Android Studio Won't Open After Installing Plugins Supporting .csv Files - android-studio

I had imported a .csv file in Android Studio, which after opening suggested me to install plugins supporting *.csv files. After the installation, I have not been able to load the IDE. I get the splash-screen but the program is stuck.
I have tried uninstalling/reinstalling the IDE, but the issue persists. Some solutions on stackoverflow suggest finding the CSV plugin folder and then deleting it, however, I cannot deduce which folder that is. I have also compared the plugins folder with a vanilla installation of AS on another computer.

Today I had same problem. I solved it with removing plugins from folders listed bellow. To be honest I am livid that something like this can happen.
General solution:
I went to this pc and searched "csv". then I went throught list of all results and found that android studio plugins are stored in following folders:
First I removed just CSV folder, but that wasn't enough so I deleted also RanbowCSV and all folders which were created at time of first occurance of the problem. I think that should be enough, but I was angry so I deleted everything from those folders.
I also went to folder:
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\plugins
There I searched "csv" and deleted found file "".
Hope that helps to anybody who gets baited to installing csv plugin as did I.


Can't find Android Size Analyzer in Android Studio

According to, I should be able to install Android Size Analyzer as a plugin, but nothing shows up.
Android Studio -> File -> Settings -> Plugin -> Marketplace -> search for "Android Size Analyzer"
UPDATE: 17th May 2022
After a lot of trials, errors & frustration, I was able to make it work. Here are the steps: (for MacOS)
Download the the plugin's zip folder from the Github
Extract the zip and add the size-analyzer executable and the analyzer.jar to Users/<your_user>/Library/Android/platform-tools
(You can add the above files to any place but I bundled it with platform-tools because this location was already present in my $PATH variable. Wherever you place those two files, please make sure that this location is present in your $PATH variable else it won't work. Don't know how to set path variables? Please refer this
Now in your Android Studio Terminal, run the following command
size-analyzer check-project <your-path-to-project-directory>
(After above step, If the terminal complains like size-analyzer command not found, it means your $PATH variable is not set properly)
After analyzing the entire project, it shows output like this
The result analysis provides lots of suggestions and space saving options. Thank you Google for such amazing plugin : )
OLD : 16th May 2022
The AS plugin Android Size Analyzer is deprecated! It's no more indexed on Plugin Market Place(You cannot install it directly from AS anymore).
I even tried installing the plugin from their GitHub Repo, but all in vain. When adding the plugin to studio from disk, the following error popped up.
Maybe you can try downgrading the studio and then install it.
Looks like, we'll be on our own for a while : (

Gradle Error: Path is not a readable directory for an Android Project saved in OneDrive

I tried to use a OneDrive folder to store my Flutter project [Windows 10, Android Studio]. I then made edits to it on another machine [same configurations]. The project compiled fine on the first machine initially and on the second one after the changes. Running it on the first machine again after the changes I get the below error:
Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugResources'.
Path "build/[package]/intermediaries/compiled_local_resources" is not a readable directory.
I've tried a number of solutions mentioned in similar, though not equivalent issues:
Updating Android Studio
Running Android Studio as Administrator
Removing the [package] from my dependencies (this resulted in a
different package being identified in the error message).
Pressing File -> Invalidate Caches / Restart...
Commenting out
"org.gradle.jvmargs=-Xmx1536M" in
cd android
gradlew clean
None of this worked.
I had the same problem today:
Path "build/[package]/intermediaries/compiled_local_resources/debug/out" is not a readable directory.
I was able to fix this issue by deleting the .gradle and rebuilding the project.
All I did was create the (empty) directory that it was looking for and it built fine afterward.
mkdir -p compiled_local_resources/debug/out
I had the same issue, came out of no where and it really shouldn't make the build fail... but all I did was create the (empty) directory that it was looking for and it built fine afterwards.
In the end the only thing that worked for me was pushing the project up to a Git remote and cloning it from there into another (local) directory.
[not sure this counts as a solution but nothing else worked for me after a long agonising search so hopefully it helps someone]
I know the OP had Windows, but if it helps anyone else in the future:
On Mac OS I discovered (the hard way) that Android Studio and Flutter do not play nice with being stored in iCloud! I noticed that some files weren't available locally and that's what was causing the problem for me. I moved my project out of iCloud (forcing it to download the missing files forever) and then it was fine.
Deleting the android/.gradle folder worked for me.
+1 also to the #1 answer (Vadow). As I do not have 50 points yet was not able to add this as a comment, so will have to post separately.
Like the OP, I have two machines - and got into trouble (Synology Drive). Vadow's solution worked for me, but I also had to do:
Flutter Clean
Flutter Pub Get
on the terminal and from within the project directory to get things follow back up and running.
Thank you Stackoverflow, and thank you Vadow!

