Terraform providers vulnerability detection - security

Using a lot of (official and non official) terraform providers, I'm looking for a tool to perform security analysis on terraform providers before executing terraform plan/apply commands (and so executing providers code). I want to prevent malicious code from providers to be executed blindly.
I'm basically executing terraform providers mirror command to save local copies of required providers and I'm wondering if I can security scan that result.
I tested kics, checkov and tfsec but they are all looking for security issues in my terraform static code but not in providers.
Do you have any good advices regarding this topic ?

This is actually quite a good question. There are many other problems that can be reduced to same generic question - how to make sure that the thing you downloaded from the internet does not do anything malicious to you like e.g.:
How to make sure that a minecraft plugin does not hack you?
How to make sure that a spring boot dependency does not hack you?
How to make sure that a library xxx you attach to your project does not do harm to you?
Should you use docker image yyy in your project?
Truth is: everything you use has the potential to explode right in your face (or more correctly: right into the face of the system owner). That's why the system owner (usually a company) defines a set of rules to follow what is allowed and what is not allowed. No set of rules you are aware of? Below a set of rules we came up with ourselves when thinking about on-boarding a new library for some projects to use:
Do not take random stuff from github. Take only products with longer history, small bug backlog, little to none past issues in the CVE list, actively maintained.
Do static code analysis yourself. Sometimes it is possible to have tools that work on binaries level do that for you. Sometimes you can do it on source level only. In case of Java libraries, check what tools like Dependency Track think about the library and version you are about to use.
Run the code and see how it works: what does it write, what does it read, what URLs does it communicate with (do a TCP dump if necessary).
Document everything you have done somewhere.
This gives you no 100% confidence that things will not go terribly wrong. But this is a systematic approach that will reduce the risk of doing something stupid.


Maintaining a service required by two different apps

I have two node apps running on my server, each performing different tasks.
However, I now need to create a service that is going to be used by both of them. Obviously I don't want to create it in both of the apps, hence creating two codes to maintain.
My current thought is to have a separate repository only for this service, then require it from each app as an outsourced module.
I was wondering whether there are better methods, or if this method might encounter problems I'm not seeing
Well if you strictly follow the rule that shared means only shared things in the common package, I don't see any issues with that. The problem comes when you try to put the logic in one repo which is supposed to be only used for one. In that scenario you will need to rebuilt both apps as the repo or package is depedency of both.
One issue that I have seen people face is when they work with shared repo is that when you need to tweak things just because they are at common place. for example you have a method that does one job and suddenly you want to use that in other place as well but with a tweak. In that case you end up modifying the shared code to support the second repo but since it is shared, you will have to do regression testing of both apps.
I see shared repo candidates being drivers, client etc. I guess rest is up to your project structure and judgement. In this case there is nothing correct or incorrect. Hope this is making sense.

