How to add "backtick" (`) with a Turkish keyboard? - keyboard

I am using a Turkish keyboard and I couldn't find a way to add backticks.
Can you please help?

Just press AltGr + , for backticks(`)
and press AltGr + ş for ticks(´)


How do I use find-replace in Sublime Text 3 using shortcuts?

On a Mac I can open find-replace with Cmd-Option-F:
But how do I execute the replacement using keyboard shortcuts? Hitting enter doesn't do it.
I think that You can use Replace or Replace All buttons.
You can try ctrl + h. It will work.
Documentation has the shortcuts listed for that.
ctrl+shift+H will replace the next occurrence.

Android studio shortcut for French keyboard

I'm a beginner on Android development, and I can't find the shortcuts for french keyboards (stupid AZERTY). Is there a place where I can find them?
I'm searching especially the shortcuts to comment/uncomment line and block of code.
Thank you in advance for your help!
On file/settings/keymap, we can easily custom the shortcuts we want.
In azerty french keyboard, initially short cut are : for single line comment command + / or command + NumPad and for the block comment command + shift + / or command + shift + NumPad but if you have a mac laptop you don't have NumPad key and you can't type / because you need shift to do it otherwise it will type :
The solution is to go in android studio preference -> Keymap -> Main menu -> Code -> Folding -> Comment with Line / Comment with block. Or you can use the search-bar and type comment then you can modifie your shortcut.

How to generate a try catch code block automatic in Android Studio by shortcut?

In Eclipse, when I enter code Thread.sleep(100), the code will be wrappered by try catch after entering keys: ctrl+1 and enter. In Android studio what can I do for wrapper it by try catch easily? Is there a shortcut?
Highlight the code you want to surround with try/catch
For Windows it is:
Press Ctrl + Alt + t
For Mac it is:
Press cmd + Alt + t
Select the item you want (#7 for try / catch)
There is no need to "type" try first however, highlighting your code works better.
Highlight the necessary code you need to surround with, and press one of the key combinations depending upon your Operating System.
Ctrl + Alt + T
Ctrl + Windows + Alt + T
Cmd + Alt + T
A list of Surround With options would pop (like in the below image). You can select the appropriate item of your choice either by pressing the respective number of the item on keyboard or manually via mouse click.
Type "try",
then press alt + ctrl + t,
then select "try / catch".
In Ubuntu Gnome, Ctrl + Alt + T has been taken already by "Launch terminal", run command gnome-control-center keyboard to check:
Either you disable it by press Back Space OR use Ctrl + Alt + Win + T as alternative.
Keep in mind that if "try / catch" option doesn't shows up, it might caused by warning such as "unexpected token" in your code. You need to fix it first.
Try this
Write 'try'
select this word(try)
press Ctrl-Alt-T
Select appropriate one
On Mac it's: cmd + alt + T. Also for most used shortcuts in Android Studio I'd recommend this link
Select the code you want to surround with try/catch and press Alt + Shift + Z, this will bring up try/catch along with any other applicable templates like this:
To generate a try/catch block type 'try' and press ctrl + space.
The Ctrl + Shift + T shortcut launches the terminal in the eclipse version I am using - 2019-03.
Short Cut of Generating predefined/custom templates
Press Ctrl + Alt + T
Short Cut of Generating predefined/custom templates
Press Ctrl + Alt + T
Surround with many blocks like
< Edit fold > Commits

Untab in nano: move a block of code to the left

How can I "Untab", move a block of code to the left in nano?
In most gui editors shift+tab works but can't find anything for nano.
With an english keyboard-layout Ctrl + Alt + { should work to unindent tabs (untab) in Nano Text Editor.
If you use a keyboard-layout which needs Alt-Gr for curly braces, use ESC then { instead.
Manjaro,Year: 2022>> give "shift+tab" a try after you have mark"alt+a" your selected texts.

How to paste into a terminal?

I have copied a URL, such as git:// I want to paste this in the terminal using a keyboard shortcut.
Please don't say "right click and paste."
Gnome terminal defaults to ControlShiftv
OSX terminal defaults to Commandv. You can also use CommandControlv to paste the text in escaped form.
Windows 7 terminal defaults to CtrlShiftInsert
Shift + Insert usually works throughout X11.
Mostly likely middle click your mouse.
Or try Shift + Insert.
It all depends on terminal used and X11-config for mouse.
same for Terminator
Ctrl + Shift + V
Look at your terminal key-bindings if any if that doesn't work
In Konsole (KDE terminal) is the same, Ctrl + Shift + V
On windows 7:
Ctrl + Shift + Ins
works for me!
Like this article How to copy paste text and commands in the Linux terminal mentioned.
You can use middle mouse button to implement the functionality of paste. I tested it on terminal successfully.