Source Tree doesn't launch after installation

After successful download of source tree on windows 10 , the application doesn't seem to launch, Any help appreciated , Thanks
This solved the issue for me.
The most likely reason for this error is that the user.config file for SourceTree has been corrupted.
You can confirm this by locating the file in this location: C:\Users\<User>\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree.exe_<random_string>\<version_number>
If this is the cause, when you open the file, it will be full of <NULL> values.
If the user.config file is indeed corrupted, you may delete it.
It will be regenerated the next time you start SourceTree, and the application should start normally.
Without providing the SourceTree errorlog nobody will really be able to tell you how to resolve this issue.
The Sourcetree errorlog can be found at C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Atlassian\SourceTree\sourcetree.log on windows.
Or by opening the Console application (Applications >> Utilities >> Console) and searching for entries related to "SourceTree", on mac.
The 2 most common fixes however are:
Re-install Source tree.
Delete the C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Local\Atlassian folder
Uninstall .Net 4.5 Or your current .Net version
Install SourceTree (Sourcetree installation will install .Net Again for you).
Note: I tried Atlassian recommendations such as deleting \Users{UserId}\AppData\Local\SourceTree as well as \Users{UserId}\AppData\Local\Atlassian. Also tried Deleting entries from Windows Registry none of those things helped.

Need Help Uninstalling Stencyl

When I try to install openFL with Haxe I get this error:
C:\Users\Dude>haxelib install openfl
You already have openfl version 3.3.0 installed
[file_contents,C:\Program Files (x86)\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\lib/openfl/.current]
I have uninstalled Stencyl from program files (Win8.1_64bit) and ran CCleaner to make sure I was wiped out. Also I checked system and user environmental variables but didn't found Stencyl anywhere.
Then I have reinstalled Haxe over again, but for some reason I keep getting the same error.
After the fresh installation, I have checked the installation location of Haxe by using the >haxelib config command but still I get this weird output
C:\Users\Dude>haxelib config
C:\Program Files (x86)\Stencyl\plaf\haxe\lib/
Currently haxe is installed at C:\HaxeToolkit on my machine
Well I just entered the Stencyl keyword in the windows search bar and saw this file: .hxcpp_config.xml. This file and another one called .haxelib was located in my user Home folder.
The problem was fixed after deleting both of this files.
Also I found were stencyl was hiding (ಠ_ಠ ). The file .hxcpp_config.xml directs to the AppData folder in the user directory (C:\Users\Dude\AppData\Roaming\Stencyl)

Installshield LE is not updating the files while attempting upgrade

I've spent literally the last 5 hours around this, and can't get it to work.
I've done everything it's said in similar questions.
Change the ProductCode, keep the old UpgradeCode, Change product version.
Again and again. It doesn't replace the updated .exe file it's supposed to.
What am I missing?
Edit: I also have doublechecked the .exe build in visual studio, there it's builded and working properly. Only when I run the setup that's supposed to copy it to install folder, and only then it fails, keeping the old .exe file there, and not updating.
Does the exe on the target system have the same or higher file version than the exe you are installing? Windows installer will not overwrite a file that has a higher file version then the file it is installing.
look at the install log. search for the component name, check the Request/Action state. Is the state set to "Local"? Also search for the file name to see if msiexec tried to copy it.