How to prevent malicious *.js scripts from executing in Node.js

I'm using Node.js to create the web service. In the implementation, I consumed many third party modules which are installed via npm. There is security issue if there is malicious *.js scripts in the consumed modules. For example, the malicious code may delete all my disk files, or collect the secret data in silence.
I have a couple of questions regarding this.
How to detect if there is security issue in the module?
What should I do to prevent malicious *.js scripts from executing in Node.js?
I'm very appreciate if you can share any experience to build the node.js service.
One concern you did not raise is that a module might try to make a direct connection to your database itself, or to other services on your internal network. This might be prevented by setting passwords which the module cannot find so easily.
1. Restricting disk access
This project was presented at NodeConf last year. It attempts to restrict filesystem access in precisely the situation you describe.
"The goal for this module is to help when you are loading 3rd party modules and you need to restrict their access."
It sounds rather like the proposal Jeffrey made in the comments in Plato's answer.
(If you want to look further into hooking OS calls, this hookit project may present a few ideas. Although in its current form it only wraps the callback function, it might provide inspiration of what to hook, and how. Here is an example of it being used.)
2. Analyse flow of sensitive data
If you are only worried about data-stealing (not filesystem or database access), then you can focus your concerns:
You should be most concerned about those packages which are being passed sensitive data. Presumably some of the data on your web-service is presented to the public anyway!
Most packages will not have access to the full stack of your application, only the bits of data you pass them. If a package is only being passed a small amount of sensitive data, and never passed the rest of the data, it may not be able to do anything malicious with the data it receives. (For example, if you pass all your usernames to one package for processing and all your addresses to a different package, that is a much smaller concern than if you pass all your usernames, addresses and credit-card numbers to the same package!)
Identify the sensitive data in your app, and note which functions in which modules they are passed to.
3. Perform efficient code review
You may not need to go to Github to read the code. The great majority of packages provide all their source-code in their install folder inside node_modules. (There are a few packages which provide binaries however; these are naturally harder to verify.)
If you do want to check the code yourself, there may ways to reduce the amount of work involved:
To secure your own app, you do not need to read the entire source code of all packages in your project. You only need to review those functions which are actually called.
You may trace the code by reading it, or with the aid of a text-based debugger, or a GUI debugger. (Of course you should look out for branching, where different inputs may cause different parts of the module to be called.)
Set breakpoints when you call into a module which you don't trust, so you can step through the code that is called and see what it does. You may be able to conclude that only a small part of the module is used, so only that code needs to be verified.
Whilst tracing flow should cover concerns about sensitive data at runtime, to check for file access or database access, we should also look at the initialisation code of each module which is required, and all calls (including requires) which are made from there.
4. Other measures
It might be wise to lock the version number of each package in package.json so that you don't accidentally install a new version of a package until you decide that you need to.
You may use social factors to build confidence in a package. Check the respectability of the author. Who is he, and who does he work for? Do the author and his employers have a reputation to uphold? Similarly, who uses his project? If the package is very popular, and used by industry giants, it is likely that others have already reviewed the code.
You may wish to visit github and enable notifications for all the top-level modules you are using, by "watching" the repository. This will inform you if any vulnerabilities are reported in the package in future.
Most (all?) modules have source code available on Github, you can read through the source and look for security problems, or hire a security professional to do the job.
I just take the risk - although I tend to use popular packages with hundreds of commits, active maintenence, and issue lists.
If your project dependency tree is large enough, reviewing all of your dependencies is not a feasible long-term strategy.
The original answer from Joey has some good countermeasures you can use for specific scenarios. I've also seen https://github.com/berstend/node-safe - could make you slightly safer on mac.
A general solution to the problem is taking shape though.
How to protect a project from malicious packages
make sure you don't run lifecycle (postinstall) scripts unless they're known and necessary (see my talk on this topic)
put 3rdparty code in a compartment, lock down the environment, decide on which powerful APIs to pass to each package.
The second step requires the use of Compartment, which is a work-in-progress in TC39 https://github.com/tc39/proposal-compartments/
But a shim exists. And Some tooling was built on top of that shim.
You could use the SES-shim directly and implement your own controls, or use the convenience of LavaMoat
LavaMoat lets you generate and tweak a per-package policy where you can decide which globals and builtins it should have access to.
LavaMoat also offers a tool to manage install scripts.
Here's my talk on SES and LavaMoat with a demo at the end.
How to set up LavaMoat
See LavaMoat docs for more details
disable/allow dependency lifecycle scripts (eg. "postinstall") via #lavamoat/allow-scripts
npm i --ignore-scripts -D #lavamoat/allow-scripts
npx --no-install allow-scripts setup
npx --no-install allow-scripts auto
then, edit the allow-list in package.json
after every insstall/reinstall run allow-scripts
run your server or build process in lavamoat-node
npm i -D lavamoat
in your package.json add something like:
"scripts": {
"lavamoat-policy": "lavamoat app.js --autopolicy",
"start": "lavamoat app.js"
run lavamoat-policy every time you make changes to your dependency tree and review the policy (see also: policy override)
run npm start to start your app
Disclaimer: I contribute to LavaMoat and Endo. They are Open Source projects on permissive licenses.

Good resources for versioning

I have a number of Windows servers at work that are used for staging web sites for clients while they are being created.
I wanted to start using versioning on them so that when we work with outside vendors on a project, if/when they overwrite my work, I'd like to be able to go back and get the version before.
My question is that I think I'm not looking for the correct terms in searching for information, but what kind of resources are there to learn how to install the software for versioning or a site to help me get started.
Any and all suggestions would be appreciated.
Since your development workflow can be decentralized (as in "there isn't always one central repository), DVCS tools, with their common tasks described here) can be more adapted.
Mercurial (see HgInit.com for a very good tutorial like the kind you are after)
Plastic SCM (which has a DVCS nature)

What are the main reasons against the Windows Registry?

