How can cart table associate with another table? - shopware

I have table table_name(id, cart_token, data , created_at, updated_at ) that wants to associate with shopware cart table using token column (table_name.cart_token = cart.token).
How can we do this association using DAL as long as cart table doesn't have a CartEntity and CartDefinition.
For example: Select * from table_name leftjoin cart on table_name.cart_token=cart.token where cart.token=null.

Without a definition and accompanying entity class you simply won't be able to retrieve the cart as a mapped object using the DAL. You could add your own definition and entity for the cart table but I wouldn't recommend it, as this would just cause problems if multiple extensions got the same idea. I would recommend injecting Doctrine\DBAL\Connection in a service of your plugin and just fetching the cart using raw SQL.
class CartFetcherService
private Connection $connection;
public function __construct(Connection $connection)
$this->connection = $connection;
public function fetchCart(YourCustomEntity $entity): ?array
$cart = $this->connection->fetchAssociative(
'SELECT * FROM `cart` WHERE `token` = :token',
'token' => $entity->getToken(),
return $cart ?: null;
If you want to retrieve the Cart object directly, you could also inject the Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\CartPersister service to load the cart.
class CartLoaderService
private CartPersister $persister;
public function __construct(CartPersister $persister)
$this->persister = $persister;
public function getCart(YourCustomEntity $entity, SalesChannelContext $context): ?Cart
try {
$cart = $this->persister->load($entity->getToken(), $context)
} catch (\Throwable $exception) {
$cart = null;
return $cart;


Entity Framework database first approach using stored procedure

I am creating a project that uses Entity framework Database first approach. The .edmx is currently generated and is in my data access layer project.
I have created a function import call GetAllTeam and corresponding complex type call TeamResult. I am trying to return the data to business layer by calling my function import, populating the complex type in the data access layer.
In my business layer I shall then map the complex type to business object and return to my web api. I would like to know if my approach is correct. Do I need to create a separate class project called entities with a class called team and then AutoMap that class with TeamResult the complex type and then return to the business layer or is it fine directly sending the TeamResult to the business layer.
Let me also know if there is any other issue with this approach.
Please see the code below
Data access layer:
public class TeamRepository
public IEnumerable<TeamResult> GetAllTeam()
using (var mcrContext = new MCREntities1())
return (from team in mcrContext.GetAllTeam()
select new TeamResult
TeamName = team.TeamName,
TeamDescription = team.TeamDescription,
Code = team.Code
Business logic layer:
public class TeamService : ITeamService
private readonly ITeamRepository _teamRepository;
public TeamService(ITeamRepository teamRepository)
_teamRepository = teamRepository;
public IEnumerable<TeamDto> GetTeam()
IEnumerable<TeamResult> team = _teamRepository.GetAllTeam();
if (team != null)
foreach (var t in team)
yield return Mapper.Map<TeamDto>(t);
yield break;
public class DomainToDtoMapping : Profile
public DomainToDtoMapping()
CreateMap<TeamResult, TeamDto>().ReverseMap();
public override string ProfileName
get { return "DomainToDtoMapping"; }
Web Api:
public class TeamController : ApiController
private readonly ITeamService _teamServices;
public TeamController(ITeamService _teamServices)
_teamServices = teamServices;
public HttpResponseMessage Get()
var teams = _teamServices.GetTeam();
if (teams != null)
var teamEntities = teams as List<TeamDto> ?? teams.ToList();
if (teamEntities.Any())
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, teamEntities);
return Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, "Team not found");
Personally, I think you are doing this just fine. Having another entity to map the stored procedure to before returning it from the repository wouldn't add any value because you are returning exactly what the stored procedure exposes already.
The business layer needs to know about any entities that the Repository can return and then map it to something to return later. This all looks good to me! :)

