Excel 3d map data not loading - excel

I have data about Hungarian addresses, cities and postal codes in Excel (Office 365) which I want to visualize with 3D Maps. Last week I could visualize similar data, but now I have a problem with that, the program doesn't show locations based on cities. Interesting thing is that if I add latitude and longitude coordinates to my table, it is perfectly working.
In addition I got a pop up message when I open 3d Maps - "3D Maps encountered an error while contacting Microsoft Bing mapping services. Functionality may be limited. (Status Code: 4)"
Do you have any idea about that? What am I doing wrong?

The good news is that it's not something you are doing wrong.
The bad news is that it appears to a much larger issue with Excel 3D Maps that is being reported in several places.
Hopefully Microsoft will pay attention to these reports and come up with a fix quickly.


Problem understanding dataset to start analytics

I have a data set (I have provided a link to a photo of the first 10 lines of the data). For my project I need to filter the “MS” column for “ES” (Spain) and I need to analyze the data and get some conclusions about the data and graphs, Visualizations ect.
But my problem is by looking at the data I just don’t know where to start because it’s just seems like there is nothing to do with the data that is there.
So I have come to all of you to see if you can give em some suggestions and to see if anyone can see any sort of starting point.
These are the details of my project if it helps
Objectives: Represent the protected spaces of Spain and explain the data
Evaluation criteria: Representation is comprehensive, “nice looking” (Visualizations), use of analytics (sql, python, excel ect). Adding to this a report with resources and the conclusion of the análisis with adición representation.
Notes: it’s importe that the cliente “ teachers” (also people from company’s in Spain) can understand the analysis with the report and Visualizations.
Thanks! I have 1863 lines of data (already filtered to ES (SPAIN))

Understanding document types in MAG and MSA Data dump

I am currently using Microsoft Academic's datadump for a project and unable to identify the total number of theses & dissertations(T&D) present. Based on their website, 38% of data is categorised to OTHERS type (one among them is T&D). But their 60+GB CSV dump doesn't explicitly indicate the T&D records. Can someone help me with the statistics for T&D or how find the same?
I tried their API too and unable to find using their API too.
The Microsoft Academic Graph does not explicitly segment publication sub-types by thesis or dissertations, which means that neither the API or website will either.
If this is something you'd like to see added, please let them know by using the "Feedback" link in the lower-right corner on the Microsoft Academic website.

Excel Data Validation not processing recent cell-data from smartphone input

I have recently observed an issue regarding my data in a column that I use to perform data validation on my spreadsheet.
So There is nothing wrong with the formula, neither is there anything from with the use of data validation.
It should be looking for duplicate entries, which works quite fine.
The issue is that it no longer recognizes input made from a smartphone using the excel app.
so what i did was to retype cell text field from my PC and it worked perfectly.
Is there a way that I can continue using this technique (Data validation) without having to re-enter data from a PC in order for it to process?
Certainly! Yes, that is possible.
But... with all the possibilities in today's world, is your current strategy the one that is the best for you?
That is something I cannot answer for you.
That is something I cannot enumerate for you.
But... There is something that I can introduce to you.
PowerQuery was a free add-on for Excel 2010 and 2013 and it has been baked directly into Excel for more than half a decade. So, if you're using the mobile app then you probably have a modern version of Excel with PowerQuery right at your finger tips.
Your first step if to determine how you want to make your data available for Excel to get. Go to the Data Tab on the ribbon and review your options in the "Get Extetnal Data" group.
It doesn't matter if free data is your Creed and your most intimate moments are publicly available through your raw data feed. Or if paranoia is the reason why you constantly drive around the block scraping SSIDs before squirreling them away to SQL server for detailed analysis. Or if you're using a USB cable to transfer photos to your PC because your mom walked in on you without knocking and was so disgusted by what she saw on your desktop that you're banned from the family LAN... For life. None of that matters because Excel can connect to your data in so many ways that one of them will be perfect for you.
There is a sense of familiarity when Importing your data into PowerQuery. It's not unlike following those timeless MS Wizards; but nothing like the uncanny sensation of being dropped into the PowerQuery editor. It is simultaneously the same as Excel and different from Excel and it may be the closest you ever come to visiting a parallel universe. Many of the same tools are available but they behave just slightly differently. And in some cases, like the Text To Columns tool, it is light years ahead of Excel and you will find yourself cursing at MS for not using it as a replacement for the old tool.
When you're done transforming your data, you'll have a tight clean table. But the real prize, is that you have fully automated pipe from source to product .
I figured that the phone user included extra spaces when inputting the data.
So i Used the TRIM() function which takes care of the extra spaces between, before, or after each word, and that did the job.
Therefore the major error was that there were additional spaces that was not recognized in the tested data.

How to create a geographical heat map in excel using Formulas

I am trying to generate a heat map from given data. i Need to analyze where participants came from and how far they were from the event. i Am trying to visualize this in excel and so far have been unsuccessful.
So far I've tried creating each column into a Formula so that I could generate the map via a YouTube tutorial but haven't been able to get it to work. There are international Zip Codes which I feel might be throwing off the map.
I was attempting to use the OFFSET Function to make the data linear and more easier to analyze
Any suggestions on the best way to do this in excel? Or how to fix the code so it fits for the analysis. I'll post a bit of the data below.
"Customer Id","City","Region Code","Postal Code","Country","Product Membership Description"
"123","Jacksonville","FL","32256","United States","Metro Magazine;NEWS-MET-Express"
"456","HARTFORD","KY","423471178","United States","Government Fleet;Metro Magazine;Work Truck Magazine;NEWS-GF-Enews;NEWS-GF-EquipmentGuide;NEWS-GF-TopNews;NEWS-MET-Blogs;NEWS-MET-Express;NEWS-MET-Rail;NEWS-MET-Trending;Z3 Metro Transit Accessibility - 6193;NEWS-WT-Utility"
"789","TALLAHASSEE","FL","32301","United States","Metro Magazine;NEWS-MET-Express"
So, just played with your data and set this up. You can expand as you wish, use the city or the region code or post code as you wish.
You can decide what distance data you want to use, perhaps circles of distance from your location may be interesting...

How to embed basic weather report for current time for fixed location in web page?

What I need:
I need to output a basic weather reports based on the current time and a fixed location (a county in the Republic of Ireland).
Output requirements:
Ideally plain text accompanied with a single graphical icon (e.g.
sun behind a cloud etc.).
Option to style output.
No adverts; no logos.
Free of charge.
Numeric Celsius temperature and short textual description.
I appreciate I'm that my expectations are high so interpret the list more as a "wish-list" rather than delusional demands.
What I've tried:
http://www.weather-forecast.com - The parameters for the iframe aren't configurable enough. Output is too bloated.
Google Weather API - I've played with PHP solutions to no avail though in any case, apparently the API is dead: http://thenextweb.com/google/2012/08/28/did-google-just-quietly-kill-private-weather-api/
My question:
Can anyone offer suggestions on how to embed a simple daily weather report based on a fixed location with minimal bloat?
Take a look at http://www.zazar.net/developers/jquery/zweatherfeed/
It's pretty configurable, although I'm not sure if there is still too much info for your needs. I've only tried it with US locations; all you need is a zipcode. The examples show using locations from other countries. I'm assuming it's a similar setup to get locations added for Ireland.
