Kotlin - how can I print limited length - android-studio

I tried to make password generator ( only string ) using Kotlin for-loop
when I run the code it's shows me outputs like this
its too long password so I tried to use some Kotlin functions (Size,Length) and didn't work with me maybe I just don't know the right way to do it , example I just want Password length size is from 5 to 15 chars
please forget the numbers variable and x variable
Kotlin Code:
class passwordMaker {
private val password = ('a'..'Z') + ('A'..'Z')
private val numbers = arrayOf(1,3,4,5,2,0,4,6,7,'#','#','_','/')
fun passwordMaker(){
var x = numbers
var xy = password.subList(0,25)
for (i in xy){

class passwordMaker {
fun getRandomPassword(a: Int): String {
val characterSet =( 'a'..'Z') + ('A'..'Z')
var random = Random(System.nanoTime())
var password = StringBuilder()
for (i in 0 until a){
val psMaker = random.nextInt(characterSet.size)
return password.toString()


How to use parseInt in kotlin?

I making fun increase, decrease for item count. I want make count.text plus "T" Character. when I tried to make code like this.
error code: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "1T"
How can I solve this problem? Any one can help??
fun increaseInteger() {
var count = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.integer_number)
var countResult = parseInt(intent.getStringExtra("case")+"T")
var countValue = countResult+1
if (countValue >= 1 && !decrease.isEnabled) { decrease.isEnabled = true}
fun decreaseInteger() {
var count = findViewById<TextView>(R.id.integer_number)
var countResult = parseInt(intent.getStringExtra("case")+"T")
var countValue = countResult-1
if (countValue <= 1) {decrease.isEnabled = false }
The API is pretty straightforward:
"123".toInt() // returns 123 as Int
"123T".toInt() // throws NumberFormatException
"123".toIntOrNull() // returns 123 Int?
"123T".toIntOrNull() // returns null as Int?
So if you know your input might not be parseable to an Int, you can use toIntOrNull which will return null if the value was not parseable. It allows to use further nullability tools the language offers, e.g.:
input.toIntOrNull() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("$input is not a valid number")
(This example uses the elvis operator to handle the undesired null response of toIntOrNull, the alternative would involve a try/catch around toInt)
You can use these
val str = "12345"
val str_new = "12345B"
str.toInt() // returns 123 as Int
str_new.toInt() // throws NumberFormatException
str.toIntOrNull() // returns 123 Int?
str_new.toIntOrNull() // returns null as Int?

How can I convert a camel case string to snake case and back in idiomatic Kotlin?

Looking for code that will do conversions like this:
"MyCamelCaseA" to "my_camel_case_a"
"AMultiWordString" to "a_multi_word_string"
"my_camel_case_a" to "myCamelCaseA" or "MyCamelCaseA"
"a_multi_word_string" to "aMultiWordString" or "AMultiWordString"
Here are extensions to the String class that use regex and replacements to convert a string from camel case to snake case, and from snake case to camel case:
val camelRegex = "(?<=[a-zA-Z])[A-Z]".toRegex()
val snakeRegex = "_[a-zA-Z]".toRegex()
// String extensions
fun String.camelToSnakeCase(): String {
return camelRegex.replace(this) {
fun String.snakeToLowerCamelCase(): String {
return snakeRegex.replace(this) {
fun String.snakeToUpperCamelCase(): String {
return this.snakeToLowerCamelCase().capitalize()
Here are examples using the String extension:
Here's my stab at this.
fun String.camelToSnakeCase() = fold(StringBuilder(length)) { acc, c ->
if (c in 'A'..'Z') (if (acc.isNotEmpty()) acc.append('_') else acc).append(c + ('a' - 'A'))
else acc.append(c)
My approach is also written in the form of extension function, but it does not use regular expressions, instead going character-by-character, processing them and folding the processing result into the accumulator, which at the beginning is an empty StringBuilder. The processing is as follows:
if the character is not an upper-case Latin letter, add it to accumulator as is
if the character is an upper-case Latin letter, then also check if this is not the first character of the string (accumulator is not empty). If it is not, then add underscore to accumulator. Finally add lower-cased character.
One thing to note, is that kotlin.text.StringBuilder is used, not the JDK one.
I would go with these implementations:
fun String.toCamelCase() =
split('_').joinToString("", transform = String::capitalize)
... which splits the string using snakes as delimiters, and then reattaches the parts as capitalized words without a delimiter.
fun String.toSnakeCase() = replace(humps, "_").toLowerCase()
private val humps = "(?<=.)(?=\\p{Upper})".toRegex()
... which uses a regex to find the positions before humps, inserting snakes, and then converts the whole string to lowercase. The regex consists of two parts, the first one (?<=.) is a positive look-behind saying that it must be preceded by a character, and the second part (?=\\p{Upper}) is using a positive look-ahead saying it must be followed by an uppercase character.
If you have jackson-databind in your classpath, you can use the following utility function:
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.PropertyNamingStrategies
fun String.toSnakeCase(): String =
fun main() {
// should output this_is_the_case
this is my try with kotlin only
val camelCaseString = "thisIsCamelCase"
val snakeCaseString = camelCaseString.map {
if (it.isUpperCase()){
.joinToString(separator = "")
System.out.println("here is your snake string: $snake_case_string")
here is your snake string: this_is_camel_case
convert from snake to camel
val snakeCaseString = "snake_case_string"
val camelCase = StringBuilder()
var prevChar = '$'
snakeCaseString.forEach {
}else if(!it.equals('_')){
prevChar = it
I took one of the answers here, added Title Case and changed the API a bit
val camelRegex = "(?<=[a-zA-Z])[A-Z]".toRegex()
val snakeRegex = "_[a-zA-Z]".toRegex()
value class SnakeCaseString(private val string: String) {
fun toCamelCase(): String = snakeRegex.replace(string) { it.value.replace("_", "").uppercase() }
fun toUpperCamelCase(): String =
toCamelCase().replaceFirstChar { if (it.isLowerCase()) it.titlecase() else it.toString() }
fun toTitleCase(): String = snakeRegex.replace(string) { it.value.replace("_", " ").uppercase() }
.replaceFirstChar { if (it.isLowerCase()) it.titlecase() else it.toString() }
value class CamelCaseString(private val string: String) {
fun toSnakeCase(): String = camelRegex.replace(string) { "_${it.value}" }.lowercase()
fun toTitleCase(): String = camelRegex.replace(string) { "_${it.value}" }
.replaceFirstChar { if (it.isLowerCase()) it.titlecase() else it.toString() }
fun String.asSnakeCase() = SnakeCaseString(this)
fun String.asCamelCase() = CamelCaseString(this)
If you want a method with an input and output, this is how I did it:
private fun convertCamelToSnakeCase(camelCase : String) : String {
val snakeCase = StringBuilder()
for(character in camelCase) {
if(character.isUpperCase()) {
} else {
return snakeCase.removePrefix("_").toString()