Using Object Initializers dynamically

I need to pass a list of integers to a stored procedure because Entity Framework takes too long to process the request. I'm using a User Defined Table Type to do this. I'm using EntityFrameworkExtras.EF6 and I've created a stored procedure and Table Type class to help with this. Here are those classes:
namespace MyModel{
using EntityFrameworkExtras.EF6;
public class ChartCountryUDT
public int ID { get; set; }
public class ChartCountryStoredProcedure
[StoredProcedureParameter(System.Data.SqlDbType.Udt, ParameterName = "ActivityIDs")]
public List<ChartCountryUDT> ChartCountryUDT { get; set; }
and here is my method to call the stored procedure passing in the Table Type and returning me a List of objects:
public List<ChartCountry> GetCountriesForChart(List<int> activityIDs)
using (MyEntities ctx = new MyEntities())
var procedure = new ChartCountryStoredProcedure()
ChartCountryUDT = new List<ChartCountryUDT>()
new ChartCountryUDT() {ID = 1 }
return (List<ChartCountry>)ctx.Database.ExecuteStoredProcedure<ChartCountry>(procedure);
As you can see in my ChartCountryUDT object initializer, I'm hardcoding one object by setting the ID value to 1. This works fine but I would like to take the activityIDs parameter that is passed in and create new objects in my object initializer for each ID in the activityIDs parameter. Is there any way of looping trough my list of activityIDs and creating new objects in my object initializer for each record?
You are basically asking how to map (convert) List<int> to List<ChartCountryUDT>, which in LINQ is called projection (select):
var procedure = new ChartCountryStoredProcedure()
ChartCountryUDT = activityIDs.Select(id => new ChartCountryUDT { ID = id }).ToList()

Create table with custom name dynamically and insert with custom table name

I want to create the table with custom name but I cannot find the sample code. I notice the only way to create table is by generic type like db.CreateTable(). May I know if there is a way to create the table name dynamically instead of using Alias? The reason is because sometime we want to store the same object type into different tables like 2015_january_activity, 2015_february_activity.
Apart from this, the db.Insert also very limited to object type. Is there anyway to insert by passing in the table name?
I think these features are very important as it exists in NoSQL solution for long and it's very flexible. Thanks.
OrmLite is primarily a code-first ORM which uses typed POCO's to create and query the schema of matching RDMBS tables. It also supports executing Custom SQL using the Custom SQL API's.
One option to use a different table name is to change the Alias at runtime as seen in this previous answer where you can create custom extension methods to modify the name of the table, e.g:
public static class GenericTableExtensions
static object ExecWithAlias<T>(string table, Func<object> fn)
var modelDef = typeof(T).GetModelMetadata();
lock (modelDef) {
var hold = modelDef.Alias;
try {
modelDef.Alias = table;
return fn();
finally {
modelDef.Alias = hold;
public static void DropAndCreateTable<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table) {
ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => { db.DropAndCreateTable<T>(); return null; });
public static long Insert<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table, T obj, bool selectIdentity = false) {
return (long)ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => db.Insert(obj, selectIdentity));
public static List<T> Select<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table, Func<SqlExpression<T>, SqlExpression<T>> expression) {
return (List<T>)ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => db.Select(expression));
public static int Update<T>(this IDbConnection db, string table, T item, Expression<Func<T, bool>> where) {
return (int)ExecWithAlias<T>(table, () => db.Update(item, where));
These extension methods provide additional API's that let you change the name of the table used, e.g:
var tableName = "TableA"'
db.Insert(tableName, new GenericEntity { Id = 1, ColumnA = "A" });
var rows = db.Select<GenericEntity>(tableName, q =>
q.Where(x => x.ColumnA == "A"));
db.Update(tableName, new GenericEntity { ColumnA = "B" },
where: q => q.ColumnA == "A");
rows = db.Select<GenericEntity>(tableName, q =>
q.Where(x => x.ColumnA == "B"));
This example is also available in the GenericTableExpressions.cs integration test.

