I tried to install the Russian dictionary manually in vim, but an error occurred:
I also tried to install dictionaries from the OpenOffice website, as they say in some manuals, but it didn't work out.
That specific FTP server seems to be currently unreachable. I will notify the mailing list but, in the meantime, you can define one of the mirrors listed at https://www.vim.org/mirrors.php as the prefered source as described under :help spellfile.vim.
I apologize if this this is an extremely amateur question. But before yesterday I had never even heard to tex, latex, mactex, all this stuff.
Basically I have cloned a git repo in which the UML documents appear to be in a .tex file. Following google, this has led me to install MacTex, try to open these files. Click 'typeset' which I presume is how it produces the document, but it gives an error about 'uml2' being invalid syntax.
What program, or what anything, am I supposed to use to open a .tex file which has stuff like this in it:
\tikzstyle{uml2} = [
Is this even something your supposed to open in a program and view visually? I suppose this file named uml.tex will show a UML diagram once opened. Or do I have completely the wrong idea? Sorry if this is extremely amateur, like I said I've never heard of this since before yesterday, and google isn't turning up lots of information on this. Any direction would be much appreciated.
You need to install pgf from http://ctan.org/pkg/pgf The easiest is to use TexLive. Once you got all packages installed you can typeset the TeX file. I'm using TexShop which is a nice app for the Mac.
Since you indicate you never heard of TeX before: TeX is a program written by Donald Knuth many, many years ago when computers were engined with steam. But it's the best you can find for typesetting. It's mature, crude and more than 99,99% error free. Donald Knuth has a bounty for each error you find in the code and he did not have to pay since many years. What you do is to create those TeX files (there are different macro packages were LaTeX is the most famous) and send them to the TeX processor. That will create the output (now its PDF and formerly it was some DIV (device independent viewer IIRC)).
Edit I downloaded tikz-uml from here: http://perso.ensta-paristech.fr/~kielbasi/tikzuml/index.php and moved the tikz-uml.sty to folder where the main .tex source is placed. After including
in the header I was able to compile the source.
Note: there is a global location for .sty files but that depends in the app you use. Use Google to find this place. But putting .sty near your .tex is fine anyway. A \usepackage directive first looks in the source folder before looking into the global ones.
Thus far I have installed exuberant-ctags from synaptic, and also attained the older version before exuberant: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=610
First of all, do I need both? I would rather just use exuberant, if possible.
Furthermore, I am attempting to utilize the following script to auto-generate tags (which isn't working):
I checked out the post at : Vim auto-generate ctags
and alot of people use easytags (which I made a post about since I could not get it to work).
Any suggestions for auto writing of tags?
Thank you
The first plugin in your question is not the old ctags that was deprecated by exuberant ctags: it's just one of the many vim plugins written to interact with ctags. And it does the generation too.
Technically, you don't need any plugin to make vim work with ctags, :help tags and :help ctags have a lot of useful info, read them.
There are many other tag generation plugins (some are listed in the answers to the question you linked to): try them all and make your decision based on your experience/needs.
In the future, try to make your questions clearer and more focused (what did you try, what worked, what files...).
I'm a long time Emacs user, but partially switched to MacVim 2 years ago, and have been using it for all my programming work (still using Emacs for other stuff). I decided to switch back to Emacs now, mainly because of the awesome evil-mode. I'm quite happy, but I still haven't found something as good and simple as the Vim Command-T plugin.
The main problem with the Emacs alternatives is that they are either too complicated and or slow.
The closest thing to Command-T is helm/helm-cmd-t, but it doesn't quite work like it.
Let's say you have two paths:
In Vim's Command-T, you can write:
And it will match both paths.
With helm-cmd-t, if I write app/controllers/fee, it will only match fee_controller. If I want to match both, I have to use a regexp, as in app/controllers/.*, which is not that bad, but requires more keystrokes.
Any suggestions appreciated!
Any Emacs package that uses ido can do this, provided that ido-flex-match is non-nil. Helm-cmd-t deliberately doesn't support this kind of flexible matching.
You can get the behaviour you describe using find-file-in-repository with ido-flex-match set to 't.
I've recently started using flx with ido-mode and projectile it has exceptionally good, ranked fuzzy matching and has a very similar feel to CtrlP and CmdT for Vim.
It can be installed via MELPA.
M-x package-install
For more info see the flx project.
Here's a screengrab to illustrate...
Here it is, but required helm to be installed first: https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-cmd-t
EDIT: See my Helm guide. Read why it is powerful. See helm with projectile in action in that section.
With fuzzy searcher like Ido + flx or the like in Vim, you have to type thing in order.
With Helm, you can perform out of order matching.I called it out of order because whether I enter "main.c x86" or "x86 main.c", I get the same set of results for the either query. But it also makes sense to call it multi-steps search. Without having to enter the search strings (called "patterns", which are actually regexp) in an orderly fashion, Helm gives me greater freedom: I can enter the thing I wanted first in my mind without having to remember its complex path; if there are many candidates from the target I wanted, I narrow it down further with more details (patterns).
The above example to illustrate the two cases from the advantage above:
If my desire target is not unique, fine I can narrow further.
If my desire target is unique, I can immediately get it.
As you can see, the Linux kernel source tree contains more than 40kfiles, and I narrowed it down to a few files immediately.
