Screen-space shadows producing white result - graphics

I've been trying to learn screen-space techniques, specifically Ray-marching ones but I have been struggling to get a single working example to continue learning from and solidify my knowledge. I'm implementing Screen-space shadows following this article but my result just seems to be a white image and I cannot seem to understand why. The code makes sense to me but the result does not seem to be right. I can't seem to understand where I might have gone wrong while attempting this screen-space ray-marching technique and would appreciate any insight to that will help me continue learning.
Using Vulkan + GLSL
Full shader: screen_space_shadows.glsl
// calculate screen space shadows
float computeScreenSpaceShadow()
vec3 FragPos = texture(gPosition, uvCoords).rgb;
vec4 ViewSpaceLightPosition = camera.view * light.LightPosition;
vec3 LightDirection = -;
// Ray position and direction in view-space.
vec3 RayPos = texture(gPosition, uvCoords).xyz; // ray start position
vec3 RayDirection = normalize(;
// Save original depth of the position
float DepthOriginal = RayPos.z;
// Ray step
vec3 RayStep = RayDirection * STEP_LENGTH;
float occlusion = 0.0;
for(uint i = 0; i < MAX_STEPS; i++)
RayPos += RayStep;
vec2 Ray_UV = ViewToScreen(RayPos);
// Make sure the UV is inside screen-space
return 1.0;
// Compute difference between ray and cameras depth
float DepthZ = linearize_depth(texture(depthMap, Ray_UV).x);
float DepthDelta = RayPos.z - DepthZ;
// Check if camera cannot see the ray. Ray depth must be larger than camera depth = positive delta
bool canCameraSeeRay = (DepthDelta > 0.0) && (DepthDelta < THICKNESS);
bool occludedByOriginalPixel = abs(RayPos.z - DepthOriginal) < MAX_DELTA_FROM_ORIGINAL_DEPTH;
if(canCameraSeeRay && occludedByOriginalPixel)
// Mark as occluded
occlusion = 1.0;
return 1.0 - occlusion;


