Unknown runtime error VBScripts - Write Formula into Excel - excel

i'm trying put a formula in specific cell into a Excel, so i do a link between two excel for do this formula. I have this code, but i dont know, how use it for can obtein it that i will realize.
i'm amateur in this area and need to help for can do that.
my code is this
Set app = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
app.Visible = True
app.Worksheets(1).Cells(2, 17).formula = "=INDEX([Moderno.XLS]ART015!$J:$J;MATCH(P2; [Moderno.XLS]ART015!$P:$P;0))"

Write Formula to Excel
Since we are creating a new Excel instance, it is assumed that both files are closed (or at least the destination file).
The error is occurring because there is app.Workbooks but there is no app.Worksheets i.e. the 'parent-child' order is Application - Workbook - Worksheet - Range. You cannot skip one. You could have used something like
but since we want to do other stuff with the workbook, it is easier (more readable) to use a variable (see dwb in the code) or alternatively the With statement.
Also, the formula is wrong. You cannot use the source workbook name without its path unless the workbook is open. To open it, you need to know its path. In VBA, you need to use commas instead of semicolons when using the Range.Formula property. To use semicolons, you can use the Range.FormulaLocal property. To allow the path, the file, or the worksheet name to have spaces, you need to use single quotes (') in the formula.
The Code
Option Explicit
Sub WriteFormula
Const SourceFolderPath = "C:\MODERNO\REPORTES" ' adjust!
Const SourceFileName = "Moderno.XLS"
Const DestinationFolderPath = "C:\MODERNO\REPORTES"
Const DestinationFileName = "RESUMENFACTURA.XLS"
Dim DestinationFilePath
DestinationFilePath = DestinationFolderPath & "\" & DestinationFileName
Dim app: Set app = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
app.Visible = True
Dim dwb: Set dwb = app.Workbooks.Open(DestinationFilePath)
On Error Resume Next
dwb.UpdateLink dwb.LinkSources
On Error GoTo 0
dwb.Worksheets(1).Range("Q2").Formula _
= "=INDEX('" & SourceFolderPath & "\[" & SourceFileName _
& "]ART015'!$J:$J,MATCH(P2,'" & SourceFolderPath _
& "\[" & SourceFileName & "]ART015'!$P:$P,0))"
dwb.Close True
End Sub


How to make folder path universal?

New to VBA and have an assignment to create a sub that pastes from one workbook into a new workbook. A requirement for saving the file is that "the folder path be universal so other people can create this folder too". What amendment would I make to the ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs method to fulfill this? Thanks
Sub pasteTable()
Dim formatting As Variant 'create variable to hold formatting2 workbook path
formatting = Application.GetOpenFilename() 'user is prompted and selects path to formatting2 workbook and assigns to formatting variable
Workbooks.Open formatting 'formatting2 workbook is now active
Worksheets("Formatting").Range("B3:R13").Copy 'copies table from formatting2 workbook
Workbooks.Add 'add new workbook
Worksheets(1).Range("B3:R13").Select 'selects range on worksheet of new workbook to paste table
Selection.PasteSpecial xlPasteAll 'pastes table
Columns("B:R").ColumnWidth = 20 'ensures table has proper row and column heights/widths
Rows("3:13").RowHeight = 25
Worksheets(1).Name = "Table Data" 'renames worksheet
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\name\Desktop\names Excel Assessment VBA\names Excel Assessment VBA " & Format(Date, "dd/mmm/yyyy"), FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
'saves workbook according to desired specifications
End Sub
Change your Save line to this:
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs "C:\Users\" & Environ("Username") & "\Desktop\Excel Assessment VBA\Excel Assessment VBA " & Format(Date, "dd-mmm-yyyy") & ".xlsm", FileFormat:=xlOpenXMLWorkbookMacroEnabled
The Username system variable will adjust depending on the Windows account that is in use. Just make sure each user has those folders existing on their desktop too, or you will get an error. I also removed names from the folder names as i assume you were trying to do something with the username there as well. You can adjust that to your needs.
Your Date format needed to change too as it was including illegal characters.
You also forgot to include a file extension, so I added that as well.
There is a lot going on with that line, including a lot of mistakes, so you are going to have to play with it a bit until you get exactly what you need. You may want to simplify it a bit until you get the hang of all those things.
I think you have to add some more checks
The script expects the name of the tool-path-folder as constant ToolFolder.
Plus a second constant ToolBaseFolder that could be set to the parent-path `ToolFolder, e.g. a network path. If the const is empty, users desktop will be used.
If this path does not yet exist it will be created.
Option Explicit
Private Const ToolBaseFolder As String = "" 'if ToolBaseFolder is an empty string desktop will be used instead
Private Const ToolFolder As String = "MyNameForToolFolder"
Public Sub testWbToToolFolder()
'this is just for testing
Dim wb As Workbook: Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
saveWbToToolFolder wb, "test.xlsx"
End Sub
Public Sub saveWbToToolFolder(wb As Workbook, filename As String)
'you don't need this sub - but have the same code line in your main routine
wb.SaveAs getToolFolder & filename
End Sub
Public Function getToolFolder() As String
'this returns the toolfolder e.g. C:\Users\xyz\Desktop\MyNameForToolFolder
Dim basepath As String
basepath = ToolBaseFolder & "\"
If existsFolder(basepath) = False Then
If LenB(ToolBaseFolder) > 0 Then
MsgBox ToolBaseFolder & " does not exist." & vbCrLf & _
"File will be saved to " & ToolFolder & " on desktop ", vbExclamation
End If
basepath = getDesktopFolderOfUser
End If
Dim fullpath As String
fullpath = basepath & ToolFolder & "\"
If existsFolder(fullpath) = False Then
makeFolder fullpath
End If
getToolFolder = fullpath
End Function
Private Function existsFolder(path As String) As Boolean
If Len(path) < 2 Then Exit Function 'can't be a valid folder
existsFolder = LenB(Dir(path, vbDirectory)) > 0
End Function
Private Function getDesktopFolderOfUser() As String
getDesktopFolderOfUser = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\"
End Function
Private Function makeFolder(path As String)
'https://stackoverflow.com/a/26934834/16578424 plus comment from rayzinnz
CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Run "cmd /c mkdir """ & path & """", 0, True
End Function

