Get Date from Nested Array of Objects and set that date as an Key in Node.js - node.js

I'm using Node.js I have data like this:
const data= [
I want data in this format:
expected Output:

Assuming the dates are always in the same format, I would do something like this:
function mapData(data){
// returns the given date as an string in the "%dd-%mm-%yyyy" format
const getDateWithoutTime = (dateString) => dateString.split("T")[0];
const mappedData = [];
for(const req of data){
const formattedDate = getDateWithoutTime(;
// if the key already exists in the array, we add a new item
if(mappedData[formattedDate]) mappedData[formattedDate].push(req);
// if the key doesn't exist, we create an array with that single item for that key
else mappedData[formattedDate] = [req];
return mappedData;

Straightforward solution using regex:
let result = new Map();
for (const item of data) {
let date = item['date'].match(/\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}/)[0];
let items = result.get(date) || [];
result.set(date, items)


Best way to search march in an array of JavaScript Objects?

I'm facing a challenge to match values within an array of JS objects. Let me give you an example,
var dynamicObjectArray = [
{Id: 1422859025, FromTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z", ToTime: "2023-02-12T20:00:00Z"},
{Id: 1422859027, FromTime: "2023-02-12T18:00:00Z", ToTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z"}
I need to find all Ids for FromTime or ToTime match with "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z"
Using a database, it can be done easily. But, here, I need to play an array of 100 objects max. Also, data will be dynamic. Can you please suggest me a way to achieve the goal using NodeJS.
You could use the JS Date builtin constructor to compare dates instead of using the string directly.
Filter your matching objects, and map the ids.
You can do something like this.
const dynamicObjectArray = [{
Id: 1422859025,
FromTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z",
ToTime: "2023-02-12T20:00:00Z"
Id: 1422859027,
FromTime: "2023-02-12T18:00:00Z",
ToTime: "2023-02-12T19:00:00Z"
const matchTime = new Date("2023-02-12T19:00:00Z").getTime();
const matchIds = dynamicObjectArray.filter(obj => {
const fromTime = new Date(obj.FromTime).getTime();
const toTime = new Date(obj.ToTime).getTime();
return matchTime === fromTime || matchTime === toTime;
}).map(obj => obj.Id);
If you want a suggestion, you can do something like this:
Create a function that takes as a parameter, the wanted Date
Create a variable containing an array where you will save all those "id's" that match your condition
Create a for loop
Create an if condition, that matches the following condition:
if date exists on "FromTime" or exists on "ToTime", push to your "id's array"
Return your ids array
Here is the code implementation:
function filterObjByDate(TO_MATCH_DATE) {
let ids = [];
for (let i = 0; i < dynamicObjectArray.length; i++) {
if (
dynamicObjectArray[i].FromTime === TO_MATCH_DATE ||
dynamicObjectArray[i].ToTime === TO_MATCH_DATE
) {
return ids
That's it. If you have more question, ask me 😀👍

How to parse JSON Date object in NodeJS?

How to parse json date like /Date(1391802454790-0700)/ to (01/31/2014 11:44 AM) in NodeJS.
JSON Date Object:
I tried below code but it doesn't work:
var jsondate = "/Date(1391802454790-0700)/";
const data = JSON.parse(jsondate);
let obj = {
birthday: "/Date(1391802454790-0700)/",
let regex = /\(([^)]+)\-\d+/g;
let match = regex.exec(obj.birthday);
if (match) {
console.log(new Date(Number(match[1]))); // 2014-02-07T19:47:34.790Z - You can use libs to format date
uhmm, You just gotta use the value of Birthdate and replace the unwanted characters so you can obtain 1391802454790 part; after that you just need to create a valid date out of this 1391802454790 in the desired format with new Date():
let data = {
let birthdate = data.Birthdate;
birthdate = birthdate.replace("/Date(", "").replace("-0700)/", "");
let formatedBirthdate = new Date(birthdate);

Verify and select the right object in an array thanks to a find method which will match with a param json

I need some help,
I've got a json with some parameters inside of it, actually 2 but one day we may add some more in it.
I want to find between some object in an array the right one thanks to all parameters in the json
Am i using the right method ?
to be clearer, i want the param.t to match with the element.t, and the param.tid to match with the element.tid and if moving forward one more parameter cd1 is added to the JSON, this param.cd1 will match with element.cd1
thanks for the time !
const array1 = [{"t":"pageview","de":"UTF-8","tid":"UA-xxxxxxxxxx-17","cd1":"Without cookie"},{"t":"timing","de":"UTF-8","tid":"UA-xxxxxxxx-1","cd1":"France"}];
const param = { t: 'pageview', tid: 'UA-xxxxxxxxxx-17' }
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(param)) {
console.log(`${key}: ${value}`);
const obj = array1.find(element => element.t == param.t);
If I am following correctly, you want to compare an array of objects to an object and based on some keys in 'param' object you want to filter out your array1.
const array2 = [{"t":"pageview","de":"UTF-8","tid":"UA-xxxxxxxxxx-17","cd1":"Without cookie"},{"t":"timing","de":"UTF-8","tid":"UA-xxxxxxxx-1","cd1":"France"}];
const param1 = { t: 'pageview', tid: 'UA-xxxxxxxxxx-17' }
const test = array2.find(checkExist);
const checkExist = el => {
return el.t == param1.t && el.tid == param1.tid; // here you can add your keys in future

