In what parts of search eninge NLP might be used, and what kind of NLP? - search

I'm interviewing for the position on a search engine at e-commerce: "Back End Engineer: Search, Catalogue, NLP".
I want to be as prepared as possible for interview, so, I'd be grateful, if you can point to:
Where NLP might be used at search engine?
What kind of NLP would it be?


Lexicon of ‘undesirable’ words?

Is anyone aware of an NLP lexicon or dictionary that can be used to screen for undesirable words in professional documents? For example abusive or discriminatory words, or sexual terms? Any tips greatly appreciated.
I'm not aware of a general corpus, but you could do sentiment analysis on specific words and just say "any word w/ negative sentiment worse than threshold is a word I don't want"
A quick search reveals some resources that may be of use to you: (if you're coding in Python) (construct your own)
You might also want to include some regular expressions (e.g. .*fuck.*, .*shit.*) to account for productivity and creation of new words that may not be in those lexicons. But careful with this as you will probably want to avoid flagging other words as profanity.

Natural language processing keywords for building search engine

I'm recently interested in NLP, and would like to build up search engine for product recommendation. (Actually I'm always wondering about how search engine for Google/Amazon is built up)
Take Amazon product as example, where I could access all "word" information about one product:
Product_Name Description ReviewText
"XXX brand" "Pain relief" "This is super effective"
By applying nltk and gensim packages I could easily compare similarity of different products and make recommendations.
But here's another question I feel very vague about:
How to build a search engine for such products?
For example, if I feel pain and would like to search for medicine online, I'd like to type-in "pain relief" or "pain", whose searching results should include "XXX brand".
So this sounds more like keyword extraction/tagging question? How should this be done in NLP? I know corpus should contain all but single words, so it's like:
["XXX brand" : ("pain", 1),("relief", 1)]
So if I typed in either "pain" or "relief" I could get "XXX brand"; but what about I searched "pain relief"?
I could come up with idea that directly call python in my javascript for calculate similarities of input words "pain relief" on browser-based server and make recommendation; but that's kind of do-able?
I still prefer to build up very big lists of keywords at backends, stored in datasets/database and directly visualized in web page of search engine.
Even though this does not provide a full how-to answer, there are two things that might be helpful.
First, it's important to note that Google does not only treat singular words but also ngrams.
More or less every NLP problem and therefore also information retrieval from text needs to tackle ngrams. This is because phrases carry way more expressiveness and information than singular tokens.
That's also why so called NGramAnalyzers are popular in search engines, be it Solr or elastic. Since both are based on Lucene, you should take a look here.
Relying on either framework, you can use a synonym analyser that adds for each word the synonyms you provide.
For example, you could add relief = remedy (and vice versa if you wish) to your synonym mapping. Then, both engines would retrieve relevant documents regardless if you search for "pain relief" or "pain remedy". However, you should probably also read this post about the issues you might encounter, especially when aiming for phrase synonyms.

How to do semantic analysis from POS tag?

suppose sentence is, "Vehicle does not start in cold weather and need to change windshield blades." I'm interested to find out what part of car is affected, and what is the reason for that. From above sentence, we can not infer that windshield blades does not start. In addition single sentence can contain multiple car parts. How to tackle this problem?
I found the solution, above problem can be easily solved with the help of Stanford dependencies, so we can use Stanford coreNLP for that.

Building a thesaurus from corpus

I am working on a natural language processing application. I have a text describing 30 domains. Each domain is defined with a short paragraph that explains it. My aim is to build a thesaurus from this text so I can determine from an input string which domains are concerned. The text is about 5000 words and each domains is described by 150 words. My questions are :
Do I have a long enough text to create a thesaurus from ?
Is my idea of building a thesaurus legit or should I just use NLP libraries to analyse my corpus and the input string ?
At the moment, I have calculated the number total of occurrence of each words grouped by domains because I first thought of a indexed approach. But I am really not sure which method is the best. Does someone have experience in both NLP and thesaurus building ?
I think what you are looking for is topic modeling. Given a word, you want to get the probability of which domain the word belongs to. I would recommend using off the shelf algorithms that implement LDA (Latent Dirichlet Algorithm).
Alternatively, you can visit David Blei's website. He has written some great software that implements LDA, and topic modeling in general. He also has presented several tutorials for topic modeling for beginners.
If your goal is to build a thesaurus then build a thesaurus; if your goal is not to build a thesaurus, then you better use stuff available out there.
More generally, for any task in NLP - from data acquisition to machine translation - you're gonna face numerous problems (both technical and theoretical), and it is very easy to stray from the path, as these problems are - most of the time - fascinating.
Whatever the task is, build a system using existing resources. Then you get the big picture; then you can start thinking about improving component A or B.
Good luck.

Associating free text statements with pre-defined attributes

I have a list of several dozen product attributes that people are concerned with, like
Manufacturing quality
Sales experience
and several million free-text statements from customers about the product, e.g.
"The financing was easy but the housing is flimsy."
I would like to score each free text statement in terms of how strongly it relates to each of the attributes, and whether that is a positive or negative association.
In the given example, there would be a strong positive association to Financing and a strong negative association to Manufacturing quality.
It feels like this type of problem is probably the realm of Natural Language Programming (NLP). However, I spent several hours reading up on things like OpenNLP and NLTK and find there's so much domain specific terminology that I cannot figure out where to focus to solve this specific problem.
So my three-part question:
Is NLP the correct route to solve this class of problem?
What aspect of NLP should I focus on learning for this specific problem?
Are there alternatives I have not considered?
A resource you might find handy is SentiWordNet. ( Which is like a dictionary that has a sentiment grade for words. It will tell you to what degree it thinks a word is positive, negative, or objective.
You can then combine that with some nltk code that looks through your sentences for the words you want to associate the sentiment with. So you would write a script to get some level of meaningful chunks of text that surround the words you were looking at, maybe sentence or clause level. Then you can have another thing that runs through the surrounding words and grab all the sentiment scores from the SentiWordNet.
I have some old code that did this and can place on github if you'd like, but you'd still need to make your own request for SentiWordNet.
I guess your problem is more on association rather than just classification. Now moving forward with this assumption:
Is NLP the correct route to solve this class of problem?
What aspect of NLP should I focus on learning for this specific problem?
Part of speech tagging
Sentiment analysis
Maximum entrophy
Are there alternatives I have not considered?
In depth study of automata theory with respect to NLP will help you a lot, it helped me a lot in grasping the implementations like OpenNLP.
Yes, this is a NLP problem by the name of Sentiment analysis. Sentiment analysis is an active research area with different approaches and a task where a lot of other NLP-methods have to work together, so it is certainly not the easiest field to get started with in NLP.
A more or less recent survey of the academic research in the field can be found in Pang & Lee (2008).