Subscript out of range when copying range to another workbook

I am writing a reporting system where the user fills out a form and a form button runs a macro to save the file with a name based on several fields including a timestamp.
All the data is is also on a second sheet but in one row for ease of copying to a master sheet.
I am trying to to extend the save macro to copy this row to the last line of a second workbook.
This was successful when the macro was run from a separate workbook but I can't for the life of me work out how to do it from within the file itself.
I've triple checked the paths themselves, I know they're right as the new files are being created, I've run msgbox in the code to check the filename and the variable are the same too.
timestampedfile = Worksheets("single_line").Range("b3")
totalpath = Path & timestampedfile & ".xlsm"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs filename:=totalpath
master_wb = "s:\blah\blah\blah.xlsx"
master_sht = "Master_Database"
contact_wb = totalpath
contact_sht = "single_line"
Workbooks.Open (master_wb)
Workbooks.Open (contact_wb)
MsgBox (totalpath)
Workbooks(contact_wb).Worksheets(contact_sht).Range("A3:AQ3").Copy Worksheets(master_wb).Sheets(master_sht).Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2)
Both the Workbooks open so I know the paths are right, can anyone help?
Solution by OP
Solved thanks to comment about workbook variables by BigBen:
Use workbook variables, instead of referencing the workbook by name: Dim masterWb as Workbook, then Set masterWb = Workbooks.Open("s:\blah\blah\blah.xlsx" ). Similarly for the contact workbook. You might consider using worksheet variables too, instead of using sheet names.
Code changed to:
Dim master_wb As Workbook
Dim contact_wb As Workbook
Dim master_sht As Worksheet
Dim contact_sht As Worksheet
Path = "S:\blah\" & Worksheets("report").Range("c8") & "\"
filename = Worksheets("back_end_formulas").Range("e10")
timestampedfile = Worksheets("single_line").Range("b3")
totalpath = Path & timestampedfile & ".xlsm"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs filename:=totalpath
SetAttr totalpath, vbReadOnly
Set master_wb = Workbooks.Open("S:\blah\Master_Database2.xlsx")
Set master_sht = master_wb.Sheets("Master_Database")
Set contact_wb = Workbooks.Open(totalpath)
Set contact_sht = contact_wb.Sheets("single_line")
contact_sht.Range("A3:AQ3").Copy master_sht.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)(2)
master_wb.Close SaveChanges:=True
contact_wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False

How to Import a Sheet from an external Workbook AND use the Filename (WITHOUT the .datatype at the end ) as the New Worksheet name?

