phpmailer write debug inside log file - phpmailer

I tried to create a new log file if there is a phpmailer error. But the file is not created. I check my directory (777).
Do you have an idea ?
Thank you
if (DEBUG_EMAIL == 'true'){
$this->phpMail->SMTPDebug = $this->debug_level; //2
$this->phpMail->Debugoutput = function($str, $level) {
$filename = CLICSHOPPING::BASE_DIR . 'Work/Log/phpmail_error-' . date('Ymd') . '.log';
$data = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\t" . "\t$level\t$str\n";
file_put_contents($filename, $data, $flags);
// $this->phpMail->SMTPDebug = SMTP::DEBUG_SERVER;

Double check all your values, don't assume they are what you think they are. For example what is in CLICSHOPPING::BASE_DIR? Also, it's usual for directory env vars to not have a trailing slash, so you may be missing one when you append Work/... to it. Try this:
$filename = CLICSHOPPING::BASE_DIR . '/Work/Log/phpmail_error-' . date('Ymd') . '.log';
$data = date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "\t" . "\t$level\t$str\n";


Azure: create SAS manually

I'm trying to implement a Perl function for creating SAS tokens. Doing all according to documentation ( I always get error "Signature fields not well formed".
My testing resource is "". Variables populated by my code:
signedpermissions = 'r'
signedexpiry = '2020-05-01T07:59:00Z'
canonicalizedresource = '/blob/ribdkstoragepoc/project-poc/foo/koteyka.jpg'
signedresource = 'b'
signedversion = '2018-03-28'
Other variables are just empty lines. I generate a string using the following pattern:
my $stringToSign =
$permissions . "\n" .
$start . "\n" .
$expiry . "\n" .
$canonicalizedResource . "\n" .
$identifier . "\n" .
$IP . "\n" .
$protocol . "\n" .
$version . "\n" .
$resource . "\n" .
$snapshotTime . "\n" .
$rscc . "\n" .
$rscd . "\n" .
$rsce . "\n" .
$rscl . "\n" .
The string to sign:
Calculationg of signature: my $sig = Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256_base64($stringToSign, $key);
At last the final URL looks like:
As I have already said that does not work. Does anyone have ideas what could be wrong?
Figured out what's wrong with your code. Basically you're using 2018-03-28 version of Storage REST API so you don't need to include $resource and $snapshotTime in your $stringToSign.
Furthermore, you will need to pad your signature with 1-4 = (Ref:
Based on these, here's the code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha256_base64);
use MIME::Base64;
my $permissions = 'r';
my $start = '';
my $expiry = '2020-01-31T00:00:00Z';
my $canonicalizedResource = '/blob/ribdkstoragepoc/project-poc/foo/koteyka.jpg';
my $identifier = '';
#my $resource = 'b';
my $IP = '';
my $version = '2018-03-28';
my $protocol = '';
#my $snapshotTime = '';
my $rscc = '';
my $rscd = '';
my $rsce = '';
my $rscl = '';
my $rsct = '';
my $stringToSign = $permissions . "\n" . $start . "\n" . $expiry . "\n" . $canonicalizedResource . "\n" . $identifier . "\n" . $IP . "\n" . $protocol . "\n" . $version . "\n" . $rscc . "\n" . $rscd . "\n" . $rsce . "\n" . $rscl . "\n" . $rsct;
print $stringToSign;
my $accountKey = 'your-base64-account-key';
my $sig = Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256_base64($stringToSign, decode_base64($accountKey));
$sig .= '=' x (4 - (length($sig) % 4));
print "\n---------------------\n";
print $sig;
print "\n";
Give this a try, it should work.

