Which statistical model can I use when mixing both continuous and static variables? - statistics

I am going to be making a statistical model that mixes both continuous and static variables. The response variable will also be continuous.
It's been a bit since my university days. Any help is appreciated. If you would like more details please ask.


Applying meta-learning for neural machine translation

Does anyone have any idea of how to apply meta-learning for neural machine translation?
I have read some papers that consider multiple language pairs as different tasks for meta-learning. Is it possible to do it just with one pair of language? for example translation from English to a low-resource language by using meta-learning.
I am not a specialist in this domain. Is there any public code that I can use?
Thank you in advance for your help.
I don't want to implement the code from scratch. I am looking for a public and open-source code to use and then modify for my specific problem.

Why unwrap an openAI gym?

I'm trying to get some insights into reinforcement learning while using openAI gym as a learning environment. I do this by reading the book Hands-on reinforcement learning with Python. In this book, some code is provided. Often, the code doesn't work, because I have to unwrap it first, as shown in: openai gym env.P, AttributeError 'TimeLimit' object has no attribute 'P'
However, I personally am still interested in the WHY of this unwrapping. Why do you need to unwrap? What does this do exactly? And why isn't it coded like that in the book? Is it outdated software as Giuliov assumed?
Thanks in advance.
Open AI Gym offers many different environments. Each of them with their own set of parameters and methods. Nevertheless they generally are wrapped by a single Class (like an interface on real OOPLs) called Env. This class exposes the common most essential methods of any environment, like step, reset and seed. Having this “interface” class is great, because it allows your code to be environment agnostic. It is also makes things easier if you want to test a single agent on different environments.
However, if you want to access the behind-the.scenes dynamics of a specific environment, then you use the unwrapped property.

Dynamic Topic Modeling with Gensim / which code?

I want to use Dynamic Topic Modeling by Blei et al. (http://www.cs.columbia.edu/~blei/papers/BleiLafferty2006a.pdf) for a large corpus of nearly 3800 patent documents.
Does anybody has experience in using the DTM in the gensim package?
I identified two models:
models.ldaseqmodel – Dynamic Topic Modeling in Python Link
models.wrappers.dtmmodel – Dynamic Topic Models (DTM) Link
Which one did you use, of if you used both, which one is "better"? In better words, which one did/do you prefer?
Both packages work fine, and are pretty much functionally identical. Which one you might want to use depends on your use case. There are small differences in the functions each model comes with, and small differences in the naming, which might be a little confusing, but for most DTM use cases, it does not matter very much which you pick.
Are the model outputs identical?
Not exactly. They are however very, very close to being identical (98%+) - I believe most of the differences come from slightly different handling of the probabilities in the generative process. So far, I've not yet come across a case where a difference in the sixth or seventh digit after the decimal point has any significant meaning. Interpreting the topics your models finds matters much more than one version finding a higher topic loading for some word by 0.00002
The big difference between the two models: dtmmodel is a python wrapper for the original C++ implementation from blei-lab, which means python will run the binaries, while ldaseqmodel is fully written in python.
Why use dtmmodel?
the C++ code is faster than the python implementation
supports the Document Influence Model from Gerrish/Blei 2010 (potentially interesting for your research, see this paper for an implementation.
Why use ldaseqmodel?
easier to install (simple import statement vs downloading binaries)
can use sstats from a pretrained LDA model - useful with LdaMulticore
easier to understand the workings of the code
I mostly use ldaseqmodel but thats for convenience. Native DIM support would be great to have, though.
What should you do?
Try each of them out, say, on a small sample set and see what the models return. 3800 documents isn't a huge corpus (assuming the patents aren't hundreds of pages each), and I assume that after preprocessing (removing stopwords, images and metadata) your dictionary won't be too large either (lots of standard phrases and legalese in patents, I'd assume). Pick the one that works best for you or has the capabilities you need.
Full analysis might take hours anyway, if you let your code run overnight there is little practical difference, after all, do you care if it finishes at 3am or 5am? If runtime is critical, I would assume the dtmmodel will be more useful.
For implementation examples, you might want to take a look at these notebooks: ldaseqmodel and dtmmodel

Simple toolkits for emotion (sentiment) analysis (not using machine learning)

I am looking for a tool that can analyze the emotion of short texts. I searched for a week and I couldn't find a good one that is publicly available. The ideal tool is one that takes a short text as input and guesses the emotion. It is preferably a standalone application or library.
I don't need tools that is trained by texts. And although similar questions are asked before no satisfactory answers are got.
I searched the Internet and read some papers but I can't find a good tool I want. Currently I found SentiStrength, but the accuracy is not good. I am using emotional dictionaries right now. I felt that some syntax parsing may be necessary but it's too complex for me to build one. Furthermore, it's researched by some people and I don't want to reinvent the wheels. Does anyone know such publicly/research available software? I need a tool that doesn't need training before using.
Thanks in advance.
I think that you will not find a more accurate program than SentiStrength (or SoCal) for this task - other than machine learning methods in a specific narrow domain. If you have a lot (>1000) of hand-coded data for a specific domain then you might like to try a generic machine learning approach based on your data. If not, then I would stop looking for anything better ;)
Identifying entities and extracting precise information from short texts, let alone sentiment, is a very challenging problem specially with short text because of lack of context. Hovewer, there are few unsupervised approaches to extracting sentiments from texts mainly proposed by Turney (2000). Look at that and may be you can adopt the method of extracting sentiments based on adjectives in the short text for your use-case. It is hovewer important to note that this might require you to efficiently POSTag your short text accordingly.
Maybe EmoLib could be of help.

