cognos report alternate two pages - cognos

enter image description hereVersion: cognos report 11.1.7fp2
Hi, I have two pages, page1 and page2 and I want them to alternate. Is that possible in cognos? I have a customer that wants me to print the report in pdf page1 [grant#123 details], then follow it immediately with page2 [grant#123 details] notary signature.
Alternate Pages Like This Idea:
page1 grant#123
page2 grant #123
notary signature
page1 grant#777
page2 grant #777
notary signature
Kindly, aree there any creative thoughts on how to ask cognos to alternate placement of two pages one after another? A render variable? I have tried pageset, page detail but it does not alternate the pages.

Create a data item that defines the type of data for billing and notary, etc. Try page set with grouping on that data item

VAI Jason, It has worked. I have an image attached. I have one data item CON_PROJ_NUM and a Page set2. On Monday morning I look forward to sharing this with my customer. Now Page1 Summary prints, then Page2 Draw Request Project#1, is followed immediately by the Page3 Notary signature page Project#1. And so on for eight projects! enter image description hereHe will be delighted! Thank you!
Structure Is This:
Page set1
Detail Pages
Plant Awards Header and Footer Page 1
Page set2
[]CON_PROJ_NUM data item
Detail Pages
Draw Request Page2
Notary Page3 enter image description here


How to write Gherkin scenarios when there are multiple validations for a given state

I am new to cucumber - Gherkin world. I am trying to write a feature file. I am planning to test a web page that is static with lot of static content(lets say 100 sections) that I need to verify.
Ideally if I start writing based on my understanding of gherkin, it looks as below:
Scenario:test engagement page content
Given I am an user with >10000 balance
When I land on my engagement page
Then section1 should be displayed correctly
And section2 should be displayed correctly
And section3 should be displayed correctly
And section4 should be displayed correctly
--and so on -----
And section100 should be displayed correctly.
This definitely is looking ugly. How can I break this into multiple scenarios.
I am testing everything once I am on that page. I am not doing any activity on the page. Once I land, I just need to verify all sections.
Thanks in advance
There are a number of ways you can do this, but a Scenario Outline is likely your best option assuming the sections share elements and assertions.
Scenario Outline: Verify the display of all sections on the Engagement Page
Given I am a user with >10000 balance
When I land of Engagement Page
Then the header of <section> should read "<headerText>"
And the icon of <section> should be displayed
And the body of <section> should read "<bodyText>"
| section | headerText | bodyText |
| Section 1 | This is Header #1 | This is Body #1 |
| Section 2 | Header Text of #2 | Body Text of #2 |
... etc
If the sections are unique in structure, you're faced with writing a scenario (or more, depending on your style - I don't personally like having multiple assertions in a single case) for each:
Say, for example, section1 has a header, icon, and body text, you would end up with the following three scenarios:
Scenario: Verify display of header in Section 1
Given I am a user with >10000 balance
When I land of Engagement Page
Then the header of Section 1 should read "text"
Scenario: Verify display of icon in Section 1
Given I am a user with >10000 balance
When I land of Engagement Page
Then the icon of Section 1 should be displayed
Scenario: Verify display of body text in Section 1
Given I am a user with >10000 balance
When I land of Engagement Page
Then the body of Section 1 should read "text"
And if you're fine with multiple assertions per test:
Scenario: Verify display of Section 1
Given I am a user with >10000 balance
When I land of Engagement Page
Then the header of Section 1 should read "text"
And the icon of Section 1 should be displayed
And the body of Section 1 should read "text"

How to link to an individual web content item in Liferay?