Visual Studio also implements this mechanism in their project search, but it's not generic as Helm. In Helm, you can reuse the same Helm interface for many other things; for example, see helm-semantic-or-imenu. You have something like an outline tree, but you can interactively and incrementally narrow to the candidates you want with a few simple patterns.
Finally, fyi, flx author - Le Wang - is using Helm.
Did you try LustyExplorer? It's based on the Vim plugin with the same name.
Also, it looks like you are not using Command-T to the best of its capabilities: acfe should be enough for it to match those two files. What you do is not particularly better than :e app/con*/**/fe<Tab>.
I've once run across gpicker which advertises speed as one of its advantages over Ido and other "native" elisp packages. Never got to try it out on real-world projects though, but it might work for you.
Long story short - there's nothing quite like command-T for Emacs. Best options are gpicker or Peepcode's peepopen, but they are external applications, and I find them to be distracting after using command-T for so long. I'll stick to MacVim for now, only because of command-T, but might look into implementing something that behaves just like command-T as an exercise.
Thank you all for the answers and comments!
Give textmate.el a try :)
You'll just have to use "Command+T" instead of "Ctrl+P" :)
This is the best solution out there in my opinion. Here's why:
Uses projectile to determine project root if you're in a project.
Otherwise it very quickly indexes the file in the current directory.
Fuzzy matching.
Can be customized (top or bottom placement, number of records, etc.)
I've happily installed the vim Align plugin on my home computer, but on the Red Hat servers at work, the installation doesn't work. The servers at work have a very old copy (2006) of vimball, which from Googling I know doesn't support more recent vimballs, including Align. I can't get the systems group (IT department) to upgrade vimball, so I thought perhaps I could simply copy the various files into ~/.vim/plugin by hand. I copied the 3 files from my home system AlignMapsPlugin.vim AlignPlugin.vim cecutil.vim, but when I attempt to use Align from within vim I get the following error message
E117: Unknown function: Align#Align
I know that it's seeing the plugin, because when I remove the plugin the error message is different (it says "Not an editor command Align").
Is there a workaround for this? I love "Align" and would sure like to use it at work as well as at home.
{rtp}/plugin is not the only location where plugin files can be placed. The name of the function suggests that there is at least one file in {rtp}/autoload named Align.vim (autoloaded functions must have names looking like path#to#file#with#function#without#leading#autoload#function_name(), this example is for function located in {rtp}/autoload/path/to/file/with/function/without/leading/autoload.vim). But I strongly suggest that if #LucHermitte’s solution is not acceptable, you should use something that supports holding plugins in separate directories. If you used VAM all you needed to do (assuming that you have already installed align using VAM) is to look for files in ~/.vim/vim-addons/Align%294 and copy all of them.
Update: Forgot to say, you may try to install newer vimball plugin into your ~/.vim. In order to do this you need copy a file placed in /usr/share/vim/vim73/autoload/vimball.vim to ~/.vim/autoload (there is another related file, /usr/share/vim/vim73/plugin/vimballPlugin.vim, but it is not likely to be changed). No need to make IT department to upgrade anything, unless the newest version uses the newest vim features.
Install a recent (/the latest) vim in your $HOME. I've been doing this for ages now. It's the easiest way to get the job done (i.e. to have a proper environment).
So I was hoping that some old school Vim'ers could help me out. These are all separate questions and normally I would put them up each on their own but I'm not sure if that qualifies as question whoring here.
Plus I think if you know enough to be asking any of these questions they will all be coming up in the near future:
I have a library I'm writing and a series of applications that use that library. There doesn't seem to be an easy way(from what I can tell) to build a ctags file for the library and build one for each of my applications and make sure one references the other when I'm in vim.
Using gf to open files from command mode is awesome, but a lot of my include files
don't contain the full path. They refer to an include directory I set in the IDE. How can I set this directory as another point for Vim to start looking for files?
Is there a way to compile a file inside Vim and send the output to a buffer? I'm currently using MSVS 2k3 but I'll be porting over to Linux in a few weeks so if this is possible on either system I'd appreciate it.
Re 3)
If you put a makefile in your root dir, you can simply write
This will run make and (iirc) put any errors into a seperate buffer, and make vim goto the first compile error. From there you can navigate all erroring lines using :next-error
Also, see this page
for details on how to show the result in a seperate console.
1- tags files are independent, and can be used together. See :h 'tags'
I can't tell what is the easy way to build tags files. I have one that consists in using two plugins of mine:
one (draft) plugin that knows how to update C++ tags files (it should be easy to adapt it to other filetypes),
and another (local_vimrc) that helps me define directories-local .vimrc. Thus for any files within a given directory hierarchy, I can adapt the &tags options to use the relevant tag files, and the current tag file that will be rebuilt automatically (or when a keybinding is triggered). (Plugins like project should do the trick as well)
2- :h 'path'
3- :h :make
:cd {path}
For help:
:he cd
A few others like :lcd might be better suited. Just scroll down that help page.
This is rather off topic, but might still be useful: if you're using Visual Studio a lot and like Vim, you might want to look at ViEmu. It's the best Vim-emulation for any IDE I've yet seen, and the cost is really low. :) And no, I'm not getting a commission. :P
It's not obvious, but if you open a directory instead of a file, it's nicely browseable.
:e . (colon-e-dot)
:e .. (colon-e-dot-dot)
will let you browse from your current directory or its parent.
(understanding that you were probably hoping for a capability to have vim accept e.g.
:e abc.txt
and have it look in several directories, which I don't know how to do.)