app to schedule a reminder from my project and then the email will be sent to them nearby or at the actual time that he scheduled.
I know the AWS services such as AWS CloudWatch rules (CRONs) and DynamoDB stream (TTL based). But that is not perfect for such a feature. Can anyone please suggest a better way to implement such a feature?
Any type of guidance is acceptable.
-- Thanks in advance.

Imagine your service at huge scale. At such scale, there are likely to be multiple messages going off every minute. Therefore, you could create:
A database that stores the reminder times (this could be DynamoDB or an Amazon RDS database)
An AWS Lambda function that is configured to trigger every minute
When the Lambda function is triggered, it should check the database to retrieve all reminders that should be sent for this particular minute. It can then use Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) to send emails.
If the number of emails to be sent is really big, then rather than having the Lambda function call SES in series, it could put a message into an Amazon SQS queue for each email to be sent. The SQS queue could then trigger another Lambda function that sends the email via SES. This allows the emails to be sent in parallel.


How can I get an Email when my APIs goes down?

I have a few APIs written in NodeJs using Express, Which are hosted on AWS EC2, What can I do to get an email whenever my APIs go down? Can I use any service of AWS like CloudWatch to send an Email when my API crashes?
Consider using CloudWatch's synthetic monitoring to:
create canaries, configurable scripts that run on a schedule, to monitor your endpoints and APIs. Canaries follow the same routes and perform the same actions as a customer, which makes it possible for you to continually verify your customer experience even when you don't have any customer traffic on your applications. By using canaries, you can discover issues before your customers do.
You can monitor canary events with EventBridge and send custom notifications, including email.
I'm just a beginner, but isn't SNS the solution you would want for this situation?

Subscribe non-exposed NodeJS Application to SNS

On my current architecture, I have a NodeJS application that posts a message on SQS, which triggers a lambda function that (finally) puts the result on MongoDB. While the lambda is running, the NodeJS app pools MongoDB until the status field changes to SUCCESS or FAILED.
I would like to change this architecture to be event-driven rather than relying on pooling. To achieve that I considered changing both the NodeJS app to subscribe to a SNS topic and the Lambda function to post the result to that topic.
However, I faced a challenge when attempting to subscribe to the SNS topic. The subscribe method demands an Endpoint to confirm the subscription, and the NodeJS in question is not exposed (it's not an API). So how could the subscription be confirmed?
I understand that AWS might want to avoid spams by implementing subscription confirmation for SMS and Email, but on this case, the subscriber is a simple application...
Is there any way to subscribe tot he topic without exposing the NodeJS application? Or SNS is not the appropriate solution here?
I have used RabbitMQ for this on the past, but I would rather not deploy an instance and instead leverage a platform-as-a-service type of product.

Using Pub/Sub for Google Cloud Storage with GKE

I have a GKE application that currently is driven by Notifications from a Google Cloud Storage bucket. I want to convert this node.js application to be triggered instead by PubSub notifications. I've been crawling through Google documentation pages most of the day, and do not have a clear answer. I see some python code that might do it, but it's not helping much.
The code as it is currently written is working - an image landing in my GCS bucket triggers a notification to my GKE pod(s), and my function runs. Trying to understand what I need to do inside my function to subscribe to a Pub/Sub topic to trigger the processing. Any and all suggestions welcome.
Firstly thanks, I didn't know the notification capability of GCS!!
The principle is close but you use PubSub as intermediary. Instead of notify directly your application with a watchbucket command, you notif a PubSub topic.
From there, the notifications arrive in PubSub topic, now you have to create a subscription. 2 types are possible:
Push: you specify an HTTP URL that is called with a POST request, and the body contain the notification message.
Pull: your application need to create a connection with the PubSub subscription and to read the messages.
Pro and cons
Push requires an authentication from the PubSub push subscription to your application. And if you use internal IP, you can't use this solution (URL endpoint must be publicly accessible). The main advantage is the scalability and the simplicity of the model.
Pull require an authentication of the subscriber (here your application) and thus, even if your application is privately deployed, you can use Pull subscription. Pull is recommended for high throughput but require higher skill in processing, concurrency/multi-threading programming. You don't scale on request rate (as with Push model) but according to the number of message that you read. And you need to acknowledge manually the messages.
Data model is mentioned here. Your pubsub message is like that
"data": string,
"attributes": {
string: string,
"messageId": string,
"publishTime": string,
"orderingKey": string
The attributes are discribed in the documentation and the payload (base64 encoded, be carefull) has this format. Very similar of what you get today.
So, why the attributes? Because you can use the filter feature on PubSub to create subscription with only a subset of messages.
You can also shiht gears and use Cloud Event (base on Knative events) if you use Cloud Run for Anthos in your GKE cluster. Here, the main advantage is the portability of the solution, because the messages are compliant with Cloud Event format and not specific to GCP.

