Unmounting and Mounting fileshare in azure - azure

I have a storage account where fileshare has been mounted which includes nearly 300+ files in that fileshare. Now if I try unmounting it with below command,
sudo umount /xyx/files
Then what is the command to mount it back? Is it
sudo mount /xyx/files ???
I have mounted initially from windows share to Linux OS . Do I need to use the same command or the above mount command?
If I use the same command then will there be any loss of my files?

I tried to reproduce the same in my environment I have mount a file share in storage account:
First make sure you have checked your storage account accessible from public network as below:
I tried to mount a sample file in azure storage account
I have mounted my sample files successfully as below:
To unmount the azure file share, make use of below command:
sudo umount /mnt/<yourfileshare>
In the event that any files are open, or any processes are running in the working directory, the file system cannot be unmounted.
To unmount a file share drive you can make use below command
net use <drive-letter> /delete
When you try to unmount the files once the execution has been complete the mount point will be deleted from that moment, we can't access the data through the mount point on the storage. if you want to restore the file if you have already enabled the soft delete. in file share some files are deleted in that time you can disable the soft delete and in file share you can enable show deleted shares option and you can make use of undelete.
Reference: Mount Azure Blob storage as a file system on Linux with BlobFuse | Microsoft Learn


mount point for Azure file share on VM

I am using Azure file share to sync large amounts of data between multiple machines. I followed the mounting docs to mount the file share to an Azure VM (running Ubuntu 20.04):
The Azure VM currently has a /data location with a 64 GB data drive that I elected as an additional option when the VM was created. I then mounted the fileshare at the /data location, mostly as a convenience to have the fileshare directory located in the same place as the local data. The file share mount is now located at /data/storage-account-name/fileshare-name.
When I run df, I can see the /data mount (filesystem /dev/sda1) and the /data/storage-account-name/fileshare-name mount (filesystem //storage-account-name.file.core.windows.net/fileshare-name). The two locations seem to be totally separate mounts, and everything is working as expected with the file share.
However, is it bad practice to mount the file share "on top" of the /data disk like this? Is it preferred to mount at /mnt or /media for any reason? Or is the mount location somewhat arbitrary?

How to mount the subpath of blockBlob container of storage account on the vm?

I have a storage account name storeabc of blockblob type inside that I have a container named testcontainer. I created a folder inside the container named testfolder.
I can successfully mount the container(till the container only). using the below command.
mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp storeabc.blob.core.windows.net:/storeabc/testcontainer /nfsdata
However, I was looking for a way to mount the folder i.e. testfolder.
I tried,
mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp storeabc.blob.core.windows.net:/storeabc/testcontainer/testfolder /nfsdata
which ends up with the error.
mount.nfs: mounting storeabc.blob.core.windows.net:/storeabc/testcontainer/testfolder failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory
mount.nfs: mounting storeabc.blob.core.windows.net:/storeabc/testcontainer/testfolder
failed, reason given by server: No such file or directory
According to this MS-document Known issues with Network File System (NFS) 3.0 protocol support for Azure Blob Storage .you can only mount the root directory i.e (Container). Mounting sub directories in azure blob storage not yet supported.
mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp <storage-account-name>.blob.core.windows.net:/<storage-account-name>/<container-name> /nfsdata
Please try to type the commands and avoid copy pasting as hidden characters in that command can cause these error.
Mount Azure Blob Storage by using the NFS 3.0 protocol | Microsoft Docs

NFS mount using CHEF on LINUX | permissions of directory not getting changed

I am trying to do an NFS mount using CHEF. I have mounted it successfully. Please find the below code.
# Execute mount
node['chef_book']['mount_path'].each do |path_name|
mount "/#{path_name['local']}" do
device ""
fstype 'nfs'
options 'rw'
retries 3
retry_delay 30
action %i[mount enable]
i am able to successfully mount and make an entry in fstab file. But, after mounting the user:group for the mount linked is changing to root:root , which i was not expecting.
i want to use myuser:mygroup as owner:group. I tried changing the same using chown command but am getting permission denied issue
request some guidance
As mentioned in the comment, this is not something Chef controls per se. After the mount, the folder will be owned by whatever the NFS server says. You can try to chmod the folder after mounting but that's up to your NFS configuration and whatnot as to if it will be allowed.

Mounting a folder from other machine in linux

I want to mount a folder which is on some other machine to my linux server. To do that i am using the following command
mount -t nfs 192.xxx.x.xx:/opt/oracle /
Which is executing with the following error
mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting 192.xxx.x.xx:/opt/oracle
Do anyone knows what's going on ??? I am new to linux.
Depending on what distro you're using, you simply edit the /etc/exports file on the remote machine to export the directories you want, then start your NFS daemon.
Then on the local PC, you mount it using the following command:
mount -t nfs {remote_pc_address}:/remote/dir /some/local/dir
Please try with your home directory as per my knowledge you can't dump anything directly on root like that.
For more reference, find full configuration steps here.

Mount Netapp NFS share permanently on RHEL 6.4

I am trying to mount a volume on a RHEL 6.4 virtual machine permanently.
My fstab entry is as: /mnt1 nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr
And I mounted the volume as:
mount /mnt1
When I run df -h I can see the volume and able to access it properly.
But when I reboot the VM, the mount is gone and not able to access it anymore even though the entry in /etc/fstab is present
I have to manually mount the volume again (mount -a), then only I am able to see my volume in df -h and access it.
Any help is appreciated
The mount process on boot is very early, so your network won't be online thus preventing the nfs share from being mounted. You'll need to enable netfs, which manages network file shares, and runs after the network is up. Your desired process is:
Standard mounts processed.
NFS share is skipped during initial mounts (by adding _netdev to options).
After network is online, netfs will process network file systems like nfs and bring them online.
To prevent automounter for attempting to mount your nfs share before the network services are available, add _netdev to your options: /mnt1 nfs rsize=8192,wsize=8192,intr,_netdev
Enable netfs:
chkconfig netfs on
Alternatively, you could also configure the share through the /etc/auto.master configuration and have it mount when the share is accessed.
