SwiftUI, CoreData and To Many relationship - core-data

I am developing a SwiftUI application using CoreData. At some point, I have to handle a CoreData Exam entity that have a To Many relationship (called answerSheets) with an entity named AnswerSheet.
I was expecting to loop over this To Many relationship with
ForEach(self.exam.answerSheets) { answerSheet in
in order to display a list of the answer sheets. But, when compiling, I get a
The compiler is unable to type-check this expression in reasonable time; try breaking up the expression into distinct sub-expressions
error for the View object. In order to compile, I have to replace self.exam.answerSheets with self.exam.answerSheets?.allObjects as! [AnswerSheet] which works but seem to break completely the type system checker.
I also have many problems to sort this list in order to display it according to the lexical ordering of a string in AnswerSheet.
Thanks for your help,


How to access certain EStructuralFeatures of an EMF Model?

I know that there are ways to access an EAttribute of an Eclipse EMF model by its featureID or by its name via different indirect approaches. For that I found the following: Eclipse EMF: How to get access EAttribute by name?
But what if I don't know the name of the attribute I want to get? Let's say, based on the design, the model has some fixed attributes by the developer, along with the features that can be set dynamically by the user.
So, for the time being I use the getEAllStructuralFeatures() and use indexes via get() to reach to the by-the-user-created attributes, since I know that the list I get will have the fixed attributes of the model as its first elements beginning with the index 0. But I find this solution unclear and inefficient. Also in some cases, that I want to work, not suitable.
E.g: IEMFEditProperty prop = EMFEditProperties.list(editingDomain, EMFMODELPackage.Literals.EMFMODEL.getEAllStructuralFeatures().get(X));
Do you know a solution or a workaround for this problem? As far as I can see, there are no direct methods to get such dynamically created features of the model.
Every help will be appreciated.
I have been working on a similar case recently where I first tried to define an EStructuralFeature to access exactly the setting/attribute of the object that I needed.
But if you look at how things work internally in ECore, you will find out, that there is no way this will ever work, since the indices are bound to the object identity of the EStructuralFeature objects created at runtime for the specific context (i.e. EClass instance).
My approach was then to either inspect the features proposed by EClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures or to iterate over the features and inspect the object returned by EObject.eGet for this very feature (where EClass eClass = eObject.eClass()).
Example: In a UML profile I have defined a UML Stereotype called "Bean" with a property called FactoryEntity. The property shall reference a UML Class with the Stereotype "Entity" that is closest to this very bean and for which a static factory method will be generated.
In the model I would then have one UML Class typed as Bean and one as Entity.
And for the Class typed as "Bean" I would then set a value for the attribute/property factoryEntity defined in the profile.
The question was then how the property value would be accessible in ECore. I ended up iterating the List of available EStructuralFeature of the EClass of the EObject and checking the type of the object returned by eGet.
final EObject eObject = (EObject) holdingClass.getValue(stereotype, stereoTypePropertyName);
final EList<EStructuralFeature> allEStructFeats = eObject.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures();
for(EStructuralFeature esf : allEStructFeats)
final Object o = eobject.eGet(esf);
if(o instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class)
return (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class) o;
Maybe that is not the most elegant way to access structural features but it is the only one I thought was robust enough to last.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve this.

Preventing StackOverflowException while serializing Entity Framework object graph into Json