How to import a Sheet from an external Workbook AND use the Filename (WITHOUT the .datatype at the end) as the new Worksheet name?
The part with WITHOUT the .datatype at the end I meant because I could split the filename from the file path with UBound, but when I try to do that with the filename and the filetype at the end, it doesn't work and gives me an error. Perhaps i dont understand ubound
well enough.
I found this Sub somewhere here on the forum.
But I don't want to import any sheet except the sheet which has the same name as the file itself. So I am not even sure if you need to specify the sheet name.
So I have this Excel file with VBA macros. And the Sheet is called Blank (Since I can't have an excel file without a sheet inside it) and
I have a Userform button where I browse for the file first, and the sheet there should be imported to my Excel File and delete the Blank sheet and import the new EXTERNAL sheet.
Also, it should import ANY Sheet from the file path. Because the names will always be different.
And also, how do I import the data as csv?
I am googling but I don't see what exactly causes it to be imported as csv at other peoples solutions.
Sub ImportSheet()
Dim sImportFile As String, sFile As String
Dim sThisBk As Workbook, wbBk As Workbook
Dim vfilename As Variant
Dim wsSht As Worksheet
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Set sThisBk = ActiveWorkbook
sImportFile = Application.GetOpenFilename( _
FileFilter:="Comma Separated Value, *.csv", Title:="Open Workbook")
If sImportFile = "False" Then
MsgBox "No File Selected!"
Exit Sub
vfilename = Split(sImportFile, "\")
sFile = vfilename(UBound(vfilename))
Application.Workbooks.Open Filename:=sImportFile
Set wbBk = Workbooks(sFile)
With wbBk
If SheetExists("GaebTesten.g42_2") Then
Set wsSht = .Sheets("GaebTesten.g42_2")
wsSht.Copy Before:=sThisBk.Sheets("Start")
MsgBox "There is no sheet with name :US in:" & vbCr & .Name
End If
wbBk.Close SaveChanges:=False
End With
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
Private Function SheetExists(sWSName As String) As Boolean
Dim ws As Worksheet
On Error Resume Next
Set ws = Worksheets(sWSName)
If Not ws Is Nothing Then SheetExists = True
End Function
this is my second post here on stack overflow, and my first question was very dumb, and when I asked my first question, it was my 2nd hour with vba.
I think I am at about 30 hours now and I've learned a lot.
Question: I am doing this Excel Macro in VBA with userform too now. But mostly I google how to do what and I try to implement it WHILE understanding it, I don't just copy and paste code. Often I just do line by line and test it out.
BUT... how do you guys remember all that?
If I had to program the same thing again right now, I won't know how to, because I know how a syntax works, but I wouldn't know which syntax and stuff to actually use to achieve the desired effect...
Does it come from repeating the same things = experience?
Or how do you acquire the abilities to code without googling almost every single thing? When watching youtubers live streaming how they code something, they never look it up on the internet....
Let me present you a different way than pure string manipulation:
Set a new reference to Microsoft Scripting Runtime. This will enable the Scripting namespace. With it you can do things like the following:
sImportFile = "C:\StackFolder\PrintMyName.xlsx"
With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
Debug.Print .GetBaseName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "PrintMyName"
Debug.Print .GetExtensionName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "xlsx"
Debug.Print .GetFileName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "PrintMyName.xlsx"
Debug.Print .GetDriveName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "C:"
Debug.Print .GetParentFolderName(sImportFile)
' Outputs "C:\StackFolder"
End With
You can build a little helper function to give you the part of the file name you need:
Public Function GetFilenameWithoutExtension(ByVal filename as String) as String
With New Scripting.FileSystemObject
GetFilenameWithoutExtension = .GetBaseName(filename)
End With
End Function
and call it: sFile = GetFilenameWithoutExtension(sImportFile)
Regarding the interesting use of UBound in your subroutine, you could even get the filename (without extension) that way - assuming it doesn't contain additional dots:
vfilename = Split(sImportFile, "\")
sFile = vfilename(UBound(vfilename))
SplitName = Split(sFile, ".")
FilenameWithoutExtension = SplitName(UBound(SplitName)-1)
Extension = SplitName(UBound(SplitName))
These are, however, purely academical thoughts and I wouldn't recommend doing it this way.
Here are two ways to extract the workbook name without the file extension. Here I am removing the extension .xlsx. If the extension is constant, you can just hard code it. If not, you can use wildcards also
MsgBox Left(wbBk.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 5)
MsgBox Replace(wbBk.Name, ".xlsx", "")
You can refer to the sheet with the same name as the workbook by using something like
Sheets(Left(wbBk.Name, Len(ThisWorkbook.Name) - 5).Copy
Sheets(Replace(wbBk.Name, ".xlsx", "").Copy
You can use InstrRev. It is efficient as starts from the end of the string which is where the extension is located.
Left$(wbBk.Name, InStrRev((wbBk.Name, ".") - 1)