What is the best algorithm for a non antialiased line and a aliased line

I'm new to shaders and I have been messing about with the website shadertoy. I'm trying to understand graphics (and the graphics pipeline) such as drawing lines, interpolation, rasterization, etc... I've written two line functions that return a color if the pixel processed is on the line. This is the shadertoy code here using fragment shaders
struct Vertex {
vec2 p;
vec4 c;
vec4 overlay(vec4 c1, vec4 c2) {
return vec4((1.0 - c2.w) * + c2.w *, 1.0);
vec4 drawLineA(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, vec2 pos) {
vec2 a = v1.p;
vec2 b = v2.p;
vec2 r = floor(pos);
vec2 diff = b - a;
if (abs(diff.y) < abs(diff.x)) {
if (diff.x < 0.0) {
Vertex temp1 = v1;
Vertex temp2 = v2;
v1 = temp2;
v2 = temp1;
a = v1.p;
b = v2.p;
diff = b - a;
float m = diff.y / diff.x;
float q = r.x - a.x;
if (floor(m * q + a.y) == r.y && a.x <= r.x && r.x <= b.x) {
float h = q / diff.x;
return vec4((1.0 - h) * v1.c + h * v2.c);
} else {
if (diff.y < 0.0) {
Vertex temp1 = v1;
Vertex temp2 = v2;
v1 = temp2;
v2 = temp1;
a = v1.p;
b = v2.p;
diff = b - a;
float m = diff.x / diff.y;
float q = r.y - a.y;
if (floor(m * q + a.x) == r.x && a.y <= r.y && r.y <= b.y) {
float h = q / diff.y;
return vec4((1.0 - h) * v1.c + h * v2.c);
return vec4(0,0,0,0);
vec4 drawLineB(Vertex v1, Vertex v2, vec2 pos) {
vec2 a = v1.p;
vec2 b = v2.p;
vec2 l = b - a;
vec2 r = pos - a;
float h = dot(l,r) / dot (l,l);
vec2 eC = a + h * l;
if (floor(pos) == floor(eC) && 0.0 <= h && h <= 1.0 ) {
return vec4((1.0 - h) * v1.c + h * v2.c);
return vec4(0,0,0,0);
void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord )
float t = iTime;
float r = 300.0;
Vertex v1 = Vertex(vec2(400,225), vec4(1,0,0,1));
Vertex v2 = Vertex(vec2(400.0 + r*cos(t) ,225.0 + r*sin(t)), vec4(0,1,0,1));
vec4 col = vec4(0,0,0,1);
col = overlay(col,drawLineA(v1, v2, fragCoord));
col = overlay(col,drawLineB(v1, v2, fragCoord));
// Output to screen
fragColor = col;
However, the lines that I have been using are not fast or using antialiasing. Which is the fastest algorithm for both antialiasing and aliasing lines, and how should I implement it thanks.
A fragment shader is really not the right approach for this, a lot on shadertoy is really just a toy / code-golfing showing solutions overcoming the limitations of the platform which are terribly inefficient in real-world scenarios.
All graphics APIs provide dedicated interfaces for drawing line segments just search for "API_NAME draw line" e.g. "webgl draw line". In cases where those do not suffice triangle strips with either MSAA or custom in-shader AA are used.
If you're really just looking for an efficient algorithm the wikipedia page has you covered on that.
As the other answer says shaders are not very good for this.
Line rasterization is done behind the scenes with HW interpolators on the gfx card these days. The shaders are invoked for each pixel of rendered primitive which in your case means its called for every pixel of screen and this all is invoked for each line you render which is massively slower than native way.
If you truly want to learn rasterization do this on CPU side instead. The best algo for lines depends on the computation HW architecture you are using.
For sequentional processing it is:
DDA this one is with subpixel precision
In the past Bresenham was faster but that is not true IIRC since x386 ...
For parallel processing you just compute distance of pixel to the line (more or less like you do now).
So if you insist on using shaders for this You can speed up things using geometry shader and process only fragment (pixels) that are near your line. See:
cubic curves rendering in GLSL
So simply you create OOBB around your line and render it by emitting 2 triangles per line then in fragment you compute the distance to line and set the color accordingly ...
For antialiasing you simply change the color for pixels on the last pixel edge distance. So if your line has half width w and distance of fragment to line is d then:
if (d>w) discard; // fragment too far
d=(w-d)/pixel_size; // distance from edge in pixels
frag_color = vec4(r,g,b,min(1.0,d)); // use transparency/blending
As you can see anti aliasing is just rendering with blending modulated by subpixel position/distance of pixel relative to rasterized object) the same technique can be used with DDA.
There are also ray tracing methods of rendering lines but they are pretty much the same as finding distance to line ... however instead of 2D pixel position you checking against 3D ray which slightly complicates the math.

ray traversing in 3D ray casting algorithm

I am working on volumetric raycasting and I am having a hard time finding the way to calculate the step size so that every step, the ray would step to a new voxel in my fragment shader GLSL.
I have a 3D box of dimension which doesn't have equal dimension on all side (x,y,z) and I already have that value and I also have a vec3 ray direction.
I need to know the step size for the ray or normalized ray to traverse from the starting and end of the hitting point in the cube.
From the axis-aligned box intersection, I know the tmin and tmax.
I know the code of AABI is irrelevant but I am adding this for any reference if needed.
vec2 boxIntersection(vec3 ray_direction2, float origin[3]){
float boxmin[3] = float[3](0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
float boxmax[3] = float[3](1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
vec3 invdir = 1.0/ray_direction2;
float inv_raydirection[3] = float[3](invdir.x, invdir.y, invdir.z);
for(int i=0; i<3; i++ ){
float t1 = (boxmin[i]-origin[i])*inv_raydirection[i];
float t2 = (boxmax[i]-origin[i])*inv_raydirection[i];
tmin = min(tmin, min(t1, t2));
tmax = max(tmax, max(t1, t2));
return vec2(tmin, tmax);