I want to serialize an Entity Framework Self-Tracking Entities full object graph (parent + children in one to many relationships) into Json.
For serializing I use ServiceStack.JsonSerializer.
This is how my database looks like (for simplicity, I dropped all irrelevant fields):
I fetch a full profile graph in this way:
public Profile GetUserProfile(Guid userID)
using (var db = new AcmeEntities())
return db.Profiles.Include("ProfileImages").Single(p => p.UserId == userId);
The problem is that attempting to serialize it:
Profile profile = GetUserProfile(userId);
produces a StackOverflowException.
I believe that this is because EF provides an infinite model that screws the serializer up. That is, I can techincally call: profile.ProfileImages[0].Profile.ProfileImages[0].Profile ... and so on.
How can I "flatten" my EF object graph or otherwise prevent ServiceStack.JsonSerializer from running into stack overflow situation?
Note: I don't want to project my object into an anonymous type (like these suggestions) because that would introduce a very long and hard-to-maintain fragment of code).
You have conflicting concerns, the EF model is optimized for storing your data model in an RDBMS, and not for serialization - which is what role having separate DTOs would play. Otherwise your clients will be binded to your Database where every change on your data model has the potential to break your existing service clients.
With that said, the right thing to do would be to maintain separate DTOs that you map to which defines the desired shape (aka wireformat) that you want the models to look like from the outside world.
ServiceStack.Common includes built-in mapping functions (i.e. TranslateTo/PopulateFrom) that simplifies mapping entities to DTOs and vice-versa. Here's an example showing this:
The alternative is to decorate the fields you want to serialize on your Data Model with [DataContract] / [DataMember] fields. Any properties not attributed with [DataMember] wont be serialized - so you would use this to hide the cyclical references which are causing the StackOverflowException.
For the sake of my fellow StackOverflowers that get into this question, I'll explain what I eventually did:
In the case I described, you have to use the standard .NET serializer (rather than ServiceStack's): System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer. The reason is that you can decorate navigation properties you don't want the serializer to handle in a [ScriptIgnore] attribute.
By the way, you can still use ServiceStack.JsonSerializer for deserializing - it's faster than .NET's and you don't have the StackOverflowException issues I asked this question about.
The other problem is how to get the Self-Tracking Entities to decorate relevant navigation properties with [ScriptIgnore].
Explanation: Without [ScriptIgnore], serializing (using .NET Javascript serializer) will also raise an exception, about circular
references (similar to the issue that raises StackOverflowException in
ServiceStack). We need to eliminate the circularity, and this is done
using [ScriptIgnore].
So I edited the .TT file that came with ADO.NET Self-Tracking Entity Generator Template and set it to contain [ScriptIgnore] in relevant places (if someone will want the code diff, write me a comment). Some say that it's a bad practice to edit these "external", not-meant-to-be-edited files, but heck - it solves the problem, and it's the only way that doesn't force me to re-architect my whole application (use POCOs instead of STEs, use DTOs for everything etc.)
#mythz: I don't absolutely agree with your argue about using DTOs - see me comments to your answer. I really appreciate your enormous efforts building ServiceStack (all of the modules!) and making it free to use and open-source. I just encourage you to either respect [ScriptIgnore] attribute in your text serializers or come up with an attribute of yours. Else, even if one actually can use DTOs, they can't add navigation properties from a child object back to a parent one because they'll get a StackOverflowException.
I do mark your answer as "accepted" because after all, it helped me finding my way in this issue.
Be sure to Detach entity from ObjectContext before Serializing it.
I also used Newton JsonSerializer.
JsonConvert.SerializeObject(EntityObject, Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings { PreserveReferencesHandling = PreserveReferencesHandling.Objects });

Core Data: Can relationship be used for sectionNameKeyPath?