Store frequently used strings in object - Scala

I would like to store frequently used strings inside an object. On top of this, I would also like to conveniently add a functionality similar to the mkString function's, where if there are two objects of a certain type, they can be appended with a certain character or set of characters.
Here is what I have until now:
import org.scalatest._
class MyKey(val inputValue: String) {
val value = inputValue
def + (otherMyKeys: MyKey): MyKey = {
new MyKey(this.value + "." + otherMyKeys.value)
override def toString(): String = this.value.toString
object MyKeys {
val SPARK = new MyKey("spark")
val JSON = new MyKey("json")
val TITLE = new MyKey("title")
val URI = new MyKey("uri")
class MyKeySpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers {
"MyKey" should "not put a fullstop character when there is only one value" in {
MyKeys.SPARK should not equal("spark")
MyKeys.SPARK.toString() should equal("spark")
it should "put a fullstop character between multiple keys" in {
val actual = MyKeys.SPARK + MyKeys.JSON + MyKeys.TITLE + MyKeys.URI
val expected = "spark.json.title.uri"
actual should not equal(expected)
actual.toString() should equal(expected)
it should "work even when the same key is repeated multiple times" in {
val actual = MyKeys.SPARK + MyKeys.SPARK + MyKeys.SPARK
val expected = "spark.spark.spark"
actual should not equal(expected)
actual.toString() should equal(expected)
This solution is elegant in using the "+" function but does not work without a toString. Is there a more elegant solution where I would not even have to use the toString function? The aim is to make a string like "spark.json.spark.spark" as MyKeys.SPARK + MyKey.JSON + MyKey.SPARK + MyKey.SPARK
I can use the mkString function to do the same thing but that, I feel, is not super intuitive. How do I achieve that?
One thing you might do is define an apply() method instead of overriding the toString().
def apply(): String = this.value
Then you get...
MyKeys.SPARK should not equal("spark")
MyKeys.SPARK() should equal("spark")
... etc.
The problem with your design is that anything of type MyKey is, obviously, not a String. It's almost a String, but still needs some catalyst to make the transition, something like .toString() or, as I suggested, the hidden .apply() method.
You could make MyKeys.SPARK a real String, but the + method for String already has a meaning and can't be redefined. If you were OK using a different operator then it could be done.
object MyKeys {
val SPARK = "spark"
val JSON = "json"
val TITLE = "title"
val URI = "uri"
implicit class Dotter(str :String) {
def *(append :String) = str + "." + append
MyKeys.SPARK * MyKeys.JSON * MyKeys.SPARK //res0: String = spark.json.spark
Have you considered using implicit conversions for this?
class MyKey(val value: String) {
def + (otherMyKeys: MyKey): MyKey = {
new MyKey(this.value + "." + otherMyKeys.value)
object MyKey {
implicit def myKeyToString(myKey: MyKey): String = myKey.value
object MyKeys {
val SPARK = new MyKey("spark")
val JSON = new MyKey("json")
val result: String = MyKeys.SPARK + MyKeys.JSON // spark.json