Using 2D metaballs to draw an outline with a constant thickness

I'm apply the concept of metaballs to a game I'm making in order to show that the player has selected a few ships, like so
However, my goal is to keep a constant thickness of this outline, and that's not what I'm getting with the current code.
I'm using a GLSL shader to do this, and I pass to the fragmentation shader a uniform array of positions for the ships (u_metaballs).
Vertex shader:
#version 120
void main() {
gl_Position = gl_ModelViewProjectionMatrix * gl_Vertex;
Fragmentation shader:
#version 120
uniform vec2 u_metaballs[128];
void main() {
float intensity = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < 128 && u_metaballs[i].x != 0; i++){
float r = length(u_metaballs[i] - gl_FragCoord.xy);
intensity += 1 / r;
gl_FragColor = vec4(0, 0, 0, 0);
if(intensity > .2 && intensity < .21)
gl_FragColor = vec4(.5, 1, .7, .2);
I've tried playing around with the intensity ranges, and even changing 1 / r to 10000 / (r ^ 4) which (although it makes no sense) helps a bit, though it does not fix the problem.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
after some more taught it is doable even in single pass ... you just compute the distance to nearest metaball and if less or equal to the boundary thickness render fragment otherwise discard it ... Here example (assuming single quad <-1,+1> is rendered covering whole screen):
// Vertex
varying vec2 pos; // fragment position in world space
void main()
// Fragment
#version 120
varying vec2 pos;
const float r=0.3; // metabal radius
const float w=0.02; // border line thickness
uniform vec2 u_metaballs[5]=
vec2( 0.00,+0.05),
vec2(-1000.1,-1000.1), // end of metaballs
void main()
int i;
float d;
// d = min distance to any metaball
for (d=r+r+w+w,i=0;u_metaballs[i].x>-1000.0;i++)
// if outside range ignore fragment
if ((d<r)||(d>r+w)) discard;
// otherwise render it

equivalent to gl_FragCoord in glsl vertex shader

I'm trying to get a screen position of a vertex in pixels inside a vertex shader,
I saw some others posts here but I can't find answer that works for me.
this is what I've got in my vertex Shader:
#version 400
layout (location = 0) in vec3 inPosition;
uniform mat4 MVP; // modelViewProjection
uniform vec2 window;
void main()
// vertex in screen space
vec2 fake_frag_coord = (MVP * vec4(inPosition,1.0)).xy;
float X = (fake_frag_coord.x*window.x/2.0) + window.x;
float Y = (fake_frag_coord.y*window.y/2.0) + window.y;
It's not working very well and I know it's a strange think to do inside a vertex shader but I want to multiply my vertex offset by a 2d texture, so I need to find the pixel the vertex is on top to be able to multiply it by the pixel of the texture.
I have corrected your vertex shader with proper terms, and shown you the exact sequence of transformations that actually happens when GL computes gl_FragCoord (window-space).
#version 400
layout (location = 0) in vec4 inPosition; // Always use vec4, it makes life easier!
uniform mat4 MVP; // modelViewProjection
uniform vec2 window;
void main()
// Vertex in clip-space
vec4 fake_frag_coord = (MVP * inPosition); // Range: [-w,w]^4
// Vertex in NDC-space /= fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.w = 1.0 / fake_frag_coord.w; // Invert W
// Vertex in window-space *= vec3 (0.5) + vec3 (0.5); // Rescale: [0,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.xy *= window; // Scale and Bias for Viewport
// Assume depth range: [0,1] --> No need to adjust fake_frag_coord.z
Texture coordinates and window-space coordinates are very different things, however. Generally you need normalized coordinates for traditional texture fetches, that means you want the coordinates in the range [0,1].
Luckily window-space and texture-space share the same origin convention (0,0) = bottom-left, so you can cut out the line below to get the appropriate texture coordinates:
fake_frag_coord.xy *= window; // Scale and Bias for Viewport
I think Andon M. Coleman's answer is fine. However, I like to point out a more general issue with the approach discussed in the question: there might be no meaningful screen space position for a vertex at all.
The vertex might lie utside the viewing frustum. This will not be a a problem if the vertices you draw are guaranteed to lie in the frustum, or if you are drawing only points.
But it will fail if you have primitives intersecting the near plane. You might think that in such a case, you just get some coordinates which are outside [-1,1] in NDC space, and if you just use them to assign some output value for the vertex, the clipping state will make it right. But that assumption is wrong. You might values which are pefectly in [-1,1] in NDC space even for vertices which are outside the frustum, and it it will appear as if the vertices lie in front of the camera for all vertices wich actually lie behind the camera. And no subsequent clipping stage is able to fix this.
The only way to get this right would be to actually carry out the clipping operation, before doing the divide by w. And this is something you don't want to do in a vertex shader.
If you want to get this working on the js part of things, this is how I adapted Andon M. Coleman's reply:
var winW = window.innerWidth;
var winH = window.innerHeight;
// Not sure about the order of these! I was using orthographic camera so it didn't matter but double check the order if it doesn't work!
var MVP = camera.projectionMatrix.multiply(camera.matrixWorldInverse);
// position to vertex clip-space
var fake_frag_coord = position.applyMatrix4(MVP); // Range: [-w,w]^4
// vertex to NDC-space
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x / fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y / fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.z = fake_frag_coord.z / fake_frag_coord.w; // Rescale: [-1,1]^3
fake_frag_coord.w = 1.0 / fake_frag_coord.w; // Invert W
// Vertex in window-space
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x * 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y * 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.z = fake_frag_coord.z * 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x + 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y + 0.5;
fake_frag_coord.z = fake_frag_coord.z + 0.5;
// Scale and Bias for Viewport (We want the window coordinates, so no need for this)
fake_frag_coord.x = fake_frag_coord.x / winW;
fake_frag_coord.y = fake_frag_coord.y / winH;