I am trying to do exactly same thing as post in NSFetchResultsController + sectionNameKeyPath + section order, i.e. basically use 2 tables, let's say Categories <-->> Events. Category table consists of category field only, while Event consists of name, dateTimestamp.
I defined relationship 'category' in Events table and try to use that relationship as sectionNameKeyPath when creating fetchedResultsController:
NSFetchedResultsController *aFetchedResultsController = [[NSFetchedResultsController alloc] initWithFetchRequest:fetchRequest managedObjectContext:self.managedObjectContext sectionNameKeyPath:#"category.category" cacheName:#"Root"];
Finally, I pre-populated Category table with some categories upon loading of the app (and verified with .dump that table is populated correctly)
Yet, I simulator fails on:
return [[self.fetchedResultsController sections] count];
I did extensive search and most people either suggest using one of the fields in the table as sectionNameKeyPath (this works!) or transient property (works too!) However, I just want to use relationship as it seems very logical to me in this case where events belong to some categories and there could be categories without events. Am I wrong in my assumption that relationship can be used as sectionNameKeyPath? The original link at the top of the question suggests it works, but guy does not know why or how. Documentation is very weak on what can be used as sectionNameKeyPath, so any help will be highly appreciated.
A relationship gets you a pointer to a managed object. It seems logical, though, that the sectionNameKeyPath parameter should be a key path that leads to a string, since NSFetchedResultsSectionInfo's name property is a string. The fetched results controller will follow that key path for each fetched object and group the objects into sections based on what they return for that key path, and it'll also use those strings as the names of their respective sections. You can't use a managed object for the name -- you have to use some string property of the managed object.
So, your Category entity must have an attribute that distinguishes one category from another, right? Use that as the key path and (as you've seen) everything will work out.
BTW, I think it's useful to try to get out of the database (rows/fields) mindset and try to think in object-oriented terms like entity and attribute. A big selling point of Core Data is that it provides an abstraction layer that hides the storage mechanism. Thinking in terms of tables is like thinking about blocks and sectors when you're reading or writing a file.
Caleb, thank you for your answer. I do believe my understanding was wrong to some degree. What I had was an entity Category and entity Event. Category has a string field 'category', thus 'category.category' path (first 'category' is relationship in the Event entity)
What I did not take in account, though, is that if there are no events, fetchresultscontroller cannot fetch anything (similar to 'left join')
What I wanted is to show categories even if there are no events. Relationship 'category' will not return anything in this case as there is nothing to return/sort/categorize.
What I had to do (wrong or right - not sure yet) is to treat [managed] object created from Category entity as a separate object in case there are no events and place in the table. When there is one event per category, I can switch to the original method of [automatic] showing events sorted by categories.
This is interesting issue of starting point (empty entities with relationships) where I feel core data is more confusing than traditional relationship database. I also believe that's why all books/articles/reports carefully stay away from this topic. In other words, I could not find analog of "left join" in core data. May be I am wrong because I am relatively new to all this. Below is the description of the entities:
Category <-->> Event
Category - parent
Category.category - attribute of type String
Category.event - relationship to Event entity
Event - child
Event.name - attribute of type String
Event.category - relationship to Category entity
Each event belongs to one category. Category may have multiple events.
Categories should be shown even if there are no events for this category.
I was trying to put Events under fetchresultscontroller. May be I should switch to Category first and then calculate cell based on category.event relationship, not the other way around - did not try that yet.

cocoabinding a nstableview nested in nscollectionviewitem

I have a working Core Data app and I want to display a representation for some of the Entities. I have set up an NSCollectionView with the Interface Builder "Core Data Entity Assistant" to setup the collection (generated a View in the MyDocument.xib), and can access simple representedObject.attributes, as well as simple relationship attributes.
my problem is with the to-many Relationships, which I would like to display as tables nested in the Collection item. I have tried different representedObject keypath combinations for the NSTableColumns, but did not figure out the correct cocoa binding incantation to drill down the data.
EntityA (reprensented in the Collection) <WORKS>
. EntityB (simple relationship) <WORKS with representedObject.relationship.attr>
.. EntityC (to-many-relationsip of EntityB) <how to get there???>
as of right now 99% of the code is generated through the Core Data Model and by Interface Builder. I am not opposed to subclassing something to get the desired behavior but I would prefer to keep things as automated as possible -- especially since this should "just work" with the as-is classes. using Xcode 3.2.5 -- I don't mind jumping to 4GM if someone tells me the bindings are more explicit there.

Core Data Document-based application: How do I model and control a entity that is instantiated only once per document?