Fluent Automapper issue with tag creation

POST EDITED - see edit below
I have a query about the FLuent Automapping which is used as part of the SHarp Architecture. Running one of the tests cases will generate a schema which I can use to create tables in my DB.
I'm developing a site with Posts, and Tags associated with these posts. I want a tag to be able to be associated with more than one post, and for each post to have 0 or more tags.
I wanting to achieve a DB schema of:
Post {Id, Title, SubmitTime, Content}
Tag {Id, Name}
PostTag {PostId, TagId}
Instead, I'm getting:
Post {Id, Title, SubmitTime, Content}
Tag {Id, Name, PostID (FK)}
I'm using sharp architecture, and may classes look as follows (more or less):
public class Post : Entity
private DateTime _submittime;
private String _posttitle;
private IList<Tag> _taglist;
private String _content;
public Post() { }
public Post(String postTitle)
_submittime = DateTime.Now;
_posttitle = postTitle;
this._taglist = new List<Tag>();
public virtual DateTime SubmitTime { get { return _submittime; } private set { _submittime = value; } }
public virtual string PostTitle { get { return _posttitle; } private set { _posttitle = value; } }
public virtual string Content { get { return _content; } set { _content = value; } }
public virtual IList<Tag> TagList { get { return _taglist; } set { _taglist = value; } }
public class Tag : Entity
private String _name;
public Tag() { }
public Tag(String name)
this._name = name;
public virtual String Name
get { return _name; }
private set { _name = value; }
public virtual void EditTagName(String name)
this.Name = name;
I can see why it's gone for the DB schema set up that it has, as there will be times when an object can only exist as part of another. But a Tag can exist separately.
How would I go about achieving this? I'm quite new to MVC, Nhibernate, and SHarp architecture, etc, so any help would be much appreciated!
OK, I have now adjusted my classes slightly. My issue was that I was expecting the intermediate table to be inferred. Instead, I realise that I have to create it.
So I now have (I've simplified the classes a bit for readability's sake.:
class Post : Entity
String Title
DateTime SubmitTime
IList<PostTag> tagList
class Tag : Entity
string name
class PostTag : Entity
Post post
Tag tag
This gives me the schema for the intermediate entity along with the usual Post and Tag tables:
PostTag{id, name, PostId(FK)}
The problem with the above is that it still does not include The foreign key for Tag. Also, should it really have an ID column, as it is a relational table? I would think that it should really be a composite key consisting of the PK from both Post and Tag tables.
I'm sure that by adding to the Tag class
IList<PostTag> postList
I will get another FK added to the PostTag schema, but I don't want to add the above, as the postList could be huge. I don't need it every time I bring a post into the system. I would have a separate query to calculate that sort of info.
Can anyone help me solve this last part? Thanks for your time.
Ok, I'd been led to believe that modelling the composite class in the domain was the way forward, but I finally come across a bit of automapper override code which creates the composite table without me needing to create the class for it, which was what I was expecting in the first place:
public class PostMappingOverride
: IAutoMappingOverride
public void Override(AutoMapping map)
map.HasManyToMany(e => e.TagList)
This will now give me my schema (following schema non simplified):
create table Posts (
Id INT not null,
PublishTime DATETIME null,
SubmitTime DATETIME null,
PostTitle NVARCHAR(255) null,
Content NVARCHAR(255) null,
primary key (Id)
create table Posts_Tags (
PostFk INT not null,
TagFk INT not null
create table Tags (
Id INT not null,
Name NVARCHAR(255) null,
primary key (Id)
alter table Posts_Tags
add constraint FK864F92C27E2C4FCD
foreign key (TagFk)
references Tags
alter table Posts_Tags
add constraint FK864F92C2EC575AE6
foreign key (PostFk)
references Posts
I think the thrower is that I've been looking for a one-to-many relationship, which it is, but it is called HasManytoMAny here...

Subsonic 3, how to CRUD using LinqTemplates?

I am new to Subsonic, and it seems that I cant find out a natural way to do CRUD operations using the LINQ template classes. I guess in ActiveRecord, you could:
Product p = new Product();
p.ProductCode = "xxx";
Using the LINQTemplate generated classes however, how can I do the same thing? I can only use something like this below to insert a product object:
db.Insert.Into<UnleashedSaaS.PRODUCT>(prod => prod.Code, prod => prod.Description).Values("Product1", "Product1 Desc").Execute();
Who could kindly give me some hints? I'd really appreciate it.
All the CRUD happens in SubSonicRepository, which you can derive from. For example, I would have a class like this:
public class ProductRepository : SubSonicRepository<Product> {
public ProductRepository() : base(new NorthwindDB()) { }
// need this here because base doesn't expose the DB class that I know of
protected NorthwindDB _db;
protected NorthwindDB DB {
get {
if (_db == null) _db = new NorthwindDB();
return _db;
public void Save(Product product) {
if (product.ProductId == 0) {
Add(product); // Add is part of SubSonicRepository
} else {
public void Delete(Product product) { ... }
public List<Product> ListAll() {
var products = from p in DB.Products
select p;
return products.ToList();
public Product GetById(int id) {
return DB.GetByKey(id);
And so on. It's nice because you can consolidate all your data access methods in one place. If you have Sprocs, they're generated as methods on DB as well.
When I get time I'm going to work on adding a Save method to SubSonicRepository directly so you don't have to do the check yourself to see which method (Add or Update) to call.
I have modified the file to include:
public partial class <#=tbl.ClassName#>Repository : SubSonicRepository<<#=tbl.ClassName#>>
public <#=tbl.ClassName#>Repository() : base(new <#=DatabaseName#>DB()) { }
Insert that bunch of lines between
<# foreach(Table tbl in tables){#>
/// <summary>
right at the top, near the namespace declaration, in my file it can be inserted in line 18.
The last thing to do is to add another "using" statement, in line 10, the next line after System.Linq statement. Now it should look like:
using System.Linq;
using SubSonic.Repository;
That will generate a repository to give you access to basic functionality, but can be modified in another partial class.
Hope that helps.