Creating SQS Queues with lambda

I'm working on a collaborative document project (basically a clone of google docs), where client-programs post their actions to an API on amazon's API gateway, then receive messages of other client's actions via an SQS queue. The API calls trigger Node.js lambda functions that create a message, publish it to an SNS which then notifies each client's SQS.
My current hurdle is in dynamically creating/destroying SQS queues for these clients as they join/leave a document, however my googlefu is weak and I have failed to find anything that could help me. I'd like to keep the queue management server-side and ideally in lambda, but if that's impossible I will accept other solutions.
You can simply use the AWS SDK for Javascript in your AWS Lambda function (it's already pre-installed there) and use it to manage any kind of AWS resources, e.g. the requested creation and deletion of SQS queues.

Sending emails through Amazon SES with Azure Functions

The Problem:
So we are building a newsletter system for our app that must have a capacity to send 20k-40k emails up to several times a day.
Tools of Preference:
Amazon SES - for pricing and scalability
Azure Functions - for serverless compute to send emails
Limitations of Amazon SES:
Amazon SES Throttling having Max Send Rate - Amazon SES throttles sending via their services by imposing a max send rate. Right now, being out of the sandbox SES environment, our capacity is 14 emails/sec with 50K daily emails cap. But this limit can be increased via a support ticket.
Limitations of Azure Functions:
On a Consumption Plan, there's no way to limit the scale as to how many instances of your Azure Function execute. Currently the scaling is handled internally by Azure, and thus the function can execute between just a few to hundreds of instances.
From reading other post on Azure Functions, there seems to be "warm-up" period for Azure Functions, meaning the function may not execute as soon as it is triggered via one of the documented triggers.
Limitations of Azure Functions with SES:
The obvious problem would be Amazon SES throttling sending emails from Azure functions because the scaled execution of Azure Function that sends out an email will be much higher than allowed send rate for SES.
Due to "warm-up" period of Azure Function messages may end up being piled up in a queue before Azure Function actually starts processing them at a scale and sending out the email, thus there's a very high probability of hitting that send/rate limit.
How can we utilize sending emails via Azure Functions while still being under X emails/second limit of SES? Is there a way to limit how many times an Azure Function can execute per time frame? So like let's says we don't want more than 30 instances of Azure Function running per/second?
Other thoughts:
Amazon SES might not like continuous throttling of SES for a customer if the customer's implementation is constantly hitting up that throttling limit. Amazon SES folks, can you please comment?
Azure Functions - as per documentation, the scaling of Azure Functions on a Consumption Plan is handled internally. But isn't there a way to put a manual "cap" on scaling? This seems like such a common requirement from a customer's point of view. The problem is not that Azure Functions can't handle the load, the problem is that other components of the system that interface with Azure Functions can't handle the load at the massive scale at which Azure Functions can handle it.
Thank you for your help.
If I understand your problem correctly, the easiest method is a custom queue throttling solution.
Basically your AF just retrieve the calls for all the mailing requests, and then queue them into a queue system (say ServiceBus / EventHub / IoTHub) then you can have another Azure function that runs by x minute interval, which will pull a maximum of y messages and push it to SES. Your control point becomes that clock function, and since the queue system will help you to ensure you know your message delivery status (has sent to SES yet) and you can pop the queue once done, it would allow you to ensure the job is eventually processed.
You should be able to set the maxConcurrentCalls to 1 within the host.json file for the function; this will ensure that only 1 function execution is occurring at any given time and should throttle your processing rate to something more agreeable from AWS perspective in terms of sends per second:
// The unique ID for this job host. Can be a lower case GUID
// with dashes removed. When running in Azure Functions, the id can be omitted, and one gets generated automatically.
"id": "9f4ea53c5136457d883d685e57164f08",
// Configuration settings for 'serviceBus' triggers. (Optional)
"serviceBus": {
// The maximum number of concurrent calls to the callback the message
// pump should initiate. The default is 16.
"maxConcurrentCalls": 1,