I've got a few questions I've been trying to answer for myself (by hunting through the documentation) but I have a feeling I'm missing something.
Any hints (and/or pointers to appropriate documentation) would be much appreciated.
I'm building a Core Data document-based application. There are essentially two entities:
There is a single "Comparison" record associated with each document.
There are potentially many "Node" records associated with each document.
My first question is whether I'm thinking about this correctly. Since there is only a single Comparison object for each document, the attributes of the Comparison are essentially attributes of the Document itself. What (if any) is the preferred way of modeling that?
If a Comparison entity is in fact the right way to go, my next question is how and when to actually instantiate the (single) Comparison object. The user should not have to explicitly "add" the Comparison since there's going to be only one of them associated with the Document. Instead, a single Comparison object should be instantiated and inserted into the managedObjectContext. I've got something like this working already, with code in MyDocument.m that looks like this:
(void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *)windowController {
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:windowController];
[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Comparison" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
However -- if the user creates a new document but then never does any work with it -- for example if he immediately clicks the close button -- then he should not be asked to "Save" the document. He should be asked to save his work only if he's actually entered any information. Is there a preferred way to implement this behavior?
I found this thread while struggling with the exact same issue. I have a table of Entity_A working in my document based Core Data app, but I need to figure out how to handle a required single-instance per document of Entity_B.
I've found something that seems to work. There's probably a better way, but this is getting me past this hurdle for now.
When the document's xib is loaded I simply check to see if an Entity_B has been created. if not, I create one and initialize its attributes.
- (void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *)aController
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:aController];
//has an Entity_B been created? if not, create one.
NSError *theError = nil;
NSUInteger count = [[self managedObjectContext] countForFetchRequest:[NSFetchRequest fetchRequestWithEntityName:#"Entity_B"] error:&theError];
if( count == 0 )
NSManagedObject *newEntity_B = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Entity_B" inManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]];
[newEntity_B setValue:[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] forKey:#"boolAttribute"];
[newEntity_B setValue:[NSNumber numberWithInt:2] forKey:#"intAttribute"];
I didn't insert that code snippet into the original post correctly. Trying again:
-(void)windowControllerDidLoadNib:(NSWindowController *)windowController {
[super windowControllerDidLoadNib:windowController];
[NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:#"Comparison" inManagedObjectContext:managedObjectContext];
Your question about modelling is not very clear, can you please elaborate on what your "Comparison" entity is supposed to do and what sort of attributes you are assigning to it? It would be handy to see your "Document" entity structure so we can provide some useful input.
With regards to your second question, you could check if your NSManagedObject has been updated before deciding on whether to prompt the user to save their document or not:
if ([documentObject isUpdated]) {
More details in the documentation here http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/#documentation/Cocoa/Reference/CoreDataFramework/Classes/NSManagedObject_Class/Reference/NSManagedObject.html#//apple_ref/occ/cl/NSManagedObject
There isn't really a "Document" entity, I was simply using that term to refer to the overall document that is saved when the user invokes the Save menu item. Perhaps there is a better way to refer to this concept? NSPersistentDocument?
Backing up a bit... the central idea of the application is to compare two hierarchical directory structures (a visual recursive "diff").
For now the "Comparison" entity has two string attributes, pathA and pathB, which are the names of the two directories to be compared. Each "Node" entity represents the name of a file down in the directory trees that are being compared. The Node entity contains at least one attribute ("relativePath") which is the path relative to the starting point specified in the Comparison.
My first question was simply whether it makes sense for there to be a "Comparison" entity since there is going to be only one of them instantiated (at some point after the user invokes the "New" menu item).
The second question is really at what point should the single "Comparison" object be instantiated and inserted into the managedObjectContext, i.e. what method is most appropriate to make this happen?
Finally if a "Comparison" object is automatically instantiated (at awakeFromNib time, perhaps?) but the user decides not to proceed, and simply clicks the close button, he should not be prompted to save (right?) What would be the appropriate way to accomplish this? The documentObject will appear to have been updated, because an "empty" Comparison object has in fact already been inserted automatically at startup, but the user has not modified it.
Hope that's clear... thanks.