Is there a faked antialiasing algorithm using the depth buffer?

Lately I implemented the FXAA algorithm into my OpenGL application. I haven't understand this algorithm completely by now but I know that it uses contrast data of the final image to selectively apply blurring. As a post processing effect that makes sense. B since I use deferred shading in my application I already have a depth texture of the scene. Using that it might be much easier and more precise to find edges for applying blur there.
So is there a known antialiasing algorithm using the depth texture instead of the final image to find the edges? By fakes I mean an antialiasing algorithm based on a pixel basis instead of a vertex basis.
After some research I found out that my idea is widely used already in deferred renderers. I decided to post this answer because I came up with my own implementation which I want to share with the community.
Based on the gradient changes of the depth and the angle changes of the normals, there is blurring applied to the pixel.
// GLSL fragment shader
#version 330
in vec2 coord;
out vec4 image;
uniform sampler2D image_tex;
uniform sampler2D position_tex;
uniform sampler2D normal_tex;
uniform vec2 frameBufSize;
void depth(out float value, in vec2 offset)
value = texture2D(position_tex, coord + offset / frameBufSize).z / 1000.0f;
void normal(out vec3 value, in vec2 offset)
value = texture2D(normal_tex, coord + offset / frameBufSize).xyz;
void main()
// depth
float dc, dn, ds, de, dw;
depth(dc, vec2( 0, 0));
depth(dn, vec2( 0, +1));
depth(ds, vec2( 0, -1));
depth(de, vec2(+1, 0));
depth(dw, vec2(-1, 0));
float dvertical = abs(dc - ((dn + ds) / 2));
float dhorizontal = abs(dc - ((de + dw) / 2));
float damount = 1000 * (dvertical + dhorizontal);
// normals
vec3 nc, nn, ns, ne, nw;
normal(nc, vec2( 0, 0));
normal(nn, vec2( 0, +1));
normal(ns, vec2( 0, -1));
normal(ne, vec2(+1, 0));
normal(nw, vec2(-1, 0));
float nvertical = dot(vec3(1), abs(nc - ((nn + ns) / 2.0)));
float nhorizontal = dot(vec3(1), abs(nc - ((ne + nw) / 2.0)));
float namount = 50 * (nvertical + nhorizontal);
// blur
const int radius = 1;
vec3 blur = vec3(0);
int n = 0;
for(float u = -radius; u <= +radius; ++u)
for(float v = -radius; v <= +radius; ++v)
blur += texture2D(image_tex, coord + vec2(u, v) / frameBufSize).rgb;
blur /= n;
// result
float amount = mix(damount, namount, 0.5);
vec3 color = texture2D(image_tex, coord).rgb;
image = vec4(mix(color, blur, min(amount, 0.75)), 1.0);
For comparison, this is the scene without any anti-aliasing.
This is the result with anti-aliasing applied.
You may need to view the images at their full resolution to judge the effect. In my view the result is adequate for the simple implementation. The best thing is that there are nearly no jagged artifacts when the camera moves.