How to multiply strings in Haxe

I'm trying to multiply some string a by some integer b such that a * b = a + a + a... (b times). I've tried doing it the same way I would in python:
class Test {
static function main() {
var a = "Text";
var b = 4;
trace(a * b); //Assumed Output: TextTextTextText
But this raises:
Build failure Test.hx:6: characters 14-15 : String should be Int
There doesn't seem to be any information in the Haxe Programming Cookbook or the API Documentation about multiplying strings, so I'm wondering if I've mistyped something or if I should use:
class Test {
static function main() {
var a = "Text";
var b = 4;
var c = "";
for (i in 0...b) {
c = c + a;
trace(c); // Outputs "TextTextTextText"
Not very short, but array comprehension might help in some situations :
class Test {
static function main() {
var a = "Text";
var b = 4;
trace( [for (i in 0...b) a].join("") );
//Output: TextTextTextText
See on try.haxe.org.
The numeric multiplication operator * requires numeric types, like integer. You have a string. If you want to multiply a string, you have to do it manually by appending a target string within the loop.
The + operator is not the numeric plus in your example, but a way to combine strings.
You can achieve what you want by operator overloading:
abstract MyAbstract(String) {
public inline function new(s:String) {
this = s;
#:op(A * B)
public function repeat(rhs:Int):MyAbstract {
var s:StringBuf = new StringBuf();
for (i in 0...rhs)
return new MyAbstract(s.toString());
class Main {
static public function main() {
var a = new MyAbstract("foo");
trace(a * 3); // foofoofoo
To build on tokiop's answer, you could also define a times function, and then use it as a static extension.
using Test.Extensions;
class Test {
static function main() {
trace ("Text".times(4));
class Extensions {
public static function times (str:String, n:Int) {
return [for (i in 0...n) str].join("");
try.haxe.org demo here
To build on bsinky answer, you can also define a times function as static extension, but avoid the array:
using Test.Extensions;
class Test {
static function main() {
trace ("Text".times(4));
class Extensions {
public static function times (str:String, n:Int) {
var v = new StringBuf();
for (i in 0...n) v.add(str);
return v.toString();
Demo: https://try.haxe.org/#e5937
StringBuf may be optimized for different targets. For example, on JavaScript target it is compiled as if you were just using strings https://api.haxe.org/StringBuf.html
The fastest method (at least on the JavaScript target from https://try.haxe.org/#195A8) seems to be using StringTools._pad.
public static inline function stringProduct ( s : String, n : Int ) {
if ( n < 0 ) {
throw ( 1 );
return StringTools.lpad ( "", s, s.length * n );
StringTools.lpad and StringTools.rpad can't seem to decide which is more efficient. It looks like rpad might be better for larger strings and lpad might be better for smaller strings, but they switch around a bit with each rerun. haxe.format.JsonPrinter uses lpad for concatenation, but I'm not sure which to recommend.

Random string in AS3

I have recently worked on AS3 project with a module that works like this:
I have 50 strings and I am picking one randomly of them at a given time. When I am done with the picked one I choose another one of the 49 left again randomly and so on.
I managed to solve this problem using helper arrays, for cycles, mapping index numbers with the strings. Although every thing works just fine I found my code very messed and hard to understand.
Is there a much more easy and cleaner way to solve this problem in AS3?
Maybe there is a library for getting random string out of strings?
Something simple like this class:
public class StringList
private var _items:Array = [];
public function StringList(items:Array)
_items = items.slice();
public function get random():String
var index:int = Math.random() * _items.length;
return _items.splice(index, 1);
public function get remaining():int{ return _items.length; }
And its usage:
var list:StringList = new StringList(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']);
while(list.remaining > 0)
I'm not sure what do you want to do with that procedure, but here's one proposal:
var stringArray:Array = new Array("string1", "string2", "string2"); //your array with strings
var xlen:uint = stringArray.length-1; //we get number of iterations
for (var x:int = xlen; x >= 0; x--){ //we iterate backwards
var randomKey:Number = Math.floor(Math.random()*stringArray.length); //gives you whole numbers from 0 to (number of items in array - 1)
stringArray.splice(randomKey,1); //remove item from array with randomKey index key
var str:String = stringArray[randomKey]; //output item into new string variable or do whatever