Using Node.js iterating array of object and if value matched then insert all related values in different array

if question = san then all "san" objects will be inserted in array like and so on-
Question is how do i check if question=san then make one array and insert all san values in it and so on without hardcoding the question property values.
Tried looping things but how to match without hardcoding because in future question attribute can change .
question="san" will be all together in an array "se" will be all together in an array and so on.
New to this not know much about nodejs.
Tried something like this but not coming as required way
fs.readFile('./data.json', 'utf8', function (err,data) {
data = JSON.parse(data);
var array = [];
for(var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var lang = data[i].language;
for(var j= 0; j< data.length; j++) {
if(lang == data[j].language){
output Required
I recommend you to use ES6 functions instead of for. You can separate the different processes and make the code more modular and declarative. This way you can change easily the desired output since your code is made by little pieces.
const data = [
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present ","language":"sde","translation":"Hernjd ndjjsjdj"},
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present","language":"ses","translation":"dfks kdfk kdfk"},
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present","language":"sfr","translation":"bsh kkoweofeo"},
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present","language":"szh","translation":"kdijo keow"},
{"Id":1,"text":"activated","language":"sde","translation":"Konto eid ke"},
{"Id":1,"text":"activated","language":"ses","translation":"La cueweffewfefwef."},
{"Id":1,"text":"completed","language":"sde","translation":"Ihr fwejiewf"},
{"Id":1,"text":"completed","language":"ses","translation":"Ya hfuwifrw"},
// Define the properties that we want to filter for each element
const filterProperties = (item) => ({
language: item.language,
// Given a type of languages ('sde'), filter the data in function of this value
const getItemsByLanguage = (language) => {
return data.filter((item) => item.language === language)
const onlyUnique = (value, index, self) => {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
// Get the unique values of languages: ['sde', 'ses', 'sfr', ...]
const uniqueLanguages = => item.language).filter(onlyUnique)
// Get all found items for a language ('sde') and get the desired format (returns array of objects)
const resultArray = => (
{[language]: getItemsByLanguage(language).map(filterProperties)}
// Convert the array of objects to single object
const result = Object.assign({}, ...resultArray)
const data = [
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present ","language":"sde","translation":"Hernjd ndjjs
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present","language":"ses","translation":"dfks kdfk
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present","language":"sfr","translation":"bsh kkowe
{"Id":1,"text":"hi all present","language":"szh","translation":"kdijo keow"},
{"Id":1,"text":"activated","language":"sde","translation":"Konto eid ke"},
{"Id":1,"text":"activated","language":"ses","translation":"La cueweffewfef
{"Id":1,"text":"completed","language":"sde","translation":"Ihr fwejiewf"},
{"Id":1,"text":"completed","language":"ses","translation":"Ya hfuwifrw"},
// Define the properties that we want to filter for each element
const filterProperties = (data) => ({
question: data.question,
// Given a type of question ('san'), filter the data in function of this value
const getQuestions = (question) => {
return data.filter((item) => item.question === question)
const onlyUnique = (value, index, self) => {
return self.indexOf(value) === index;
// Get the unique values of questions: ['san', 'se', 'fr']
const uniqueQuestions = => item.question).filter(onlyUnique)
// Get all found values for a question and get the desired format (returns
array of objects)
const resultArray = => (
{[question]: getQuestions(question).map(filterProperties)}
// Convert the array of objects to single object
const result = Object.assign({}, ...resultArray)

Why is array.push() not working correctly?

I have a function which returns an array of dishes from a firestore database.
With console.log I check that the dish I want to push is correctly formatted, then push it.
Finally I console.log the array to check if everything is alright.
Here is what I got:
switch (type) {
case "Plats": {
this.nourritureCollection.ref.get().then(data => {
let platArray : Plat[] = []; => { =;
this.plat.price =;
this.plat.ingredients =;
this.plat.type =;
this.plat.availableQuantity =;
this.plat.isAvailableOffMenu =;
this.plat.imgUrl =;
this.plat.temp =;
return platArray;
plat is instantiated within my service component, I couldn't declare a new Plat() inside my function.
The expected result is that dishes should be different in my array of dishes.
You are updating this.plat in every iteration. So it will have n number of references in the array pointing to the same object, therefore, the values for all the array elements will be last updated value of this.plat
What you need is to create new Plat object for every iteration. => {
let plat: Plat = new Plat(); =;
plat.price =;
plat.ingredients =;
plat.type =;
plat.availableQuantity =;
plat.isAvailableOffMenu =;
plat.imgUrl =;
plat.temp =;
As pointed out in the comment, you can only use new Plat() if Plat is a class, if it is an interface, just let plat:Plat; would do.