If i want to develop a registry-like System for Linux, which Windows Registry design failures should i avoid?
Which features would be absolutely necessary?
What are the main concerns (security, ease-of-configuration, ...)?
I think the Windows Registry was not a bad idea, just the implementation didn't fullfill the promises. A common place for configurations including for example apache config, database config or mail server config wouldn't be a bad idea and might improve maintainability, especially if it has options for (protected) remote access.
I once worked on a kernel based solution but stopped because others said that registries are useless (because the windows registry is)... what do you think?
I once worked on a kernel based solution but stopped because others said that registries are useless (because the windows registry is)... what do you think?
A kernel-based registry? Why? Why? A thousand times, why? Might as well ask for a kernel-based musical postcard or inetd for all the point it is putting it in there. If it doesn't need to be in the kernel, it shouldn't be in. There are many other ways to implement a privileged process that don't require deep hackery like that...
If i want to develop a registry-like System for Linux, which Windows Registry design failures should i avoid?
Make sure that applications can change many entries at once in an atomic fashion.
Make sure that there are simple command-line tools to manipulate it.
Make sure that no critical part of the system needs it, so that it's always possible to boot to a point where you can fix things.
Make sure that backup programs back it up correctly!
Don't let chunks of executable data be stored in your registry.
If you must have a single repository, at least use a proper database so you have tools to restore, backup, recover it etc and you can interact with it without having a new set of custom APIs
the first one that come to my mind is somehow you need to avoid orphan registry entries. At the moment when you delete program you are also deleting the configuration files which are under some directory but after having a registry system you need to make sure when a program is deleted its configuration in registry should be deleted as well.
IMHO, the main problems with the windows registry are:
Binary format. This loses you the availability of a huge variety of very useful tools. In a binary format, tools like diff, search, version control etc. have to be specially implemented, rather than use the best of breed which are capable of operating on the common substrate of text. Text also offers the advantage of trivially embedded documentation / comments (also greppable), and easy programatic creation and parsing by external tools. It's also more flexible - sometimes configuration is better expressed with a full turing complete language than trying to shoehorn it into a structure of keys and subkeys.
Monolithic. It's a big advantage to have everything for application X contained in one place. Move to a new computer and want to keep your settings for it? Just copy the file. While this is theoretically possible with the registry, so long as everything is under a single key, in practice it's a non-starter. Settings tend to be diffused in various places, and it is generally difficult to find where. This is usually given as a strength of the registry, but "everything in one place" generally devolves to "Everything put somewhere in one huge place".
Too broad. Its easy to think of it as just a place for user settings, but in fact the registry becomes a dumping ground for everything. 90% of what's there is not designed for users to read or modify, but is in fact a database of the serialised form of various structures used by programs that want to persist information. This includes things like the entire COM registration system, installed apps, etc. Now this is stuff that needs to be stored, but the fact that its mixed in with things like user-configurable settings and stuff you might want to read dramatically lowers its value.

bitrock installBuilder issues

I have recently been tasked with finding a suitable installShield replacement and I am leaning towards InstallBuilder over Install4J and InstallAnywhere. Has anyone come across any issues with creating installers that installBuilder has been unable to handle? For example very strict security on the client machine.
*Comment added for additional clarity
For instance a system that has all accounts disabled sans the admin account with a very unique domain policy for instance, the inability to write files to the temp directory. Also how extensible is your product, from playing around with it I notice it is purely xml so is there anyway to write some extensions to the core?
this is Daniel from BitRock. Our installers do not need admin privileges in any platform (unless you explicitly require them) and can install as regular users. If you need to check permissions in the filesystem, registry, etc. from within the installer to see what is available, there is code to do that as well. I am not sure if the above answered your question. Can you provide more details about what you mean with restricted security in the client side? We take great pride in our level of support, and we encourage you to contact our support team with any questions or suggestions you may have, just to see by yourself.
You should also take a look at InstallJammer just for comparison. It's a lot more open than most of the ones you mention and gives you the ability do practically anything from within your installer.