String behind two variables in directory path laravel 5

I want a "/" behind "vandiepen" and "test.txt. Now, Laravel gives an error, because it's not a good path to the file.
The file "C:\xampp\htdocs\systeembeheer\storage/download/vandiepentest.txt" does not exist
I tried to put the "/" behind the $folder and the $id variable.
$file = storage_path(). "/download/".$folder "/" .$id;
When I do that, Laravel gives an error:
syntax error, unexpected '"/"' (T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING)
The problem is that you missed . (concatenation operator) after $folder.
It should be:
$file = storage_path() . "/download/" . $folder. "/" . $id;
$file = storage_path() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "download" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $id;

Perl script for finding unowned files not finding anything

I've written a script which is designed to find all files not owned by either an existing user or group. However, despite having created a test user and then removing it leaving behind its /home directory, the script is not finding it. Clearly I have an error in the script's logic. I just can't find it.
# Directives which establish our execution environment
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Find;
no warnings 'File::Find';
no warnings 'uninitialized';
# Variables used throughout the script
my $OUTDIR = "/var/log/tivoli/";
my $MTAB = "/etc/mtab";
my $PERMFILE = "orphan_files.txt";
my $TMPFILE = "orphan_files.tmp";
my $ROOT = "/";
my(#devNum, #uidNums, #gidNums);
# Create an array of the file stats for "/"
my #rootStats = stat("${ROOT}");
# Compile a list of mountpoints that need to be scanned
my #mounts;
open MT, "<${MTAB}" or die "Cannot open ${MTAB}, $!";
# We only want the local HDD mountpoints
while (<MT>) {
if ($_ =~ /ext[34]/) {
my #line = split;
push(#mounts, $line[1]);
close MT;
# Build an array of each mountpoint's device number for future comparison
foreach (#mounts) {
my #stats = stat($_);
push(#devNum, $stats[0]);
print $_ . ": " . $stats[0] . "\n";
# Build an array of the existing UIDs on the system
while((my($name, $passwd, $uid, $gid, $quota, $comment, $gcos, $dir, $shell)) = getpwent()) {
push(#uidNums, $uid);
# Build an array of existing GIDs on the system
while((my($name, $passwd, $gid, $members)) = getgrent()){
push(#gidNums, $gid);
# Create a regex to compare file device numbers to.
my $devRegex = do {
chomp #devNum;
local $" = '|';
# Create a regex to compare file UIDs to.
my $uidRegex = do {
chomp #uidNums;
local $" = '|';
# Create a regex to compare file GIDs to.
my $gidRegex = do {
chomp #gidNums;
local $" = '|';
print $gidRegex . "\n";
# Create the output file path if it doesn't already exist.
mkdir "${OUTDIR}" or die "Cannot execute mkdir on ${OUTDIR}, $!" unless (-d "${OUTDIR}");
# Create our filehandle for writing our findings
open ORPHFILE, ">${OUTDIR}${TMPFILE}" or die "Cannot open ${OUTDIR}${TMPFILE}, $!";
foreach (#mounts) {
# The anonymous subroutine which is executed by File::Find
find sub {
my #fileStats = stat($File::Find::name);
# Is it in a basic directory, ...
return if $File::Find::dir =~ /sys|proc|dev/;
# actual file vs. a link, directory, pipe, etc, ...
return unless -f;
# ...local, ...
return unless $fileStats[0] =~ $devRegex;
# ...and unowned? If so write it to the output file
if (($fileStats[4] !~ $uidRegex) || ($fileStats[5] !~ $gidRegex)) {
print $File::Find::name . " UID: " . $fileStats[4] . "\n";
print $File::Find::name . " GID: " . $fileStats[5] . "\n";
print ORPHFILE "$File::Find::name\n";
}, $_;
# If no world-writable files have been found ${TMPFILE} should be zero-size;
# Delete it so Tivoli won't alert
if (-z "${OUTDIR}${TMPFILE}") {
unlink "${OUTDIR}${TMPFILE}";
} else {
rename("${OUTDIR}${TMPFILE}","${OUTDIR}${PERMFILE}") or die "Cannot rename file ${OUTDIR}${TMPFILE}, $!";
The test user's home directory showing ownership (or lack thereof):
drwx------ 2 20000 20000 4096 Apr 9 19:59 test
The regex for comparing a files GID to those existing on the system:
What am I missing with my logic?
I really recommend using find2perl for doing anything with locating files by different attributes. Although not as pretty as File::Find or File::Find::Rule it does the work for you.
mori#liberty ~ $ find2perl -nouser
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
eval 'exec /usr/bin/perl -S $0 ${1+"$#"}'
if 0; #$running_under_some_shell
use strict;
use File::Find ();
# Set the variable $File::Find::dont_use_nlink if you're using AFS,
# since AFS cheats.
# for the convenience of &wanted calls, including -eval statements:
use vars qw/*name *dir *prune/;
*name = *File::Find::name;
*dir = *File::Find::dir;
*prune = *File::Find::prune;
sub wanted;
my (%uid, %user);
while (my ($name, $pw, $uid) = getpwent) {
$uid{$name} = $uid{$uid} = $uid;
# Traverse desired filesystems
File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted}, '.');
sub wanted {
my ($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid);
(($dev,$ino,$mode,$nlink,$uid,$gid) = lstat($_)) &&
!exists $uid{$uid}
&& print("$name\n");
'20000' =~ /(0|1|2|...)/
matches. You probably want to anchor the expression:
(The other answer is better, just adding this for completeness.)