How do I calculate these statistics?

I'm writing an app to help facilitate some research, and part of this involves doing some statistical calculations. Right now, the researchers are using a program called SPSS. Part of the output that they care about looks like this:
They're really only concerned about the F and Sig. values. My problem is that I have no background in statistics, and I can't figure out what the tests are called, or how to calculate them.
I thought the F value might be the result of the F-test, but after following the steps given on Wikipedia, I got a result that was different from what SPSS gives.
This website might help you out a bit more. Also this one.
I'm working from a fairly rusty memory of a statistics course, but here goes nothing:
When you're doing analysis of variance (ANOVA), you actually calculate the F statistic as the ratio from the mean-square variances "between the groups" and the mean-square variances "within the groups". The second link above seems pretty good for this calculation.
This makes the F statistic measure exactly how powerful your model is, because the "between the groups" variance is explanatory power, and "within the groups" variance is random error. High F implies a highly significant model.
As in many statistical operations, you back-determine Sig. using the F statistic. Here's where your Wikipedia information comes in slightly handy. What you want to do is - using the degrees of freedom given to you by SPSS - find the proper P value at which an F table will give you the F statistic you calculated. The P value where this happens [F(table) = F(calculated)] is the significance.
Conceptually, a lower significance value shows a very strong ability to reject the null hypothesis (which for these purposes means to determine your model has explanatory power).
Sorry to any math folks if any of this is wrong. I'll be checking back to make edits!!!
Good luck to you. Stats is fun, just maybe not this part. =)
I assume from your question that your research colleagues want to automate the process by which certain statistical analyses are performed (i.e., they want to batch process data sets). You have two options:
1) SPSS is now scriptable through python (as of version 15) - go to spss.com and search for python. You can write python scripts to automate data analyses and extract key values from pivot tables, and then process the answers any way you like. This has the virtue of allowing an exact comparison between the results from your python script and the hand-calculated efforts in SPSS of your collaborators. Thus you won't have to really know any statistics to do this work (which is a key advantage)
2) You could do this in R, a free statistics environment, which could probably be scripted. This has the disadvantage that you will have to learn statistics to ensure that you are doing it correctly.
Statistics is hard :-). After a year of reading and re-reading books and papers and can only say with confidence that I understand the very basics of it.
You might wish to investigate ready-made libraries for whichever programming language you are using, because they are many gotcha's in math in general and statistics in particular (rounding errors being an obvious example).
As an example you could take a look at the R project, which is both an interactive environment and a library which you can use from your C++ code, distributed under the GPL (ie if you are using it only internally and publishing only the results, you don't need to open your code).
In short: don't do this by hand, link/use existing software. And sain_grocen's answer is incorrect. :(
These are all tests for significance of parameter estimates that are typically used in Multivariate response Multiple Regressions. These would not be simple things to do outside of a statistical programming environment. I would suggest either getting the output from a pre-existing statistical program, or using one that you can link to and use that code.
I'm afraid that the first answer (sain_grocen's) will lead you down the wrong path. His explanation is likely of a special case of what you are actually dealing with. The anova explained in his links is for a single variate response, in a balanced design. These aren't the F statistics you are seeing. The names in your output (Pillai's Trace, Hotelling's Trace,...) are some of the available multivariate versions. They have F distributions under certain assumptions. I can't explain a text books worth of material here, I would advise you to start by looking at
"Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis" by Johnson and Wichern
Can you explain more why SPSS itself isn't a fine solution to the problem? Is it that it generates pivot tables as output that are hard to manipulate? Is it the cost of the program?
F-statistics can arise from any number of particular tests. The F is just a distribution (loosely: a description of the "frequencies" of groups of values), like a Normal (Gaussian), or Uniform. In general they arise from ratios of variances. Opinion: many statisticians (myself included), find F-based tests to be unstable (jargon: non-robust).
The particular output statistics (Pillai's trace, etc.) suggest that the original analysis is a MANOVA example, which as other posters describe is a complicated, and hard to get right procedure.
I'm guess also that, based on the MANOVA, and the use of SPSS, this is a psychology or sociology project... if not please enlighten. It might be that other, simpler models might actually be easier to understand and more repeatable. Consult your local university statistical consulting group, if you have one.
Good luck!
Here's an explanation of MANOVA ouptput, from a very good site on statistics and on SPSS:
Output with explanation:
How and why to do MANOVA or multivariate GLM:
(same path as above, but terminating in '/manova.htm')
Writing software from scratch to calculate these outputs would be both lengthy and difficult;
there's lots of numerical problems and matrix inversions to do.
As Henry said, use Python scripts, or R. I'd suggest working with somebody who knows SPSS if scripting.
In addition, SPSS itself is capable of exporting the output tables to files using something called OMS.
A script within SPSS can do this.
Find out who in your research group knows SPSS and work with them.