Reusability for a VLOOKUP macro

I am trying to create a macro which includes a VLOOKUP but the VLOOKUP file would change each time. I would like the reference file in the VLOOKUP to be a variable. Ideally the macro would prompt the user to choose a file they wish to VLOOKUP from. So far I have this but it doesn't seem to be working...("test" is what the worksheet is named).
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim myFilename As String
MsgBox "Please choose file with name to use in VLOOKUP formula.", vbOKOnly, "Choose file"
myFilename = CStr(Application.GetOpenFilename)
Range("M12").FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-11],'[" & myFilename & "]test'!C9:C10,2,0)"
End Sub
However, the VLOOKUP in the cell is not showing up how it should. e.g.
=VLOOKUP(B12,'[G:\OPS\National Pricing Data And Risk\Vehicle Pricing\VP Work\Gareth\Even Newer Toyota Macro Test\[Z401 Toyota Test COMPLETE.xlsx]test]Z401 Toyota Test COMPLETE.xlsx]'!$I:$J,2,0)
I'm not sure where the extra ]Z401 Toyota Test COMPLETE.xlsx] is coming from. Is there something I'm missing/not doing correctly?
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim fullPath As String
Dim tmpName As String
Dim tmpPath As String
Dim myFilename As String
fullPath = "G:\OPS\National Pricing Data And Risk\Calculators, Docs, Templates & Guides\Toyota Macros.xlsm"
tmpName = fso.GetFileName(fullPath)
tmpPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(fullPath)
myFilename = tmpPath & "\[" & tmpName & "]"
Range("M12").FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-11],'[" & myFilename & "]test'!C9:C10,2,0)"
End Sub
Isn't VLOOKUP a "reserved word" in Excel? Your function may not be working because you're trying to use an Excel function that already exists. Maybe try calling your function "MYVLOOKUP" and see if that works.
Excel doesn't like the way you've formatted your filename. You need to split it into directory and name.ext so you can format it like this:
I forgot that this isn't as straightforward in VBA as it is in other languages. The easiest way is to use the FileSystemObject, but to use that you first have to reference it. You can see instructions on how to add the reference in this stackoverflow answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1755577/2295754.
And here's an example of how to use the FileSystemObject, in case you need a little more guidance than the other stackoverflow answer gave.
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
fullPath = "D:\Ashby\Documents\test2.xlsx"
tmpName = fso.GetFileName(fullPath )
tmpPath = fso.GetParentFolderName(fullPath )
myFilename = tmpPath & "\[" & tmpName & "]"
So, I intentionally left out the actual use of myFilename last time hoping you'd pick that up on your own. Oh well, here it is:
Range("M12").FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(RC[-11],'" & myFilename & "test'!C9:C10,2,0)"

cannot retrieve column titles from another workbook

I am trying to copy the string values(column titles) from another workbook in row 4 as captions for checkboxes in the workbook where I am running the code. This is what I have so far and it is not working because it is showing the error message "Subscript out of range, run time error 9" Here is what I have. After the error message pops up the line marked below is highlighted. Can anybody help me please. Thank you very much.
Function CallFunction(SheetName As Variant) As Long
Dim text As String
Dim titles(200) As String ' Dim titles(200) As String ' Array
Dim nTitles As Integer
Dim wks As Worksheet
Dim myCaption As String
PathName = Range("F22").Value
Filename = Range("F23").Value
TabName = Range("F24").Value
ControlFile = ActiveWorkbook.Name
Workbooks.Open Filename:=PathName & "\" & Filename
ActiveSheet.Name = TabName
Set wks = Workbooks("Filename").Worksheets(SheetName).Activate ' <= Highlights this line ****
For i = 1 To 199
If Trim(wks.Cells(4, i).Value) = "" Then
nTitles = i - 1
Exit For
End If
titles(i - 1) = wks.Cells(4, i).Value
i = 1
For Each cell In Range(Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(4, 1), Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(4, 1 + nTitles))
myCaption = Sheets("Sheet1").Cells(4, i).Value
With Sheets("Sheet1").checkBoxes.Add(cell.Left, _
cell.Top, cell.Width, cell.Height)
.Interior.ColorIndex = 12
.Caption = myCaption
.Characters.text = myCaption
.Border.Weight = xlThin
.Name = myCaption
End With
i = i + 1
End Function
Subscript out-of-range typically indicates that a specified Worksheet does not exist in the workbooks Worksheets collection.
Otherwise, are you sure that the workbook specified by FileName is already open? If not, that will raise the same error.
Ensure that A) the file is already open (or use the Workbooks.Open method to open it), and B) ensure that such a worksheet already exists (if not, you will need to create it before you can reference it by name).
You have Workbooks("FileName") where "Filename" is a string literal. Try changing it to simply Filename (without the quotation marks) (this seems like the OBVIOUS error).
Also worth checking:
I also observe this line:
ActiveSheet.Name = TabName
If the sheet named by SheetName is active when the workbook opens, then that line will effectively rename it, so you will not be able to refer to it by SheetName, but instead you would have to refer to it by Worksheets(TabName). ALternatively, flip the two lines so that you activate prior to renaming:
Set wks = Workbooks(Filename).Worksheets(SheetName).Activate
ActiveSheet.Name = TabName
For further reading: avoid using Activate/Select methods, they are confusing and make your code harder to interpret and maintain:
How to avoid using Select in Excel VBA macros
If that is the case, then you could do simply:
Workbooks(Filename).Worksheets(SheetName).Name = TabName