Cakephp- Date Conversion while reading from excel sheet

Using Cakephp, I am reading from an Excel sheet (I'm using Libre Office) and the date is not converted properly.
I'm using PHP spreadsheet excel reader to import the excel sheet into the database.
I'm not using any functions to convert the date given in the excel sheet.
In the excel sheet the date which I have given like this 04/10/2013 is converted to this format (AprApr/WedWed/2013201320132013). I want the exact date which I have given in the excel sheet.
I'm adding my code also here:
$excel = new Spreadsheet_Excel_Reader(WWW_ROOT . 'files/excel/' . $this->request->data['Request']['file_name'], true);
$excel->read(WWW_ROOT . 'files/excel/' . $this->request->data['Request']['file_name']);
$x = 2;
$sep = ",";
while ($x <= $excel->sheets[0]['numRows']) {
$y = 1;
$row = "";
while ($y <= $excel->sheets[0]['numCols']) {
echo $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][4];
$cell = isset($excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][$y]) ? $excel->sheets[0]['cells'][$x][$y] : '';
$row.=($row == "") ? "\"" . $cell . "\"" : "" . $sep . "\"" . $cell . "\"";
echo $row . "\n";
$fp = fopen(WWW_ROOT . "files/excel/data.csv", 'w');
fwrite($fp, ob_get_contents());
$filehandle = fopen(WWW_ROOT . "files/excel/data.csv", "r");
fgetcsv($filehandle, 1000, ",");
while (($data = fgetcsv($filehandle, ",")) !== FALSE) {
Please help!!! Thanks in advance

i am having problems passing a variable from a php page to another php page using a hyperlink

I had the code working at one time but i changed something and it quit working.
The $id gets passed to the address bar on the browser but not to the next page.
I used the session_start
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($resultd))
$id = $row['id_num'];
echo "Edit "; //ln68
echo "<a href='del.php?id_num = $id'>Delete</a>";
echo $row['id_num'] . " " . $row['first_name'] . " " . $row['last_name'] . ", " . $row['title'] . ", " . $row['city'] . ", " . $row['phone_pri'] . ", " . $row['email_addr'];
echo ""; }
The receiving page is not getting the variable. I have used $_SESSION, $_GET, $_POST and nothing seems to work. I have even reversed the values in the href line and still nothing works. I used session_start here also.
this is page 2
$id = $_POST['id_num'];
// send query
$sql = 'delete FROM `delegate` WHERE `id_num`= $id';
Your comments would be most appreciated.
You are using GET request for passing the data via link
but in your second page, you are using POST
change it to $id = $_GET['id_num']; and try
and dont use spaces in href "
change it to "
space will be counted as a character