Let's say that I am using an AUI Carousel to display a news item slideshow.
This is a typical slideshow - a series of images with overlay text and each image/overlay text links to a web content article for the site's news.
It seems that with Liferay 6.2, it's only possible to link to a page containing the article rather than the article itself.
How does one link to an individual article?
The solution here is to use a Display Page; starting with Liferay 6.1, there is the concept of Canonical URLs (see here).
In order to use this, you need two things:
an asset publisher page (in my example here, the page is called News)
when creating the web content item, set the Display Page to the above (News)
Now the content item can be referred to via: http(s)://<site-url>/-/<web-content-item-url-title>
So, if I have a web content item with the name Come Join Us For Lunch, and a site url of, the canonical URL for this web content item will be
However, you should always get the actual url-title from

Livecycle - Pagination - Top of page

I got a problem.
I would like to have a repeating subform on the first bodypage("Sida1" bould one), that should repeat on the first masterpage(Page1). I want it to start at the top of the first master page all the time. But if I set it that way I think it might work, it gives me a white blank page at start and then work as intended(it start repeating subforms in the top of the masterpage (Page1)).
Seems like it will create one extra masterpage of the one you set it to, if you set it to be Top of page "Page1". It will create on master page to much. Atleast if you have those setting of the body page that is the first bodypage.
I don't have 10 reputaion to upload a images, so i will mark up how the hierarchy looks like:
(Master Pages)
//Body pages comes below this..

htaccess Redirecting or Rewriting to a form results page with variables intact

I am building a website which calls for a page selector on product search results, the page selector currently adds a forward slash and a number (representing the page) to the end of the current URL.
e.g. If I am browsing Washing Machines on "/laundry/Washing-Machines" and I click page 2 on the selector it takes me to "/laundry/Washing-Machines/2" and page 2 loads, this is working fine.
Now, the problem I am having...
I have a form in the sidebar where the user can filter Range Cooker search results by brand, fuel type, size and colour. The form gathers the products from the database that meet the search criteria, and displays the results along side the page selector.
If I leave the form values as default and submit the form I am presented with the results on "/cooking/Range-Cookers/Search?brand=0&type=0&size=0&colour=0" but when I click page 2 on the selector I am taken to "cooking/Range-Cookers/2" which presents me with a 404. If I add "&page=2" to the end of the original URL I am presented with page 2.
Since the page selector is a php include and works fine for every product except the results from my Range Cooker form, I would rather find a solution that leaves the selector php intact.
Is there any way I can add a redirect to .htaccess which would take a link from my page selector e.g. "cooking/Range-Cookers/5" and correctly apply it to the current URL with all form variables intact e.g. "cooking/Range-Cookers/Search?brand=1&type=2&size=0&colour=0&page=5"?
I have experience in HTML, CSS and PHP, but I am new to editing .htaccess and would appreciate any insight into how I can accomplish this. Thanks.
You cannot do this with .htaccess, because the information is not available, when the request hits Apache, or .htaccess for that matter.
When you click the link for page 2, the client requests the URL in the associated href attribute. It doesn't provide any other information available on the current page. If you want this information transmitted, you must modify the link for page 2 from
when you deliver the page to the client. Same goes for any other information you need for following pages.

Webrat verify content in iframe or frameset

I am using Cucumber + Webrat + Mechanize adapter and want to test contents of pages that are iframed or framed into the selected page.
In other words:
Scenario: View header on webpage
Given I visit a page containing a frameset
When there is a header frame
Then I should see login details in frame header
The problem is of course the last step: I need to navigate to the frame header and investigate it's contents. I can verify the frame tag is here
response_body.should have_selector "frame[src][name=header]"
This leaves me with two questions:
How to read the src attribute and navigate to that page
How to navigate back to the original page
This would answer the first part of the question
Then /^I should see login details in frame header$/ do
within 'frame[name=header]' do |frame|
frame_src = frame.dom.attributes["src"].value
visit frame_src
response_body.should contain "Log in with digital certificate"
response_body.should_not contain "Log out"
you don't actually have to do it that way. Because your browser is already loading the frames automatically, you simply need to tell selenium(and thus webrat) which frame you want to look at.
When /^I select the "(.*)" frame$/ do |name|
try this in the step definition:
within_frame("headerid") do
assert page.has_content? "login details"
