missing python package rpmUtils.miscutils in RHEL8 - rhel

What are the alternatives for rpmUtils? we use miscutils's compareEVR, stringToVersion heavily in our python services.
from rpmUtils.miscutils import compareEVR, stringToVersion
ImportError: No module named rpmUtils.miscutils


ModuleNotFoundError: No module named pickle for py3.7

I am receiving this error from command prompt: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pickle' running in python 3.7,
I have it setup like this:
import pickle as thisPickle
What can be the reason why I having this import issue, appreciate any help. Thanks.
pickle is a part of the Standard Library and is pre-included in the Python package. There should not be a reason that it does not work. Make sure that no other versions of python exist on your computer. The command prompt may be using outdated versions that still exist. Also, see if other modules install correctly on your machine.

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL' when I want to import sparkdl in databricks

I am trying to implement a deep learning pipeline, I need to import sparkdl package in databricks (community edition).
My other installed libraries include:
When I run
from sparkdl import DeepImageFeaturizer
I keep getting the error of ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PIL'.
Update: Installing Pillow solves the problem.
Make sure you have installed all the libraries as the prerequisites:
Create a spark-deep-learning library with the Source option Maven and
Coordinate 1.4.0-spark2.4-s_2.11.
Create libraries with the Source
option PyPI and Package tensorflow==1.12.0,keras==2.2.4, h5py==2.7.0,
Reference: https://docs.azuredatabricks.net/_static/notebooks/deep-learning/deep-learning-pipelines-1.4.0.html

Importing modules is too slow

I've installed the Numpy, Scipy and Pandas modules to my library. Problem is when I import these modules to my code: while running my script, they take way longer to import compared to the python standard library modules. What should I do?

SOAPpy module python 3

I am working on python script to make SOAP api call to create Incident in Service-Now. I downloaded SOAPPy using pip. However when i tried to import SOAPProxy module I keep getting below error
from SOAPpy import SOAPProxy
from version import version
ImportError: No module named 'version'.
(I am using Windows machine and Python 3.5.1)
If SOAPpy is not supported in python 3, Please let me know other supported SOAP modules for python 3.
Please help.
Thanks in advance

Python 3: No module named zlib?

I am trying to run my Flask application with an Apache server using mod_wsgi, and it has been a bumpy road, to say the least.
It has been suggested that I should try to run my app's .wsgi file using Python to make sure it is working.
This is the contents of the file:
activate_this = '/var/www/Giveaway/Giveaway/venv/bin/activate_this.py'
with open(activate_this) as f:
code = compile(f.read(), "somefile.py", 'exec')
import sys
import logging
from Giveaways import application
application.secret_key = 'Add your secret key'
However, when I run it, I get this error:
ImportError: No module named 'zlib'
And no, I am not using some homebrewed version of Python - I installed Python 3 via apt-get.
Thanks for any help.
does the contents of somefile.py include the gzip package? in which case you may have to install gzip package via pip or similar
