Remapping inbuilt indicator lights on keyboard - keyboard

So i have a hp probook x360 and it has a key with a light for wireless connection. It just disables all connections and turns on an orange light. I don't use this and it being one of the only keys to have a light indicator just seems like a waste.
I found the driver to that button from hp but i don't have any knowledge on how to change it for my needs like for mic muted or not. Is there a way of doing this?
I found this that could help but i tried to control the capslock led and it had no effect
edit: i got capslock working but i don't know how to find what code corresponds to the light of the wireless button. i tried a loop to test out every number but i haven't gotten the right one


How can the following errors be resolve in SCRATCH?

I created a bouncing ball game in scratch for CS50 PSET0.
The game works well as I expected, except for the following bug/errors:
The game can be paused by pressing the UP Arrow key on the keyboard, even BEFORE it is started or AFTER the game is over. THIS SHOULD ONLY WORK WHEN A LEVEL HAS BEEN SELECTED AND GAME STARTED AND NOT BEFORE OR AFTER IT IS STARTED. [WORKING ON IT]
I set the Paddle dragmode to not draggable, yet it's not working as you can still drag the paddle using the mouse. [SOLVED]
Falling eggs/bomb won't stop falling when the game is over or paused. [TRYING TO SOLVE IT BROUGHT A NEW BUG] One egg appears at the bottom of the screen after I paused and resume the game. I'm not sure how to hide that one stubborn egg.
On hitting the paddle or edge, the ball bouncing isn't very smooth and natural. It sometimes lag. [WORKING ON IT]
JUST CURIOUS: Why is the code "when I receive Setting btn Clicked" not working on the sound and music button sprite? [SOLVED]
I will appreciate all your kind suggestions.
Here's my project
NB: if the question seems unclear and you tend to understand it. Kindly feel free to suggest an edit. Thanks.
For point 1, you could test with an if statement whether the game is currently running. (Using the same variable you use to pause the game.)
As for the dragging of the paddle, I can't seem to drag it. That is, I can't drag it when I am playing, but I can when in the editor. This is always the case, you can drag any sprite around while editing, but not when playing without the editor open. This is the default behaviour of sprites as well, you do not have to declare it each time. A reason for you to want to drag sprites is when you use the Pen Extension to create a drawing program.
To stop the eggs from falling, you could pause the clones the same way you pause the ball when moving.
To let the ball turn more smoothly you could let it turn between an angle from -90° to 90° opposite to the surface it hits. To implement this would be quite difficult with a single line. You could, if you don't mind it hitting the edge instead of the border you built, split it so you include the built-in block: if on edge, bounce. The if-statement would then only include the touching of the paddle (and maybe the danger bar). In this statement, you would select an angle between -90 and 90 degrees.
For 5, there must've gone something wrong when you wanted to design this, the when I receive [setting btn clicked v] block is just not connected. :)

Detecting touchpad movement vs regular mouse programmatically on Linux

I love the mod4 + mouse-drag combo for moving/resizing windows in Awesome WM, it's very intuitive with regular mouse. Now that I'm using Awesome WM on my laptop, however, I find this combo more annoying when using the touchpad vs regular mouse.
The problem stems from the fact that I now need 3 fingers to perform a gesture that I could do with 2 before (1 to move on the touchpad, 1 to keep on the left-click at all times, and one on mod4). Alternatively, I can apply more force to the touchpad and have it pressed as I drag my finger, which is not any better since it puts a lot of stress on the finger doing the dragging).
What I would like to do instead is have awesome treat left-mouse button as pressed if both of the following conditions are met:
mod4 is pressed
movement event is coming from touchpad and not regular mouse
To do so, however, I need to be able to detect that the movement is coming from the touchpad. Is there a way to do so in Awesome WM/Linux? I've looked through the keysyms ( but don't see anything for the mouse. I've also looked at the mouse.lua file in Awesome WM but it doesn't seem to have anything to differentiate between the two either ( If there is a way to tell that the last coordinate change came from a touchpad on Linux that would resolve the issue as I could simply create a lua file to run such check whenever Mod4 is pressed.
To do so, however, I need to be able to detect that the movement is coming from the touchpad. Is there a way to do so in Awesome WM/Linux?
Nope, there is no such way in AwesomeWM. Sorry.
In X11, this is possible via the input extension. However, awesome does not use that extension.

Out to exit debug mode with orange boxes

I've a Firefox OS 1.3 on ZTE Open C device. By mistake, I selected the wrong debug option and now I can't use my phone normally: I have an orange box (surrounding elements) that I can move only by sliding to the right the center of the screen.
Do someone know how I can get to the configuration panel and remove this?
I rebooted the phone, even removed the battery, but the option is still here.
I figured out that this is the Screen Reader mode. And there are instructions here.
But in my 1.3 version, the up-down-up-down-up-down doesn't work. Neither the swipe with two fingers...

Android UI with no buttons?

I am trying to create an android TABLET application for my grandma who is sufferring from Mild cognitive impairement. One of the features of the app is intelligent schedulers/reminders .For ex: The app would say "Did you take your red pill?" Yes or No. If its no or no reply , then a text message is send to my mobile .
Now her hands shiver and shake so eventhough the buttons are huge for Yes or No she tends to press the wrong one by mistake. IS there any alternative to create a UI such that she doesnt hve to depend on the button?
Please help....
Though i have no knowledge about android, i have a work-around with the design idea:
Let there be only one big button: "Yes"
If she hasn't taken the pill, then she should NOT press the button, but rather go and take the pill, and then press "yes". Until then, the app would repetitively ask the question every 30 seconds or so (may be with a sound alarm).
You can ask her touch right side or top left corner... or slide form left to right for yes and from right to left for no.
We have an accelerometer. SO we can tilt it different ways or rotate. Or knock it once time for yes and twice for no.
You can use voice commands. You can use camera as input. For example, show red card for no and gree for yes.
You can even use NFC tags... or connect big hardware buttons or some kind of keyboard...
you can use speech to text. if she says no then match it with string "NO" and if yes then match is with "YES". OR you can use swipe as left to right for no and right to left for yes
Maybe you can increase the touch area, like half screen for YES an the other one for NO. And replace the texts for colors like Green or Red.

How can I detect when iOS 4 keyboard is on-screen versus Bluetooth?

I have some code that moves a UITextView out from under the on-screen keyboard. The problem is, sometimes people will surely use a Bluetooth keyboard instead.
How can I detect that that is what's being used for input?
Also, BTW: I can detect when the on-screen keyboard goes away, but how to approach the same intention when it's a wireless keyboard?
You can detect when a bluetooth keyboard is connected by registering for UIKeyboardWillShowNotification the same way that you did for detecting when the keyboard hides. If a BT keyboard is connected, you will not receive a keyboard will show notification when the text field or text view that is requesting the keyboard becomes the first responder.
